Thursday, September 30, 2021

Spectre (2015) Review

Spectre (2015) Review

The last step to No Tie To Die sees me watch and review Spectre so here we go. The premise of the film sees Bond on the hunt for a mysterious organisation that sees his whole life and career come into greater focus. 

Main Character

Daniel Craig once again plays Bond and he does just about enough here, you can tell this is probably the least enthusiastic he has been about the role but he still gives a good performance and he keeps the essence of Bond alive. He is good in the action sequences and has some charm but this isn't his best time in the role. 

Supporting Characters  

Christoph Waltz plays the bad guy and he does an entertaining job, I have issues with the way the character is presented but he brings his usual amount of commitment and there is enough there to get interested in. Ralph Fiennes gets a larger role as M and he is just a great actor that really delivers in this role and again there are issues with his character arc but none of that can be aimed at him. But there are some issues that I have, Lea Seydoux plays the new Bond Girl here and I guess I just kind of never grew to care about her character and I didn't think there was much chemistry between her and Craig and it affected the whole 2nd act of the film. Andrew Scott plays a large role but it is a really generic role and it feels like a complete waist of a great actor and like why did they even bother if this was how he was going to be used. Even characters such as Q and Moneypenny aren't done as well here which is a shame. 


Now, we are at the point of the review where I talk about how much I hate the story of Spectre. Bond is on the hunt for this organisation and this has been building at least somewhat through the other films and it just falls really flat. Waltz isn't in the film enough and I didn't find the dynamic between him and Seydoux interesting at all which is a huge part of the film. There is also a plot arc involving the intelligence agencies and that feels really generic and dull aswell. 


The script is alright, the drama doesn't ever really hit enough but there are bits and pieces. Craig has some fun moments with dialogue and that helps make the film a bit more entertaining then it has any reason to be. Overall, it feels weak and a bit drab, kind of like the film. 


This film has some fantastic action scenes. The opening Day of the Dead sequence is brilliant and it is a shame that nothing else in the film comes close to that, the film looks great and when the action happens it is on point. The issue is that the film is boring, it slows massively down and makes the film feel like a drag and a much longer film then it actually is. 


Overall, Spectre is a really disappointing average film. Luckily this wasn't Craig's last Bond film as it really goes out on a whimper. 

Rating - 5/10

Skyfall (2012) Review

Skyfall (2012) Review

With No Time To Die upon us, I just have to finish off my Daniel Craig review series and that continues here with Skyfall. The premise of the film sees Bond go after a man linked to M's past that threatens all of MI6. 

Main Character

Daniel Craig is obviously playing James Bond here and he is fantastic. This is an older and more experienced Bond in this film and Craig sells it really well, it feels like at this point that he can play the role in his sleep and the more dramatic and emotional pressures put onto him are done effectively. 

Supporting Characters

Judi Dench is back as M and this is possibly the largest role she has ever been given in a Bond film and she is fantastic. You see how the role is starting to get on top of her and how the tough calls she has had to make in the past and she really does an excellent job of developing this character here. Javier Bardem plays the villain and this is a truly memorable villain, his entrance in this film is a scene that sends chills. The film takes a while to introduce him but when it does it makes him a villain that you will not forget in a hurry. Naomie Harris joins as an ally to Bond and she is a really fun addition to the franchise just as Ben Whishaw is as the new Q and there dynamics with Craig are some of the highlights of the film. Ralph Fiennes is good in the film, his role isn't too meaty but he does what he can and is another great cog to this great cast. 


The film 's story is effective when it is looking at the characters and there depth, the relationship between Bond and M is really put in the forefront and it is done so well that it just adds another dynamic to this franchise. But this film does have a slight issue that its plot is a bit muddled, Bardem doesn't appear on screen for so long that it takes away from the tasks that Bond is doing and makes it feel like the plot could have been trimmed down a bit for a more effective time. 


The script is really good here, the dialogue is quick and witty but serious and heartfelt. It manages to blend these two in a way that it makes these characters stand out and feel much more human and relatable then they might have been without it. 


The action scenes are fantastic, the opening 10 mins alone are some of the best action scenes you will see in an action film. It feels really impactful and the creative fighting techniques and stunts done is a real credit to the actors and crew. But the film is just too long, there is easily 10 to 15 mins that could have been cut and it would have been more effective especially when it comes to its pacing which doesn't always stand up. 


Overall, Skyfall is a great Bond Film. It has action, drama and good characters and feels like a real return to form for Craig's Bond. 

Rating - 8/10 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Vigil Season 1 (2021) Review

Vigil Season 1 (2021) Review

Vigil has been the biggest show in the UK the last few weeks and today I decided to watch all 6 episodes of it and here is my review for the sure. The premise of the show sees a detective sent to a submarine when a death of a crewman takes place. 

Main Character

Suranne Jones plays the lead character here and she is really good in her role. She is clearly really good at her job and you see how the affect of being on this submarine really affects her compared to the crewman. You learn more about her character as the show progresses and it makes her an interesting role and very challenging role for Jones. 

Supporting Characters

The entire cast are fantastic, Rose Leslie plays her partner who is investigating a slightly different angle on land. She is really good in her role and I thought she managed to elevate certain material and make it better then it had any right to be. Though they don't share too much screen time together Jones and Leslie are really good together and have really good chemistry. There are so many crewman played by really talented actors that I won't go into depth about them but Martin Compston, Shaun Evans, Paterson Joseph, Adam James & Connor Swindells are all great. They have meaty roles and they do plenty to drive the narrative in the sub. Stephane Dillane also does a good job as the guy in charge of the navy and you see how he has to deal with the circumstances that are at play. 


The story is good, it does a really effective job of dragging you into its narrative and making you care. There are cliff-hangers a plenty and plenty of suspects that could be guilty of foul play, it achieves this well by creating interesting personalities and people. But the show does end up feeling a little flat with its ending and sometimes it becomes a bit confusing and illogical with its overall story. 


The script is effective, it is obviously really serious but it works for the situation that these characters are in at pretty much all times in this submarine. It feels really intense and there are so many characters that have something to hide that the intrigue is done really well. 


The show is shot really well, the submarine looks really great and I thought the claustrophobic feeling of the sub delivered and made the whole atmosphere be on a knife edge no matter what was going on. But I think the show has a bit too slow a pacing at times and I think maybe there could have been an episode left which would have made it a more condensed but effective watch. 


Overall, Vigil is a great show that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout and keep you guessing as to what is going to happen next. 

Rating - 8/10

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Quantum of Solace (2008) Review

Quantum of Solace (2008) Review

Before I go see No Time to Die next week I have some catching up to do and I watched Quantum of Solace today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees James Bond attempting to take down a mysterious organisation that is attempting to take over a country. 

Main Character

Daniel Craig returns for his second go as Bond and I think he is good here, there isn't as much intrigue or development for Bond but he is fantastic in the action scenes. Also when there is some drama for his character to deal with I think he does it well enough. I think he is let down by other elements of the film but in terms of his performance, I thought it was good. 

Supporting Characters

Judi Dench is back as M and she gets a meatier role in this film and she is good as you would expect. They do build the relationship between her and Bond and both both of them do a good job in doing just that. But the issue is with the rest of the cast, Olga Kurylenko plays Camille and I think there is a decent character in there but it isn't conveyed well enough and the main issue is that she basically just disappears for half of this film which forces them to rush into trying to make you care. Mathieu Amalric plays the bad guy here and he is dull it is unreal, this is just a guy that happens to be in James Bond's way and he could have been any villain and it wouldn't have mattered and thats a big shame. The film brings back Jeffery Wright as Felix Leitner and just wastes him and I forgot David Harbour was even in this film because he was used so little. 


The story for me is where this film really falls apart, it just isn't interesting at all. It tries to build up this mysterious organisation and Bond hunting them but basically gets pushed to the back to see Bond being chased for some convoluted reason. It tries to balance too many things and it ends up failing at pretty much all of it leading to a real lacklustre finale. 


The script is okay, there are some good dramatic moments and as I mentioned before the relationship between Bond and M is handled maturely and appropriately. But there is a real lack of intrigue and depth to the rest of the drama and this film is incredibly serious, lacking the little subtle bits of humour that Bond films usually have.


The style has some good action scenes, they are high impact, exciting and for the majority well filmed. But it is also a bit of an issue, there is so much action that it feels like the pacing of the film is off. The film just clocks over 90 mins and it feels way too short and that affects the overall quality of the film. 


Overall, Quantum of Solace is an average film that really fails to follow on the great work that Casino Royale had done. 

Rating - 5/10

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Clickbait (2021) Mini Series Review

Clickbait (2021) Mini Series Review 

This show has been gaining plenty of traction online and I have now watched the whole of the mini series Clickbait and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a man kidnapped and threatened on the internet it leads to his loved ones to try and find him. 

Main Character

Zoe Kazan plays Pia and she does a decent job in her role, she is the main one going after the case and you support her, especially at the beginning of the show when there is very little information known about what is going on. She is the sister of the character who is kidnapped and the show is solid at making you buy into the family bonds that exist. Betty Gabriel plays Sophie who is the wife of the man kidnapped and she is good and a different lead character to Pia. The dynamic between the two of them is well written and again you see the nuance of her character and how there aren't really good and bad characters here but just people who are very human. 

Supporting Characters

This is a big cast and the show really tries to give them all intrigue and plenty of screen time which is both a good thing and a bad thing. There are some decent characters, Phoenix Raei as detective Amiri is an effective character, he has a good dynamic with the two main characters and you feel like he does have the best interest of them at heart and want to figure this case out. But I just didn't really care about any of the rest of the cast, Adrian Grenier plays Nick, the man who is kidnapped and the show does nothing to make him interesting or make you care as you clearly should. The two kids of him and Sophie are young and thus don't always do a great job with the emotional roles that are required and there are some other characters that come into the story and don't feel like they really fit and come across as more annoying. 


There are elements of the story that are interesting, the show always keeps you on your toes with twists and turns left and right. Personally I think the show is at its strength in the first few episodes as the build this story and kept me interested throughout. But the story becomes more bloated, characters are given whole episodes of story which they don't need and the final twist falls really flat and brings the whole story down and really disappointing. 


The script is incredibly dark, there is some good drama here that makes you care about certain characters and the pretty hostile situation that they are trying to work through. But this show never hits the highest level that it requires to be a better show, and it is probably a bit too serious for the length of episodes making it feel relentless in its drama and a pretty exhausting time. 


The style of the show is similar to the script, it feels intense and dark with a very real feeling towards it. But this show has way too many episodes in it and I feel like 3 of the episodes could have been cut and this would have been a much superior show that would have kept me interested more. 


Overall, Clickbait is an above average show that does some things well and some things poorly. It is an intriguing watch but I don't think it is worth the length of time it takes to watch. 

Rating - 6/10

Friday, September 17, 2021

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Review

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Review

This film made its way to Sky today and I have had the chance to watch Gunpowder Milkshake and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an assassin go on the run in an attempt to save a young girls life. 

Main Character

Karen Gillan plays Sam the lead character in the film and I think she does a really good job in the role. She plays the tough action hero well and she is clearly having fun in her role and enjoying doing maybe something a bit different then what she is used to at the current moment. In films like this one you need to be able to root for the protagonist and I felt like I could root for Sam in this film and that made it rise above some of its weaker material.

Supporting Characters

Lena Headey plays her mother and she is decent but she doesn't exactly play a huge role in the film. When they are on screen together I thought they had good chemistry together and managed to squeeze the most out of their time together. Young actress Chloe Coleman played Emily and I really liked the dynamic between her and Gillan, the film really gets going once she is introduced and the banter between the two characters is done pretty effectively. Michelle Yeoh, Angela Bassett and Carla Gugino do decent jobs, though there characters aren't exactly that interesting and it feels like there is more that can be done there. I mean the film wastes Paul Giamatti and makes him this generic and that leads to the bad guys who just aren't very threatening and they feel like they could have come out of any action movie of the last few years. 


The story isn't clearly the focus of the film but I thought the film did well in creating an interesting and likeable protagonist. Plus I thought the character interactions between Gillan, Headey and Coleman are entertaining and actually do a quite effective job. But as I said the focus is not on the plot here and the film is utter nonsense and it feels like just an excuse for explosions. I have no problem with that but it becomes way too convoluted with its villains and it feels like the film would have been more effective if it had less antagonists but actually gave them something that made them stood out and interesting. 


The script is okay, there is some little bit of funny banter and heart in the film but it just isn't enough. The script is just average, nothing amazing and nothing terrible and that kind of fits this film. 


The film has some pretty decent action films that are very hard hitting and bloody that you will have plenty of fun with. But the pacing is a bit off here, it takes 30 minutes for the first action scene and I was slightly bored before then, but then it has action non stop for what feels like 20 mins and it never hits a happy medium. 


Overall, Gunpowder Milkshake is an above average fun film. If you have 2 hours of spare time then maybe give this one a go but I wouldn't rush to watch this film. 

Rating - 6/10

Monday, September 13, 2021

Hawkeye (2021) Mini Series Trailer Review

Hawkeye (2021) Mini Series Trailer Review

With only a few months to go before its arrival, we got the first trailer for the upcoming Disney+ series Hawkeye and here were the things that I took from the trailer. 

Will have a real Christmas feel to it

A huge thing that is really emphasised in the trailer is that this show will be set at Christmas time and focus on the holidays. We haven't seen the MCU focus on this time period much apart from maybe Iron Man 3 and this could add a lot of potential for things in this show. 

Focuses on Clint's time as Ronin. 

In Avengers Endgame, we really see the aftermath of Clint Barton's murderous rampage under the alias of Ronin which may have disappointed some. But it is clear that this show is going to delve deeper into this and the enemies that are coming for him will be linked to people that he wiped out during the blip period. 

Kate Bishop is impersonating Ronin

Hailey Steinfeld is playing Kate Bishop in this show who is an often time student of Hawkeye and it is clear that she is a big fan of his during this show. She is impersonation him as Ronin and that forces there team up. 

The dynamic between Renner and Steinfeld will determine the success of the show. 

It is very clear from this trailer that this is a show about Clint Barton and Kate Bishop and it will live and die by it. The trailer seems to show the two of them having really good chemistry together and I am really hoping that it can do both of the characters justice as there will be a big future for Bishop in the MCU and who knows what the future holds for Hawkeye. 


Overall, I didn't have too much hype for Hawkeye but I cannot deny that I liked this trailer and it sets the stage well for what hopefully could be another success for Marvel's Disney Plus shows. 

Candyman (2021) Review

Candyman (2021) Review

Yes, I am a bit late to watch this film but today I found the time to watch Candyman today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the return of the dreaded Candyman as he returns to where the franchise began. 

Main Character 

Yahya Adul-Manteen plays the lead character and I thought he did a good job in the role. There are certain issues with his character and well the majority of characters but I actually am going to give him the benefit of the doubt as I think he really gave it his all and tried to make his character interesting and certain elements of the film let him down, as when it comes down to it for me he is the best part of the film. 

Supporting Characters

Teyonah Parris plays his girlfriend and I liked her in the role too. They work well together and she again tries to provide something to latch onto when it comes to her character, between this performance and her future in The Marvel Cinematic Universe as Monica Rambeau things are looking good. I really like Colmon Domingo as an actor and he is good in this film, I mean he is basically the character who dumps exposition but he does it well and his presence is very effective in the film. But there were a few characters who annoyed me, mainly Nathan Stewart Jarrett, he is just way too much here and I get that he is meant to be the comic relief but he is just not funny and took me out of the film as it kind of felt like he was acting in a different film to everybody else. 


An important thing to mention here is that you don't need to watch any of the other Candyman films to understand what is going on. I know this because, I have never watched a Candyman film and I understood the story clearly. Now there are some things I liked, mainly just how accessible the films plot was for somebody who isn't a huge fan of the lore, I found most of it interesting. Though there are some clear issues, there is a clear pushing of social commentary in this film and that is fine but they beat it over your head and after hearing it so many times it becomes hard to really care. There is also a rushed feeling to it all and the final act goes against what most of the story has told us and it basically becomes a generic horror with little depth. 


The script is the one element that really holds this film back, it is just not good. The film never hits the dramatic level that it should, there are some good ideas here but they are executed so poorly that it doesn't really matter. The humour is thrown in with little success and it just feels like this needed a screenwriter of the top level to deliver a better script which could fix certain other elements of the film. 


The film looks fantastic, the cinematography is beautiful and I really liked some of the techniques that were used to show off Candyman in some of his glory. But the pacing of the film is all over the place, to put it politely it's a bit boring, it takes so long to get going that it just takes you out of caring about the film. Also I am not one for loads of gore, but this film had to show more violence instead of hiding it, it builds and builds but doesn't feel like it does enough in that regard.


Overall, Candyman is an average film that does disappoint as the natural sequel to the original film. Unless you are a big fan of the original then you can leave this film and watch other horror films as we get closer to Halloween. 

Rating - 5/10

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Casino Royale (2006) Review

Casino Royale (2006) Review

With No Time To Die finally set to hit cinemas in a few weeks, I thought it was time to go back and watch the other Daniel Craig Bond films and that starts with Casino Royale and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a newly minted 007 have to win a high level poker game in order to stop a criminal funding terrorism. 

Main Character

This was Daniel Craig's first time in the role and I thought he did a fantastic job as James Bond in the film. He is super intense and basically plays a cold hearted killer, but it really works and Craig nails this action machine that easily makes him the deadliest Bond and one that fits the modern age for sure. When he needs to put the charm on he does a good job and I thought the combination of the two really worked for the role that was needed here. 

Supporting Characters

Eva Green plays Vesper and she is truly brilliant, for years we have seen Bond Girls be damsels that are submissive to Bond but that isn't the case here. She matches Bond for smarts and intelligence with her being her own character that has development and I really liked how the two of them progress throughout the film. Mads Mikkelsen plays Le Chiffre our villain here and he is also great, this is a desperate man who feels pretty human despite of the terrible things he does and I really liked how this bought him to Bond. Judi Dench reprises her role as M and she is just great, I really like her and Craig's dynamic and she feels like a mum who is pushing her son but gets frustrated all of the time and it works well here. Giancarlo Giannini and Jeffrey Wright both have roles here and are effective despite their limited screen time. 


The story is really good, seeing this relatively new 007 is fascinating and it feels like this world is updated and is done really well. The stakes are really high and the scenes at the poker table are so effective and tension building with great characters throughout. Literally my only issue is that I feel like the film goes on for too long. The final 20 mins feel unnecessary and for me could have been cut and used as the start too the sequel and would have been much more effective. 


The script is really good, the mix of drama and humour is really well done and due to Craig's charisma it is really effective but it allows him to build relationships with the other characters and create an interesting journey for us to watch. 


The action is fantastic, this action is brutal and has some of the best stuntwork that you will ever see in a film. This film has one of the best parkour chase and car crash scenes that I have ever seen and credit has to be given to the crew to really make this action seem less silly and way more intense and destructive. 


Overall, Casino Royale is a fantastic film. It stands out as a top level Bond film but also a top level film in general and if you haven't seen it then you should as if you like action this is the one for you. 

Rating - 9/10

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) Review

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) Review

The next instalment of the MCU, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings has come out and I managed to see it the other day and I have finally found time to review it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young martial artist forced to face his past when his criminal father comes hunting for him. 

Main Character

Relative unknown Simu Liu plays Shang-Chi and he is really good in this role. He really delivers a strong performance and you will come out of the film really liking him and caring about the character of Shang-Chi. The focus on his family dynamic is really well done and Liu does a great job in selling that and showing the pain that he has been through in his life and bringing this great hero to life. He is also fantastic in the action scenes and that is a huge part of this film and you have to believe in the heroes capabilities and I really did. 

Supporting Characters

Awkwafina plays his best friend Katy and I feel like this character is really going to split opinion, some will hate her, some will love her. I pretty much hit both ends of the spectrum, I thought she was really annoying in the first act of the film and it hurt my enjoyment, but as she had her role slightly lessened she became much more likeable and her character arc became very clear. Tony Leung plays his first role in an American film playing Wenwu and this is one of the best antagonists in the current MCU. I loved this character and performance, he isn't just some generic bad guy and at times I really understood his motivations and saw the emotion from his performance and it was really strong. Meng'er Zhang plays Xialing and I liked her character here and I thought it really complemented Shang-Chi really well. There is clearly issues there and the film plays it up well, and makes her more then just this female sidekick and she is given a personality. 


The story is at its strongest when it focuses on the family issues between the characters, in particular Shang-Chi and Wenwu. That father and son dynamic is great and both actors deliver really well in their roles and it makes there clashes feel even more important as you genuinely care about both of them in the film. The issue is that the film kind of strays away from that and tries to focus on too much. It has plenty of exposition scenes and fits so much in that it distracts from the main thing that makes this film great. The final act puts the focus in the wrong place, its hard to explain without spoilers but I think you will know what I mean if you watch the film. 


The script is okay, the drama is really well done and made me care about these characters and the emotional predicaments that they are put in during this adventure and I actually think this film is held back a little bit by the fact that it is in the MCU. What I mean by that is that it has the humour you come to expect from the universe is here but it is done poorly and I never really laughed at all and that was a disappointment.


The film looks fantastic, the CGI is all beautiful and I think it does an excellent job of building this world of Martial arts that is very different to other elements of the MCU. The fight scenes live up to the hype and are the best that have been seen in The Marvel Cinematic Universe, the flow so well and are so hard hitting that it is easily the best element of the film. 


Overall, Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings is a great film and another solid addition to The Marvel Cinematic Universe. It isn't top tier Marvel but does a great job of introducing a new hero in Shang-Chi. 

Rating - 8/10