Friday, March 31, 2023

Predictions: The Bad Batch Season 3

Predictions: The Bad Batch Season 3

Star Wars: The Bad Batch has just wrapped up it second season and I thought it ended up being a great season of television. The finale was the best of these episodes and left the viewers with depression and some interesting questions heading into a 3rd season that is guaranteed to be coming. So with this in mind, I have decided to look forward and here are my predictions for the 3rd season of The Bad Batch, spoilers for the 2nd season are here. 

Emerie Karr, Omega & Crosshair will escape the facility. 

At the end of season 2, Omega is captured by the Empire and taken to the same facility as Crosshair. There it is revealed that one of the scientists Emerie Karr is actually a clone and Omega's sister. I think season 2 did an effective job of basically telling us that The Bad Batch won't be able to find the base so I think it will be an escape attempt from within. After a long explanation, I am expecting Karr to turn good and aid Crosshair and Omega in escaping the facility. 

Tech is alive

Now I must stress, I hope Tech died at the end of Season 2 because it was an epic sacrifice and felt appropriate for the story. But I don't believe he is dead, the fact there was no body and they even addressed that the body wasn't found made it pretty clear to me that they are not committed to Tech actually being dead. 

We will hopefully get a greater idea of Palpatine's plan

It seems a constant factor of the new canon is a big focus on Emperor Palpatine's plans for cloning which we kind of had a payoff to in Rise of Skywalker. It is clear Dr Hemlock is working on cloning and we even see some of the tanks that were shown in both Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian. Hopefully, we get a little more information on what exactly the plans are instead of the wishy washy nature that it currently has. 

We will slowly see the start of The Rebel Alliance

The show has started to show a Clone rebellion against the Empire led by Rex & Echo. This has been really cool to see and kind of explains why there are no clones in The Empire. I can see this small rebellion being linked to certain characters such as Mon Mothma & Bail Organa to start to show the birth of the Rebellion. 

Boba Fett will appear

With all the links to Jango Fett and the clones, I am very surprised that we have not seen an appearance by a younger Boba Fett. We have confirmation of at least one sibling of Boba but no mention of him. He would still be young and in the infancy of his bounty hunter career so it would be cool to see him confront The Bad Batch. 

Saw Guerrera will clash with The Bad Batch

Part of the finale, I wasn't a big fan of was the out of nowhere appearance of Saw Guerrrera and his band of Rebels. Their introduction actually ended up messing with The Bad Batch and the 'death' of Tech. It makes me think that either the rest of The Bad Batch will look to take revenge or even force them to work together. 

Will be the final season 

There is no information backing this but it is just my theory that the third season will be the final one for The Bad Batch. I feel like this show has been very entertaining but could risk going on for too long. Star Wars: Rebels only went 4 seasons and I think 3 seasons would really work for The Bad Batch. 

Overall, I really enjoy The Bad Batch and think the second season is an improvement on the first season. Hopefully, we get an even better 3rd season of the show. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 (2023) Review

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 (2023) Review

After a long 16 episodes, I have watched all of the episodes of Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after the destruction of Kamino, The Bad Batch have been staying low to avoid the Empire. While Crosshair attempts to find his place as part of the Empire and away from his old brothers. 

Main Character

Hunter & Omega are once again the most important part of the show. Their dynamic has certainly progressed into a father/daughter relationship and it is nice to see. They are given plenty of screen time together and the show somewhat progresses them. There is definitely more of an ensemble story going on here but Hunter voiced by Dee Bradley Baker & Omega voiced by Michelle Ang give their best and do a good job. 

Supporting Characters

Tech & Echo were two of the characters that I thought weren't given much in the first season but they get way more here. They are two of the shining aspects of the show and seeing these beloved characters getting more development and screen time is a great thing. Crosshair was my favourite character in the first season and that is the same here, I just love this character. His character goes through a lot this season and you see how he is torn between his allegiance to The Empire and to The Bad Batch, I just wish we got more of him this season. There are plenty of guest characters this season and they are handled well with some returning characters from other shows and I like how this show does an effective job of paying respect to other areas of Star Wars. 


The 2nd half of the season does an excellent job of progressing the story, I really cared about this group of characters but also the way that the Empire was working at this time period. Certain characters get time to shine which helped with making these characters even more interesting. The final 2 episodes are fantastic and do an excellent job of showing this show at its best and how it is becoming more mature. But the first half of the season, mostly misfired. It was way more episodic and episodes felt filler which made me not have the best start for the show. It got going eventually, but I can't deny that the first half of the show was a disappointment. 


The script is much improved from the previous season. The characters are written better and there is more reason given to really care about them. As I mentioned above, this show is getting a bit more mature and that is represented in the writing which is more emotional and well done. 


The shows design is great. The action scenes are really well done with animation being smooth as ever. I really noticed that the sound and music really added a lot to the final episodes of the shows run. But there is no doubt that the pacing is off. There are too many filler episodes and I still stand by the fact that this could have been a 10 episode season and it would have worked. There also wasn't enough Crosshair for me which was a sacrifice due to the structure of the show. 


Overall, Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 is an improvement of the first season and was a great season. Once you get through the filler this is some fantastic Star Wars storytelling and it really nailed it. 

Rating - 8/10