Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Marvels (2023) Trailer Review

The Marvels (2023) Trailer Review

It has been 4 years since the last Captain Marvel film and the sequel The Marvels has been set up in both Wandavision & Ms Marvel with the introduction of Monica Rambeau & Kamala Khan, they share bliing with Carol Danvers and hopefully this film will be good. The trailer came out last week and here are my thoughts and what that could mean for the future of the MCU. 

Nick Fury is back

Now I have no idea why Nick Fury was in this trailer when Secret Invasion hadn't finished yet. But yes he survives that show and is back working at Sabre. He is clearly still in contact with Carol Danvers and they seem friendly and we know his work with Monica Rambeau is what gets this whole story going. In the finale of Secret Invasion, Fury mentioned how the Kree and Skrull could be up for peace talks and this story element might be seen in this film. 

Dar-Benn is the villain and has Bengal's like Ms Marvel 

In the trailer, we see the villain Dar-Benn played by Zawe Ashton blame Captain Marvel for the destruction of elements of The Kree. But more importantly it seems like she has Bengal's, the same as Kamala had in Ms Marvel. These helped Kamala get her powers but also connect to higher power, if I remember they said in Ms Marvel that these artefacts are linked so it shows how Kamala is an important part of the film. 

The three main characters are linked together 

When Dar-Benn uses her artefact, it affects the powers of the three protagonists and it seems when they use their powers that they change positions with each other. It is also important that when Ms Marvel changes it is her Bengal that lights up, clearly showing the connection. 

Is the Skrull vs Kree War a major element in this film. 

After Secret Invasion, we have seen that The Skrull are a major part of this universe now and that they aren't all good guys. As I said above, it seems like The MCU are teasing peace between Skrulls & Kree but Dar-Benn is clearly trying to destroy them. Carol even says she is trying to destroy all the planets they call home, this must mean that some skrulls have found home, which does contradict what Fury says in Secret Invasion. 

Monica & Carol are still going to have issues

In Captain Marvel it shows that a young Monica Rambeau and Carol Danvers have a really positive relationship and care about each other. But Carol leaves at the end of the film and doesn't seem to return till the events of Avengers Endgame 25 years later. We saw in Wandavision, that Monica holds a grudge against Carol, especially over the death of her mother Maria Rambeau and I hope that really gets addressed in this film. 


Overall, this looks like it could be a fun film but I have to be honest this is one of the Marvel Studios projects that I am least excited about and I hope it can surpass expectations. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Secret Invasion Season 1 (2023) Review

Secret Invasion Season 1 (2023) Review

Over the last few years Disney+ has released Marvel shows to different levels of quality. The next one is Secret Invasion and it finished up its run today and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is set after the events of Avengers Endgame, Nick Fury has returned to Earth and attempts to aid his allies in order to stop a potential World War 3. 

Main Character

Samuel L Jackson makes his return as Nick Fury and he is fantastic in the role. The is easily the most development this character has ever gotten and Jackson has been playing it for 15 years. Fury is clearly older and weaker but he still has his tactics and plans, Fury has always been a slightly morally grey character and that does continue here. It is nice to see him open up a bit more and you can tell that Samuel L Jackson is really enjoying the performance. 

Supporting Characters

Ben Mendelsohn reprises his role as Talos from Captain Marvel and he is brilliant. The chemistry between himself and Jackson is superb and easily one of the highlights of the show. He has been clearly affected by working for Fury all of these years and he is really split by his loyalty. 

Emilia Clarke plays his on screen daughter Gi'ah who we met in Captain Marvel. Clarke is really good, especially in the first few episodes of the show. Clarke clearly cares about the role and there is depth with the relationship between herself and her father Talos. 

Don Cheadle has played Rhodey for over 10 years now and I just feel like he has never really been given a time to really shine, but here this is his best performance as the character. He is actually given depth to his performance instead of just cracking jokes and seeing his performances alongside Samuel L Jackson is great to see. 

Kingsley Ben-Adir plays the villain Gravik and I think he is great. You really see this interesting character develop over the show and Ben-Adir is very captivating in this role. His character has gone through some traumatic things and he is using that to aid his plans and it is interesting to see how he leads the Skrulls. 

For me the real start was Olivia Coleman as Sonya Falsworth. She is clearly having a blast here and her character is pretty mysterious and intriguing here. The show really needed her energy because this is a pretty serious show and she manages to make these serious scenes more entertaining. 


The story starts really strong, it is this more espionage thriller more in line with Captain America Winter Soldier and it really had me invested into where we are going with the show. Seeing these great performances with these good characters makes it worthwhile and I cared about all of them and their fates. The problem is that the show's plot comes across as quite predictable and rushed, it needed more episodes and the 2nd half of the season kind of falls back into Marvel habits. Also, Secret Invasion was one of the biggest comic arcs of all time, this could have been an Avengers film threat but it doesn't feel like there are huge stakes here. 


Again, the first few episodes are written really well with the intrigue and espionage. Gone are the jokes at awkward times that the Marvel Cinematic Universe can beheld by and replaced with interesting character work. But the show starts to fall, the longer the show goes and some things just doesn't make too much sense. Things become more generic and typical MCU which lets this interesting show down. 


The show has some pretty big action sequences which are pretty fun to watch. It is filmed to make everything seem to be sceptical and untrustworthy with a good use of action. But it does end up becoming very generic to other Marvel films which again is a shame. Also this show just needed a few more episodes to tell its story in a really effective way, it just feels a bit rushed at times. 


Overall, Secret Invasion is a good show that feels like wasted potential. The acting is great and the set up for the show is really done well. But the show becomes too slow and generic as it goes on, focusing on setting up future MCU projects and not so much itself. But I did enjoy it, so would say if you love this franchise then it is worth a watch. 

Rating - 7/10

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Oppenheimer (2023) Review

 Oppenheimer (2023) Review

This week has seen one of the craziest times for cinema with the release of both Barbie and this film Oppenheimer. Hopefully, this gives cinema the shot in the arm that it needs and truly provides some great cinema. I have seen Oppenheimer and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film examines the life of Robert Oppenheimer, the man who was behind the development of the atomic bomb. 

Main Character

Cillian Murphy and director Christopher Nolan have been linked for many years and it is finally time for him to be the lead performance as Oppenheimer and he is incredible. This is easily one of the best performances of 2023 and I guarantee that he will be getting an Oscar nomination for this performance. He depicts the role perfectly, he is arrogant but so intelligent, you can tell he is the smartest person in the room and this is amazing to see. Murphy shows different sides to this amazing person and this is a role of a lifetime for him and I am glad that we get the chance to see it. 

Supporting Characters

Emily Blunt plays his wife Kitty Oppenheimer and she is great in this role. She has one scene in particular where she owns the screen and makes you watch and pay attention to her. She is a strong character and the chemistry between her and Murphy is really good. 

Matt Damon plays General Leslie Groves and I really liked his character. You see the difference between himself and Oppenheimer but also that given everything that is required that they can work together. He oozed charisma and added some bit of humour which just made this film even better. 

It is great seeing Robert Downey Jnr in a film that isn't made by Marvel Studios and I swear he is also going to be up for an Oscar nomination for his role as Lewis Strauss. He is in a unique part of the film but delivers a masterful performance and sees how his character is affected by the actions of other characters and how he is losing grip on his lifestyle. 

Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock is a smaller role in the film but also a really effective role. She is a strong part of the film and I thought she was pretty powerful in all the scenes that she is in and this is another really solid performance for her young career. 

This film is full of well known actors in smaller roles with my favourites being Jason Clark, Josh Hartnett & Alden Ehrenreich who do really great jobs and maximise the ability with the small amount of minutes that they get. 


The story is fascinating, it examines different times of Oppenheimers life and how it affects not just himself but the other people around him. There is a lot going on here and the film doesn't really hold back on trying to tell you as much as possible but it really works because of how the story is moulded and performed. I knew very little about Oppenheimer before the film but I am now super interested about him and the life that he led. 


This film is expertly written. It is very serious due to the subject matter and it doesn't dumb the film down and shows us all the science that is involved in the film. The film has slithers of dark humour in this as well, especially through Damon's performance and that really balances the film well and kept me engaged. 


The film looks incredible. The cinematography and showing how the bomb can truly affect anything is mesmerising. Christopher Nolan has become such a pivotal and amazing director that the way he makes this film feels like a crucial part of the film. The score by Ludwig Goransson is incredible and adds so much to every scene making it feel like this who amazing experience. The film may be 3 hours but I was never bored here and I thought every scene added something to the film and that is as great as it is. 


Overall, Oppenheimer is one of the best films of the year and will be truly remembered. We have been treated to a true cinematic experience and should be experienced on the big screen and I hope people see this film because of the hard work put in by everybody involved. 

Rating - 10/10

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mortal Kombat X (2015) Review

Mortal Kombat X (2015) Review

The new game Mortal Kombat 1 is set to come out in September. So I thought I would play the last few games to remind myself of the story and the gameplay. So I have just finished Mortal Kombat X and here is my review for the game. The premise of the game is set 20 years after the defeat of Shao Khan, the realms are at a flux with Earthrealm, Outworld and Netherealm all with their own objectives and lust for power. 


With the extended timeline from the previous game we are introduced to a bunch of new characters here. The main ones being the four Spec Ops kids. Kung Jin, Takeda, Jacquie Briggs and their leader Cassie Cage. These characters are all really well realised and it was a risk to put so much time into new characters but I think it worked here. Cassie is probably viewed as the main character of the whole game and she is a fun character who is developed pretty nicely here. 

Some of the iconic characters are back and handled really well. I really liked Steve Blum's portrayal as Sub-Zero and it is really cool to see how they have decided to use him as this clan leader who has respect and honour. His long term rival Scorpion is also treated really well, this is the most unique stuff I have seen from the character in games and that is cool to see. 

Unfortunately, some characters are not given enough attention. Liu Kang, Kitana & Raiden are three of the most iconic characters in the franchise and they are really underused here, I mean Liu Kang and Kitana don't even have a chapter in the story mode. 

It also doesn't help that the villains are poor in this game. Shinnok played by Troy Baker is just a bit over the top and generic for me, he had the hard time in coming after Shao Khan but he just feels short and isn't particularly interesting for me. Also Quan Chi is one of my favourite bad guys and he is treated so badly here, ever character beats him up and treats him like a jobber and that really upset me. 

Main Story 

The main story is okay. It does a really good job at introducing these new characters and giving us enough time and reason to care about them. I also like seeing how the more experienced characters such as Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade have been affected by the events of MK 9 and all their friends dying. But as I said before, the story involving Shinnok and the Neatherealm isn't particularly interesting and leaves little to really care about. I just wish certain characters were given more to work with and the main ending just feels a bit rushed (apart from an awesome post credit scene). 

Side Content

This film has towers of fighting for each character and they are really fun. There is also a reward at the end of each tower by seeing a cutscene based on that character. Obviously some are better then others but they are all fun to watch and feel like a worthy reward. There are also living towers which sees different types of matches going on in the tower which is a nice change of pace. I didn't play too much online (because I am not that good) but it seemed to flow well and and work correctly. To get more unlockables and costumes you had to go through the Krypt, an interactable mini game where you go through a krypt of knowledge and easter eggs. The DLC are really cool also, as a big film fan it was cool seeing characters such as Alien & Predator in the game, though it does feel a bit cheap as they make us pay for characters who are in the story mode and already finished such as Tanya & Rain. 


The gameplay is fantastic, the fighting feels so fluid and fast. It is just really exciting to play as these different characters with their different styles. Each character has 3 different varieties with different moves which shows the attention to detail that the creators went through to give the player a great experience. Some characters are better then others but I managed to find my way through all of them and find the versions I enjoyed. Though, one little thing is that I thought the intro discussions could have been better, they weren't written that well or feel that well voice acted which was a shame. 


The film was one of the first to be seen as next-gen for the PS4 and it looks great. It doesn't look as strong now but for when it was released it looked really strong with great design. Some really cool arenas and character designs mixed with fantastic cutscenes. 


Overall, Mortal Kombat X is a good game that has some great things a fighting game requires. It falls a little short on other things but this is definitely a fun game and one I would recommend for sure. 

Rating - 7/10

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023) Review

Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023) Review

Over the last few years, The Mission Impossible films have been some of the best action films in Cinema. Now the 7th film in the franchise Dead Reckoning Part One has been released and I watched it yesterday, here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Ethan Hunt and his team have to track down a device that could cause World War 3. 

Main Character

Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt and he continues his career renaissance with a fantastic performance here. Even though the man is 60 years old, he is brilliant in all the action sequences and there is no inkling that he has any plans on slowing down. His character has also developed really well, you see how the previous films have affected him and it is cool seeing his view on being a member of IMF. 

Supporting Characters

Hayley Atwell is new to the franchise and plays Grace. She is an exciting supporting character and has a really good dynamic with Cruise, it is a major part of the film and I liked how her character was used here as it really felt different to other female characters in this franchise. 

Ving Rhames & Simon Pegg are back in their roles as Luther and Benji and they are both great. This has been a great team together over the last few films and they continue to be a fun duo in this film too. Luther ends up having a larger role then I expected and that was a nice surprise for sure. 

Esai Morales plays the villain Gabriel and I really liked his portrayal. He is physically an equal to Ethan Hunt but he also plays the psychological game and it makes him stand out. His motivations are a little blurry but Morales has the chemistry to make it work. 

Vanessa Kirby & Pom Klementieff do really good jobs in their roles and I thought they were enjoyable to watch depsite not being an integral part of the plot. 

The one character they do treat a bit poorly is Ilsa Faust played by Rebecca Ferguson. She was a major part of the previous 2 films but feels underutilised here, she is just a background character and unfortunately gets no development which is a bit of a let down. 


The story is alright. I liked how it showed how much technology has become a part of our everyday life and once it stops working or even works against us it can really affect people. Also the story of Ethan Hunt as a character is pretty well written and actually shows some development. But it also feels very much like a Part one, in terms that everything feels like build up for the next film, I mean its fun but definitely build up. Also there are certain story elements that aren't really explored or explained and it makes things a bit uninspired and generic. 


The script is pretty well written. The film is pretty serious and that is conveyed well by the actors and the writers. There are dribbles of humour in there and when used appropriately they certainly gave a chuckle and I am glad it doesn't overuse this. 


The film looks fantastic and there are some awesome action sequences. The film travels all over the world and it is really cool seeing these different locations and these sequences used in these environments. Knowing Cruise does his own stunts makes it even more crazy considering some of the stuff that is done in this film. Though I did feel like this film was a little long, it could have shaved 15 mins off and would have been a better film for sure. 


Overall, Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One is a great film that continues the really good work that the franchise has been doing. It isn't perfect but certainly has me excited for the 2nd part of this film and see if it really hits the spot. 

Rating - 8/10