Thursday, January 16, 2020

1917 (2020) Film Review

1917 (2020) Film Review

 This film recently got nominated for best picture at the Oscars, so I had to see what all the fuss was about and I have now seen 1917 and this is my review of the film. The premise of the film sees two soldiers have to make their way to a front line to deliver an important message to command. 

Main Character

This film actually has two lead characters, relative unknowns George Mackay and Dean-Charles Chapman and after this film I am sure I will see more performances from them in the future. They are both fantastic in this film and have really good chemistry together, they give very physical performances and you really do care about them as they go on this daring mission. Mackay in particular stands out and gives a memorable performance that was highly impressive. 

Supporting Characters

Now this is a hard category for this film as the film truly focuses on these two actors and nobody else, don't get me wrong seeing Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrew Scott in entertaining but small roles provides this film with legitimacy and star power. But as mentioned I have to be fair and say this film maybe doesn't do enough with it's supporting characters to make you care about them.


The story is pretty engrossing, the journey that these two people go on is very tense and emotional, you support them all the way and you want to see them succeed. It isn't the most unique story but it makes up for it in how intense it is and how it make you feel a part of their journey and how you are the third man in the group supporting them all the way. 


The script is very good, obviously the film is very serious and it nails its dramatic dialogue to encapsulate just how dark the situation they are in, though, when used the humour feels appropriate and well placed for a pair of friends travelling together.


Now we get onto the star of the film and that is cinematographer Roger Deakins, this is possibly the best looking movie I have ever seen. The film is shot in one continous shot and it feels perfect for this film and allows you to get immersed in this WW1 setting and you feel like you are with the characters. The musical score adds to the drama of the situation and I cannot stress how tense this film is and how it keeps you on the edge of your seat. 


This is a fantastic film experience, one of the best war based film in recent memory. Any big film fan needs to see this film mainly for its style and how beautiful it is to watch.
Rating - 9/10

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