Friday, June 11, 2021

A Quiet Place Part 2 (2021) Review

A Quiet Place Part 2 (2021) Review

After a long wait the sequel to the great film A Quiet Place has made its way to the cinema here in the UK and I watched it last night and here is my review for it. The premise of the film picks up straight from the end of the last film and sees the Abbot family attempt to survive in this world. 

Main Character 

Emily Blunt is back in the lead role and she is really good here. She has to be an even stronger character in this scene as for obvious reasons her husband played by John Krasinski is missing from this film. She plays a strong character and the film does a good of continuing the journey that she was on following the first film and it is really cool seeing her get her hands dirtier in this film. She is joined in the lead role by Cillian Murphy this time and he is also really good, he just adds some star power to this whole thing and he is doing good work as this survivor that encounters the family. You see how this meeting really changes his mindset as a character and leads his character down a more positive road. 

Supporting Characters

Millicent Simmonds & Noah Jupe are given way more to do in this film and they are both really good, Simmonds in particular is phenomenal. Her character really steps up in this film and I really like how the fact she is a deaf actress allows the chance to convey emotion in different ways and make us really care about her and the narrative that she goes on in this film. Jupe also does a good job, despite the fact that he is more of an idiot in this film, his character is just not written as well as Simmonds but he just about does enough and the ending for his character does make it worthwhile. Djimon Hounsou has a small role in the film and he is fine, reports are that he joined the cast really late in the day and it does show a little bit but he works for the role that he is in. 


The story is good, I really like the world that has been built here and how there is still a real lack of knowledge about elements like the monster. The film tells you the bare minimum still and lets you focus on the action and suspense instead of some convoluted back story that would maybe cheapen the mythos. The first ten minutes of this film are some of the best and craziest I have seen for a long time and the terror is expertly shown. But I do feel this film is lacking a little bit in terms of the family connection, the story sees the character split up which makes it feel a little disconnected from each other and means we spend less time with some characters which is a shame. Plus despite the ending being satisfying, there was an element that I feel like they weren't sure how exactly to end it and it was a criticism I had for the first film too. 


The script is good, despite the premise of the film there is more dialogue in this film then there was in the first film but it isn't forced and feels very natural. It is a serious film which allows for a little bit of humour but that feels appropriate and the drama does work and makes you care about these people and their hunt for survival. 


The film looks great, this film is a larger scale for sure and it works. The design of the monsters is on greater display here and for those gaming fans just imagine the clickers from The Last of Us and you have there design and it is really cool. I also saw this film in the cinema and the silence is super chilling and really sucks you into the atmosphere of the film and the terror that one slight bit of sound could be the end of the characters. But this film does have a little bit of a jump scare issue, the first film was clever and mature with its scares and this film is too but I just felt there were a few too many cheap jump scares for my liking. Also the film barely hits 90 mins and I could have done with like an extra 10 mins as it does feel a little rushed at the end. 


Overall, A Quiet Place 2 is a great film that needs to be seen on the big screen to be appreciated fully. I really like the two films in this universe and hopefully they keep this franchise going as I think there is so much more that can be done with it. 

Rating - 8/10 

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