Wednesday, March 30, 2022

First Impressions: Moon Knight

First Impressions: Moon Knight

After quite a long wait, today is the day that the first episode of Moon Knight hit Disney+. I have watched it and here are my thoughts on it, there will probably be some spoilers here so maybe watch the episode before reading this. 

Oscar Isaac is great in his role

In this episode we mainly see Isaac as Steven Grant and though I have some issues with the actual character, I thought he was fantastic. He is really believable and seeing this goofy guy dealing with these weird and really serious elements is interesting to watch, though definitely elevated by Oscar Isaac's strong performance. 

There was a few too many clichés here for me

Moon Knight was sold as this weird trip that will have you questioning what is happening and for parts of it, that is clearly the case. But there is no denying the amount of cliches here that made me eye role and think that the writers were a bit lazy. You have the down on his luck bumbling idiot who turns into a superhero, you have the guy who is late everywhere and doesn't like his job and of course the waking up from a dream in distress, it was just a bit much for me. 

Has a more horror vibe to it 

Steven has dreams that show some pretty terrifying imagery such as the Egyptian Gods and it really makes this show stand out. Also the fallout of the blurs in his memory as Marc shows some brutal action scenes that has blood everywhere. Hopefully that means that this show isn't going to hold back and already it shows the first steps of a darker tone that is required. 

Who is Layla?

When Steven is trying to figure out what is going on, he finds a phone where a woman called Layla calls him and calls him Marc. To my knowledge Layla isn't a comic book character so it will be interesting to see how she is used and what connection does she have to Marc Spector. 

Ethan Hawke is great as Arthur Harrow

Hawke plays the villain of the show and I really liked his performance. He is basically a cult leader but I thought it was great seeing the difference in styles between Harrow and Steven as they have their interactions on screen. It is clear that he has had interactions with Moon Knight before so it will be interesting to see how that pays off when he and Marc Spector finally come face to face. 

The Moon Knight Costume looks amazing 

We see very little of Moon Knight actually in action here but the costume looks incredible. It is like it was ripped straight out of the comics and it is just superb. I am hoping as the show progresses we will see more of the costume and how exactly it works. 


Overall, The first episode of Moon Knight was pretty solid. It does a good job of introducing a new standalone character and has me excited for the rest of the show. 

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