Monday, May 30, 2022

Top Gun (1986) Review

Top Gun (1986) Review 

So I aim to watch Top Gun: Maverick this week and in my preparation I thought I would go back and watch the original Top Gun and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young cocky upstart join a school for fighter pilots where he has to learn plenty about himself in order to truly thrive. 

Main Character

Tom Cruise plays Maverick and this is one of his more iconic roles and he gives a really fun performance. His young, confident performance fits the character really well and you can't help but gravitate towards Maverick, the film then explores more into his character and you do end up caring for him and want to see him have a good ending. 

Supporting Characters

Anthony Edwards plays Goose, him and Cruise are fantastic together and have a great on screen chemistry. You feel this relationship and friendship has been crafted over many years and the two actors are really good with Edwards giving as energetic a performance as Cruise. Val Kilmer places Iceman and you can see how he is the polar opposite of Maverick, he is more cold and calculated instead of the risky attitude of Maverick. Though he is pretty much the villain of the film, you understand where he is coming from and he is just trying to do the best for himself and his wingman. Kelly McGillis plays Charlie who is the main love interest and she is good in the film. I like their relationship and how it develops throughout the film, she is a cool character and a good love companion. Tom Skerrit plays the main instructor and he is just a really cool guy, who treats his students fair but clearly cares and wanting them to succeed. 


The story is pretty basic, it really focuses on the romance and it works pretty well. The dynamic between the two actors work well and it is a well functioning romance. The dogfights are pretty cool and the characters do get time and it feels like they are fleshed out well enough. I just wish the film had spent more time focusing on the training school and a bit less on the romance, I felt like actually seeing them work through Top Gun more would have been really cool. 


The script is pretty well handled, yes it is extremely cheesy and at times that does come across too much but it fits the film. The film has decent drama and humour, it is just some of it feels too much and like it isn't serious enough. 


For a film that came out in 1986, the plane fight scenes are fantastic and feel really epic in scale, you feel like you are sitting with Maverick & Goose in the cockpit. The film also has an amazing soundtrack which has become iconic over the years, it really gets you into what is happening on screen. 


Overall, Top Gun is a great film that has stood the test of time. If you are one of the few who hasn't seen it then I would suggest a watch, especially with the great buzz around Top Gun: Maverick. 

Rating - 8/10

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