Friday, August 11, 2023

Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps (2018) Review

Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps (2018) Review

After Spider-Man on PS4 was a huge success both critically and financially, next came the DLC, The City That Never Sleeps. It was released in three chapters and followed on from the story of the original game, I have now played it and here is my review for it. The premise of the DLC sees after the events of the main game, Hammerhead decides to rise up with his forces and sees Spider-Man and his allies having to take him down. 

The gameplay is still fantastic

I mean there has been pretty much no change in the gameplay here and it is still great. Spider-Man still moves really well and can take on many opponents at once, they do introduce new enemies for Spider-Man to fight and it actually made it more challenging then the main game in my opinion and that was nice to see. 

The story is really fun and interesting 

The story is really well done. As I mentioned above, Hammerhead is the main villain and they do a really great job of showing him as a major threat to Spider-Man. I always saw him as a lacklustre villain but this DLC does a fantastic job in building him up for this whole DLC. The use of female characters Black Cat, Yuri & Sliver Sable was great, they are given loads of time to shine, way more then they got in the main story and it is nice to see. You see how Peter has been changed even from the main story and how events in this DLC affects him and will move onto the sequel. 

The story builds to the future of the franchise

Usually, DLC is fun but doesn't always build to the sequels of a game but this one does. Not only does it develop Peter's story but it does a really great job of building character arcs and set up for sequels which made this a worthwhile purchase. Though, one character has their future relegated to a side mission and it definitely should have been a main story mission as I think it will be important for the future and is one of the best parts of the DLC. 

New York feels quiet and there isn't much to do

I finally have a legit issue with the game and that is because in this DLC, New York feels really quiet and there is very little to do. It was one of the major positives of the main game and it just feels quiet and dull, there are a few new side missions to do but most don't really excite that much. I wish they could have kept side missions that you don't complete in the main game here as it would have added to the game. 

J.Jonah Jameson is a real highlight

I didn't have a chance to mention J.Jonah Jameson in the main game but I think his use is fantastic. He has his own podcast and you can listen to it throughout the game, the voice actor is fantastic and he continues to be here as you really feel the rage he has for Spider-Man. 


Overall, The City That Never Sleeps is a fantastic DLC, it isn't quite as good as the main game but still has the feel and flow of it and puts the effort in to deliver a great story with great characters and it is definitely worth a purchase and a playthrough. 

Rating - 9/10

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