Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Equalizer 3 (2023) Review

 The Equalizer 3 (2023) Review

I have enjoyed the previous Equalizer films and finally we have a third film in this franchise and possibly the final film of the trilogy and here is my review for The Equalizer 3. The premise of the film sees McCall end up in Southern Italy where he becomes a part of the community, it ends up this community is run by the mafia which springs him into action. 

Main Character

Denzel Washington once again reprises his role as Robert McCall and he is fantastic. I feel like there are few true movie stars left and Denzel is one of them and oozes charisma in this role. He is believable in both the nice guy and as this menacing killing machine. This film is truly elevated by the performance of Denzel Washington and I am glad he agreed to do this film. 

Supporting Characters

Dakota Fanning plays a CIA agent and she is good in the role, she has good chemistry with Washington and it is nice to once again see her acting. Her role and character aren't particularly interesting but Fanning is good here. 

The rest of the cast suffer a bit though, everyone just feels incredibly generic with no character. All the people, protagonists and antagonists in Italy are by the numbers and they offer very little to this film, though everyone is really trying their best. 


The story is okay, I do like the story that involves the development of Robert McCall and it is always fun seeing Denzel Washington taking down bad guys in the pursuit of justice. It is just a bit like we go through the motions here and don't get much that is new here. Plus they have a story involving terrorists and it brings Dakota Fanning's character into the film and it doesn't need to be here, it doesn't really affect the film and I wonder what the whole point of it was. 


The script is functional, there are some alright dramatic scenes and humour, though I think it was raised by Denzel Washington's performance. There isn't much meat here and it dulls it down to your pretty generic action film. 


This film is easily the most violent of the trilogy and when the action is taking place it is very cool and seeing Washington take down these mobsters is very fun. But the pacing of the film is a bit all over the place, after the first action sequence there is a big lull and it really took me out of the film. 


Overall, The Equalizer 3 is an above average film. It is one of those generic action films that works well for the fans of the franchise but isn't one that you need to rush out and see. 

Rating - 6/10

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