Saturday, October 7, 2023

First Impressions - Loki Season 2 (2023)

First Impressions - Loki Season 2 (2023)

2 years ago we got the first season of Loki and it was universally appreciated and to this date is my favourite of the MCU Shows. Yesterday, we got the first episode of the second season and here are my first impressions of the show with spoilers in all their glory. 

Takes place right after the season 1 finale. 

The episode starts off right where the first season finishes. Loki is on the run from the TVA who don't know him in a world where He Who Remains/Kang openly runs the TVA and wants him taken out. It really delivered on its promises from that finale and introduces a new type of time travel in this episode. 

Loki is time slipping, ends up in the original timeline and reveals Kang. 

So it is revealed that Loki is time slipping between the past, present and future in this episode. When he makes it back to the present, he is reunited with Mobius and reveals to the TVA that He Who Remains is the one run the TVA and they had all been tricked. 

Introducing OB played by Ke Huy Quan

In the trailers, it was revealed that Ke Huy Quan would have a role on the show as TVA Member OB and he is one of the most entertaining parts of the show. He is full of energy and has great chemistry with Hiddelston and Wilson in the scenes he is in and I hope he gets more time to shine this season. 

Loki is trying to stop Kang from taking over the world

After the events of last season, Loki knows of Kang and all of his variants planning on taking over the world and another trip to the future here shows that Loki is clearly on this path. It is curious whether this will lead into Avengers: Kang Dynasty and what the implications are for the future of The MCU. 

Who is working with Kang? 

When he is in the past, Loki finds a recording from He Who Remains/Kang where he is thanking somebody for being on his team during a war. They even play the recodirng twice which makes me think that it is crucial for the story. The question is who is working with Kang, I think the most obvious choice is Renslayer who we don't see in this episode. Her comic counterpart is close with Kang so I think that is the choice they will go with. 

Everyone is trying to find Sylvie

In the future scene, Loki sees Sylvie and works out that she might be able to help them in stopping Kang. The TVA are also trying to find Sylvie so they can truly find out what happened between her and He Who Remains as Loki isn't completely sure. The post credit scene shows Sylvie appear in a McDonalds in the past and trailers have shown that she plans on staying there. 


Overall, the first episode of Loki Season 2 was a good start to the season. I don't think it's the best episode they have ever done but it is a solid start to the season and I think it will get even better as it goes on. 

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