Friday, January 26, 2024

The Beekeeper (2024) Review

The Beekeeper (2024) Review

Over the years, Jason Statham has been a part of plenty of action films which have differentiated in quality. We have another one with The Beekeeper and I have watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees after someone close to him is robbed and killed, a Beekeeper goes on a revenge mission showcasing his former skills. 

Main Character

As mentioned above, Statham has played the lead role in an action film many times and he does a great job here, it feels like he can play this role in his sleep. It isn't the toughest role he has ever taken on but it just works and he adds some legitimacy for this role and it is fun to see him play a Beekeeper. 

Supporting Characters

Josh Hutcherson plays an annoying bad guy here and it took a while but I liked his performance here. He is just so arrogant and annoying that you really want to see him get taken down and this made me root for Statham even more in this film.  

Jeremy Irons plays the head of the company that Statham is after. He again is good in the role and is charisma is on full display here. It is probably one of the easiest pay checks that he has ever got but he is clearly enjoying the role. 

Emmy Raver-Lampman plays a cop and I didn't really care for her performance. She is a bit over the top and her character just makes some strange decisions and it is kind of convoluting as to why she does certain things in the film. 

Bobby Naderi plays her partner and he is also cheesy and really over the top. The two of them have decent chemistry but for me it doesn't really work in this film. 


The story is pretty basic here and focuses on this guys revenge mission and in that it is pretty cool and exciting seeing Statham's character go after the people that have wronged him and the people he knows. There is also a pretty cool twist towards the end of the film that made things way more interesting. But some of the others character motivations are pretty strange and the overall explanation for Statham's training doesn't work with other things that happen in the film. Worse of all is the really abrupt ending of the film that doesn't really answer any questions and feels really out of place. 


This is where the film really falls flat and that is the writing. This film has some real cringe worthy dialogue here, especially when it comes to the bee metaphors. But it is like the film doesn't have an ending and like the writers weren't sure what to do. 


The film has some really great action sequences. The majority of people are just here to see Jason Statham beat up and kill people and you get that here in spades and it is easily the highlight of the film. The film also has pretty good pacing, it doesn't overstay its welcome and I thought moved pretty well. 


Overall, The Beekeeper is an above average action film. Statham is great and the action is fun to watch but it is exactly what you would expect. This is probably one to watch when it comes to streaming at home instead of rushing to the cinema to watch it. 

Rating - 6/10

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 (2024) Trailer Review

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 (2024) Trailer Review

When I went to Star Wars Celebration last year, I was lucky to see Star Wars The Bad Batch season 3's trailer early. This was a slightly different trailer shown here and the trailer for the final season of The Bad Batch has been released and here are the things I noticed in it, obviously spoilers for the previous seasons of the show. 

Phee is back 

Phee was a character introduced in the second season of The Bad Batch. An accomplice of Cid, she worked with the team on some missions and even had romantic chemistry with Tech. After Tech's death in season 2, I wondered if she would come back but she is clearly still working with the team, for how long is yet to be seen. 

Rex is also back but for how long?

Ever since the Clone Wars came out, Captain Rex has become a beloved character, even making his live action debut in Ahsoka last year. He has been helping The Bad Batch on and off over the previous seasons and he is seen with the crew. After the death of Tech and Omega being kidnapped, will he join the team? We still have some gaps between where he is now and where he ends up in Star Wars Rebels so it would be cool to see that here. 

Omega and Crosshair are still under Imperial Control

The finale of Season 2, saw Omega being kidnapped by the Empire and transported to the same facility as Crosshair. It was clear that Dr Hemlock has important plans for her and the reveal that there is an older female clone at the facility is interesting. The trailer made it clear that she has been there a long time and I am sure we will see more scenes between Omega & Crosshair. 

The Emperor's Cloning Plan is Confirmed

Ever since his return in Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker, it has been pretty clear that cloning has played a large part of Emperor Palpatine's plan to return to power. This was further emphasised with all of the cloning going on in The Mandalorian, but the biggest hint is here. The Emperor is hear with Dr Hemlock and it is clear he has a personal interest in cloning and that it is vital for him. 

Crosshair seems to be back working for The Empire 

Towards the end of the trailer, we see shots of Crosshair leading a squadron of Stormtroopers. The question is why he is back working for The Empire? Has he had an Inhibitor Chip placed back in his mind or is he doing it willingly like before, maybe even in order to protect Omega. 

Fennec Shand & Cad Bane Return

More returns from previous seasons here as we get quick glimpses of Fennec Shand & Cad Bane. Last time we saw these two characters on this show, they were clashing over whether to protect or kidnap Omega. It will be interesting to see who hires either of these characters for missions as in The Book of Boba Fett, Bane made it clear he didn't work for The Empire so we will se whether they retcon this. 

Asajj Ventress is Back 

The biggest moment for the trailer is saved for the ending and that is Asajj Ventress is back after her story wasn't really finished in The Clone Wars. Clearly she has developed since then, she now has a yellow lightsaber and it looks like she has been on the run from The Empire. I don't expect to see much of her on the show but a greater conclusion to her story is much needed. 


Overall, this is a fantastic trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 and got me really hyped for this show. It has gotten better as it has gone on and with it being the final season, I am really hoping that it goes out on a real high. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Batman: Arkham City (2011) Review

Batman: Arkham City (2011) Review

After playing Arkham Asylum, I very quickly decided to start playing the sequel Batman: Arkham City and I have now completed the game and here is my review for it. The premise of the game is set after Arkham Asylum and sees a portion of Gotham closed off for the criminally insane, led by Hugo Strange. Batman & Catwoman must deal with the challenges of Arkham City to make sure they survive the night. 


Reprising his role from Arkham Asylum, Kevin Conroy is back as Batman and he is fantastic in the role. As he ventures round this city of craziness you see how it is affecting him and how he is trying to keep up his very confident aura with the real issue with his enemies. He just fits the role superbly well and I just think Conroy is a truly legendary interpretation of Batman and he really nails it here. 

As mentioned above, this game adds Catwoman as a playable character and this is a truly brilliant addition. Voiced by Grey Griffin, she is a brilliant addition to this franchise and feels like a different character to Batman both in the way she plays and the way she comes across. She has her own story which is cool to see the developers taking the time with this extra addition. 

Mark Hamill also reprises his role as Joker and he is still a real integral part of this game. There is more villains and a grander story but the relationship between Joker & Batman is at the forefront of it and once again Hamill & Conroy have an amazing chemistry together. 

Corey Burton play Hugo Strange and I really liked the depiction of the character, he is a very different villain to the others that Batman has come across and he battles Batman on a different level to them. Burton nails the mannerisms and sliminess of the character. 

As mentioned above, we have more villains here and Mister Freeze, Penguin & Two-Face are given some time to shine and it is cool seeing their additions. 


The story and premise of the overall idea is really good. There are way more villains here and I love how the criminals have their own gangs and are basically having a gang war in Arkham City. Batman has a lot of fires to face and there is a ticking clock and that made this feel different and more open then the previous game. However, the overall quality of the storytelling takes a dip in the final act and feels kind of rushed with some strange story decisions being made which holds back the overall quality of the story. 

Side Activities 

Unlike Arkham Asylum, Arkham City is an open world game which means there is way more side content here. There are really fun side missions including characters such as Bane, The Mad Hatter & Hush. The Challenge Maps are back but this time you can play as Batman, Catwoman, Robin & Nightwing which provides way more variety to the play and though they aren't that interesting they were good enough here with all the other content. There is also a fun DLC called Harley's Revenge which I also enjoyed playing. 


The gameplay has been massively improved and just flows so much better. There are more gadgets to be used here and the combat is leagues better then it was in Asylum. With it being an open world game, it is great to glide across the map as Batman, taking down random thugs along the way. Catwoman has her own combat and she is also a lot of fun to play as and it shows how much care was put into her character.


This game looks great, it has a way more open feel which makes it stand out from Arkham Asylum. The developers wanted us to feel the grand scale of Arkham City and I think it really achieved that. It made the player feel like they are Batman and it just pushed it above Asylum. 


Overall, Batman: Arkham City is a fantastic game and a brilliant love letter to the character of Batman. I think it is slightly better the Arkham Asylum but this is a must play for any gamer and especially for Batman fans. 

Rating - 9/10

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

One Life (2024) Review

One Life (2024) Review

I managed to see this film last week and I am finally getting around to review One Life. It is getting around award season which means films like this are released more frequently and this is the one I am starting with. The premise of the film is based on the true story of Nicholas Winton who during WW2 managed to save a large amount of children from hostile environments. 

Main Character

Sir Anthony Hopkins plays the older version of Winton and as usual he is fantastic. He just has such an aura towards him and Hopkins nails the trauma that this man has been through, the film focuses on him more then I thought it was going to and that definitely helps the film because of the overall quality of his performance. 

Johnny Flynn plays the younger version of Winton and is also very good in his role. It is interesting seeing him at work during the awful conditions of a Nazi occupation and how he was convinced that he could help people without looking for any praise himself. The two actors fit the role really well and I actually felt like it was the same person in both parts of the film. 

Supporting Characters

This film has some strong actors in it. Lena Olin plays Winton's wife and she is a good support system for him during the hard times that he goes through. The scenes between her and Hopkins are well realised and they just have good chemistry too. 

Helena Bonham Carter plays Winton's mother in the flashback scenes and she is pretty good too and I think that is down to the strength of her as a performer, She worked well with Flynn and they did some really good work. 

The issue here is that this film doesn't care much about the supporting cast of this film, it is all about Nicholas Winton. To clarify that isn't a bad thing, but it is hard to really care about any of the other people in the film when the film doesn't exactly give them any time. Take Jonathan Pryce, a great actor who only has one scene in the film, it just feels like there isn't much depth there. 


The story works well enough. The story of Nicholas Winton is realised incredibly well in this film, it is an emotional story that makes you care about this man and the hopes and dreams that he had to help other people. The fact that he is a real person and a lot of this film is based on truth tells you how incredible it can be. It is just the execution of some of the elements that don't quite work, for example the film maybe doesn't fully show the horrors of war and kind of falls a little flat in that way. Also as I mentioned above, the other characters in this film aren't really given much to work with or really make you fully care. 


The film is well written. I really ended up caring about the overall story and wanted to learn more about the heroic acts of Nicholas Winton. It can be pretty emotional and nails that as it gets towards the end of the film. It has its moments of charm too and I think it is pretty well done here. 


The film is well made and it looks good, it nails both time periods pretty well and does have some atmosphere. It uses camera techniques to convey emotion well and to make you care about the serious content. But the film has a slight pacing issue, especially in how it balances the flashbacks and the main story. It is a bit jarring at times and like there isn't a complete connection between the two especially with the flashbacks being stopped pretty abruptly. 


Overall, One Life is a good film behind an amazing story and man. If you have any interest in the subject and the feel of the film then I would say it is worth a watch for sure, but I do wonder in other circumstances this film could have been even better. 

Rating - 7/10

Monday, January 8, 2024

Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) Review

Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) Review

Ahead of the upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, I thought I would go back and play the Arkham games that lead into that spin off. This starts with the first game in this franchise Batman: Arkham Asylum, I played the game when it originally came out and have replayed it as part of the Return to Arkham remaster recently and here is my review for the game. The premise of the games sees The Joker taking over Arkham Asylum, Batman has one night to figure out his plan and stop him and the other super criminals from taking over. 


Reprising his role from Batman: The Animated Series, the late great Kevin Conroy reprises his role as Batman and he is phenomenal here. He just fits the role incredibly well, his stoic nature nails the quiet confidence that he has. It really feels like this is an experienced Batman and that he has a built in relationship with all the other characters in the universe. For me, Conroy is in the discussion for the best ever Batman and that is no different here. 

Also reprising his role is the tremendous Mark Hamill as The Joker. He is such a star here, Joker is amazingly well realised and comes straight out of a comic book or the animated series this game is heavily inspired by. He has so much recorded dialogue here that you probably here him more then Batman and it is written and delivered incredibly well. The two of them are amazing together and the best part of the game. 

This game is filled with comic book characters that are all handled really well. Harley Quinn is once again voiced by the late Arleen Sorkin and she is also brilliant. She is really playful and evil as she should be and Sorkin is just what every other actress who has played the role has had to live up too. 

Other characters such as Scarecrow, Killer Croc and Poison Ivy are given quite a lot of screen time as secondary villains and they are a lot of fun. The boss battles are all different and unique and fit the characters really well. 


The story is really good. It is really interesting seeing Batman work his way around Arkham Asylum searching for ways to stop Joker and the other villains. It is the atmosphere created by the location and the feel of the narrative that drives the game through. The relationship between Batman and Joker is at the forefront and even though they only share a few scenes together you really understand the dynamic. 

Side Content

Unlike the other Arkham games, Arkham Asylum is not an open world game and is a more linear experience. It has some challenge maps where you can play as either Batman or Joker and they are entertaining to play and I definitely got a kick out of it but there isn't that much depth to it. The collectibles and Riddler trophies in the main game are just window dressing to the overall game. 


The gameplay for this game actually turned out to be revolutionary, it inspired so many other games to use combat styles just like this game and it is good here. Batman moves pretty quickly and is able to take down a group of thugs pretty easily which is fun to play as. The boss battles are mostly fun too with Poison Ivy and Scarecrow being unique and fun to play. It is just there are some issues with the combat in that I found it hard to string combos together at times and it feels like this is the start of this idea and will be improved in later games. Also the final boss battle falls really flat and doesn't feel like a boss battle that fits this games high quality. 


With the remastered version, this game looks beautiful. The character models (Apart from Gordon) all look fantastic and the cutscenes flow incredibly well. As I mentioned above, the overall feel and intimacy towards this location using sound and style is one of the best highlights of the game. 


Overall, Batman: Arkham Asylum is a great game that is a clear starting point for a new video game Batman franchise and I had a great time with it and any fan of this franchise needs to take the time to play this game. 

Rating - 8/10

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) Review

Grand Theft Auto V (2013) Review

It has been over 10 years since Grand Theft Auto V was released and it has seen many remasters and re-releases since then. The trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 was released recently so it inspired me to go back and once again play GTA V and see how I found it all these years later. So I have completed the main story and done the majority of the side missions so it is time to review GTA 5. The premise of the game sees 3 criminal brought together in their aims of survival, progress & hitting the biggest score ever. 


The first character we meet is Franklin Clinton played by Shawn Fonteno. Franklin is a local gang member who is down on his luck and not achieving the success he wants. Franklin is a really cool character, we see his progression throughout the game from local hood to leading big heists. He is really funny and his dynamic as the new member of this friendship group is handled really well. 

The second playable character is Michael De Santa played by Ned Luke. Personally, Michael is my favourite of the characters, he is super flawed but it is cool seeing this older criminal who has clearly done well and lives a kind of Soprano life style. His past transgressions come back to haunt him but Michael goes through a journey of trying to better himself and it is well realised. 

The final playable character is Trevor Phillips played by Steven Ogg. This is probably the most memorable character in the game, he is pretty crazy and is the character you use when you are in the GTA mentality of causing chaos. Though, Trevor clearly has a soft side and you see how he has true loyalty to the people that he works with. 

There are so many characters you meet in this game that it would take hours to discuss them all, but everybody is fantastic in their roles. The characters you are meant to like are well realised and the characters you are meant to dislike come across as bad guys. 


The story is a bit of a mixed bag. I really liked the characters individual stories and how it progresses throughout the game, the three work together really well and the huge amount of dialogue really fleshes them out. But the actual story isn't really fleshed out that much, so much crazy stuff is happening that it becomes a bit weary and non-important. The game has three endings but that kind of feels like window dressing as two of them suck and I would estimate that around 90% of players will pick the same ending. 

Side Content

There is so much side content in this game, I mean hours and hours of content and with any game like this that makes it a mixed bag. Some are really fun such as Trevor going on his Rampages or Franklin doing Assassinations for Lester. But there are some really dull ones, mainly the fetch quests that are never a priority. Also, Michael has a lack of side content which is a shame because it means you probably spend the least amount of time with him. 


The gameplay is great. The gunplay is a lot of fun and the amount of weapons that can be used manages to keep it varied enough to keep it entertaining. There is plenty of variety in the things that you can do such as flying, driving and fighting and for the most part it still holds up well. The activities such as darts and golf also feels good and it is a fun thing to do when you aren't shooting people. 


As, I have mentioned this game has been re-mastered a few times and it looks great. Los Santos is incredibly vibrant and it clashes well for when you visit San Andreas and it is really dull but gritty and it really fits Trevor's character. 


Overall, Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most influential games to ever exist and it is a really great game. It still stands up to to date and though it isn't the best Rockstar game, it is still a really great experience. 

Rating - 8/10