Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 (2024) Trailer Review

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 (2024) Trailer Review

When I went to Star Wars Celebration last year, I was lucky to see Star Wars The Bad Batch season 3's trailer early. This was a slightly different trailer shown here and the trailer for the final season of The Bad Batch has been released and here are the things I noticed in it, obviously spoilers for the previous seasons of the show. 

Phee is back 

Phee was a character introduced in the second season of The Bad Batch. An accomplice of Cid, she worked with the team on some missions and even had romantic chemistry with Tech. After Tech's death in season 2, I wondered if she would come back but she is clearly still working with the team, for how long is yet to be seen. 

Rex is also back but for how long?

Ever since the Clone Wars came out, Captain Rex has become a beloved character, even making his live action debut in Ahsoka last year. He has been helping The Bad Batch on and off over the previous seasons and he is seen with the crew. After the death of Tech and Omega being kidnapped, will he join the team? We still have some gaps between where he is now and where he ends up in Star Wars Rebels so it would be cool to see that here. 

Omega and Crosshair are still under Imperial Control

The finale of Season 2, saw Omega being kidnapped by the Empire and transported to the same facility as Crosshair. It was clear that Dr Hemlock has important plans for her and the reveal that there is an older female clone at the facility is interesting. The trailer made it clear that she has been there a long time and I am sure we will see more scenes between Omega & Crosshair. 

The Emperor's Cloning Plan is Confirmed

Ever since his return in Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker, it has been pretty clear that cloning has played a large part of Emperor Palpatine's plan to return to power. This was further emphasised with all of the cloning going on in The Mandalorian, but the biggest hint is here. The Emperor is hear with Dr Hemlock and it is clear he has a personal interest in cloning and that it is vital for him. 

Crosshair seems to be back working for The Empire 

Towards the end of the trailer, we see shots of Crosshair leading a squadron of Stormtroopers. The question is why he is back working for The Empire? Has he had an Inhibitor Chip placed back in his mind or is he doing it willingly like before, maybe even in order to protect Omega. 

Fennec Shand & Cad Bane Return

More returns from previous seasons here as we get quick glimpses of Fennec Shand & Cad Bane. Last time we saw these two characters on this show, they were clashing over whether to protect or kidnap Omega. It will be interesting to see who hires either of these characters for missions as in The Book of Boba Fett, Bane made it clear he didn't work for The Empire so we will se whether they retcon this. 

Asajj Ventress is Back 

The biggest moment for the trailer is saved for the ending and that is Asajj Ventress is back after her story wasn't really finished in The Clone Wars. Clearly she has developed since then, she now has a yellow lightsaber and it looks like she has been on the run from The Empire. I don't expect to see much of her on the show but a greater conclusion to her story is much needed. 


Overall, this is a fantastic trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 and got me really hyped for this show. It has gotten better as it has gone on and with it being the final season, I am really hoping that it goes out on a real high. 

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