Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021) Review

The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021) Review

I enjoyed The Hitman's Bodyguard so was excited for its sequel here and I watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Michael Bryce bought out of sabbatical to work with the hitman he has a vendetta against and his wife. 

Main Character

Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson are back in the two lead roles and there is no denying that they have strong and enjoyable chemistry together. There characters are in different points then they were in the previous film and they play it up well enough. The two of them aren't as entertaining as they were in the previous film but they they do just about enough to keep the energy alive. 

Supporting Characters

Really the only supporting character worth anything for me is Morgan Freeman and that is mainly because of how entertaining it is to see Freeman on screen in a film like this, he doesn't play a large role but it is an enjoyable one for sure. Salma Hayek has a much larger role in this film and she annoyed me here, she is just a shrieking violet for the majority of the film, she worked in the previous film because her role was small but she is just way too much here and it made this film worse then the previous film. Antonio Banderas plays the bad guy and similar to Gary Oldman in the previous film he is just as generic and dull as they come. He is so cliché and literally anybody could have played this role with this being another really week element of the film. Frank Grillo plays an FBI agent and his role is completely pointless,  he sleepwalks through the film and his role seems majorly unnecessary and just there to pad out the runtime. 


The story isn't exactly the part of the film that is focused on but it is really poor here, the film attempts to put some depth into the characters but it just doesn't work. Every twist is expected and the film doesn't even try to be inventive, the focus on Salma Hayek's character is annoying and it just doesn't work for this film and the dull villain and poor storytelling does very little for me with a pretty stupid ending. 


The script has some moments, the humour occasionally hits and had me laughing or at least chuckling which is better then nothing. But some of the humour and pretty much all of the drama falls short and lowers the quality of the overall film. 


The film has some really decent action scenes, they are brutal but enjoyable and you see all types of action scenes that keeps the film moving pretty well. But the film feels longer then it actually is, I did see myself checking my watch and maybe it is an overuse of action or maybe plot elements that do not need to be in the film. 


Overall, The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard is an average action film. If you loved the first film then you will probably at least like this one, but I liked the first film and did not really like this one and I am not sure it is worth the time to watch it. 

Rating - 5/10

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