Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Suicide Squad (2021) Review

The Suicide Squad (2021) Review 

At the beginning of the year The Suicide Squad was my most anticipated film of 2021 and last night I finally got the chance to watch it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of super villains bought together to take down a new intergalactic threat. 

Main Character

Idris Elba is given the chance to be a lead character here as Bloodsport and he is fantastic. His comedic timing is actually very good, and he has plenty of heartfelt moments and is really effective as a character. There is an argument that his character is incredibly similar to Deadshot from the previous film but I feel Elba manages to add enough to make this character his own. 

Supporting Characters

This film has one of the biggest casts ever put on film but some play larger roles then others and without spoiling things I will talk about them. John Cena makes his debut as Peacemaker and he was a real highlight of the film for me, his character is so interesting and Cena manages to use his natural charisma to make this a memorable character showing that given the right material he can deliver. Margot Robbie is back as Harley Quinn and what is there to say, she was literally born to play this role and brings the character to life so well. There are some things involving her character I wasn't a huge fan of but there is no denying how great Robbie is in the role. The real breakout star for the film though is Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2, she bring so much heart and emotion to the role and considering that she is one of the least known comic book characters ever, she really resonates with the audience and I think we will see much more from this actress in the future. Joel Kinnaman and Viola Davis are back as Rick Flag and Amanda Waller from the previous Suicide Squad film and they are much improved here. Flag is actually an interesting and well realised character and Waller is the intimidating boss that she really should be. We also have our big CGI character in King Shark voiced by Sylvester Stallone and he is so cool to watch in action and there is also some heart towards this guy and he will probably be one that people will talk about coming out of the film. 


The story is decent, the chemistry between the team is so much better then the previous film and the unique and distinctive personalities of each squad member does shine and provide a great experience. The task that they are given is fun enough but it is these characters and the outrageous circumstances that they are put in that rise it above. However, this film does have some story issues, mainly what they do with Harley Quinn in the first and mostly second act, she is on her own and it feels a bit out of place and a slower placed part of the film. Also there is some side plot involving a corrupt government and resistance that doesn't really do much for the film and feels like another not important element of the plot. 


The script is really good, it has that James Gunn directed wicked humour. With the more mature script it allows way more creative freedom and the majority of the characters are pretty funny. Some of the jokes feel a bit repetitive but I can't deny that I laughed pretty consistently throughout the film. The drama also works, I ended up caring about this group of bad guys and I think the film does an effective job of giving you reasons to care. 


The style of the film has some really great and entertaining action sequences. This film has the violence and gore that is appropriate for a film called The Suicide Squad. The characters get there own big set pieces and the action is probably the best part of this really well paced out film. 


Overall, The Suicide Squad is a fantastic film that finally delivers a film worthy of the licence. This film is such an entertaining watch that all comic book fans have to watch it and others will probably enjoy it too. 

Rating - 9/10

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