Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Trailer Review

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Trailer Review

It has been highly anticipated for a few days now that we would be getting a new Spider-Man: No Way Home and it has hit the internet and I am going to review it as there is plenty to discuss. 

It seems like Doctor Octopus is defeated by Spider-Man 

The first trailer showed an encounter between Doctor Otto Octavious and Tom Holland's Spider-Man and we get more of it here. First of all Otto finds out that this is not his Spider-Man and then he is locked up. It also seems like he isn't being fully evil here and may even be somewhat an ally and continue his redemptive arc that started in the original Spider-Man 2. 

Doctor Strange wants the villains to face their fate. 

Strange and Octavious reveals that they know of the fate of the villains to Spider-Man. Strange claims that all the villains die fighting their Spider-Man, even though that isn't technically true. It shows why in scenes it seems like Strange is against Peter Parker and that is because he wants to return them whereas Peter wants to save them from dying.

Doctor Octopus seems to get a Stark Tech upgrade 

There's a shot where Octavious arms transform with a more red design and my theory is that this is some Stark Tech he has been able to find. The question is when he gets this upgrade and how exactly it plays into the film. 

Electro's new design is great and he actually seems normal.

One of the biggest criticisms of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is Jamie Foxx's weird performance as Max Dillon/Electro so I wasn't overly excited about his casting here. But the blue head is gone and replaced with a costume similar to the one seen in The Spider-Man PS4 game, I mean it even has the Star shaped head piece. He also has dialogue that seems normal, so hopefully this is the version of Electro that people end up remembering. 

Electro seems to be fighting Doctor Octopus

I only noticed this on my second watch, but the scene where Electro is talking and shoots the bolt of lightning it hits a building with Doctor Octopus on. Is this a trailer trick? Or does this prove that Otto is trying to take down the other villains too and Electro is fighting him. 

Willem Dafoe is back as Green Goblin 

Now this was already confirmed but we finally hear dialogue from Willem Dafoe's Norman Osbourne but we see The Green Goblin in all of his glory. Personally I am still not a huge fan of this costume but the colour seems to be less vibrant and I guess it does fit the iconic role so I still am really glad to see him here. 

Sandman and Lizard are now confirmed too

The next two villains seen in the trailer are Lizard and Sandman looking just like they did in their respective films. They are seen teaming up with Electro which is interesting as potentially those three team up thus leading to a Sinister Six type of team up. 

The trailer recreates the best scene in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

So as everybody knows by now The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sees Gwen Stacy fall to her death with Peter attempting to save her and this trailer straight up copies it. MJ falls from a building and Peter tries to go after here and it is clear as day that this is meant to remind us of this moment. No my theory is that this is where Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man turns up and saves MJ, making up for not saving Gwen in his own film. 

No Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield 

It is pretty common knowledge that along with the returning villains, we will be getting some returning heroes. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's versions of Spider-Man are going to be in the film but Marvel Studios haven't showed any footage of them yet which is a great thing as the first time I want to see anything with them is when I watch the film in the cinema. 


Overall, this trailer is fantastic and it is full of so much nostalgia and characters getting another go at things that I am hopeful that this film truly delivers as the hype is at top levels for it. 

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