Monday, February 3, 2020

Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020) Wandavision (2020) & Loki (2021) Trailer review

Falcon & Winter Soldier (2020) Wandavision (2020) & Loki (2021) Trailer Review 

So during the Superbowl last night there was a few small trailers but really the most important trailer that was shown was a really short one which was by Marvel Studios and gave us the first look at Falcon & Winter Soldier, Wandavision & Loki and these are a few things I noticed in this 30 seconds of footage. 

Falcon hasn't fully transitioned into Captain America and still uses The Falcon persona 

At the end of Avengers:Endgame Steve Rodgers seemed to pass the mantle of Captain America over to Sam Wilson, so it was assumed that Wilson would be Captain America on this show but that doesn't seem to fully be the case. The trailer shows him practising with the shield but also in action scenes he is clearly in the Falcon gear so it is clear to see he hasn't decided to take on the mantle yet. It will be interesting to see if Wilson ends up taking on the mantle of Captain America or whether somehow Bucky Barnes ends up taking the mantle likes he does in the comics. 

There is a new Captain America

An interesting scene in the trailer shows a man dressed in Captain America gear running onto an American Football Pitch and it seems like there will be a new Captain America that is decided by the american government. This will probably bring up some interesting morality issues on the show as there will probably be a clash about who will be the real Captain America on this show.

It seems like Hydra might have returned 

When you see the enemies that Wilson and Barnes are clashing with they are clearly in dark green and yellow outfits, these are the traditional colours of the organisation of Hydra in the comics. Hydra have had a huge role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but have been on the shelf for a bit now but the organisation are highly linked to the characters of Falcon & The Winter Soldier aswell as Captain America. 

Scarlett Witch has her comic book costume 

There isn't much footage of Wandavision and what there is seems pretty weird and out there but the one thing that people have been talking about is that Wanda Maximoff is seen in a costume that is pretty accurate to the one used in the comic books. Obviously the costume won't be as skimpy as the one in the comic books for good reason but it is nice to see this callback to the comics and further shows how unique this show will be. 

The Time Variance Authority are after Loki

In Avengers:Endgame the version of Loki from the first Avengers film manages to escape with The Tesseract which means that this version of Loki will be the one that we will be watching in Loki. This means that he will be pretty much a straight up villain having not gone through his anti-hero phase yet in this timeline. In the trailer the letters TVA are on Loki's shirt and these are the initials of The Time Variance Authority who are clearly hunting Loki through time and probably trying to stop him from doing some evil things to further his own gains.

Falcon And Winter Soldier is set to come out to Disney + in August 2020 starring Antony Mackie & Sebastian Stan. 
Wandavision is set to come out to Disney + in Fall 2020 starring Elizabeth Olson & Paul Bettany 
Loki is set to come out to Disney + in 2021 starring Tom Hiddelston 

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