Thursday, February 20, 2020

White House Farm (2020) Mini Series Review

White House Farm (2020) Mini Series Review

 This show is based on a real life tragic story and looked interesting so I have now watched the mini series of White House Farm and this is my review of it. The premise of the show sees a family all murdered except the Son, it seems like a clear cut case but not is all that it seems. 

Main Character

Freddie Fox plays Jeffrey Bamber the Son who survives the incident and he is great in this show. You are meant to feel uneasy about his character and he is slimy enough for you really not to like him. However, his performance is so good that you aren't sure if he is genuine or whether he is putting on an act and it keeps you guessing. 

Supporting Characters

Everybody does a great job in this show, Mark Addy who played Robert Baratheon on Game Of Thrones is the one detective who thinks there is more to the case then meets the eye. He is the character we are really meant to root for on the show and he does a great job at doing that as ou really support him in the role and want to see him be right about his suspiscions. His clashes with Stephen Graham are some of the most entertaining and dramatic scenes in the whole show, Graham is the detective who thinks the case is open and shut. You see both these characters point of view and even though you are meant to root for Addy you see Grahams point of view and that is what makes there clashes so interesting. Alexa Davies, Gemma Whelan & Mark Stanley are all great on the show and really do great jobs in there roles and add quite a bit to the roles to make them not 1 dimensional characters.


The story is interesting as I like how the investigation is handled and how different evidence comes to light over time in different circumstances. The last couple of episodes hit some really high heights as the investigation comes to its climax, but I must admit I found this show a bit predictable. Obviously, this show is based on real life events so you can't change much up but I kind of guessed how it was going even without knowing about the backstory. Also there are some elements of the story that felt a bit tacked on such as Alfie Allen's character as that really doesn't go anywhere. 


The script is really good, the dramatic dialogue really provides some heated moments and great clashes, obviously because of the subject matter there isn't much humour but it feels appropriate to the show and it really nails the darker more intense feeling that the show should have. 


The style of the show has a really deliberate pacing about it, it doesn't come across as slow and keeps you interested throughout as you really want to know what is exactly going on and just how they are going to find out the information is required. Seeing the different reactions of the characters to the murders is fascinating to watch and it really brings out the different feelings between the people involved with the incident.


Overall this is a fantastic dramatic show, if you want an intense more deep mini series then this is a show that could be right up your ally. 

Rating - 9/10

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