Monday, February 24, 2020

The Last Thing He Wanted (2020) Review

The Last Thing He Wanted (2020) Review

 This film has just come onto Netflix and has a pretty blockbuster cast So I was interested to watch this film and this is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a journalist who is fed up at work go on a job for her father which causes her to question if the story is worth the effort. 

Main Character

Anne Hathaway is one of the best actresses around and she is fantastic in this role, she delivers a very memorable and interesting role here. She has some very quick and snappy lines which mixed with her dramatic moments really provides a pretty real character that you can actually sympathise with and was easily the best part of this film. 

Supporting Characters

Willem Dafoe plays her father in the film and he does a really good job in the role, his character is clearly very shady and messed up but I liked his relationship with Hathaway and felt it was probably the most interesting part in the film and I wish we could have seen more. Ben Affleck is in this film and he does an okay job with what he is given but his character is really boring in this film. He isn't in the film a huge amount and they don't do enough to make you interested in his character. Rosie Perez is also in this film and I just didn't find her character interesting either, she is just Hathaway's friend in the film and doesn't have a defined character in the film.


The story is in my opinion the weakest aspect of the film, it just moves all over the place and feels very jarring. It is very confusing and clearly thinks it is clever then it actually is, when Hatheways character works things out it just doesn't make any sense and it leads to lots of characters poping up that don't provide anything to the story. Plus the ending is absolutley crazy and again makes no sense and just leaves more questions then answers and not in an interesting way like some films can. 


The script has some pretty quick and clever lines especially from Hathaway but the question is whether that is good scripting or whether it is just her performance. The fact that nobody else has any interesting lines in the film I have to believe that is was just her and the script is poor. 


The style of the film is really nice to look at, it is shot really well and there are some films that build the tension pretty well. But this films pacing is pretty boring it is very slow but isn't interesting which makes it feel longer then it actually is. 


Overall this is a very forgettable film that has some decent things about it but really isn't worth a watch.

Rating - 4/10

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