Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Avengers (2012) Review

The Avengers (2012) Review

On my way to reviewing all the MCU films I have now made it to the end of the first phase which means I have made it to The Avengers and I re-watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of superheroes have to come together to save the world from an alien force. 

Main Character

He was the first star of the MCU and he is one of the main focuses here, I'm talking about Robert Downey Jnr as Tony Stark AKA Iron Man and I think he is great in the film. He has so much charisma and the one liners are coming at a really high rate in the film, the key thing for me though is that his character develops and I think what this film does really well is show you how much has changed in him since the first Iron Man film. Chris Evans is back as Captain America and it is fun seeing this man who is from another time having to deal with modern times, I also like how his character interacted with the others, also in the action scenes Cap still shines and this film doesn't even montage past all of it. The dynamic between Downey Jnr & Evans is great here and shows just how different their personalities are and how difficult it is for them to work together despite the world literally being on the line. 

Supporting Characters

Okay, there are so many characters so in order for this review to not be longer then it needs I will try and keep this as short as possible. Chris Hemsworth is great as Thor, he adds more humour and presence in the role and like all the other characters he really gets to excel by bouncing his presence off of the other characters. Tom Hiddleston plays the villain Loki and what a shock he is great too, we saw the start of the character in Thor but he has clearly progressed since then and I liked how the relationship between the two brothers develops from the previous film. Scarlett Johansson is back as Black Widow and she is much better here then she was in Iron Man 2, she is actually given a character and real time to shine and the best thing I can say is that she stands alongside these gods and super powered beings and doesn't look out of place. Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye and they don't give him that much to do, or more like they handle the character poorly, but by the end of the film I came around to Renner in the role and given more to do he is a great fit for the character. Over the first phase of the MCU we have seen flickers of Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury but this is the most we get of him so far and he is great, he is just so cool and interesting with his motivations not being as black and white as you would expect for this film. Now onto The Hulk, Mark Ruffalo takes over the role in this film and he is great as Banner, yes it is different to Edward Norton but he feels like a natural fit and I really liked his character here. But The Hulk is the star of this film, when he gets going he is amazing and looks incredible, The Hulk has never been better then he is in this film I believe and credit has to go to him for that. Clark Gregg, Colbie Smulders & Stellan Skaarsgard are also all good in their roles. 


As you can see by the lengthy cast list there is plenty going on here but it all balances nicely. I love the fact that the film shows that despite these characters all being heroes they don't all necessarily get along and have different views on things and it adds some much needed drama. I think the fact that we have seen their solo films aids in that as the film doesn't have to waste time with backstories and that allows the film to move at a really fast pace. Yes, there are some conveniences but I don't care, this film is so fun and the final act is comic book film greatness and delivers truly memorable moments. 


The script is great, it just has that very snappy dialogue with plenty of one liners and dialogue that just fits the characters appropriately. There is also some depth and drama to this popcorn blockbuster film and that is good and credit to the people behind the script as this aids in making these god like characters interesting and a bit relatable. 


The style of the film is one of the best things about the film. As I mentioned above, the pacing of the film is incredibly quick and that aids in making this an incredibly fun film. The action scenes are huge in scale and the CGI is at its best here then any MCU film that came before. Which brings me onto The Hulk, he looks amazing, the action scenes involving him are the the most exciting part of the film and finally the MCU had a Hulk that delivered in looking and fighting like he deserved. 


Overall, The Avengers is a special film that is a must watch for not just Marvel fans but all film fans. I think because of what The MCU now is we sometimes forget about this film and take it for granted. But without, The Avengers there wouldn't be an MCU and it is an amazing film that is honestly one of my favourite movies possibly ever. 

Rating - 10/10

Friday, February 26, 2021

Superman Reboot Announced by Warner Bros

Superman Reboot Announced by Warner Bros 

I feel like this writing has been on the wall for a while now but tonight Warner Bros announced that it is developing a Superman reboot for the DCEU. Now there isn't loads of details but here are my feelings on it and where I think it will be going. 

JJ Abrams will be involved. 

For years and years it has been well known that JJ Abrams has wanted to be involved with a Superman film and finally he is going to get his chance. It hasn't been confirmed what role he will have, will he be a director, produce, writer or a combination of these. Personally, despite the criticisms of his movies I think Abrams is a great director and I would really like to see him given the chance to direct a film that is clearly a big passion of his. 

Will cast a Black Superman. 

Another rumour that has been going around for a while is that Warner Bros has been looking to cast a Black Superman in their films and this is where it is going to happen. We always can do do with more diverse heroes and we have seen plenty of Superman films that it is probably time to try something unique and different. 

Could Michael B Jordan get the role? 

When the rumours came out Michael B Jordan was reported as a frontrunner, so could that be the case now. Jordan is a great actor and maybe now could be the time to see him get the chance to play a super hero, we have seen him as a villain so I think he would be a great choice for the role. 

Could this film be separate from the DCEU like The Batman?

This isn't the first reboot of DC characters in the pipeline, with The Batman coming out next year could we see DC films that truly stand alone and have there own separate tones. DC has been lagging behind the MCU for a long time now so by making standalone franchises it could be something different enough to make them stand out, like Joker did. 

Henry Cavill is probably out. 

After the Supergirl casting the other day, I was pretty sure Henry Cavill's time as Superman was coming to an end and it seems like this is the nail in the coffin. Reports have come out that Cavill would be happy to come back in the role if the timing is right but it seems DC have different plans and The Snyder Cut will be the last time we get to see him in the role. 


Overall, I wasn't too fussed about Superman with plenty of time spent on him in films and now TV. But with it being a Black Superman and probably a fresh story then maybe this could be exactly what the character needs. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Willy's Wonderland (2021) Review

Willy's Wonderland (2021) Review

With the crazy time the world has been in, sometimes we just need to watch a silly film and Willy's Wonderland fits that criteria and I watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a drifter tricked into becoming a janitor for a former funland where he has to fight for his life. 

Main Character

The great Nicolas Cage plays the lead role here and he just really fits this film and shows his charismatic demeanour. He is a character that doesn't say much and through just his actions and facial expressions you get all the information that you need from his character. I mean though I will argue that maybe we could have done with even more crazy Cage here and a bit more intrigue added, I just felt like there was a bit more that could have been done here with the character.

Supporting Characters

I mean the rest of the cast isn't worth anything, there are a bunch of younger actors who are here for one clear reason. I'm not gonna say what that is but I am pretty sure everybody knows and they are all bad actors and were bad here. Emily Tosta and Beth Grant play the largest supporting roles but they offer nothing and really feels like they are here for exposition sequences that are really forced and feel out of place. 


The idea of the story is fun, seeing Nicolas Cage go against these robots in this setting is good and there are some pretty glorious fights that range to the absurd. But this film gets a bit too bogged down on its plot, it is at its best when it is Cage versus the robots but it brings in these other characters with back stories and I just didn't care and it took away from the film. 


The script is pretty awful, the dialogue is really bad when it happens, the writers bogged down the plot too much and tried to do too much, I mean they could have done it but at least try and do it better then long exposition sequences. 


The film looks like it was made for about a £100 but I actually thought that was part of the charm. It looks unpolished and cheap but works and makes the action scenes feel more gritty. I mean these scenes are great and had me laughing throughout and that made me enjoy the film way more then I should have, also the film has a great runtime of only 90 mins. 


Overall, I would say this is a below average film and it is. But I can't deny that I had some fun with this film and if you aren't a film purist and want something to laugh with and turn your mind off then I would actually say this could be worth a watch. 

Rating - 4/10

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Review

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Review

The next step on my MCU film watching list is the first Captain America: The First Avenger and I watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an unremarkable man with a big heart given powers in order to take part in WW2 and go against an evil organisation. 

Main Character

This was the first time that Chris Evans played the role of Steve Rogers AKA Captain America and he is really good in this film. His origins are really well handled and you really grow to care and sympathise with Steve and want to see him succeed in his journey. He has funny lines and a real heart to him to make him a really memorable character and one of the best of the first MCU characters. 

Supporting Characters

Haley Atwell plays Peggy Carter and she is great in this film, she is a really strong supporting character and adds a really nice dynamic towards the other characters and especially her relationship with Steve Rogers. Out of all of the romances in the MCU I think this is one of the best and truly sees two equals who feel like they fit together. Hugo Weaving plays the Villain Johann Schmidt who is more well known as The Red Skull and he is just a fun villain for this film. Yes he is really over the top and not the most interesting character but you can tell Weaving is having fun with the role and he fits as as a great antagonist for this Captain America film. Tommy Lee Jones plays the army commander and he also just looks like he is having fun and enjoys the role, he has some good one liners and fits in well here. Dominic Cooper plays a younger Howard Stark and this is pretty perfect casting, you see the real similarities between him and Tony Stark and Cooper does a great job of bringing that to screen. Stanley Tucci, Sebastian Stan and Toby Jones also all give good performances in their roles. 


The story is a straight up origin film, you see small Steve Rogers transition into the hero known as Captain America and I think it does it quite well. I think the first act and the last act are really strong and up there with MCU films, it has great characters and a real hero to root for in a time period that is always pretty effective. But the 2nd act is much weaker, when he first becomes Captain America, the action sequences are montaged and basically brushed over so it feels like we don't spend enough time with him at this point. It also doesn't help get you invested in certain elements of the story and that is a shame. 


The script is good, these are good characters and ones that are easy to root for or root against. The film has some real heart and drama towards it but also some great one lines and humour that doesn't feel forced and fits in with the message of the film. 


The style of the film has some good action scenes, when Cap is throwing that Shield it is pretty cool and shows how creative they could be with this different weapon. But this film has a bit of an issue, the pacing isn't the best and as I said above glosses over some pretty cool action sequences. Also I sometimes find that when TV shows and films try to recreate World War 2 they have some poor use of CGI to create the atmosphere and this film is no different and it does become noticeable at times and pretty jarring. 


Overall, this is another great origin story for a Marvel Comic Book character. Again if you like superhero films then watch this one as it is a pretty entertaining film. 

Rating - 8/10 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Care A Lot (2021) Review

I Care A Lot (2021) Review

This film made its way to Amazon Prime over the weekend and last night I had the chance to watch I Care A Lot and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a crooked legal guardian have her life turn upside down when she tries to swindle a mob boss's family. 

Main Character

Really ever since her amazing performance in Gone Girl, Rosamund Pike has been on the rise and she plays the lead character here and I thought she was really good in the film. I must say she plays one of the worse and most despicable people ever put on screen but somehow she makes you kind of care about her and want to see her succeed. Pike is enigmatic in the lead and delivers some great monologues, I think it is interesting seeing her character and how she works and Pike again delivers a really good character here. 

Supporting Characters

The great Peter Dinklage plays the bad guy here and of course he is good, his character is one note but Dinklage seems to be having a good time in the role and he provides a nice contrast to Pike and provided an interesting enough angle though there wasn't enough uniqueness to the character. Eiza Gonzalez plays Pike's partner and I thought she was good too, their chemistry together is good and I like how she is influenced by Pike and they work together with a nice relationship being built here. But the rest of the cast that are here are pretty bad or just not given anything to do, it feels like these three were the only people they cared about and the rest of the cast are nowhere near as strong. 


The story of Pike's character is really interesting. It reminded me at times of how I felt watching Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul and I love those shows so it was onto a win there, the world is interesting and the lead character is interesting as she tries to build this business. But this show has some weak characters, there are good actors like Dinklage and Gonzalez who aren't given enough to work with and feel a bit wasted. Also the third act is absurd and feels like it is from a different film and really feels strange and has a really bad ending in my opinion. It is similar to another film that I am not a huge fan of and it just felt weak for me. 


The script is okay, it does a good job of making Pike's character interesting and the whole idea interesting but that is about it. The rest of the characters are poorly written and as I said above the story just falls off of a cliff and that is a major disappointment. 


The style of the film feels energetic and exciting as it introduces these characters and the world we are in and gets off to a good start. But similar to the rest of the film, the style gets more absurd and I just kind off wish there was more nuance to the plot and the pacing and gave the characters more interesting things to do. 


Overall, this is an above average film with a really good lead performance. It had real potential but falls flat in the last act, there is enough intrigue for people who watch a lot of films but those who don't probably give this one a skip. 

Rating - 6/10 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tribes of Europa Season 1 (2021) Review

Tribes of Europa Season 1 (2021) Review

On Friday, a new show came to Netflix called Tribes of Europa. It is a German show, so I watched it with subtitles as watching any foreign film or TV show it is the only way to go and here is my review for the first season. The premise of the show is set way in the future when the world has been devastated, Europe has been set into tribes and sees three siblings go on journeys throughout the continent looking to come together and survive. 

Main Character 

So there are three main characters who are all siblings trying to survive and I thought they were all good in their roles. The characters of Liv, Kiano & Elja are all different in their own ways and are all given interesting story arcs throughout the show, they all link together but manage to stay separate to give them the chance to shine and credit has to go to them for all delivering really strong performances. 

Supporting Characters

There are plenty of supporting characters but the best one is clearly the character of Moses played by experienced German actor Oliver Masucci who was in another highly rated German show Dark. He is basically the Han Solo of the show and is the loveable scoundrel that is full of energy and full of life, the best parts of the show is when he is on screen for sure. There are other really good supporting characters such as their Father, a character called Vavara and David. They all play their parts in the show and add intrigue and quality to the different story arcs. 


The story is good, I really liked the lore that is set up here, the crossing of sci-fi with action and survival was a good choice and seeing the different tribes and their different ideologies is unique and I hope we see more tribes in the future that makes them feel all vast and special. The characters stories all have an emotional core to them and they are interesting in their own different ways and set up an exciting future for the show. But my one criticism would be that, it feels very much like this season of the shows job was to set up things for the future and it does a good job of that but it also feels like it isn't quite complete and like it just had to get through these narratives to get to the stories they really want to tell. 


As said at the top this is a German spoken show but at times there are some English chucked in there and at first I was worried that would complicate things but actually I quite liked it. This is a show about a continent where people would speak different languages so it feels natural that people wouldn't just speak one language. This show does have some well done humour and some really dramatic moments mixed with interesting characters and that is a win for me. 


The show is brutal in terms of its action and it is great, the no hold back attitude makes it stand out and feel unique. The world building is really well done and I really like the universe that has been built and I think if they play their cards right they could have a big franchise for the future. But I sometimes felt like the pacing was a bit off, like we didn't see one element of the story as much and I know that not everything can have the same screen time but it did hurt it a bit for me. 


Overall, I thought this was a great show. I have seen some negative reviews but in my opinion you should ignore them and give this show a watch, if you like action heavy fantasy shows then Tribes of Europa could be one for you like it was for me. 

Rating - 8/10

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sasha Calle cast as Supergirl for The Flash Movie

Sasha Calle cast as Supergirl for The Flash Movie

Big news has come out that not only will Supergirl be a part of The Flash movie but she has already been cast by actress Sasha Calle. This is big news for this film but for DC as a whole and I am here to look at what this casting could mean. 

This is why the Supergirl TV Show is ending. 

Last year it was reported that the TV version of Supergirl was ending, there were many rumours as to why but I think we now have it. In the past Warner Bros have not wanted to have two versions of the same character between TV and film, we saw that with Arrow having to get rid of Deadshot and Amanda Waller before Suicide Squad came out. It is sad that a whole show has to end for this but hopefully that means big things are planned for the character on the big screen. 

Feels similar to Gal Gadot's casting as Wonder Woman  

When Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman it was met with surprise due to her lack of acting experience and similar could be considered here. Calle hasn't done too much on the big screen and it comes across as similar risk. But it worked for Gadot so why can't it work for Calle and I really hope it does. 

DC Could be looking for a new franchise player

A big thing I looked at with the casting is that Sasha Calle is a young actress only aged 25. I feel like why cast somebody this age unless you have long term plans for her and that is exciting. I have watched the show so I have seen plenty of the character but a fresh new take is good and plenty of people haven't seen the show so it could be their first big connection with the character. 

How big a role will she have in The Flash? 

The Flash has seemed like a cursed film from the start, it has been delayed and changed directors so many times but with the recent casting news of Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck as Batman it seemed like it was back in track and now this news really confirms that. If the story is in fact Flashpoint the question will be how much of a role will she play here and how she plays into the future of The DCEU. I'm expecting a smaller role setting her future up but who knows at this point. 

Does this mean the end of Henry Cavill's Superman? 

Ever since all the drama with the original Justice League nobody seems to know what the future is for Henry Cavill as Superman. Could this casting mean that these rumours will be put to bed, if DC sees Supergirl as a big player may it lessen their need to get Superman back. The TV universe has shown the positives and negatives to having them both around so the question will be if the films want to attempt that too. 


Overall, I have very little opinion on the actual casting as I know little about the actress. But I am excited to see Supergirl as a part of The DCEU and I hope she has a memorable part of The Flash and the larger universe as a whole. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

To Olivia (2021) Review

To Olivia (2021) Review

So To Olivia hit Sky today and I had some time so I decided to watch it and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film documents the story of Roald Dahl and his marriage to actress Patricia Neal and how they hit the rocks after a personal tragedy. 

Main Character

Hugh Bonneville plays Dahl here and I thought he did a good job in the role, in fact I would argue for a film like this he was the perfect choice for the role as this film is really up his street. Dahl is obviously an iconic character and this film does portray him as a very complex one, who goes through plenty of struggles in the film and I'm guessing his life and I think Bonneville captures that as well as he can here. 

Supporting Characters

Keely Hawes plays Neal and again I think she is good in her role, the two of them just have good chemistry together and manage to rise above a bit of a weak script to provide good moments and good characters. Hawes provides a strong performance and does a good job in standing side by side with Bonneville and sharing some really good scenes. There are some good smaller roles by Conleth Hill & Sam Heughan that add quality to the cast, I also thought all of the child actors gave good performances here too. 


I was expecting a bit of a nice film that doesn't have a good story but I was surprised with what I got. This film has some really dark moments in it and sees the two main characters go through real turmoil and adds depth to this whole idea. But this film lacks structure, it feels like a bunch of ideas chucked together and hope that they stick. Also despite thinking Bonneville did a good job I thought they made Dahl a pretty unlikeable character and it was actually pretty difficult to root for him and support him. 


This for me is the biggest weakness of the film, the script is just poor and not written very well. If it wasn't for the quality of the performers this film would have been a lot worse, it just lacks structure in its storytelling and making the film compelling. You are interested because of Roald Dahl, if it was a completely new story the film would have been much weaker. 


The film is clearly pretty cheap, but that doesn't really hurt it too much and it does a fine job in keeping you interested enough and did what it needed. It is funny though, the film is only 90 mins but I found it a bit slow and either it needed to be a bit longer or just film it to be a bit faster in pace. 


Overall, this is an above average film that is just fine. It doesn't do anything to really stand out but it is an okay film that if you like the description might be worth the 90 mins but I think the majority can give it a skip. 

Rating - 6/10

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Mortal Kombat (2021) Trailer Review

Mortal Kombat (2021) Trailer Review

So after many months of speculation we finally have a trailer for the new Mortal Kombat film coming out in April and it really delivers. Over the last few years I have become a big fan of this world through the games so I am very excited for this film and here are the main takeaways I got from this trailer. 

Sub-zero is the one to take Jax's arms  

In the video games Jax loses his arms when he is attacked by Ermac a sorcerer of the Netherealm. It seems like Ermac won't be a part of the film so that role will go to Sub-Zero, it seems the Special Forces are on the hunt for Sub-Zero for some reason. Over the years Sub-Zero has become more of a heroic character but it seems he is pretty antagonistic here and it brings into question exactly what version of the character we are going to see. 

The new character Cole Young looks the most boring part of the film

Even though the MK universe is filled with plenty of interesting characters, they decided that they needed a main protagonist called Cole Young who is an MMA fighter bought into this universe. It just feels unnecessary, why they couldn't have had Johnny Cage or hell even Stryker as this type of character is beyond me and I think the film is going to have to work hard to get me on board with him. 

We're going to see the death of Scorpion's family 

A scene in the trailer shows Hanzo Hasashi who later becomes Scorpion killing some foes. It seems like this will be where we see the death of his family, in the games this drives him to sacrifice his soul to become the demon Scorpion and it seems like this will be accurately depicted here. 

Kano is a good guy

This may be the biggest change for me, in the games Kano is one of the biggest villains but here he is clearly going to be a protagonist. I expect that it will seem like he will be working with Earthrealm before turning on them and revealing himself as a villain, though this is an interesting thing to see on screen. 

We get our first look at Shao Kahn 

For me Shao Kahn is the big bad of the Mortal Kombat universe, yes there have been others but he is the big dog. We see a statue of Outworld's ruler here and though it seems like they are saving him for a sequel it is nice to get a first look of him here and gets me excited to see his debut possibly in a sequel. 

We also get Goro

Another character who seems to have slipped into the film is the tournament champion of Goro. He was a part of the old films but the tech couldn't do him justice. the hope is here that he can be the dominant figure that he is in the games. 

We're getting Fatalities

In the games Mortal Kombat is brutal, it holds nothing back and finally it seems like the films are catching up as this film shows some brutal scenes and promises us with some fatalities that will hopefully be worth the wait all these years. 

Can the film balance the characters

This is something that I am worried about. This trailer makes it clear it is going to give us a huge amount of the video game characters with rich lore, but obviously not all of them can get the spotlight and I hope some fan favourites don't have small roles. I originally wanted a TV Show as I though it would be able to balance the characters but we have a film instead. 


Overall, this trailer got me so hyped for this film, I know video game movies have had a tough time but maybe just maybe this can be the one that changes that and really delivers a film that builds a big MK universe to build on in the future. 

Behind Her Eyes Mini Series (2021) Review

Behind Her Eyes Mini Series (2021) Review

I watched the trailer for Behind Her Eyes and I was pretty interested, this show is based on the book of the same name that came out a few years ago and I have watched the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a woman start an affair with her boss while becoming close friends with her wife. 

Main Character

Simona Brown plays the lead here and I thought she was a really good lead character or the show. In a show that is pretty crazy it is nice to see a character at least for the first few episodes seems normal and your everyday person going through struggles like normal people. Obviously, the show doesn't stay like that and she does a good job in the dramatic scenes and helps in really building the tension. 

Supporting Characters

Eve Hewson plays Adele and I thought she was the best part of the show, she just gives such a magnetic and complicated performance that easily makes her the most interesting character here and the one that keeps you on your toes in every episode that you see her. Tom Bateman plays David and he is probably the most generic of the characters but I still think he gives a good performance and fills his role well, just like the other two characters he changes and progresses as the show goes on and it is well done. The only other character really is played by Robert Aramayo who plays Robert, he is involved in a story with Adele and it adds layers and depth to the show. 


When I describe the plot up the top you probably think this is a pretty paint by numbers story but that couldn't be further from the truth. This show hits a few different genres and I don't really want to talk about it too much as I went into every episode not expecting what comes next and the show really deserves credit for that. But there are some things that don't work here and are underdeveloped and it feels like they are just rushed over and not really explained well enough. Now onto what everyone is talking about and that is the ending, when the book came out everybody said the ending was a crazy twist and the show does not disappoint in that way. I feel like some people will like it and some will hate it, for me I credit the bravery for it but I think it just overreached to far. 


The script is okay, there are some good dramatic moments and the intensity does get raised to pretty uncomfortable levels and it does it well enough. But there is some cheesy dialogue and moments that don't work and really drag it down, plus some of the writing seems confused and like they have to fit a lot into this show. 


The show looks good, it has a decent look and does keep you wanting to watch more for sure. It has a binge able feel about it and it does a good job of keeping you invested enough to keep you watching. But this show does have a bit of a pacing issue, it doesn't really sink its claws till the 2nd or 3rd episode and by then some people may not be patient enough for it. 


Overall, this is a good show that is a pretty easy and interesting watch. I would recommend this to people who like psychological thrillers who can accept the unbelievable parts as it has decent moments but maybe others can take a skip. 

Rating - 7/10

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Thor (2011) Review

Thor (2011) Review

Next on my list for MCU films that I am reviewing is the first Thor film that came out in 2011 and really started this franchise up and here is my review for it. The premise sees an arrogant Thor forced to Earth and without his power where he has to attempt to recover his power in time to save both Earth and his home of Asgard. 

Main Character 

It's funny that when this film came out in 2011, Chris Hemsworth was not a well known star and this film threw him into stardom and he is really great here. He actually plays a layered version of the character and you see a really good character arc, he starts the film in one way and by the end you feel like he has earned his acclaim and it would be the start of a bright future for him and the character. 

Supporting Cast

This film also has a fantastic supporting cast with the best being Tom Hiddleston in his first portrayal of Loki. The film is best when it focuses on the relationship between him and Hemsworth and that is due to the great performances between the two of them. Hiddleston nails the real tragedy and depth to do with the character and he easily rises above a one note villain and a character that you can feel real sympathy with and despite being the villain having some sort of connection with him and want to see him put back on the right track. Anthony Hopkins plays Odin and he is also great and actually an important part of the film. With Hiddleston and Hemsworth being lesser known actors Hopkins had to aid them and provide plenty and he did here with him being the strict father very well and if you are gonna have some drop exposition you might as well have Anthony Hopkins. Natalie Portman plays Jane Foster for the first time and I think she is decent in the film, I feel like her character isn't particularly interesting but the dynamic between her and Hemsworth is good here and is a decent romance here. Kat Dennings, Clark Gregg, Stellan Skarsgard & Idris Elba also do decent jobs here and really lead to this having a very good cast and maybe one of the better ones in the MCU. 


The story is decent, as I said above the film really thrives when it focuses on the relationship between Thor & Loki and how there characters act and develop as the film progresses. Also it is interesting seeing Thor weakened for the majority of this film and seeing him have to work to improve himself does work for this story. But for a first introduction to the character it does feel like Thor is missing for quite a bit of the film in his glory and maybe something could have been changed there. Also this films plot definitely goes through a lull in the second act and it can't keep the intrigue up but it does recover by the end of the film. 


The script is really well written, Sir Kenneth Branagh who has been known for his Shakespearean fields directed this movie and he took that knowledge and naturally fit it in here, especially in the relationship between Loki and Thor. This film also has some good comic relief and this film had good drama but also plenty of laughs to be had. 


The style of the film is okay, there are some alright action scenes and the film moves briskly by and keeps moving throughout. But the film does have some issues and that is mainly due to the big action set pieces being poorly filmed and the fact that the CGI looks pretty bad which is a big issue when it is film like this. Obviously, this was Thor's first outing so I guess this could have been expected but it is a criticism for sure. 


Overall, this is a great first film in the Thor franchise. It brings this character to the mainstream and provided a really fun film that fits the MCU tone and is an easy watch that if you are a fan of the universe or want to be then give this film a watch. 

Rating - 8/10

Monday, February 15, 2021

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel (2021) Series Review

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel (2021) Series Review

Last month Netflix announced this new documentary called Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel and it had many intrigued including myself and that is why today I sat down and watched the four episodes for the documentary and here is my review for it. The premise of the documentary sees in 2013 a young girl go missing from a hotel, but this hotel has a shady history. 

First onto the positives, this is a really harrowing case and when the investigators are taking you through it you really feel for them and you go through the same mindset as them. The case starts off in a really interesting way and I can't deny that it sucks you in and makes you investigate with them. 

It also helps that this hotel is actually really interesting. Some of the guests that have stayed there are outrageous and some of the harrowing things that have happened there is like something out of a movie it is that crazy. I wish this could have been explored more as I couldn't believe this hotel was allowed to operate and stay open when all of the things ae revealed. 

But this show really falls flat, it feels like there was enough content for a couple of episodes but they wanted to stretch it out and it just felt like there was plenty of unnecessary content here to do with elements of LA and it felt like it didn't really feel like it had to be here. 

This show also falls apart when it introduces this group of youtoubers who feel like they are only here to try and promote their channels and it becomes really annoying and they don't really add much to the whole thing. In fact the show does a good job in showing how terrible these people were and people continue to be even though I don't think that was their intention. 

This show also relies on lots of speculation and theories without supporting evidence. It just feels like we're watching a group of people who aren't experts give their opinion that really doesn't matter and that nobody cares about. 

Overall, this show has a really interesting start and idea but it just doesn't know how to execute and that is why for me it really falls flat and ends up being very average despite a strong start. 

Rating - 5/10 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Trailer Review

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Trailer Review 

Easily the most anticipated film in the next few months is Zack Snyder's Justice League and even though it is Valentines Day, the fandom got another present with a new and hopefully last trailer for the film and there is plenty to digest and here are my thoughts on all of it. 

Could Lex Luthor play a role here? 

Straight off the go we hear a voiceover from Lex Luthor played by Jesse Eisenberg about how Superman's death in Batman V Superman has called forward the forces of Apokolips. Now I know this is pretty much the same dialogue as his sequence in the previous film but could Luthor be in this film. He does have a connection to Apokolips and it has been reported that The Deathstroke reshoot scenes involved breaking Luthor out of jail but could Luthor even be aligned with Darkseid and Steppenwolf which would see him being more involved with the story. 

Feels more like a Batman V Superman sequel

One of the big criticisms of the theatrical cut of Justice League is that it basically ignored plenty of the things that happened in Batman V Superman. Well this version of the film is going to rectify that by addressing the Knightmare scenes in large detail and really emphasise there part in the plot.

Darskesid look amazing but how much of a part will he play? 

We get our clearest look at Darkseid yet as he is shown on Apokolpis with Steppenwolf, Desaad & Granny Goodness and he looks incredible. Plenty of time has clearly gone into the look of the character and in that department he does not disappoint. My slight issue is how much of a role will he play, it seems that Steppenwolf will still be the main villain so will Darkseid not do much. With no sequel in the plans at all, will Darkseid be wasted here and a missed opportunity. 

Steppenwolf will be more brutal in this cut

Steppenwolf was a boring villain in the theatrical cut and honestly nothing here has made me think he will be any different in The Snyder Cut. But I think his look and design is improved here and he is clearly going to be more of a physical threat to the heroes. With the film being Rated R it will allow them to be a bit more violent and his character is the one who can really benefit from that. 

The Black Suited Superman looks awesome 

For many years people have wanted to see the black suited Superman and finally this version of Justice League will give us that and it looks glorious. This isn't the first time we have seen the costume but this is the most we have seen of it in action and it looks so great, I know by the end of the film he will have to have his old colours back but for a one off this costume really works. 

The Joker is here and seems to be aligned with Batman 

Right at the end of the trailer we get the big kicker and that is the appearance of Jared Leto as Joker. Now straight away he is acting less weird which is a good thing. The reports of him being in the Knightmare scenes are confirmed here and surprisingly so are the ones where it seems he is working with Batman. Potentially they are teaming up to take down an evil Superman for their own gain but I am actually looking forward to seeing the dynamic between the two and hope it can continue the legacy of great Batman/Joker dynamics. 

What is going on in The Knightmare scenes? 

Bruce Wayne confirms in this trailer that the dream is the motivation for assembling the Justice League and we are getting more of that with The Joker involvement but why and how are these scenes happening. In the scene with The Joker you can see Cyborg behind Batman, it is doubtful that the character would be part of his visions so why is he there and could it have something to do with Time Travel. In the previous trailer it seems like we see The Flash time travelling so instead of dreams could this world be the future if the villains win that at least some of the League travel to. 


Overall, I can't help it I am so excited for The Snyder Cut and I am really hoping that it lives up to the hype and delivers the film that so many people have wanted to see for so long now. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

ZeroZeroZero (2021) Series Review

ZeroZeroZero (2021) Series Review

This show has been heavily marketed by Sky, so even though it has taken me a bit longer then I expected or wanted I have watched the eight episodes of ZeroZeroZero and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a cocaine shipment making its way to Europe, which affects shady groups of Americans, Italians & Mexicans in unique ways. 

Main Character

There are so many characters in this show with pretty equal screen time but I decided to choose the most recognisable actors to me and probably the majority of people as the main characters Andrea Riseborough & Dane DeHaan. They are both good actors and that shows here with them both giving pretty decent performances but the issue is with their characters. Despite their decent acting I never cared about either of them and I found it difficult to become invested in their story so it kind of shut me off despite the fact I can clearly see they are giving decent performances. 

Supporting Characters

There are also plenty of supporting characters with the best one for me being the character of Manuel played Harold Torres. I thought this guy was great and his part of the story was the most interesting and captivating and a lot of that was due to him. He has an interesting character and as you find out more about him and his beliefs you see just how twisted everything around him is. The rest of the cast didn't do too much for me, the whole Italian part of the story was disappointing and the characters just weren't particularly interesting and that does harm the show. 


As I've alluded to above there are really three elements of the story and the Mexican stuff is the best by far. The politics are interesting and I think the motivations of the characters was at its best in that arc and had me at my most interesting. The American stuff was also fine but didn't hit the levels of the other story. The problem is that the stories don't connect that much and they just became a bit convoluted. Like there is a point in time where the Italian story isn't seen for 2 episodes so I forgot what was going on with it and why I should care about it. The ending of the show didn't do too much for me 
and felt like it played it pretty safe and not fulfilling enough. 


Again a similar story with the script, the writing for the characters in Mexico is interesting, thought provoking and captivating but that is only one portion for the show and it feels like the rest of the show lacks that. There are some generic bits and it isn't fully explained why certain characters have the motivations that they have and it doesn't help the show at all. 


The show has some heavy hitting action scenes and some brutal moments that really remind you of the harsh reality of the world the show is in. The cinematography is also great and the show does a really good job of making all three parts of the story feel different and have the look and sound design fit those places. But the pacing of the show is all over the place, it is way too slow and has too many episodes. By having the three stories it feels unfocused and like certain stories get ignored at times and this makes you care less, I just wish either cut one of the stories or make them connect in greater detail earlier. 


Overall, I thought this was a pretty average paint by numbers show. I've looked online and seen really positive reviews so maybe this is just one I can't connect with and it is good for people. But for me unless you love cartel and gang shows then I wouldn't spend time on ZeroZeroZero. 

Rating - 5/10

Thursday, February 11, 2021

News of the World (2021) Review

News of the World (2021) Review 

So another film that was meant to come to the Cinema in the UK but made its way to Netflix is here and it is the new Tom Hanks film News of the World and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set in 1870 and sees a war veteran agree to take a stranded girl to a place she can call home. 

Main Character

This is probably the most obvious thing about this film but Tom Hanks is really good here, I mean when isn't he good. He has such a presence on the screen and is easily the best thing here, his character isn't the most unique ever but Hanks manages to elevate him and make him an interesting character and one that you can easily root for. 

Supporting Characters

This film doesn't really have many supporting characters, it is just people coming in and then leaving before you get the chance to get interested or give an appraisal of their performance. This is of course not true for the main supporting character the young girl played by Helena Zengel and I read that this was her first ever English speaking film so maybe I should be lenient on her but I just can't be because I just found her character annoying. I'm pretty sure it's not her fault but the character was written poorly and the only reason I cared about the plot and things is because of the strength of Hanks performance. Hopefully Zengel keeps doing English speaking films as I think there is quality here and maybe she just needs a bit more experience. 


The story was a mixed bag for me, Hanks personal story and development as the film progresses is well handled and Hanks does a great job with that and seeing these characters travelling through the west is pretty cool. But I also felt very little actually happened, it is like these mini stories that don't connect very well and it was just these two people going through the west with little direction. Also the ending is really predictable, no spoilers but it goes about as you would expect which is a bit disappointing. 


The script is okay, kind of like the story Hanks delivers some great lines and his character is well written but the rest of the film isn't that great. I didn't fully buy into the relationship between the two of them and as I said before the film is split into smaller parts and it doesn't quite work and feels like a bit of a hodgepodge of stories. 


The style of the film visually is fantastic, the West looks amazing and I think this film deserved to be seen in a cinema because it has a great look. But this film is very slow paced and it really holds the film back, if the story had been better then maybe it could have worked but I was just waiting for it to get going. 


Overall, I had high expectations with Tom Hanks & Director Paul Greengrass but this film let me down. It is just a very average western with a good lead performance and nothing else that stands out. If you like westerns and Hanks then maybe give it a go but it won't be one I ever rush to see again. 

Rating - 5/10

Gina Carano Fired as Cara Dune in The Mandalorian - What does this mean for The Star Wars TV Future

Gina Carano Fired as Cara Dune in The Mandalorian - What does this mean for The Star Wars TV Future

So big news came out over night that due to some recent controversial comments by actress Gina Carano she has been fired from her role as Cara Dune in The Mandalorian. This is sad news because I thought she was one of the best characters on the show and I am not here to discuss whether this was the right or wrong decision but just what this means for the future of the character and the show. 

This news has been coming for a while

Unfortunately, when I read this news I wasn't that surprised and that is because this has been building for a while. While the second season of the show was airing the pressure was building on Disney to let the actress go because of comments she had made but the show held strong. It just seems the most recent comments were the straw that broke the camel's back and they made this decision. 

Has cost her to be a lead of a new show

It has also cost her the chance to be the main focal point in one of the new shows, probably The Rangers of The New Republic. Reports came out that Disney were set to reveal her as the lead for the show at the announcement event but changed their mind when all the issues came out. 

Will probably see the character killed off screen

It hasn't been confirmed that the character won't be recast but I think it is unlikely that Cara Dune will remain a part of the Star Wars TV universe. That means she has to be written off somehow and usually the easiest option is to kill them off screen and I think this might be the way Disney go, though if they keep her alive it could lead to an eventual return if things can be sorted. 

Will probably mean a rethink about Rangers of The New Republic

As I theorised earlier, I do believe that Cara Dune was supposed to play a large role in The Rangers of The New Republic show but that has had to change. The question is now will a different existing character be dragged across to take her spot or will a new character have to take centre stage, I'm not really fussed either way but it will be interesting either way. 


Overall, as I said at the top, this news sucks and has robbed us of a great Star Wars character. But this is the situation that we are in and hopefully eventually Carano's career can recover and it doesn't affect the future of Star Wars too much. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

First look of Jared Leto as Joker in The Snyder Cut revealed

First look of Jared Leto as Joker in The Snyder Cut revealed 

So as we get closer to the release date for The Snyder Cut we are getting more and more promotional material and yesterday showed the first look of Jared Leto's return of The Joker and there is actually quite a bit to break down so here are my thoughts on the image and Leto's role in the film. 

Will be a part of The Knightmare Scenes

The whole idea of the Knightmare timeline was introduced in Batman V Superman, seeing a world destroyed by Darkseid and an evil Superman, with Batman fighting them. This Joker is older then the one we have seen and clearly more ragged, it has been confirmed that this character is a part of this timeline and this is where he will be involved. 

Will only be a small role

It has been confirmed that there is only 4 minutes of new footage from the recently filmed reshoots that we know Leto was a part of. This confirms the news that his role in this film is going to be really small, even with the lack of screen time hopefully this cameo can be memorable enough to redeem the character. 

Jared Leto & Ben Affleck will finally go head to head

Apart from a small scene in Suicide Squad, Leto and Affleck haven't gone face to face as a Batman & Joker but it has been confirmed that they will here. There have been some interesting rumours about how their relationship will be represented on screen. 

The tattoos are gone 

One of the biggest criticism's of Leto's Joker in Suicide Squad was the actual design and look of the character, mainly the tattoos that really were distracting. Especially the one on his head saying damaged, but we now know at least that tattoo and probably the others are completely gone and this look is much better. 

Will be a different take on the character 

A mix of lack of screen time and weird acting really let down Leto's Joker and probably made him the worst incarnation of the character. But the way that Snyder describes it, it seems like that is gone and this Joker will be more serious and be more appropriate for this film and the sequences that he is a part of. 


Like many, I didn't like Leto's portrayal of Joker in Suicide Squad, though I don't think it was all his fault. If looks are anything to go by this version of the character looks like a big improvement and hopefully with the minimal screen time can be a memorable part of the film. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Greenland (2021) Review

Greenland (2021) Review 

So this film came out in some cinemas in the US late last year but has only just come to The UK via Amazon and I have watched Greenland and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a family attempting to survive when a Comet threatens the Earth. 

Main Character 

Gerard Butler plays the lead here and I thought for the film that is being shown to us he does a really good job. He just plays the leading man well and is a pretty convincing lead in the film, his character isn't the most revolutionary and unique but again for the film that Greenland is I think he does a good job. 

Supporting Characters

Morena Baccarin plays his wife and again she is perfectly adequate for this film, she provides some good emotion to the scenes that she is a part of and I thought her and Butler had pretty decent chemistry. Roger Dale Floyd plays their kid and usually films like this having a kid actor can be a death sentence but I thought he was good and he adds plenty to his role and is one of the better parts of the film. Everybody else is solid too, with a nice small role for Scott Glenn which is always good to see. 


Look the story is overall ridiculous, it's a disaster movie what do you expect? But I actually think this film has a decent story that rises above that simple genre. The first act of the film is really good and I like how the film shows the different lengths that humans will go to survive as it actually felt pretty realistic. It's just the film can't keep the intrigue going and the entire last act is bland and feels like your generic disaster film and that is very disappointing. 


Again the script is actually pretty good, giving some dramatic moments and really raises the stakes for the situation the characters are in. It is just this film doesn't really have many of those slower character moments and it could have done with those to give a little break from the huge end of the world drama. Also again maybe some creativity and intrigue could have been added to the thinking for the end of the film.


The style of the film feels really big in scale and pretty impressive and that definitely helps in the quality of the film. The issue is with the pacing of the film, after the first act it kind of falls flat and doesn't do a good job of keeping you interested throughout. 


Overall, I actually think Greenland is a decent film. I usually am not a huge fan of disaster films but there are plenty of worse things you can do for two hours then watch Greenland. 

Rating - 7/10

Monday, February 8, 2021

Malcolm & Marie (2021) Review

Malcolm & Marie (2021) Review

This is one of the few films that managed to be filmed during the pandemic and Netflix have now released Malcolm & Marie and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a director and his girlfriend question everything when they return from the premier of his new film. 

Main Characters 

Usually I would split the acting into two categories but considering there are literally only two people in this film it seems logical to just put them both in this section. John David Washington plays Malcolm & Zendaya plays Marie and they are both fantastic here. They literally have to carry this film on their backs and they do it superbly well, they deliver monologues that just keep going and feel like they are very real to them and the story that the characters were going through. When the nominations for the Oscars come out I would be stunned if both of these two aren't nominated for two really, really strong performances that should be seen and appreciated. 


The story is interesting, it basically is set in one location and sees a night in these two peoples lives and how their relationship basically unravels and come to a head. The strength is in the performances and the way that they get you to grapple onto their characters and the turmoil more then the actual strength of the plot. There are elements that work, but at times at least for me it felt like we were going in circles and were padding for time and I actually think this film could have been more effective with less if that makes sense. 


The dialogue is well written and it feels very raw and emotional, heck it makes you question if these two should even be together and which one of them is the worst. It allows both Washington & Zendaya to have effective moments and big acting scenes. But I will say this does feel a bit one dimensional, it feels like Washington will have a monologue, then Zendaya will and then rinse and repeat with very little in breaking up the structure.


The film is presented in Black & White and I am not exactly sure the reason for this but it was effective to say the least, it just made the film stand out and feel a bit more unique. But this film was too long for me, as I mentioned above I think this film would have been way more effective if it was at least 15mins shorter and really had no filler and hit the queues that it needed. 


Overall, this is a good movie that is really well acted. I will say that this is a film that will divide opinion but I think if you want to see a film with really strong acting and intensity then Malcolm and Marie is a decent shout. 

Rating - 7/10

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Season 1 (2021) Super Bowl Trailer Review

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Season 1 (2021) Super Bowl Trailer Review 

So the Super bowl was last night and historically that means plenty of big Hollywood trailers but not this year, due to the pandemic there were very few trailers with the biggest being The Falcon and The Winter Soldier and I have watched it and here are the biggest things I noticed. 

The show is teasing both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes as the new Captain America

After the ending of Avengers: Endgame it seemed clear that Sam Wilson would become the new Captain America in The MCU but this show does question that. We see both Sam & Bucky wielding the shield in the show and that brings up the question to who will end up with the shield. In the comics both of them have been Captain America so this isn't a predictable ending and one that is interesting for sure. 

The villainous Terrorist Group have powers 

We have seen Erin Kellyman leading a group of villains here going against the protagonists with not a lot being known about them. But we see her character going toe to toe with Barnes and considering his enhancements this surely means she has powers or advanced weaponry in order to do that and whether that will play a large part of the story. 

Why is the show hiding the US Agent?

It has been known for a while that in the show the US government will be bringing in their new Captain America who is a bit unhinged but apart from one shot of him running in a stadium that is all we have seen. I think the fact that we haven't seen a lot of him means that he is going to play a crucial part of the show and there is some unique twist with the character that even hardcore comic book fans aren't expecting. 

Sharon Carter is finally getting something to do

Emily VanCamp has been a good fit in the MCU as Sharon Carter but I think everybody can agree that she has been really underutilised and we have not seen the best of her yet. It seems she is still going to be on the run after the events of Civil War and this trailer shows her throwing down and that is great to see. 

Zemo is going to be the real wildcard of the show

For me Zemo is one of the best villains of The MCU so it is fantastic to see him back for this show and it seems like he is transitioning to something of his comic book character. Seeing the purple mask is going to be great in live action, the question has to be what is he doing? There have been rumours of a reluctant team up with the heroes but this trailer basically rules that out and he is still trying to rid the world of superheroes and will be going after the heroes. With their being quite a few villains here, it will be interesting to see how exactly he is used here. 


Overall, this is looking like a big budget show, with the success of WandaVision, the hope is that this show can keep the momentum up and really bring in the MCU Disney+ era to a great start. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

It's a Sin (2021) Series Review

It's a Sin (2021) Series Review

Here in the UK the new TV craze has been this show It's A Sin and I have found the time to watch it and here is my review of it. The premise of the show sees the lives of 5 people who are affected by cultural issues and the rise of the AIDS epidemic. 

Main Character

Olly Alexander plays the main character here and he is fantastic which is amazing when you look through his past work and there is very little here so hopefully he gets more work in the future. He is a very charismatic and outgoing person and it really works for the show, he also has a real arc and as you see the character develop he becomes more interesting and you do grow to care about him. 

Supporting Characters

This show is filled with young up and coming performers and the next one is Lydia West who plays Jill who is great, she has her own story away from the others and it is a really important aspect of the show and she does a great job with it. The rest of the young cast, Nathaniel Curtis, Omari Douglas & Callum Scott Howells play other members of the friendship circle and I won't go into so much detail about their individual character arcs but all of them have such good chemistry together and you truly believe that these people are really close friends and have a great relationship and that is incredibly effective. It is also cool seeing more seasoned actors like Neil Patrick Harris and Stephen Fry have smaller roles and really add some legitimacy to the show that we are watching. 


This show has a really impactful and important story about it. It does a really great job of showcasing Gay culture in the 1980's and how it is different for many people and where they come from as well. All the characters have really good personal journeys and the show mixes the humour and drama incredibly well and makes you really care about these people. Though my one criticism comes from the length of time the show spans, its story lasts 10 years but it really doesn't feel like it, the characters are no older, they act no differently and seem to have barely progressed and it just feels strange and maybe a different method could have been used. 


The script is fantastic with some expert writing. The mix of drama and humour is really well done, you will go from laughing to crying pretty quickly and there aren't many shows or films that can do that but It's a Sin nails it very well. 


The show has a great style, it shows the lifestyle the characters have really well and doesn't hold anything back which makes it feel really authentic and more gritty.  The show is 5 episodes long and that feels like a great length and the pacing is great with the show keeping you invested throughout. 


Overall, this is a fantastic show and one of the surprise hits already of 2021. Even if you think this might not interest you, trust me give it a chance and you might think it is as good as I do. 

Rating - 9/10

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Iron Man 2 (2010) Review

Iron Man 2 (2010) Review

In my prep for Black Widow hopefully coming out in May I decided to watch all of The MCU films and this is one of the most important as Iron Man 2 is the debut for the character and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Tony Stark have to deal with declining health while a man from his fathers past comes for revenge. 

Main Character

Robert Downey Jnr is back as Tony Stark and what can you really say of course he is great, this was the character he was born to play and he continues his great work here. You can tell he is allowed to ab-lib a lot of his lines and he is so charismatic and I like how despite him now being more of a heroic figure he is still a bit of an egotistical narcissist but it fits his character. He goes through plenty of drama in this film and he does a good job with it and you feel sorry for him as he goes through some pretty bad times in the film. 

Supporting Characters

Gwyneth Paltrow is back as Pepper Potts and she is once again very good here, the dynamic between her and Downey Jnr is one of the best in The MCU and it really develops nicely and it feels very different from the previous film and like a worthy progression for the characters. Sam Rockwell plays Justin Hammer and for me alongside Downey Jnr is the highlight of the film and just looks like he is having so much fun in the role. His character is a good parallel to Stark and I liked that he was included here and felt that he was a nice change of pace from usual comic book bad guys. Don Cheadle takes the place of Terrence Howard as Rhodey and he is a good addition to the cast with his own character and arc here, I just kind of wish he was given a bit more screen time to shine here. Mickey Rourke plays the big villain and wow he is terrible here, it is well documented that he hated making this film and only did it for the money and it clearly shows. His character is paper thin and the ridiculous accent doesn't help and it is a shame that they couldn't get an actor who wanted to be there. So Scarlett Johansson plays Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow for the first time and honestly I don't think she is great here and I don't really think it is her fault. For the most part her character is just someone that Tony Stark can ogle at and it isn't till the end of the film where she gets a bit of time to shine but by then it's too late, luckily she is given much better in the future. 


There is a personal element to this film and I think in some cases it does work and looks at Tony Stark's legacy and how he will be remembered, it seems to affect him on a more personal level then the first film and that is done effectively. But this films story is let down mainly because of the fact that there is way too much going on, the first film's plot is very effective because it is streamlined and allowed to hit the emotion but this film does the opposite. The film has lots of characters to balance and it spends too much of its time setting up to future franchises that it hurts the overall quality of the film. 


The script has some good humour in that will make you laugh, I do question how much of it is ab-libbed by the actors but nonetheless I laughed quite a bit in the film. I did compliment the story if the characters but I thought the drama is lacking here, and it doesn't hit the level needed to really make you buy into the emotion. Also having to balance all the different story arcs can't have helped them when having to right this film. 


The film has some good action scenes that definitely raises the stakes in terms of the scale and allows the film to show Iron Man's more capability. But the pacing of the film is all over the place, the film feels way longer then it needs to and it makes the film at times feel like a drag which a film like this really shouldn't. 


Overall, this is a decent comic book film. But after the success of Iron Man it is a big step down and a big example to how bigger doesn't always mean better. It is a necessary watch for fans of Marvel films but if you didn't like the first film then this probably won't convert you. 

Rating - 6/10

The Incredible Hulk (2008) Review

The Incredible Hulk (2008) Review

Next on the list of MCU films is the forgotten film in the franchise The Incredible Hulk and I re-watched it last night and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Bruce Banner travel the world looking for a cure for his Hulk problem while the US army hunt him down and try and gain his power. 

Main Character

It is easy to forget that Edward Norton was the original Bruce Banner in the MCU and he is really good in this film. I just really like the small frame of Norton as Banner compared to the huge Hulk and the film does a great job of showing that and it feels really intense when he transitions into The Hulk. He is a character that is easy to root for and he delivers in a role that it is a bit of a shame we never got to see him in again.

Supporting Characters 

William Hurt plays General Ross and he is great, he is a really good antagonist for the film and it is like he was born to play the role of a US Army General and he knocks it out of the park here and is a nice addition. Tim Roth plays Emil Blonsky and again I think he is a very interesting antagonist, I just really like how even though he is basically a normal army guy he isn't intimidated by The Hulk and wants to go one on one with him and it adds a fascinating dynamic. Liv Tyler plays Betty Ross and I thought she and Norton had a really good dynamic, she is a pretty strong love interest and it felt pretty natural and there are some really good moments between the two of them. 


The story is good, the best thing it does is avoids the origin story and starts the film in a really interesting place with Banner already on the run from the government and it is interesting seeing him trying to find this cure for the Hulk even though you pretty much know where it is going to go. For me though it is the films final act where it falls down, there is a big CGI battle and it is nowhere near as good as the rest of the film and I really wish the final battle had gone in a different direction then it did. Also the film seems to be confused about how Banner changes into The Hulk and it really bugs me in this film as it feels like just an excuse for some comedic moments. 


The script is good in fact I think it is pretty good indeed. The drama feels real and very personal for Banner and the relationships between characters are really well handled and natural feeling. The humour mostly works, I have the issues above but it isn't enough for me to take points off of the overall rating. 


The style is decent, the pacing is really good for the film and keeps it moving at a brisk pace and keeping you interesting throughout, also when Hulk is wrecking army guys that is really cool. But this film is held back a bit by its age as the CGI doesn't look very good and is clearly dated. Whereas Iron Man still looks great this film doesn't hold up so well. 


Overall, despite the fact it is mostly forgotten this is a great film with plenty of upside. If you are watching the Marvel films then don't miss this one out as it is certainly worth the time of day. 

Rating - 8/10

Monday, February 1, 2021

Black Panther Spinoff Series announced by Disney

Black Panther Spinoff Series announced by Disney 

After the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman last year the future of Black Panther was up in the air. But Black Panther 2 has been confirmed by Marvel Studios and tonight the news has come out that the Director Ryan Coogler will be making a Disney+ show based in Wakanda in the future and here are my immediate thoughts on it. 

Does this mean the end of the Black Panther Films? 

With the announcement of the Disney+ shows it made people think whether that meant the end of the film franchises and now the question has to be asked of Black Panther, probably more then the others due to the tragedy. But I personally believe this show will be a companion piece to the films and I think this gives Marvel a chance to further explore the mythos of Wakanda that has been so well handled so far. 

Should either focus on M'Baku or Shuri

Rumours have been circulating that either M'Baku or Shuri will be the ones taking over the mantle of Black Panther in the sequel and I would prefer Shuri but I think either would be a good idea. I think that this show should focus on the one that doesn't take on the role and focus on them and what they get up to away from the whole Black Panther mantle. 

Should also focus on the Dora Milaje

The Dora Milaje are the elite guard of The Black Panther and have also been one of the most interesting aspects of the films with Okoye being a great character. I just feel there is so much that can be explored and hopefully either this show or a different one in the future can give us more to work with. 

Will Wakanda shows be mostly separate from the rest of The MCU?

It seems like this is the first of a few shows based on characters from Wakanda and could that be the start of kind of separating these characters from the greater MCU. It seems crazy to even suggest but with the whole Black Panther stuff then maybe this will be something fresh and something that doesn't need big crossovers. 


Overall, this is just another exciting addition to Disney+'s Marvel content and hopefully it really delivers and add to the quality of The Black Panther franchise.