Thursday, February 18, 2021

Behind Her Eyes Mini Series (2021) Review

Behind Her Eyes Mini Series (2021) Review

I watched the trailer for Behind Her Eyes and I was pretty interested, this show is based on the book of the same name that came out a few years ago and I have watched the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a woman start an affair with her boss while becoming close friends with her wife. 

Main Character

Simona Brown plays the lead here and I thought she was a really good lead character or the show. In a show that is pretty crazy it is nice to see a character at least for the first few episodes seems normal and your everyday person going through struggles like normal people. Obviously, the show doesn't stay like that and she does a good job in the dramatic scenes and helps in really building the tension. 

Supporting Characters

Eve Hewson plays Adele and I thought she was the best part of the show, she just gives such a magnetic and complicated performance that easily makes her the most interesting character here and the one that keeps you on your toes in every episode that you see her. Tom Bateman plays David and he is probably the most generic of the characters but I still think he gives a good performance and fills his role well, just like the other two characters he changes and progresses as the show goes on and it is well done. The only other character really is played by Robert Aramayo who plays Robert, he is involved in a story with Adele and it adds layers and depth to the show. 


When I describe the plot up the top you probably think this is a pretty paint by numbers story but that couldn't be further from the truth. This show hits a few different genres and I don't really want to talk about it too much as I went into every episode not expecting what comes next and the show really deserves credit for that. But there are some things that don't work here and are underdeveloped and it feels like they are just rushed over and not really explained well enough. Now onto what everyone is talking about and that is the ending, when the book came out everybody said the ending was a crazy twist and the show does not disappoint in that way. I feel like some people will like it and some will hate it, for me I credit the bravery for it but I think it just overreached to far. 


The script is okay, there are some good dramatic moments and the intensity does get raised to pretty uncomfortable levels and it does it well enough. But there is some cheesy dialogue and moments that don't work and really drag it down, plus some of the writing seems confused and like they have to fit a lot into this show. 


The show looks good, it has a decent look and does keep you wanting to watch more for sure. It has a binge able feel about it and it does a good job of keeping you invested enough to keep you watching. But this show does have a bit of a pacing issue, it doesn't really sink its claws till the 2nd or 3rd episode and by then some people may not be patient enough for it. 


Overall, this is a good show that is a pretty easy and interesting watch. I would recommend this to people who like psychological thrillers who can accept the unbelievable parts as it has decent moments but maybe others can take a skip. 

Rating - 7/10

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