Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Greenland (2021) Review

Greenland (2021) Review 

So this film came out in some cinemas in the US late last year but has only just come to The UK via Amazon and I have watched Greenland and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a family attempting to survive when a Comet threatens the Earth. 

Main Character 

Gerard Butler plays the lead here and I thought for the film that is being shown to us he does a really good job. He just plays the leading man well and is a pretty convincing lead in the film, his character isn't the most revolutionary and unique but again for the film that Greenland is I think he does a good job. 

Supporting Characters

Morena Baccarin plays his wife and again she is perfectly adequate for this film, she provides some good emotion to the scenes that she is a part of and I thought her and Butler had pretty decent chemistry. Roger Dale Floyd plays their kid and usually films like this having a kid actor can be a death sentence but I thought he was good and he adds plenty to his role and is one of the better parts of the film. Everybody else is solid too, with a nice small role for Scott Glenn which is always good to see. 


Look the story is overall ridiculous, it's a disaster movie what do you expect? But I actually think this film has a decent story that rises above that simple genre. The first act of the film is really good and I like how the film shows the different lengths that humans will go to survive as it actually felt pretty realistic. It's just the film can't keep the intrigue going and the entire last act is bland and feels like your generic disaster film and that is very disappointing. 


Again the script is actually pretty good, giving some dramatic moments and really raises the stakes for the situation the characters are in. It is just this film doesn't really have many of those slower character moments and it could have done with those to give a little break from the huge end of the world drama. Also again maybe some creativity and intrigue could have been added to the thinking for the end of the film.


The style of the film feels really big in scale and pretty impressive and that definitely helps in the quality of the film. The issue is with the pacing of the film, after the first act it kind of falls flat and doesn't do a good job of keeping you interested throughout. 


Overall, I actually think Greenland is a decent film. I usually am not a huge fan of disaster films but there are plenty of worse things you can do for two hours then watch Greenland. 

Rating - 7/10

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