Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I Care A Lot (2021) Review

I Care A Lot (2021) Review

This film made its way to Amazon Prime over the weekend and last night I had the chance to watch I Care A Lot and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a crooked legal guardian have her life turn upside down when she tries to swindle a mob boss's family. 

Main Character

Really ever since her amazing performance in Gone Girl, Rosamund Pike has been on the rise and she plays the lead character here and I thought she was really good in the film. I must say she plays one of the worse and most despicable people ever put on screen but somehow she makes you kind of care about her and want to see her succeed. Pike is enigmatic in the lead and delivers some great monologues, I think it is interesting seeing her character and how she works and Pike again delivers a really good character here. 

Supporting Characters

The great Peter Dinklage plays the bad guy here and of course he is good, his character is one note but Dinklage seems to be having a good time in the role and he provides a nice contrast to Pike and provided an interesting enough angle though there wasn't enough uniqueness to the character. Eiza Gonzalez plays Pike's partner and I thought she was good too, their chemistry together is good and I like how she is influenced by Pike and they work together with a nice relationship being built here. But the rest of the cast that are here are pretty bad or just not given anything to do, it feels like these three were the only people they cared about and the rest of the cast are nowhere near as strong. 


The story of Pike's character is really interesting. It reminded me at times of how I felt watching Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul and I love those shows so it was onto a win there, the world is interesting and the lead character is interesting as she tries to build this business. But this show has some weak characters, there are good actors like Dinklage and Gonzalez who aren't given enough to work with and feel a bit wasted. Also the third act is absurd and feels like it is from a different film and really feels strange and has a really bad ending in my opinion. It is similar to another film that I am not a huge fan of and it just felt weak for me. 


The script is okay, it does a good job of making Pike's character interesting and the whole idea interesting but that is about it. The rest of the characters are poorly written and as I said above the story just falls off of a cliff and that is a major disappointment. 


The style of the film feels energetic and exciting as it introduces these characters and the world we are in and gets off to a good start. But similar to the rest of the film, the style gets more absurd and I just kind off wish there was more nuance to the plot and the pacing and gave the characters more interesting things to do. 


Overall, this is an above average film with a really good lead performance. It had real potential but falls flat in the last act, there is enough intrigue for people who watch a lot of films but those who don't probably give this one a skip. 

Rating - 6/10 

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