Friday, May 28, 2021

Army of the Dead (2021) Review

Army of the Dead (2021) Review

A bit later then I would have liked but I have now watched Zack Snyder's new film Army of the Dead and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of mercenaries attempt to pull of a heist in Las Vegas after it is infected by a Zombie Apocalypse. 

Main Character

Dave Bautista plays the lead and I think he does a decent job in the role. He feels like a lead actor and a good fit for this whole universe as the main character. But the issue is that there isn't enough there with the character and that isn't really his fault. There are so many characters involved and there is a feeling to give them all something to do, so there is not enough given to him or a reason to really care about his character in the big moments. 

Supporting Characters 

This film has a huge cast so I won't have time to go through them all but there are mixed results for sure. There are some good actors like Garret Dillahunt, Hiroyuki Sanada and Omari Hardwick and they are all very functional in their roles but when the film ended I realised that I didn't care about any of the characters that were on screen and despite these performances that is a huge issue. Ella Purnell who plays Bautista's daughter is so annoying and frustrating to watch which makes it worse when she gets given more of the spotlight then was really necessary. Even Theo Rossi, he isn't in the film much but he plays the same role as he always does and he just adds very little to the whole feel of the film. There was big controversy as Tig Notaro was added late on into this film through greenscreen and effects and it didn't quite work for me. Firstly, the character is the comic relief that isn't very funny and it does become clear that the actors weren't on screen together that much and once you see it, its hard to avoid it. 


The story had a great premise and I kind of wish that this film had been more about the events that take place at the beginning of the film. Also I liked how the zombies were handled and that it wasn't the generic zombies but they had a hierarchy and society which was one of the more interesting parts of the film. But the characters are just so dull and it really became hard to care about whether any of them lived or died, also their motivations just confused me and it seemed a bit bizarre why some of them would even want to go on this heist for the rewards on offer. 


The script is easily the worst part of the film for me. The dialogue is clunky and uninspired, with drama  and humour being bland and barely worth even mentioning. There are good performers here, but they are not given much to work with and that really hurts this film. 


The film looks good, Netflix clearly pumped a lot of money into this film and Zack Snyder always makes good looking films with at least some decent action scenes. But this film has a real pacing issue, it is way too long clocking in at 150 minutes, which is ridiculous giving the type of film that this is. 


Overall, Army of the Dead is a below average film that really disappoints. There is just too much attempted here and it ends up falling flat and not a film you need to spend your time watching. 

Rating - 4/10 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Eternals (2021) Trailer Review

Eternals (2021) Trailer Review


So after a long wait, we finally have a full trailer for one of Marvels big 2021 films Eternals and here is what I noticed and my review for the trailer as a whole. 

The group have been around for a long time. 

In the comics The Eternals have been a group of powerful beings who are really old and that is going to be held up here. The trailer shows Gemma Chan and Richard Madden's characters Sersi and Ikaris arrive to Earth in a clearly old timeline, so the question has to be what exactly has been going on and why are we being shown this. 

They haven't intervened in events till now. 

This is how the write around the previous point. By saying that the group have guided but not intervened in events that have happened on Earth. I mean that surely means the stakes of this film have to be huge, for these people to come out of hiding, it must be end of the world stuff. Considering they sat out the Whole Thanos storyline, Marvel are going to have to do a convincing job in explaining why the group are now deciding to help humans. 

The film looks visually stunning

I know very little about The Eternals but I have faith in Marvel Studios and this film has a legit cast and director. Though this trailer has sold me on the visual aspects, the costumes look good and some of the backdrops are just beautiful to look at and suck you into what is going on. 

The trailer has very little plot

The trailer though is lacking any real plot details and I am okay with it at this point. I got a tone and vibe of the film which for a first trailer is important but I know about as much as I knew before watching it and that is a slight shame. I'm not asking for spoilers but the next trailer has to give a little bit more about what is going on. 

Seems like an Eternals/Avengers crossover will happen at some point. 

Even though this film is a part of the MCU, I always wondered how much crossover there would be but it seems like at least at some point. The group discuss the fact that The Avengers need a new leader and it is pretty easy to see a bit of a conflict happen in the future due to the inactivity of The Eternals and that could be very fun indeed. 


Overall, this trailer did what it needed to. It showed a great tone and visual experience that will hopefully live up to The Marvel banner. I didn't learn any more about the plot and thus this might fall by the wayside a little bit until another trailer and as the release date approaches. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Pennyworth Season 2 (2021) Review

Pennyworth Season 2 (2021) Review

It's taken a bit longer then I would maybe have liked but today I finished the 2nd season of Pennyworth and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after the attack of the previous season The Raven Union and British League go to war, which sees Alfred trying to escape to America. 

Main Character 

Jack Bannon plays Alfred Pennyworth and he is fantastic, he just oozes charisma and charm. He balances the aggressiveness and class of the character and he is just really fun to watch on screen. The character goes through many twists and turns this season and Bannon conveys it really well and one day when he is done with this role, I see a big future for him because of his obvious talent. 

Supporting Characters

This show has a huge cast of characters and I felt like that began to show more this season with some characters not working as much. Ben Aldrige and Emma Paetz reprise their roles as Thomas Wayne and Martha Kent and I thought their chemistry was better this season, I still think the whole thing has been rushed for obvious reasons but there is no doubting they are good together and effective in their roles. Dorothy Atkins and Ryan Fletcher as Mrs Pennyworth and Dave Boy are also really fun and give more to do which adds so much to the show in terms of comedy value and some drama. But there are some cast that don't quite work mainly everything to do with Peg Sykes played by Paloma Faith. She was the character I liked least in the first season and it kind of feels like she doesn't have much to do and is forced on screen and is just a bit too over the top for me. Also the villains, whether it be Jason Flemyng as Harwood or Edward Hogg as Salt, they are just too over the top and lack depth for me to really care about them or their goals when there was a clear chance for that to happen. 


The story is decent, I really like Alfred's character arc and the fact that he isn't a bland and generic hero with no faults really helps and makes him way more interesting. My favourite part of the plot was the one involving him and Gully his old commander in the SAS and I kind of wish that had been the main arc of the show. It's just the whole war isn't very interesting and way too black and white in terms of good and evil which is a big missed opportunity. Also there are story arcs that don't satisfy and feel like they could have been better with being cut out. 


The script is also okay, the humour it top notch mainly because it does a lot of dark humour which fits the overall tone of the show really well. But the drama still didn't work particularly well for me, I just found it difficult to care about the story and some of the characters and that isn't exactly great for this show. 


The style is good, it doesn't hold back but never goes really brutal like other comic book shows. The action is well made and fits the tone of the show, which is well realised and feels over the top in the right ways with seemingly a greater pushing towards comic book fun. 


Overall, Pennyworth's 2nd season is a good season of television. I think I enjoyed the first season more, but this is a solid season of TV that makes this an entertaining show for sure that if you like crime shows that have a bit of comic book fun then it might be for you. 

Rating - 7/10

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Without Remorse (2021) Review

Without Remorse (2021) Review

This film has been heavily marketed by Amazon and I have finally found the time to watch it and here is my review for Without Remorse. The premise of the film sees an elite soldier go on the hunt after his wife is killed. 

Main Character

Over the last few years Michael B Jordan has become a real film star and that shows here as he manages to add a little bit to this completely bland character. Jordan just has the presence of a movie star and it is sometimes exciting to see him take down bad guys are here. But the issue is that this character is incredibly dull and boring, I never once cared about him and his motivations despite the fact I clearly should. A weaker actor then Jordan would have been totally useless but he manages to save it a little bit. 

Supporting Characters

This film has an impressive supporting cast. Jodie Turner-Smith, Jamie Bell & Guy Pearce are in the film and it feels very similar to the main character in that these actors do a decent job in their roles but their characters are so basic and generic it is unreal. When you have a talented cast, it feels worse that their talent has been wasted and that these roles might as well have gone to up and coming actors who could have got themselves recognised a bit. 


The story is here is as bland and generic as possible. It has some similar vibes to a film like John Wick but that has way more depth and unique world building to it that this film didn't. I didn't care about any of the characters and any twist and turn is incredibly predictable from minute one to the final minute and it just did nothing for me. 


The script also did nothing. It takes itself incredibly seriously and misses the mark. The drama is dull and not conveyed well enough and there is a lack of balance in terms of the tone and it just causes this film to be incredibly forgettable. 


The style is possibly the most important part of an action film and this film does it okay. There are some decent action sequences that are well performed and that is crucial to any sort of entertainment that is here. But there isn't any action scene that really wowed me, it just feels a bit safe and forgettable and that is how the majority of people will see this film. 


Overall, Without Remorse is a poor action film. It is clear that this is meant to be a start of a Tom Clancy Film Franchise but this is a bad start and there are plenty of better action films out there to sink your teeth into. 

Rating - 3/10

Monday, May 10, 2021

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) Trailer Review

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) Trailer Review

So after what feels like forever waiting, we finally have the Venom: Let There Be Carnage trailer and I have watched a few times and here are the things I noticed from it. 

The strange humour from the first film is back

Now to start with, I was not a huge fan of the first Venom film and one reason was the weird humour between Eddie and Venom. It just didn't work for me and this trailer makes it clear that the dynamic between the two is going to be there still. Now granted it can be written better I am sure and it is only one element of the film but this trailer kind of made me think it was going to be the same this time around. 

Woody Harrelson is back as Cletus Kassidy AKA Carnage 

So the post credit scene of the first film saw the debut of Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kassidy and he is obviously going to play a much larger role in this film. Luckily the wig is gone but he is clearly still crazy, now this can go one of two ways but I'm hopeful that Harrelson doesn't go all in on the madness and at least keeps some level of character to this role. If there is a balance then I can see this being a great villain. 

Stephen Graham is in the film.  

Now this bit of casting snuck in under the radar but the amazing British actor Stephen Graham looks to be playing a police officer here. Beside being the busiest man in British television he gave a great performance in The Irishman and I really hope they give him plenty to work with here so he can really show off his quality. 

Naomie Harris appears as Shriek 

This one had been rumoured for a while but we do get a glimpse of Naomie Harris, who will be playing the villain Shriek. In the comics Shriek and Carnage have teamed up so you would suspect that this will be the case here and she will be the one that Venom needs to take down first. Though you don't usually cast Harris for a small role, so I am hopeful for a bit more. 

Carnage looks amazing 

Venom's CGI did look good in the first film and still looks good here. But the CGI for Carnage looks really good, the colour scheme is on point and hopefully he has the powers he has from the comic and the clash between these two characters will be as epic as it should be. 

Will there be any connection with Spider-Man? 

After the Morbius trailer that came out last year, there has been rumours of Venom having a larger crossover with Spider-Man, but there isn't much evidence of that here. Yes, The Daily Bugle is spotted here but that isn't enough for me to think we're gonna see Tom Holland at any point. Maybe someday we will but I don't think this is the film to do it, maybe a third film would be the place. 


Overall, this was an okay trailer. I like some of the things that I see mainly to do with the way Carnage looks but I think it will take more to convince me that it can be a truly great comic book film. 

Saw 3 (2006) Review

Saw 3 (2006) Review

Despite a bit of a break, I am back reviewing the Saw films and that continues here with Saw 3 and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Jigsaw and Amanda kidnap a doctor in order to keep himself alive while another man must go through a test of his own. 

Main Character

Tobin Bell is back as Jigsaw and this is probably his most lacklustre performance. He still has that chill to his voice and he is a pretty calculated horror villain and that continues here. But the issue here is that he doesn't really do that much for the majority of the film, he just finds himself laid in bed and saying cryptic things which is just not as interesting as what we have seen in previous films. 

Supporting Characters

Angus MacFadyen and Bahar Soomekh play the two new people playing Jigsaw's game and they are just bad here. They are overacting and it is really hard to care about them even though the film really wants you too. the first film did this effectively but this film is more like Saw 2 in making it hard to care about them as characters. Shawnee Smith is back as Amanda and she is annoying, she is also really overacting and it just doesn't work, she comes across as the complete opposite of Jigsaw and while I was watching the film I just wanted her to go and have him take centre stage like he has in previous films. 


The story is a bit of a mess but there are some okay parts to it. Macfadyen's character Jeff has to go through a pretty emotional time of it and at times it works okay but then the film goes and screws it up. There is also a good explaining of Amanda's character and how she fits into the Saw history and mythos which I did like. But the main issue is that there is way too much going on, it feels like they had a few story ideas but only had one film to do it in which makes this feel like a bit of a Frankenstein of a film that is a bit all over the place in terms of its storytelling. Also the film feels like it has to deal with characters from the previous film and spends way too much time on it when it plays a pretty small part of this film's overall story. 


The script is nonsense to be honest with dialogue that is really poorly written and makes this film go from having a bit of gory charm to cringeworthy. Plus the ending is absurd and feels like just a lazy excuse to keep the franchise going as characters start doing really stupid things. 


Saw has always been known for its gory death-traps and this film ramps it up and makes it feel more reliant on the gore then previously expected. They are entertaining in a terrible way and actually pretty ingenious which is the main thing that keeps you watching this mess of a film. But this film is way too long, it drags its heels in for probably 15 mins too long and with these different stories it just doesn't work. 


Overall, Saw 3 is a bad film that relies on shock gore to keep people invested. Saw started off as a pretty unique concept but this film is more like your generic horror film and not a particularly good one at that. 

Rating - 3/10

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Mortal Kombat (2021) Review

Mortal Kombat (2021) Review 

Finally, after a long wait Mortal Kombat has made its way to The UK and today I watched it and here is my review. The premise of the film sees a group of warriors brought together to help defend Earthrealm for the evil Outworld. 

Main Character

There was much controversy when it was revealed that Lewis Tan would be playing an original character Cole Young and unfortunately this is one of the most boring protagonists you will ever see. In a world full of over the top colourful characters he is is just a normal guy and Tan plays it so stoically that he feels really out of place. The other issue is that the writing for his character is really poor, the film does nothing to make you care and literally gives him the most basic motivation to get involved and it really doesn't help him. 

Supporting Characters

Like the game it is based on, this film has plenty of characters in it so I am going to try and keep this section quite short. Firstly we have Joe Taslim as Sub-zero and Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion and these two are great. The film really does a good job in showing the rivalry between these two characters and how personal that it was and despite their characters not being in the forefront they are maybe the most interesting part of the film. But the show stealer has to be Josh Lawson as Kano, this is one of the funniest characters I have seen in a long time, he had one liner after one liner and it easily made Kano the best character in this film. Lawson is clearly having a blast in the role and he really adds some necessary humour into a film that is pretty serious otherwise. Mehcad Brooks as Jax and Jessica McNamee as Sonya Blade are fun aspects of the film and it does feel like they fit the characters that we have seen from the games. There are some interesting things done with their characters and stories but that doesn't change the fact I liked their characters. But there are a few characters here that I thought didn't work, Ludi Lin as Liu Kang was one of those and that was mainly because of he didn't have a character.  He felt like an exposition tool and I just felt like the actor didn't quite fit the role and was relegated from being the huge character that he is in the previous films and the games. Then there is Lord Raiden and Shang Tsung, two of the biggest characters in the video games and they are portrayed fine, it's just they do very little and have next to no characterisation and it feels like a bit of a let down, to both fans who love the characters and casuals who have no idea who they are. 


The story is okay, it is fun to watch these characters come together and clash in interesting battles with some interesting interactions. The Scorpion and Sub-Zero is the highlight and I wish there had been a bit more of it but there is no denying it is pretty captivating stuff. But this film goes against so much lore from the games it is unreal and it really affects the characters and how they get involved. Plus despite this film being called Mortal Kombat there is a lack of tournament and it just ends up feeling like build up to a sequel we actually want to see. 


The script is also okay, the humour only really works when it is Kano, he had me laughing consistently in the film but I do think some of that was Lawson adlibbing because he is clearly a funny guy. There is also some decent emotion from the Scorpion and Sub-zero conflict but not much else. 


The best thing about the style is that fatalities are here and they are here in all their awesome glory. Some taken literally out of the games and it is amazing to see these things that have just been in the games in a film version. The fight scenes are also pretty decent again with the Scorpion vs Sub-Zero fights being the best of the lot, with a few being a bit weaker then others. But the issue is the pacing, this film isn't particularly long and it has so many characters. If you are a fan of the lore then you know who these characters are and it feels like the film expects everybody to know who they are and it makes the film feel lighting quick without the substance required because it has just so many characters. 


Overall, Mortal Kombat is a pretty average film. It has some good action and characters. But some iconic characters are misused and the lead character is incredibly boring and if you aren't a fan of the franchise this isn't going to exactly bring you in. But as I am a fan of the franchise I think there are some elements of the film that could lead to some exciting things in sequels that will probably come. 

Rating - 5/10

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)

So the new Mortal Kombat film finally makes its way to The UK tomorrow which means I have just watched the last Mortal Kombat film made Annihilation and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the warriors of Earthrealm attempt to stop Shao Kahn's invasion. 

Main Character 

Robin Shou as Liu Kang and Talisa Soto as Kitana were the only actors who reprised their role from the previous film and after watching this train wreck it is easy to see why. Neither of them are very good in the film and it seems like they were the only ones who signed a 2 film contract so they were forced to be here. The characters are so bland and you won't care about them or anybody that appears on screen. 

Supporting Characters

James Remar takes up the role of Raiden and he is so dull and poor. At least Christopher Lambert is so over the top its ridiculous but Raiden is given way more to do in this film and the character just isn't very interesting with Rear clearly not enjoying himself at all. Sandra Hess and Lynn Williams take up the roles of Sonya and Jax respectively and they offer very little and Jax actually became really annoying and I was wishing he had as much screen time as he did in the first film. At least the new guy they cast as Johnny Cage realised he only wanted a small role and doesn't barely appear here. Shao Khan is finally here as the villain and he is so cliché, the awesome character from the game is gone and replaced by this bloke who isn't actually that intimidating. There are more characters from the games here but they are used so poorly that I just wish they hadn't bothered. 


The story is all over the place. It's like the film wants to get through the majority of the stories in the game but it rushes all of the without explanation and it makes fans like me incredibly frustrated. The whole plot is absurd and there is one element of the film that breaks all kinds of lore and makes the film laughably stupid with a really stupid ending. 


The script of the first film had some charm, yes it was cheesy but it kind of worked. This one is just so bad, with a mix of terrible acting and terrible acting it is just terrible and left me shaking my head as to how somebody got paid to write this mess. 


Now the most important part of Mortal Kombat - the fights. They are terrible, the overuse of slow mo is obvious because the cast just weren't particularly great at fight choreography or at least making them. Then you get the effects, they are so bad, maybe some of the worst I have ever seen. I know people will say it had a small budget, then they shouldn't have tried this rubbish. 


Overall, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is one of the worst films I have ever seen. There is no redeeming qualities to this film and no wonder it has taken nearly 25 years for a big budget reboot, avoid this film at all costs. 

Rating - 1/10 

Star Wars: Clone Wars Series (2003) Review

Star Wars: Clone Wars Series (2003) Review 

So yes, technically I am a day late but yesterday I watched the original Clone Wars show that came out in 2003 and looked to bridge the gap between the events of Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith. The whole thing is only 2 hours and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees The Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance wage war across the galaxy to determine superiority. 

Main Character

Voice actor Mat Lucas voices Anakin Skywalker just like he did in other projects such as The Revenge of The Sith Videogame and Star Wars Battlefront 2 and he is a good choice for the role. His more softer tone really works for a younger post Attack of the clones Anakin and he sells the brashness and sometimes immaturity of the character. He then changes it up as Anakin becomes more experienced and the show does this effectively and really delves into Anakin's psychological state which is rare for a show that mainly focuses on action. James Arnold Taylor is mainly known for voicing Obi-Wan Kenobi on The Clone Wars but before then he voiced the character here and of course he is great, the guy is just really good at the humour of the character and showcases Kenobi as a wise and dependable Jedi and master to Anakin. 

Supporting Characters

Onto the big one for me and that is General Grievous and this is easily the best depiction of the character that has ever been seen. He is genuinely a terrifying Jedi killing monster and you see why they would be fearful of him, seeing him in action is some of the best parts of the show and makes his other appearances seem like a real let down. This show is also the actual place where Asajj Ventress debuted and it is so cool seeing her in action and they introduce her character in a really strong way and she is a very effective tool for the villains to use due to her skill. Another character introduced is the bounty hunter Durge who is just so cool and a clear physical threat to Obi-Wan, the gadgets he uses are so unique and I just wanted to learn more about him and luckily he is returning to canon in an upcoming Boba Fett comic book. It is always great to hear Tom Kane voice Yoda and him and Mace Windu are used so well and shows just how powerful the Jedi are here. 


The story is good, this was the first time that we really saw The Clone Wars and just what went down and the action is non-stop and thrilling to watch. The characters are really well realised and this show really feels like a huge galactic conquest like it should do and the style blended with the story allows it to feel high stake. But there is no doubt that apart from Anakin there is a lack in real characterisation and development, I'm glad the focus is more on the action but it does make it mostly a collection of really great action scenes that lack a bit of depth or reason to really care about people, especially when there are characters that are clearly there just to be killed off. 


The script is good, I mean there isn't a huge amount of dialogue, especially early on but it is used effectively when there. I also liked the little titbits of humour mainly from Obi-Wan as it added some much needed break from the serious action sequences. 


The style of the show is amazing, the 2d animation is really unique and allows the action to flow incredibly nicely and allow for some really great and sometimes brutal action scenes and lightsaber fights. The show really shows just how good characters like Dooku, Anakin and Grievous are with a lightsaber and I mainly feel that is due to how the show is presented. Yes the show has had its 10 mins episodes spliced together in two hour long episodes but it doesn't really show and everything flows together so nicely that you don't really notice. 


Overall, Star Wars: Clone Wars is a fantastic bit of animated television that does its job of showing more of the clone wars really effectively. If you are a fan of Star Wars and haven't had a chance to watch this show then find 2 hours and do it as it is definitely worth it. 

Rating - 9/10 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

First Impressions: Star Wars: The Bad Batch

First Impressions: Star Wars: The Bad Batch 

So today is the day, it is May the fourth AKA Star Wars Day and that means the first episode of The Bad Batch has come to Disney+ and I watched it and here are my first impression of the show. I will be talking spoilers for the episode so be careful if you don't want to know anything. 

Shows Kanan Jarrus origin

The biggest surprise of this episode came in the first 5 minutes when we see young Jedi Caleb Dume who is also known as one of the main Star Wars Rebels characters Kanan Jarrus. We see the tragedy of his master being killed and escaping from The Bad Batch. Now this does retcon his origins from the comic but I thought it was an effective way to start the show and created a link between the two shows in a really good way. 

Feels like a clear Clone Wars sequel 

This show has a very similar animation style to season 7 of Clone Wars and it even has the narration like that show. Though it does have a slightly different feel due to the focus on one group of characters it feels like it fits this world well and feels like a natural continuation. 

Introduces an early version of Dark Troopers

When we see the team having to trial for Tarkin they come across some droids which look eerily similar to The Dark Troopers that we have seen in Rebels and The Mandalorian and again nothing major but another nice link to the greater Star Wars world. 

Crosshair is forced to join The Empire and betray the team

Throughout the episode it seems like something is wrong with Crosshair as he seems to believe in The Empire's orders. Later on in the episode it is revealed that his inhibitor chip is working at a slow rate, but Tarkin forces it to ramp up and Crosshair becomes a fully fledged member of The Empire and will hunt the team down. 

The show introduces Omega, how important is she?

The show introduces a young girl called Omega who is a female clone. She is also described as having abilities like the team and thus joins them in their escape from Crosshair and The Empire. The question is just how powerful is she? and how will her introduction affect the team as a whole. 

Can the show keep up this quality? 

This was a fantastic episode of television but I do worry about the amount of episodes. It has been confirmed that there are going to be 16 episodes and I just really hope it doesn't become too repetitive as the show could run the risk of being a bit too much. 


Overall, The Bad Batch started off with a fantastic episode and is a great new Star Wars adventure and I am hopeful that it keeps this quality up for the long term. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Ranked: Line Of Duty

Ranked: Line Of Duty 

With the sixth season of Line Of Duty finishing last night, I thought it was about time I went through the entirety of the show and ranked the seasons from the worst to the best, but beware there will be spoilers for the show from the start to its latest episode.  

6. Line of Duty Season 6 (2021) 

In the last 24 hours there has been a lot of criticism for the season 6 finale and rightly so, I mean Buckles as H was a disappointing direction and I am really hoping that it gets more depth and maybe retconning in a seventh season. But I think this is still a great season of television that has the quality that has made Line Of Duty so good over the years. Memorable moments like the convoy shootout, the confrontation between Kate and Ryan and the Jo Davidson 30 minute interrogation really were good and despite this being the weakest season of the show I still thought it was of a great quality. 

5. Line of Duty Season 2 (2014) 

Now this show is of such a high quality that season 2 is next despite it being a fantastic season of television. The twists and turns are truly great and the season kicks off with a real bang with Tommy Hunter being killed and Keeley Hawes character Lindsay Denton blamed. Dawes really adds so much to this season and as things start to get unravelled more and more it really was the start to see how big the conspiracy would get. The only reason it is low on this list is personal preference I guess but a stellar season of TV. 

4. Line of Duty Season 5 (2019) 

What can I say another fantastic season of TV really saw the plot thicken and become more heavy. For me this was the Ted Hastings season and Adrian Dunbar did such an amazing job that despite being the best and most honourable character on the show I legitimately thought he could have been H. This season really started to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the OCG and who was behind the organisation and it did that in a really intense way that the addition of Stephen Graham really helped with. 

3. Line of Duty Season 4 (2017) 

Now we are into the seasons that are truly amazing, put any of these three in any order and I would understand but next for me is Season 4 and this is a truly brilliant season of TV. This was the first season where we really saw the balaclava men AKA The OCG and it added to the whole mystery of the world. Put that with Steve Arnott's near death run in with the group and Thandiwe Newtons brilliant portrayal of Roz Huntley and you have a truly captivating season of TV with a really memorable season finale. 

2. Line of Duty Season 1 (2012) 

Onto the one that started it all, the first season of Line Of Duty is captivating because of its raw intensity and how it really shakes up the game in terms of what should be expected in detective TV shows. An Introduction to a great cast led by Lennie James really added credibility to the show and it just does a great job in setting everything up for future seasons while being a great story in its own right. 

1. Line of Duty Season 3 (2016) 

For me easily the best season of Line Of Duty is Season 3. It convinces you that it is focusing on a corrupt police officer played by Daniel Mays but ends up an investigation into the whole police force and the exposure of Dot as The Caddy and one of the greatest season finales that has ever been seen on TV. The whole season is amazing but that 90 minute finale is on another level, and credit has to go to Craig Parkinson as Dot who provides a masterclass in acting and creating this despicable character who you want to see get his comeuppance. It hits all the levels and I recently re-watched some of it and it is still extremely gripping and for me the best season of Line Of Duty. 


Overall, Line Of Duty is a truly fantastic show that has really raised in popularity as its gone on with over 12 million people watching the finale of season 6. I truly believe we will see Season 7 and hopefully when it does it makes it to number 1 on this list. 

Line of Duty Season 6 (2021) Review

Line of Duty Season 6 (2021) Review

So after binge watching the previous 5 seasons of the show I have now watched the new season of Line Of Duty and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees AC-12 investigate a police operation which might have links to The OCG and their hunt for the fourth man. 

Main Character

Kelly Macdonald plays the main new character - Jo Davidson and she is really good here. She is a strong character and one that is clearly very good at her job, but what maybe allows her to stand out is that she has a vulnerable side and it made it a bit easier to care about her situation compared to some of the colder characters from previous seasons and Macdonald does a really good job of fitting in nicely to the whole Line of Duty universe. 

Supporting Characters

Martin Compston is back as Steve Arnott and the show picks up with him in an interesting place but of course he is great. The season delves more into his personal life and the issues he has had since an event that took place in a previous season and he really delivers on it and turns it from something that could have been dull to something that is heartfelt and also shows his vulnerability. Vicky McClure is back as Kate Fleming and she is also in an interesting position which leads to her to be separated from AC-12 and it allows her to really shine as an actress and show a different side of Kate and not just always looking at the worst in other officers. Adrian Dunbar also returns as Hastings and he is just so good, he has so many great lines that have become memes as far as you can see. But the character is also really well realised and after the events of Season 5, he is even more determined and this trio is as effective as ever in their hunt for OCG. Shalom Brune-Franklin joins the cast as Chloe and she is a really nice addition, at times it feels like this girl is carrying AC-12 and it has been a while since we have seen a good character join AC-12 and she does a good job at it. There are also plenty of characters who return from previous seasons and I always love how this show connects events from the entire show into the current story. 


The story is good, after the turbulent ending to Season 5 it leads all the main characters in vulnerable and unique positions and I thought the show did an effective job in conveying that and how these characters have developed. It also does some new things and avoids the risks of just being a complete rehash of previous seasons which at this point is something that is needed. But the story does have some issues which culminates with a poor season finale, that has one particular reveal that happens which left a sour taste in my mouth and unless addressed in the next season will be a big let down as it currently feels to not just me but the majority of viewers. 


The script is very good, the interview scenes are as intense as ever with one in particular being a gripping watch and showing just how good this show can be. It keeps twisting and turning and mix that with a nice blend of humour and drama and you have an effective script. 


The show has always had a unique and interesting style and that continues here. Despite having to film during a global pandemic the show manages to keep those intense interview scenes in and the great cinematography that adds so much to the whole experience. At times it also feels like this is a pretty action heavy season which I have no issue with and it is all handled pretty well. Though this season has an extra episode and because of that it does feel like the pacing is a little bit off and I think the show should have stuck with its 6 episode structure. It led to a pretty poor finale which I think could have been avoided somewhat by not taking as long to get there and obviously some story changes. 


Overall, Line Of Duty Season 6 is a great season of television. I know some people are disappointed by the finale but there is no denying the first 6 episodes are really well made and of the high quality to be expected of this show. If you haven't started Line Of Duty get on it as it is a really great show and I guarantee that there will be a seventh season and it will hopefully be even better then this one. 

Rating - 8/10