Tuesday, May 4, 2021

First Impressions: Star Wars: The Bad Batch

First Impressions: Star Wars: The Bad Batch 

So today is the day, it is May the fourth AKA Star Wars Day and that means the first episode of The Bad Batch has come to Disney+ and I watched it and here are my first impression of the show. I will be talking spoilers for the episode so be careful if you don't want to know anything. 

Shows Kanan Jarrus origin

The biggest surprise of this episode came in the first 5 minutes when we see young Jedi Caleb Dume who is also known as one of the main Star Wars Rebels characters Kanan Jarrus. We see the tragedy of his master being killed and escaping from The Bad Batch. Now this does retcon his origins from the comic but I thought it was an effective way to start the show and created a link between the two shows in a really good way. 

Feels like a clear Clone Wars sequel 

This show has a very similar animation style to season 7 of Clone Wars and it even has the narration like that show. Though it does have a slightly different feel due to the focus on one group of characters it feels like it fits this world well and feels like a natural continuation. 

Introduces an early version of Dark Troopers

When we see the team having to trial for Tarkin they come across some droids which look eerily similar to The Dark Troopers that we have seen in Rebels and The Mandalorian and again nothing major but another nice link to the greater Star Wars world. 

Crosshair is forced to join The Empire and betray the team

Throughout the episode it seems like something is wrong with Crosshair as he seems to believe in The Empire's orders. Later on in the episode it is revealed that his inhibitor chip is working at a slow rate, but Tarkin forces it to ramp up and Crosshair becomes a fully fledged member of The Empire and will hunt the team down. 

The show introduces Omega, how important is she?

The show introduces a young girl called Omega who is a female clone. She is also described as having abilities like the team and thus joins them in their escape from Crosshair and The Empire. The question is just how powerful is she? and how will her introduction affect the team as a whole. 

Can the show keep up this quality? 

This was a fantastic episode of television but I do worry about the amount of episodes. It has been confirmed that there are going to be 16 episodes and I just really hope it doesn't become too repetitive as the show could run the risk of being a bit too much. 


Overall, The Bad Batch started off with a fantastic episode and is a great new Star Wars adventure and I am hopeful that it keeps this quality up for the long term. 

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