Thursday, December 23, 2021

Hawkeye Season 1 (2021) Review

Hawkeye Season 1 (2021) Review

Marvel Studios managed to fit one more show on Disney+ into 2021 and Hawkeye has now finished and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees Clint Barton forced out of retirement to clear his name and help a young new archer from a dangerous new world. 

Main Character

Jeremy Renner reprises his role as Hawkeye and he really shines with the spotlight put onto him. You see how being this veteran Avenger has really affected him and mixing that with his role as a father clearly makes the whole situation difficult. His character is really well developed and it shows that when given the time and effort to shine. Hailee Steinfeld makes her debut as Kate Bishop and she is such a fantastic addition to The MCU. She brings so much life to the role and her energy is hard to ignore and really raises the quality of the show. I said in my trailer review that the dynamic between the two of these would be what carries this show and it absolutely does with them being the real highlight of this show.  

Supporting Characters

Florence Pugh makes her return as Yelena Belova and she is brilliant, she has so much energy and charisma on screen. Some of my favourite scenes are the ones between her and Steinfeld, they are fantastic to see on screen together and I am glad Pugh was given the chance to have a future in The MCU. Vera Farmiga plays Eleanor Bishop and she is a pretty complex part of the show, she is clearly very protective of Kate but there is something slightly off with her and Farmiga does an effective job with this. Tony Dalton plays Jack Duquesne and he is really charming and charismatic in his role, you also aren't really aware of his motivations and Dalton is just so likeable that it adds to the intrigue and complexity. Alaqua Cox makes her debut as Maya Lopez/Echo and she is a really good character, the fact that she is a deaf character allows for some really interesting sequences and she has her own motivations and character development too ahead of her own show heading to Disney+ over the next year or so. 


The story is effective, it deals with Barton's guilt over his time as The Ronin and the events of Avengers Endgame. The chemistry between Kate and Clint is fantastic and it is really fun watching them navigate New York and the criminal underworld. All the characters have really interesting individual stories and characters arcs but the issue is that it doesn't quite mesh together. The show has so much going on in it that it can't balance it all in 6 episodes and it does make certain things feel a bit rushed and undercooked by the time the show finishes. 


The script is also good, there is some great banter between Kate and Clint and the show is actually pretty funny. Some of the drama does work and you feel the emotion but again some of the dialogue doesn't earn the emotion that they clearly think it does and I think this could have been fixed with either more episodes or less things being put into show. 


There are some really fun and creative action sequences in Hawkeye and the Christmas theme actually really worked for me which was something I was worried about. But the pacing isn't quite there, again it is just due to the amount the show tries to cram in, for a short amount of time. 


Overall, Hawkeye is a good fun show. It does a lot of things really well but maybe overdoes it and it will be interesting to see where  the characters and stories come out of this show and progress in The MCU. 

Rating - 7/10

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ranked: Spider-Man Films

Ranked: Spider-Man Films 

There have been plenty of Spider-Man films over the years and I have now come to the point where I will rank them from the worst to the best. This is just my personal opinion so it might be different to what most people might think. 

10. Spider-Man 3 (2007)

For me Spider-Man 3 is the worst film in the franchise. It tries to do way too much with its story and ends up misfiring completely. The performances fall way flat and the characters are portrayed poorly which really hurts the film. Studio pressure made the making of the film a nightmare and that clearly shows with the end product. 

9. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

This film has plenty in common with Spider-Man 3 but it is slightly better overall. It again tries to cram to way too much into its story and the film suffers overall. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are really fun together but the villains are just terrible and it feels like big set up for a film that never came. It is a shame that this film really did poorly as there maybe could have been a good sequel here. 

8. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

In my opinion we are now into good film territory and that starts with The Amazing Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield is really fresh in the role and it adds some life into the film and the romance is done really well here. There are some pretty glaring issues, repeating the origin story made this film feel a bit clunky and the overall plot falls quiet flat which stops it from being further up in this list. 

7. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

The 2nd film in The Spider-Man MCU films is next on the list. Far From Home does some things really well. Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal really deliver as Spider-Man and Mysterio, providing some really fun action. It is just the film is a bit slow to get going and its plot is a bit predictable. But this film does have two pretty amazing post credit scenes. 

6. Spider-Man (2002) 

The film that started it all. Spider-Man is a great film with a really good cast. Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man was an inspired choice and was really easy to support and Willem Dafoe was a fantastic choice as Green Goblin. It is literally just held back by its cheesiness and the fact that it has some scripting issues compared to the other films in this list. 

5. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

The first MCU solo Spider-Man film is fantastic. It does a great job of introducing Tom Holland as Spider-Man with the spotlight on him. Mix this with a great supporting cast including Robert Downey Jnr as Tony Stark and Michael Keaton as Vulture and you have one of the better MCU films. It has great action and shows the high quality of the other 4 films that this film can only take 5th. 

4. Spider-Man 2 (2004)

This film is truly fantastic, it raises the level from the first film by a significant margin. It has a great hero going against a truly brilliant villain. Maguire and Alfred Molina as Doc Ock provide some amazing sequences. The action flows so well and the train sequence alone is special. A few years ago this would have been easily number 1 but a couple of modern films have now overtaken it. 

3. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) 

The newest film in the Spider-Man franchise is a truly special film and experience. It brings characters from all three franchises together and seeing Tom Hollands Spider-Man interacting with these different villains is fantastic and a fun watch. It has humour, emotion and real stakes and this film is one of the better comic book films that I can remember. It takes a truly amazing film to beat this but in my opinion, two slightly did. 

2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)

The 1st animated film on this list manages to be near the top because when I finished watching I realised just how incredible it is. The cast are all amazing, the plot is fresh and exciting. The animation style is just breath-taking and one of the greatest put on screen. Some people have reservations about watching an animated film but don't and watch in my opinion one of the best Spider-Man films so far. 

1. Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (2023)

The second animated film Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse is currently my favourite Spider-Man film. It is the most recent film in the franchise but I came out of the film amazed about how good a film this is. The animation is fantastic and the film keeps you completely invested throughout. The characters of Miles Morales & Gwen Stacy are developed so well and they are some of the best characters in comic book films. These Spider-Verse films are amazing and seem to be dominating to the top of the rankings.  


Overall, Spider-Man films range from amazing to bad but I think overall we have had a good quality of Spider-Man films and hopefully this continues in whatever guise we see in the future. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Review

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Review

Finally, the biggest film Spider-Man: No Way Home has hit cinemas and I had to go see it as early as possible. Now I have watched it, here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Spider-Man's secret identity revealed, he tries to get Doctor Strange's help to fix things but this leads to some unwanted visitors from other universes to cause problems for both of them. 

Main Character 

Tom Holland has played Spider-Man for a while now and for me this is his best performance in the role. You really see how he has grown and this film shows real depth to the character and how he has kind of grown up into this crazy world. He doesn't have much rest in the film and it really pushes Holland to impress in the majority of his scenes and I thought he was great in really making Spider-Man a top hero in The MCU. 

Supporting Characters

Zendaya plays MJ and I was just really happy to see the dynamic between her and Peter in this film. Despite everything that goes on they are a pretty strong couple and it is just nice for a comic book film to have a relationship that feels natural without overpowering the main plot. Benedict Cumberbatch reprises his role as Doctor Strange and he is really good, I really like how despite being a hero he has a more mature and different viewpoint to Spider-Man. He adds some really interesting parts to the film and plays a unique role in the progress of the story and Spider-Man as a character. Jacob Batalon is back as Ned and he is much better then the role he played in Far From Home. He is just a fun character that supports Peter, he is way more involved with Spider-Man and that improves his character so much. Marisa Tomei is back as Aunt May and again she is more involved this time out and is just a really great person for Holland to bounce off and the dynamic just really works and makes their relationship feel very real. Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina and Jamie Foxx reprise their roles as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and Electro. Dafoe and Molina are great and really flourish in their roles, but the surprise is Foxx as Max Dillon/Electro. He is so much better then he was in Amazing Spider-Man 2 and I am glad he got given this 2nd chance here. 


The story is really great, I was worried with all of the multiverse elements that the focus could have been taken off of a character arc for Spider-Man but it nails this element. Peter has a real arc and it develops incredibly well and for me was a real highlight. It is obviously great seeing the returning villains and they are treated with respect and their characters are further explored. The ending feels deserved and because you are so invested it feels really earnt. 


MCU films often get criticised for their scripts including too much humour in them, but I actually think the balance is really handled well here. Yes there are funny moments here but for me they didn't outweigh the serious and darker parts of the film. 


The film looks great, the actions scenes are all really fun and seeing The MCU Spider-Man going against villains from the other franchises works very well and allows for some fun sequences. The pacing for the film is also really good, despite being 2 hours 30 mins it never felt too long and I honestly believe that there isn't really any filler here which is an impressive feat. 


Overall, Spider-Man: No Way Home is an epic film that really lives up to the hype. I am possibly still buzzing because I have just watched the film but I can't find too much fault and this is a Spider-Man fans dream film and anybody will find this film plenty of fun. 

Rating - 10/10

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Review

Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Review 

Finally, I am going to see Spider-Man: No Way Home tomorrow morning so I had to finish my Spider-Man review series and that ends with Far From Home and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Peter Parker is looking to have a vacation but he is tasked to save the world again by Nick Fury. 

Main Character

Tom Holland is back as Spider-Man and it comes across that he was born to play the role. He is so good as both Peter & Spider-Man and I think this film does a really great job of showing the difference and how he wants a break from Spider-Man after saving the entire universe. He is just really likeable and it is really reinforced that he is a kid and that is handled well to really make you realise just how crazy this whole situation is. 

Supporting Characters

Jake Gyllenhaal plays Quentin Beck/Mysterio and this is personally one of my favourite villains in The MCU. When I was growing up I watched the Spider-Man cartoon and Mysterio was one of my favourite characters so to see him on the big screen was a joy. The look is incredible and does it justice, the character is super interesting and Gyllenhaal knocks it out of the park. Samuel L Jackson is back as Nick Fury and I liked how his character had changed since the real last time that we saw him in The MCU. This is a slightly more transparent version of the character and one that is clearly frustrated with the situation that he is in after the events of previous films and it makes for some funny interactions. I didn't mention it in my previous review but Zendaya is great as MJ, she is given more to do here as she becomes more of a romantic interest for Peter. Their chemistry is great and feels very natural here which is a good change from some of the awkward chemistry between Peter and Liz in the first film. Marisa Tomei as May is side-lined for the majority of the movie but is good on screen and Jon Favreau is really fun to watch as Happy Hogan as he has a more hands on role here. 


The story is good, they do a really affective job of showing the inner turmoil going on in Peter's life and how the events of Avengers: Endgame has really affected him. It is a great change from Homecoming and shows how the events of The MCU take its toll on him and develop him into a proper Avenger. The issue is some of the smaller side plots don't quite work, like there is a love triangle thing and it just doesn't work and some of the other kids stories became annoying and like they could have been cut from the film. 


The film has some good humour and some clever writing to really make you care about Peter and the situation that his character is in. But I don't know it just feels weaker then the Homecoming script, I didn't laugh as much and I didn't feel the weight as much as I did with the previous film. 


The action looks great, seeing Spider-Man in action is a lot of fun and as I mentioned above Mysterio looks amazing. It is also nice to see the film going to the different locations in Europe, it makes it stand out from other Spider-Man films. But this film has a pacing issue, it took a bit long to get going for me and sometimes struggled to keep me as invested. 


Overall, Spider-Man: Far From Home is a good film. It has a lot to enjoy and as a fan of Spider-Man it is an easy watch, it also has one of the best post credit scenes ever seen which does help. 

Rating - 7/10

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Review

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Review

With No Way Home coming out tomorrow, it is time to watch the first two solo films of this version of Spider-Man and that starts with Homecoming and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Peter Parker struggling with his lack of challenge as Spider-Man when he must go against a real threat - The Vulture. 

Main Character

Tom Holland made his debut as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War to great acclaim and in his first solo film he knocks it out of the park again. He really nails that boyish charm, he actually comes across as a real teenager and that innocence really helps build up the character and really helps with his portrayal as Spider-Man. You really feel like this is a teenager trying to please his idol and use his powers for good but not understanding the consequences. 

Supporting Characters 

Michael Keaton plays Adrian Toomes/The Vulture and he is so good as the villain here. He looks intimidating in The Vulture costume but is a really interesting character that you do have some sympathy for him. He also gives a real intense performance as just a guy and the scenes that he and Holland have are really effective. Marisa Tomei plays Aunt May and she is great, the dynamic between her and Holland feels incredibly real like a real mother/son relationship which is more effective then the other dynamics in the past. Robert Downey Jnr reprises his role as Tony Stark which lets face it he could play in his sleep. He isn't in the film much but it is a really vital role and I will never get tired of the dynamic between Iron Man and Spider-Man on screen. Jacob Batalon plays Ned and I really like the friendship between him and Peter. Having a friend linked to both Peter and Spider-Man was a really great idea and allows for more banter then maybe previous films have had. 


The story is really good, it skips over the whole origin story and really focuses on Peter wanting to transition into a high level super hero while dealing with normal school life. The film balances this well, the schools scenes aren't boring and then obviously the superhero stuff is really effective and exciting. 


The film is really funny, it is easily the funniest Spider-Man film up to this point. The banter flows really naturally and Holland is clearly a natural in the role. The drama is also really great, you see this young man really develop as both a person and a superhero throughout. 


The film looks great, both Spider-Man and Vulture have great costumes and their action scenes are fun to watch. The tone is really well done and the balance between humour and drama is pretty much perfect with it being a fun watch. But my only issue is a bit of the pacing, the 2nd act falls a little flat for me, it picks back up for the finale but I just can't give this my highest score because of the slight lull in the film. 


Overall, Spider-Man: Homecoming is a fantastic film that does such a great job of giving this new Spider-Man the spotlight. This is a film for veteran fans of the character and new ones that rivals the best the character has seen. 

Rating - 9/10

Monday, December 13, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Review

We now reach the end of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise with the second film and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Peter Parker dealing with his difficult relationship with Gwen Stacy when Oscorp causes more issues for Spider-Man. 

Main Character

Andrew Garfield plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man and he is really good. I actually think this is a really strong performance and he delivers really well as both characters. Peter goes through a lot and really struggles with the consequences from the previous film another thing I really enjoyed was seeing Peter actually as a genius which is done really well here. After the first film Spider-Man is now seen as a positive part of society and that leads to his own issues especially when it comes to his connection with the villains. 

Supporting Characters

Emma Stone is back as Gwen Stacy and even though there are elements of the plot that I didn't enjoy about her I can't deny how good she is in the role and how good the chemistry between her and Garfield really is. In terms of the romantic element they are easily my favourite one out of all The Spider-Man ones and it adds so much to have a couple you actually care about. Sally Field is pretty good as Aunt May, her character is the most oblivious in film history but I liked her dynamic with Peter as they do have a good chemistry. But the rest of the cast aren't particularly good and I am looking at the villains, Jamie Foxx plays Max Dillon/Electro and this is one of those performances that is so bad that you end up laughing at it, he plays this nerdy guy who gets turned into a supervillain. He is just filled with awful one liners and laughable motivations that just really doesn't work. Dane DeHaan plays Harry Osborne/Green Goblin and he is also pretty bad. He is really shoe horned into this film, and it starts off okay but he just becomes really over the top and cliché and then things get even worse when he turns into the Goblin. 


The story is easily the worst part of the film, it is all over the place and makes no sense. The film tries to focus on so many different story arcs but none of them get the time for the audience to get invested in. The ending is also terrible, the film has a clear ending but it decides to go on for another 10 mins or so and it really drags down the overall quality of the film. 


The script is just about passable, the humour with Spider-Man is really good and it is nice to see a confident version of the character on show. The dialogue between Gwen & Peter works well because the two of them have natural chemistry, not because of the actual writing. The overblown narrative is a huge issue and the drama just doesn't land as much as it should apart from a couple of moments. 


There are some very entertaining action scenes here and web swinging has never looked better. The Spider-Man costume is brilliant and seeing him in action is a lot of fun. But the looks of Electro, Green Goblin and Rhino are all awful and make a mockery of these characters. The pacing of the film is really hindered because of the amount of story arcs and length of the film. 


Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an average film. There is just way too much going on and it over reaches which is a big reason why this version of the character ended the way it did. 

Rating - 5/10

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Review

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Review

Next on my Spider-Man review series is the reboot The Amazing Spider-Man and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Peter Parker become Spider-Man and have to stop a new mentor from changing New York forever. 

Main Character

Andrew Garfield plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man and he is very good in his role. His Peter Parker is really different to Tobey Maguire's and it does seem like this interpretation of the character has been more modernised and it works pretty well. He is really great as Spider-Man, he nails the quips well and I think overall this is a different but effective showing by Garfield. 

Supporting Characters

Emma Stone plays Gwen Stacy and she is really good, she is a fun love interest that doesn't ever annoy me. The chemistry is amazing on screen which is probably helped by some off screen chemistry, it really raises the quality of the film and it makes the whole romance angle of the film an actual joy to watch. Rhys Ifans plays Curt Connors/The Lizard and he is also decent, I have some complaints about the character but his performance is pretty strong and if given more attention this could have been a top villain instead of just a decent one. The late Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, Dennis Law and Sally Field are also all good in their roles and fit the world very well around the other three more prominent characters.


The story is good in terms of introducing us to a new Spider-Man and it does certain elements that are new and fresh in this world. I just wish it had leaned into these more focused instead of things that are quite generic or that we have seen before. This is a clear origin film and it just feels really rehashed, maybe something else could have been done to change it up or just have him be Spider-Man at the start of the film. Also Lizard's plan is just absurd and makes no sense, it feels underdeveloped and rushed just because the film needs a villain. 


The script has some good one liners from Spider-Man, he feels funny and like you would imagine a young man as a new super hero would. But the drama is a bit of a mixed bag, the romance is good and I cared about it, but some of the other drama doesn't work. It feels like it isn't fleshed out enough and doesn't do enough to really make me care. 


The film looks really good, Spider-Man's costume and swinging look fantastic and I really liked how it did the POV shots of him swinging as it felt like we were swinging with him in the rooftops of New York. But some of the action scenes didn't really hit with me and I wasn't a huge fan of Lizard's look in the film. The pacing isn't great either with the first act in particular dragging for me. 


Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man is a good film. If you are a fan of the character you will enjoy it but it could have maybe done a bit more to stand out. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Spider-Man 3 (2007) Review

Spider-Man 3 (2007) Review

With less then a week to go to Spider-Man: No Way Home, I have now finished the original trilogy and here is my review for Spider-Man 3. The premise of the film sees Peter Parker coming into contact with an alien symbiote while his life is thrown into turmoil by villains and his complicated love life. 

Main Character

Tobey Maguire is once again back as Spider-Man and unfortunately this is easily his worst performance in the role. He is fine, as he could play the role in his sleep at this point. It is just Peter is pretty unlikeable in this film and the writing for him is poor. Maguire is only doing what is asked but you can't help but think that he doesn't give as much to this film as he does the others. 

Supporting Characters

Probably the best character in the film is Flint Marko/Sandman played by Thomas Haden Church. He isn't just an average bad guy, he has interesting and has compelling motivations that if in a better film could have been explored to a greater length. JK Simmons is once again back J. Jonah Jameson and he is great in his small role here, again I kind of wish he could have been on screen more but he is always entertaining to watch. Kirsten Dunst is back as Mary Jane Watson and this is the film where I couldn't stand her, she is just really unlikeable and the plot tries to make you care but you just really won't. The film focuses way too much on her and her own story and it just doesn't work and she comes across poorly. The same could be said of James Franco as Harry Osborne, he was set up really well in the previous film but he is really wasted here and it just feels like he was an afterthought which is disappointing. Topher Grace plays Eddie Brock/Venom and he is just bad, I think the actor has even admitted he isn't good in this film, he was just horribly miscast in the role. It doesn't help that he is barely given anything to do and feels really tacked onto the story here. 


The film is all over the place in terms of its storytelling. It tries to focus on so much that it ends up failing on the majority of its fronts. You have three villains that are fighting for screen time, romance and action, it has been reported for years that the studio forced Venom into the film and it really shows with this mess of a movie. 


The script also isn't good. The drama isn't there, it comes across as cringe and weak. The charm worked in the previous films to a certain extent but it fails here. The humour isn't there either and really turns the characters into idiots and kind of ruins them from the previous films. 


The action scenes are pretty decent, in particular the Spider-Man vs Sandman subway fight. The Black Suit Spider-Man looks great and the CGI is pretty effective for a film that came out a long time ago. But the film is paced really badly, again as I complained about earlier, there are too many plot threads to focus on and it messes up with the pacing and tone of the film. 


Overall, Spider-Man 3 is a poor film. It is a big let down to finish the trilogy and its one that all involved would like to forget. 

Rating - 3/10

Arcane Season 1 (2021) Review

Arcane Season 1 (2021) Review

I have never played or know anything about League of Legends but I saw this show was blowing up online and decided I had to watch Arcane and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees two lands separated with different champions trying to survive and thrive. 

Main Character

The popular Hailee Steinfeld plays Vi the lead character and she is really good. She is a rough, gritty hero who is trying to do the best for her and her family. I ended up caring about her plight and story which saw some clear development over time. Kevin Alejandro plays Jace, he is basically the leader of the high society but you see how much of a burden his position is to him and how his one discovery changes his life forever. The two characters don't have much screen time together, but their stories are intertwined and they bounce off of each other very well. 

Supporting Characters

Jason Spisak voices Silco and this is a really fun bad guy, he is slimy and twisted but also has a sense of honour and loyalty that makes him more then just your generic bad guy. Ella Purnell plays Jinx and she is a huge part of the show, she really transitions as a character and you see her descent into madness. It reminded me of watching a version of The Joker or Harley Quinn and it is handled really well and was very effective. Harry Lloyd plays Viktor, he is a real tragic character in this show. His body is deteriorating but his mind is strong, it drives him down a rabbit hole of science and it is a character you want to see succeed despite the risks that he decides to take. This is a huge cast and the rest of them also do a good job, nobody stands out as bad and that is a welcome thing in an animated show. 


The main story is interesting, it is not the first time that we have seen a class system divided but it just works here. It spans a large time period but it allows to see these characters grow and how the situation has moulded them into the people that they are. The ending of the show is fantastic and does an amazing job of getting you excited for a potential second season. But as you can see in the poster above this is a huge cast of characters and the show sometimes struggles in balancing all of their stories and it means a few of the characters don't get the attention they need or deserved.


The script is well written, especially for an animated show. The drama is really mature and deals with themes that some shows don't and that drives it towards a really interesting show. There are little sprinkles of humour that make it work and I think this is a really well written show. 


The animation style is amazing, it is really easy on the eye and it flows incredibly well. The action scenes are pretty hardcore and brutal but are choreographed and animated very well. The show keeps the pacing up over the 9 episode runtime and I hope it can keep this strong showing up in the future. 


Overall, Arcane is a fantastic first season of a show. It does a really good job of introducing the audience to this world and once you start you won't want to stop. 

Rating - 9/10

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Next in my Spider-Man Review series comes Spider-Man 2 and I re-watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is set 2 years after the first and sees Peter Parker struggling in balancing his life when a new threat comes to New York. 

Main Character

Tobey Maguire is great as both Peter Parker & Spider-Man. I actually think he is better in this film then he was in the original, his character goes through a real arc as both Parker and Spider-Man and that can sometimes be a real difficult thing to balance in a film like this. He is still to this day known for his portrayal of the character and that is due to his great work, I think especially in this film. 

Supporting Characters 

Alfred Molina plays Dr Otto Octavius and he is fabulous in this film, as Doctor Octopus he is one of the better comic book villains we have seen on screen. He also has a real character arc and Molina really cares about this performance which ranks him up and easily raises this overall film higher up. James Franco gets a bigger role in the film and I actually liked the way the film took Harry Osbourne, his lust to get revenge on Spider-Man is well handled and saw him through his own story in the film. Kirsten Dunst is back as MJ and again I thought she was fine, I felt like the dynamic between her and Maguire was better in this film and I thought she was better written though not perfect and I will give her the benefit of the doubt here. A real scene stealer is JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, they give him more to do in this film and he is amazing, I couldn't stop laughing watching him and as I said in my previous review he is one of the best castings ever made. 


The story is really effective in this film and that is because it takes more care with its characters and focuses less on the whole relationship dynamic on the film. It balances Spider-Man & Peter Parker really well and characters like Harry & Doc Ock are really given interesting arcs that get you invested in the film. It balances the narrative well and I really was invested in pretty much everything, even the not amazing romance. 


The script is also better in this film, it isn't as cheesy as the previous. The drama is interesting, with the characters written better. I also found myself laughing more watching this film and that is a credit on the balance that is achieved with this film. 


The action scenes are really great, I mean the train sequence alone is one of the greatest comic book action sequences ever made. Seeing Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man clash is really exciting and feels completely different from the action scenes in the previous film. But this film has one issue and that is with tone, it is a bit all over the place, with dark moments and really cheesy moments. It isn't the biggest issue in the world but it is here and holds it back from getting my top score. 


Overall, Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic film. It raises the stakes and delivers on a great superhero action film that should be seen. 

Rating - 9/10

Monday, December 6, 2021

Charlie Cox to reprise his role as Daredevil in The MCU

Charlie Cox to reprise his role as Daredevil in The MCU

So big news coming out of Hollywood saw Marvel Studios head confirm Kevin Feige that Charlie Cox will reprise his role as Daredevil in The Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is not unexpected but big news and here are the places that I think he could appear in The MCU. 

Spider-Man: No Way Home 

This rumour has been spreading for a long time and this news basically confirms this. The theory is that Matt Murdoch is one of the lawyers helping Peter Parker escape criminal charges for being Spider-Man. It makes sense that he would try to help a fellow powered individual, especially a young man who he will know is innocent. I think this could literally be a one scene cameo, but it will be good to see him reprise the role as his lawyer persona even though I think we will have to wait a bit longer to see Daredevil himself. 


Again another heavy rumour is that Cox will appear in the upcoming Disney+ show She-Hulk. It has been confirmed that the show will have plenty of courtroom scenes and that seems like an appropriate place for an appearance from Matt Murdoch. I also think this show will see Jennifer Walters and Daredevil team up to fight bad guys outside the courtroom which should be fun. 


This is pretty much a guarantee. The character of Echo recently debuted in Hawkeye and it has been confirmed that she will be getting her own spinoff show. With the connection between Echo and Daredevil in the comics and the seemingly confirmed appearance of Wilson Fisk, he will be in this show. I think this is likely to be the largest role he could be a part of for the foreseeable future. 

His own film or Disney+ Series 

This is complete conjecture but it seems like The MCU has some plans for Daredevil. The question will be whether it is a film or TV series, we have already seen a mostly successful Netflix series so a film could be more ideal and expose the character to a larger audience. 

Could this see the return of more Netflix Marvel Characters?

The big question now is will this lead to the return of other Netflix characters to The MCU. Daredevil was the one who started it all so it makes sense that he would be the first to appear. With Kingpin also seemingly confirmed I think it could be likely that we get the chance to see some others. I think Luke Cage & Iron Fist would be the more likely ones, Jon Bernthal has made it clear he doesn't want to play a watered down version of Punisher so I think that he can be ruled out and I think something similar would be in place with Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones. 


Overall, this is really exciting news and will hopefully see the return of many characters from the show because I really loved the Netflix show of Daredevil. It seems strange to confirm this so close to his probable first appearance but it still excites me for the future of the character.  

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Peacemaker Season 1 (2022) Trailer Review

Peacemaker Season 1 (2022) Trailer Review

I really enjoyed The Suicide Squad and I also really liked John Cena's performance as Peacemaker. Now early next year he is set to get his own series and a pretty lengthy trailer was released last night and I watched it and here are the things that I have taken from it. 

Will be mostly set after The Suicide Squad 

There were rumours that this show would take place before the events of the film to show how Peacemaker ended up working for Amanda Waller and we still might get some of that. But this trailer confirms through some dialogue that it takes place after The Suicide Squad and how he moves on from the events in that film. 

Peacemaker has daddy issues

A heavy theme of the trailer is the relationship between Peacemaker and his father played by Robert Patrick. They are both bad people but you can see Peacemaker wanting to get his approval and how it affects him as a person, this might go down a generic route but I hope they pull out something a bit more interesting. 

Peacemaker is questioning his code

In The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker is the most ruthless of the characters willing to kill anybody for his mission. But here you see that he is wavering in his methods, he is struggling with his morality and whether innocents really should be sacrificed for peace. Mixed with some clear PTSD and it is hopefully going to lead this character to be fleshed out with way more screen time. 

Going to continue the tone from The Suicide Squad

James Gunn is heavily involved with this series so if you liked the over the top and brutal action mixed with crude jokes then you will like this show. Hopefully it can keep it up for the 9 episodes and manage to make this side character stand out on his own. 

Will we see any other members of The Suicide Squad?

The big question is whether we will see any other members of The Suicide Squad. Obviously, without spoiling things too much there aren't too many members of the group left after the film and they aren't exactly best friends with Peacemaker. I think Amanda Waller is the best bet but even that will be a smaller role. 


Overall, I am happy to see the continuation of the Peacemaker character and this trailer was pretty good so I am hopeful that this show will hit the mark. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Spider-Man (2002) Review

Spider-Man (2002) Review

With Spider-Man: No Way Home set to come to cinemas in a couple of weeks and the reveal that characters from previous Spider-Man films will be a part of it, I thought I should go back and watch previous Spider-Man films and here is my review for the first Spider-Man film. 

Main Character

Tobey Maguire plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man here and he just fits the role really well and is really fun to watch. You see him grow from this really uncomfortable nervous nerd to this confident super hero and it is executed really well. Maguire, brings emotion and humour to the role to really create this interesting and sympathetic hero that you can really care about. 

Supporting Characters

Willem Dafoe plays Norman Osbourne/Green Goblin and he was literally born to play this role. He nails the duplicity of the role and the insanity that comes across from the Goblin, the costume isn't great but he is a very memorable villain for sure. Kirsten Dunst plays MJ and she does her job to the best of her abilities. The character isn't written very well and is basically a damsel in distress but I thought she had good chemistry with Maguire and it just about worked in this film. Similar with James Franco as Harry Osbourne, he isn't given that much to do but he is decent when on screen despite some of the plotting for the character not being that great in this film. Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris are both very good as Uncle Ben and Aunt May and you see the impact they have on Peter's life and how it moulds him as a superhero. Onto the show stealer which is JK Simmons as J Jonah Jameson, when people ask what is the greatest casting in a comic book film he is the answer I give. He hasn't got a huge role in the film but when he is on screen he knocks it out of the park and is literally the only person who could ever play this role in live action. 


The story is good, I think it is a really effective origin story for Spider-Man and really gets us invested in the character and moves at a quick enough pace that it never feels dull or slow. But this film does suffer a bit in their handling of some of the subplots, like the whole romance story. The characters of MJ and Harry are really underdeveloped and made to come across as bad people which doesn't make sense when the performers are really trying their best. 


The script is effective, it is funny at times and the drama mostly works. You care about the main conflict and Spider-Man which is the most important part of the film. But there is no denying that some of the writing is incredibly cheesy and feels dated, making me cringe. Plus as I said some of the story elements just don't work. 


The style of the film still holds up. The action scenes are very exciting and cinematic, I may have complained about the Goblin costume but the Spider-Man costume is amazing and so iconic. The film is paced really well and kept me interested and enjoyed throughout. 


Overall, Spider-Man is a great film. It is one of the superhero films that started the craze of these type of films and it still holds up really well. 

Rating - 8/10

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Power of the Dog (2021) Review

The Power of the Dog (2021) Review 

This film has been gaining a lot of claim from all of the film festivals and today The Power of the Dog made its way to Netflix, so I watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a rancher motivated by his work attempt to ruin the lives of his brother's new wife and son in law. 

Main Character

Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the best actors on the planet and he really proves it here with a mesmerising and brilliant performance. He is not a likeable guy in this film but he totally owns the screen and you can't help but watch him and care about his character. As the film goes on the real genius of this character comes into the light and he is easily the star of the show here. 

Supporting Characters

Jesse Plemons plays his brother and I really liked the juxtaposition between the two of them as you see the intense Cumberbatch mixed with the calm and collected Plemons and it works really well. He does fade into the background at certain points in the film but it feels appropriate to the story that is being told. Kirsten Dunst plays his wife and I also thought she was really effective in her role, I am not always her biggest fan but here I thought it worked and you see her character really spiral and the tension between her and Cumberbatch is sometimes tough to watch but in a good way. Kodi Smit-McPhee is a young actor who is growing in reputation and I think he was better as the film went on and he shared more scenes with Cumberbatch. Another up and coming performer Thomasin McKenzie has a small role and she is decent but I kind of wonder why they got her when she had very little to do in this film. 


The story is affective in showing how one person can cause a lot of issues for another without laying a finger on them. The acting really raises this material up and you see how these characters minds work and it really hits its stride in the last act with a really interesting ending. But the film takes too long to get going, the film could have done a better job in setting out its narrative flow and overall themes. 


The script is okay, there are some really good lines and moments. The plot is pretty clever with interesting storytelling being on display. But as I mentioned above, it seems to plod along a bit too much and this film takes itself so seriously that it can be a bit of a hard watch for sure. 


The film looks beautiful, the cinematography is fantastic and it really is a marvel to look at the backdrops and the world that has been created here. Mixed with a really effective soundtrack, it was a key thing to bring me into the film. But the film is very slow in its pacing, it feels at least 30 mins longer then it actually is and that hurts the overall quality of what is an interesting watch. 


Overall, The Power of the Dog is a good film. If you want to watch a film that wants to win Oscars and have great acting and filmmaking then this could be one for you. 

Rating - 7/10