Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Review

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Review

Finally, the biggest film Spider-Man: No Way Home has hit cinemas and I had to go see it as early as possible. Now I have watched it, here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Spider-Man's secret identity revealed, he tries to get Doctor Strange's help to fix things but this leads to some unwanted visitors from other universes to cause problems for both of them. 

Main Character 

Tom Holland has played Spider-Man for a while now and for me this is his best performance in the role. You really see how he has grown and this film shows real depth to the character and how he has kind of grown up into this crazy world. He doesn't have much rest in the film and it really pushes Holland to impress in the majority of his scenes and I thought he was great in really making Spider-Man a top hero in The MCU. 

Supporting Characters

Zendaya plays MJ and I was just really happy to see the dynamic between her and Peter in this film. Despite everything that goes on they are a pretty strong couple and it is just nice for a comic book film to have a relationship that feels natural without overpowering the main plot. Benedict Cumberbatch reprises his role as Doctor Strange and he is really good, I really like how despite being a hero he has a more mature and different viewpoint to Spider-Man. He adds some really interesting parts to the film and plays a unique role in the progress of the story and Spider-Man as a character. Jacob Batalon is back as Ned and he is much better then the role he played in Far From Home. He is just a fun character that supports Peter, he is way more involved with Spider-Man and that improves his character so much. Marisa Tomei is back as Aunt May and again she is more involved this time out and is just a really great person for Holland to bounce off and the dynamic just really works and makes their relationship feel very real. Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina and Jamie Foxx reprise their roles as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and Electro. Dafoe and Molina are great and really flourish in their roles, but the surprise is Foxx as Max Dillon/Electro. He is so much better then he was in Amazing Spider-Man 2 and I am glad he got given this 2nd chance here. 


The story is really great, I was worried with all of the multiverse elements that the focus could have been taken off of a character arc for Spider-Man but it nails this element. Peter has a real arc and it develops incredibly well and for me was a real highlight. It is obviously great seeing the returning villains and they are treated with respect and their characters are further explored. The ending feels deserved and because you are so invested it feels really earnt. 


MCU films often get criticised for their scripts including too much humour in them, but I actually think the balance is really handled well here. Yes there are funny moments here but for me they didn't outweigh the serious and darker parts of the film. 


The film looks great, the actions scenes are all really fun and seeing The MCU Spider-Man going against villains from the other franchises works very well and allows for some fun sequences. The pacing for the film is also really good, despite being 2 hours 30 mins it never felt too long and I honestly believe that there isn't really any filler here which is an impressive feat. 


Overall, Spider-Man: No Way Home is an epic film that really lives up to the hype. I am possibly still buzzing because I have just watched the film but I can't find too much fault and this is a Spider-Man fans dream film and anybody will find this film plenty of fun. 

Rating - 10/10

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