Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Review

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Review

Next on my Spider-Man review series is the reboot The Amazing Spider-Man and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees Peter Parker become Spider-Man and have to stop a new mentor from changing New York forever. 

Main Character

Andrew Garfield plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man and he is very good in his role. His Peter Parker is really different to Tobey Maguire's and it does seem like this interpretation of the character has been more modernised and it works pretty well. He is really great as Spider-Man, he nails the quips well and I think overall this is a different but effective showing by Garfield. 

Supporting Characters

Emma Stone plays Gwen Stacy and she is really good, she is a fun love interest that doesn't ever annoy me. The chemistry is amazing on screen which is probably helped by some off screen chemistry, it really raises the quality of the film and it makes the whole romance angle of the film an actual joy to watch. Rhys Ifans plays Curt Connors/The Lizard and he is also decent, I have some complaints about the character but his performance is pretty strong and if given more attention this could have been a top villain instead of just a decent one. The late Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, Dennis Law and Sally Field are also all good in their roles and fit the world very well around the other three more prominent characters.


The story is good in terms of introducing us to a new Spider-Man and it does certain elements that are new and fresh in this world. I just wish it had leaned into these more focused instead of things that are quite generic or that we have seen before. This is a clear origin film and it just feels really rehashed, maybe something else could have been done to change it up or just have him be Spider-Man at the start of the film. Also Lizard's plan is just absurd and makes no sense, it feels underdeveloped and rushed just because the film needs a villain. 


The script has some good one liners from Spider-Man, he feels funny and like you would imagine a young man as a new super hero would. But the drama is a bit of a mixed bag, the romance is good and I cared about it, but some of the other drama doesn't work. It feels like it isn't fleshed out enough and doesn't do enough to really make me care. 


The film looks really good, Spider-Man's costume and swinging look fantastic and I really liked how it did the POV shots of him swinging as it felt like we were swinging with him in the rooftops of New York. But some of the action scenes didn't really hit with me and I wasn't a huge fan of Lizard's look in the film. The pacing isn't great either with the first act in particular dragging for me. 


Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man is a good film. If you are a fan of the character you will enjoy it but it could have maybe done a bit more to stand out. 

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