Saturday, April 27, 2024

Mass Effect (2007) Review

Mass Effect (2007) Review

When I was younger, one of the first games I really got invested in was Mass Effect and I have played through the whole trilogy many times. I decided to once again go through the trilogy and the spinoff Andromeda and review them. I really got back into the franchise when the legendary edition was released and all of the reviews will be the legendary versions of the game, so here is my review for the game. The premise of the game sees in a future where humans discovered they weren't alone in the universe, an elite human soldier must lead a team to save the world from a rogue agent. 


For this playthrough I decided to play as a Male Commander Shepard, but I have done previous playthroughs as a Female Shepard and Jennifer Hale is fantastic in the role and in the near future I am sure I will do another run-through as this version of the character. Mark Meer plays the Male version of the character and he is also fantastic, he feels really believable as this soldier and as the squeaky clean soldier is good. He is also really funny with his deadpan lines and Meer nails it for sure. 

My favourite character from this game is Urdnot Wrex who is voiced by Steven Barr. He is a Krogan mercenary and he is the coolest character, he is the most intense and renegade character in the game but he has a sense of honour and the relationship that he builds with Shepard is really well handled. 

Brandon Keneer plays Garrus Vakarian and he is decent here, he is a character that is clearly struggling with his place in the galaxy and sees working with Shepard as an opportunity to find his way. There is very much a professional relationship between him and Shepard which mean he doesn't quite have the chemistry that would be developed in future games. 

Ali Hillis plays Liara T'Soni & Ash Sroka plays Tali and they are both good in the game but similar to Garrus they don't fully hit their stride in this game and are setting up the intrigue and they are good character but we only start to really delve into their character here

Last of the squadmates is Kimberly Brooks playing Ashley Williams and Raphael Sbarge playing Kaidan Alenko. As the only human squadmates they are naturally less interesting then their alien allies but the game does give them character and the voice actors do good enough work to make them valued part of the team. 

There are so many fantastic characters in this game. Saren is a brilliant villain for this game and is perfect for this story. Captain Anderson played by the legendary Keith David is an awesome mentor for Shepard and Joker played by Seth Green is a great addition to the group. 


This story is fantastic, it really does a great job of introducing us to this universe and cast of characters. The different species and motivations are well realised for sure. The main character being on the hunt for a rogue agent sounds quite simple but it really works and the more focus on the main plot with a few longer main missions is an interesting but effective choice. The ending is pretty epic and does an amazing job of setting up the future games with lots of effective choices for the player to make that will also affect the future. 

Side Content

There is plenty of side content in this game and some of the missions have really interesting subject matter that keeps things interesting when not focusing on the main plot. It allows the player to make their own decisions and gets to learn some more stuff about your squadmates. However, some of these missions are quite repetitive, the bases look the same and a lot of them just feel very similar which is a shame. 


The gameplay has definitely been improved with the Legendary Edition. The gunplay is good and this game has the most RPG feeling of the trilogy, you get plenty of armour, weapons and mods to use which makes the gameplay feel fresh as you play. However, it still isn't that great and it is the weakest part of this game, it is weaker gunplay then most modern shooters that you get today. The Mako is brought back and again, even though it is improved it is still frustrating to use and hindered my enjoyment of the experience. 


Because I played the Legendary Edition version of this game, it looked fantastic. The character models are much improved and the planets themselves look a lot different and just feel unique. The cutscenes are really well rendered and it just made everything more exciting. 


Overall, Mass Effect is a great game. It rises above some of its weaknesses and introduces people to this amazing world and franchise that will continue to provide great content. If you haven't played this game then get The Legendary Edition a go and start this trilogy. 

Rating - 8/10 

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