Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Star Wars Outlaws (2024) Trailer Review

Star Wars Outlaws (2024) Trailer Review

Star Wars has been branching out for years now and this year we are getting the first Star Wars open world game in Star Wars Outlaws and yesterday a Story trailer was released and here is what I thought of it. 

All the major crime syndicates are after the main character

In the beginning of the trailer we are introduced to our bad guys. Our main villain is chatting to members of the other crime syndicates which fans of the greater Star Wars lore will know. The Pike Syndicate mainly seen in Clone Wars & The Book of Boba Fett, Crimson Dawn seen in Solo & The Hutts seen in the majority of Star Wars media. It is cool seeing these different factions and hopefully we are either able to work with them or against all of these factions. 

The Underworld is taking advantage of the Galactic Civil War

It is also explained that The Empire is really distracted by The Rebellion and is really taking them seriously meaning that this game likely takes place after the events of A New Hope. It seemingly shows that The Empire is kind of ignoring and willing to let the underworld operate in their own medium. 

The Main Character crosses a new villain

The Main character is called Kay Vess and she is clearly new to the world of The Underground and is shown as an aggressive young woman. It also reveals the main villain Sliro who is the one who leads the meeting of the different criminal factions. He is the head of a new faction called Zerek Besh and they are after Vess after she messes up a job for them. 

The main story is to try and rob Sliro's fortune. 

We are revealed to the main story. Vess has a bounty on her head and it is suggested that in order to get herself away from this she tries to rob Sliro and his factions fortune. It will be interesting to see if this game involves more Stealth based missions and whether the main hero will become more of a hero as the game progresses. 

The game takes place between Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi

Following up what I mentioned earlier, we now have a confirmation of the rough timeline for this game. We are delving into the timeline between Episodes 5 & 6, which hasn't been explored very much except in comics so it will be cool to see the shape of the galaxy during this time period. 

Kay Vess encounters Jabba The Hutt

A big part of the trailer sees our protagonist end up in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine. We see her facing Carbonite Han Solo and then having a conversation with Jabba himself. It confirms the timeline of the game and maybe sees our character working with Jabba which could be interesting and see us run into other bounty hunters that worked for The Hutts. 

She also has run ins with The Empire

With the time it takes place it should be expected that our character has run ins with The Empire and it will be interesting if they play a similar way to the Jedi games involving Cal Kestis. I actually think it would be cool to see Kay Vess going againts The Rebellion too which would show her as a lone wolf and not associated with either faction. 

Vess looks to get a crew together and a ship

Towards the end of the trailer, Vess says that she needs the right crew for the mission and a ship capable for the job. I hope we get a fun collection of characters and I wonder if it will be something similar to Mass Effect and having to get this crew together to support you and go on the mission. 

Is Vess more linked to the original trilogy?

A Line I really noticed is that one of the villains mentions that Vess has a larger story and I wonder if that was included to make us know that this character could be important and maybe we will see her in other mediums or just sequels for this game. 

The Graphics are a bit inconsistent 

For a first real trailer of the game, I think it looks a bit inconsistent. Some of the shots look good, especially when looking at established locations such as Canto Bight & Jabba's Palace. But some of it looks like it wasn't finished, especially when it came to character models. 


Overall, I am cautiously optimistic regarding Star Wars Outlaws. I think the premise of playing as a scoundrel going through the different factions could be great but some of the graphics look weak and it hasn't done enough to fully convince me that it is going to be a great story or character to play as. 

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