Wednesday, June 5, 2024

First Impressions - The Acolyte (2024)

First Impressions - The Acolyte (2024)

After a long build-up, today saw the first two episodes of The Acolyte makes its way to Disney+ and I have now watched the first two episodes and here are my first feelings on this show and the creative directions it takes. Obviously, there will be spoilers here so I wouldn't read this unless you have seen the episodes. 

The show wastes Carrie Ann-Moss 

I think everybody was excited when Carrie Ann-Moss was cast as an experienced Jedi Master as she is a great actress and has experience of Sci Fi through The Matrix & Mass Effect. But for some reason her character Indara is killed off in the first episode after a cool action scene. I understand that this was done to further the plot and by killing her off it provided shock to the audience but I can't help but feel like we were robbed of what could have been an amazing character. 

The action scenes are really well filmed

In the first two episodes, there is tonnes of action and I really enjoyed it all as it felt unique and different. There are no lightsabre duels and the show even encourages the lack of weaponry through the story and I thought it added to the drama of the show and I can't wait to see more really interesting action sequences. 

What is Mae's motivation?

We are introduced to Mae, someone who the Jedi perceived was killed 16 years ago in a fire that she started. However, Mae is back and has already killed two Jedi in the first two episodes and there is clearly a really personal reason for this. I think we're going to find out that The Jedi caused the fire or that her sister Osha was kidnapped and indoctrinated by them. 

The show is beautiful

This show just really feels like Star Wars. It is filmed like it is something from The Prequels or originals and I like the High Republic designs mixed with all the older technology. Its a beautiful watch and just the visuals are enough to keep me interested. 

Everybody is Great

All the actors do a fantastic job. Amandla Stenberg does a great job as both Mae & Osha and they really feel like different characters despite being twins and I like how she sells that duality. Lee Jung-jae as Sol is a really good Jedi, he just fits the role extremely well and I like his connection with Osha throughout the episodes. Everyone else is great and I am liking the characters so far. 

Are there too many characters?

Though I do worry that the previous positive might end up hurting the show. We have a lot of characters here and a lot of people to focus on. We are yet to meet Jodie Turner-Smith's character Mother Aniseya, barely spent time with Rebecca Henderson's Vernestra Rwoh and we still have the main villain to introduce and I hope the show can give plenty to these characters and keep the focus on the ones established in these episodes. 

Who is the Big Bad?

At the end of the first episode, we learn that there is a big bad who is giving Mae instructions and direction for her revenge. Now this individual seems to be a Male and has a red lightsabre, that could start tonnes of theories but I don't think we know enough to even theorise and previous Disney Star Wars shows seem to have led us to stop making these crazy theories. 

We don't really get any big bits of information

I was a little bit surprised by how little really happens in this episode in terms of big story reveals. We have plenty of questions set up for the rest of the season which is great but they don't provide much here and that is a little shame but I guess we will have to be patient over the next 6 episodes. 


Overall, I was really engaged in these first two episodes of The Acolyte and think it was a really positive start to the show and I really hope we have a real hit on our hands here. 

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