Friday, June 14, 2024

Hit Man (2024) Review

Hit Man (2024) Review

This film has been gaining plenty of traction on Netflix and has been the number 1 film this week and I have been a little late to the party but I have watched Hit Man and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a professor pretending to be a hitman in order to aid the police, he gets wrapped up in one of his cases which changes his life. 

Main Character

Glen Powell has been an actor on the rise and he plays the lead here and he is really good. He has such charisma on screen and he really does nail the duality of his role and the crazy situation that his character has been put in. He clearly has a bright future as a leading man and it will be interesting to see the projects he picks over the next few years. 

Supporting Characters

Adria Arjona plays Madison and does a really good job as Powell's love interest. The two of them have insane chemistry here and it does really feel like watching one of those crazy couples and her performance is a big part of that. 

Austin Amelio plays Jasper who is a colleague of Powell's character and I also liked his performance. He just plays the scumbag really well and I just really didn't like his character and Amelio nails it in this film. 

Unfortunately, the other members of the cast aren't that great. This film could have done with a few more interesting characters to add further intrigue to the story, especially some from his school life which seems to mostly be ignored. 


The story is quite interesting, seeing how this man manages to manoeuvre himself between these multiple lives and identities is pretty fun. I must admit I was quite surprised that this is basically a romance film and the romantic story works really well. But this film is pretty cliché and isn't exactly doing anything that isn't seen before, it does squander its interesting premise and with a few tweaks could have been a really interesting story. Also the ending, while interesting is pretty abrupt with little explanation. 


This film has some pretty quick dialogue and interaction between the performers, it also has some twists and turns that are pretty well written. But I heard this film was hilarious and I maybe chuckled once, it just isn't very funny and the drama doesn't really hit either. 


Unfortunately, this is where the film really fails. The film is actually quite boring and that is due to the really slow pacing and the length of time it takes for the main plot to get going. There is just nothing really special about the way it is filmed and with a director like Richard Linklater I just expected more. 


Overall, Hit Man is an average film that falls way below the expectations that I had after some really good reviews. I would say give this one a miss unless you are a huge Glen Powell fan, though I am sure he will be involved with better in the future. 

Rating - 5/10

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