Monday, November 30, 2020

Small Axe - Red, White and Blue (2020) Review

Small Axe - Red, White and Blue (2020) Review 

So another week and another film from The Small Axe collection called Red, White & Blue, and I have watched it and here is my review for it. The premise is based on a true story where a Black man sees his Father get assaulted by police officers, which motivates him to join the Police Force and attempt to change the racist attitudes from within. 

Main Character

John Boyega has been in the news a lot this year for important subject matters and he is fantastic here and you can just tell he has lots of passion for this role. He delivers a really strong performance and you really want to support him and see him succeed in his mission which is very just and very deserved in terms with his overall goal. 

Supporting Characters

Steve Toussaint plays his Father in the film and he is really good here, there is an incredibly powerful scene involving him and he is great in this film, the relationship between him and Boyega is portrayed in a very strong way and it is part of the lifeblood of the film. The rest of the cast are great too, everyone whether it be family, friends or the other police officers everybody delivers a really strong and real performance. 


The story does what it intends to, it highlights just how bad things got in the British Police Force in The UK and it does a good job of following this one man on his crusade. I actually thought this film did a really good job in not having every white person be racist, yes there are bad people but there are also good people and that isn't always highlighted and I am glad it is here. I also really liked how when Boyega's character joins the Police, his position changes in the Black community which again isn't something that is explored to often. But this film does have a few plot points that aren't finished off and feel a bit tacked on and the film ends really abruptly and you are kind of left unfulfilled. 


The script is quite good, the script does a good job of putting in the casual racism elements to not make it in your face all the time, also this film does have some nice bits of humour and touching moments to help flesh out a couple of characters. But the script does a bit of a poorer job of balancing the plot lines and I felt like even though the film does the casual racist stuff well, it never hits the dark levels that you would expect especially when you consider Mangrove is in the Small Axe collection too. 


The film has a good style to it, it just feels very real and authentic in how it is told and deals with the subject matter in a respectful but powerful way. But this film is a bit slow in its pacing, especially in its first act which really takes its time. Also this film has a bit of a timing issue, he literally joins the police and then one scene later he is looking for a promotion, it just seems like a lot happens off screen and the film could have done with a longer runtime like Mangrove in order to tell its full story. 


Overall, this film is a good addition to The Small Axe collection and is a strong showing for John Boyega in a solid film. I would say this film is worth a watch, but watch Mangrove first as I feel like the two films are good comparison pieces. 

Rating - 7/10


The Undoing Mini Series (2020) Review

The Undoing Mini Series (2020) Review

So The Undoing has been gripping the British public for the last six weeks and it has now finished and I have watched it all and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a woman's life be turned upside down when a friend of hers is killed and someone close to her is the main suspect. 

Main Character 

Nicole Kidman plays Grace and she does a great job in the show. She is the character that we are meant to see the show through and it was done effectively because of her talent, as the world around her gets crazier and crazier Kidman does a great job in just showing how everything is spiralling and how her life is truly being affected by this whole ordeal. 

Supporting Characters

Hugh Grant has really had a great career renaissance the last few years and he is truly superb here, the guy is so charming and likeable but manages to show a real depth and intrigue to make you wonder what is exactly going on with his character. Donald Sutherland plays her father in the film and he is great, he plays the concerned father well but he also has that intensity when he needs it and he just fills the role incredibly well. Noma Dumezweni plays a lawyer on the show and she she does a great job, she is just a great character and she nails it in the courtroom scenes and she has just such a presence on screen, which is impressive when you see the talent with her. Now it has been a tough year for Edgar Ramirez, he has been in some terrible films but he plays a detective here and he does a really good job and it is just nice to see. He plays the detective really well and it is just a role he slips into very easily and he adds plenty to the show especially in the opening episodes. 


The story is a classic murder mystery and it is executed very well, it keeps you questioning throughout and does a great job having interesting characters that makes you wonder what exactly is all the characters motivation and whether they can be a suspect in this case. But this show has a main issue and that for me is the ending, the reveal is fine and executed pretty well but the show ends so abruptly, it feels like the episode needed 10/15 minutes longer in order to properly wrap up this show as there is no real room for a second season of this show. 


The script is great, the dialogue has a really intense feeling due to the subject matter that is on show. But these characters feel real, they have a bit of humour but tons of darkness and drama that makes you interested and invested in the overall feel of the story and the show. 


The style of the show is pretty full on, it is intense and shows off the indecency of the characters and something that feels very real whether that is violence or sexual. There is only 6 episodes and that feel appropriate, I mean it doesn't feel too long and the episode length feels appropriate. But I felt like the first couple of episodes were pretty slow, I know that it has to build the story and the characters but it does it in a really slow boring way. It does get much better as it goes on but it does take some time to get going and get particularly interesting. 


Overall, this is a great thriller with a top notch cast. If you are a fan of murder mysteries then give this show a watch as it is a great 6 episode series. 

Rating - 8/10 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 (2020) Review

The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 (2020) Review 

So after The Walking Dead & Fear The Walking Dead we now have our third zombie show in this universe The Walking Dead: World Beyond and I have now just finished the first season and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a group teenagers leave their university in order a scientist charged with ending the Zombie Apocalypse. 

Main Characters

Young actresses Aliyah Royale & Alexa Mansour play the two leads here and I am sure they are nice people and hopefully have a long careers but they are both pretty bad here. First Royale, she plays Iris and she is the most annoying character, she acts so much better then all the other characters on screen, even though she is dumber then most of the other characters. The show tries its best to make you care and you just won't, it even makes you question why some of the young males are interested in her when she offers nothing when on screen. Then onto Mansour, she plays your tough generic renegade and she doesn't do it particularly well, I think the main issue with her is that you have seen this type of character hundreds of times before and this show does nothing different with it. The character is poorly written and has a few twists that make little sense and feel contrived just in order to raise the drama because the show can't create natural tension and drama. 

Supporting Cast 

The supporting cast suffers too but there are a few glimmers of okay performances that do enough. Hal Cumpston as Silas is easily the most interesting character on this show, the show does a good job through flashbacks in showing his interesting backstory and I think some credit has to go to the actor for the way he conveys the character. Annet Mahendru plays Huck who is basically the female leader of the group and I thought she did a pretty good job, again the flashback story involving her is something new and interesting in this world and her character becomes more interesting as the show goes on. But then we get to the rest of the cast, Nicolas Cantu plays Elton and this guy is really annoying, he is very clearly positioned as the nerd of the group and it doesn't allow the character to be interesting and he actually comes across as too much at times. Then onto Nico Tortorella who plays the groups guardian, he is as generic as they come and their is nothing about this character that stands out. I mean there is one part of his character that is just beaten over your head even though it would have been more effective if it had been weaved organically and just feels like a cheap attempt at getting sympathy. The group meet a few people and they are annoying and you won't care about them and the main bad guy is barely on screen so again why should you care. 


It's funny because as I mentioned earlier this show actually does an okay job in portraying a few of the characters and there backstories, the show also does a few things that ties it into the larger Walking Dead universe and it now seems that this show is heavily connected to what is going on in the main Walking Dead show. But this show also has some dull flashback stories that do nothing for characters, I mean one character has multiple flashback episodes for some reason and it feels like they aren't really sure what story they want to tell. I mean at this point we have seen plenty of The Walking Dead and this show does nothing new, the whole show feels like a copy of the other shows and don't get me started on how The Walkers or Empties as they are called on this show are the weakest to date and literally offer no challenge to these novices. 


The script is woeful, the dialogue is cringeworthy at times and as I said above the character development is pretty much non existent and the writing is just poor. The show doesn't make you get invested dramatically and there is nothing to laugh about at all and the actors aren't strong enough to rise above it. 


The shows style suffers as well, it offers nothing new or unique, it looks cheap and like its The Walking Dead's ugly step sister that they don't care about. The pacing is all over the place, why their needs to be 10 episodes I don't know as it feels like padding and like there are a few episodes where very little happens. 


Overall, this is an awful show and easily the worst thing I have ever seen The Walking Dead make. But I feel like for the future of The Walking Dead this show is going to play a part in its main story which makes it something to know about. Luckily before the show came out they confirmed that there would only be 2 seasons, so only one more season of this garbage to go, but yes unless you are a Walking Dead nut avoid this show at all cost. 

Rating - 2/10

Small Axe - Mangrove (2020) Review

Small Axe - Mangrove (2020) Review 

So I recently watched Lovers Rock which is the second film in the Small Axe collection on BBC and now I have gone back and watched the first film Mangrove and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is based on real events and sees a group of black people put on trial after a clash with racially charged British police. 

Main Character

Shaun Parkes plays Frank and he is fantastic here, he is the head of the Mangrove restaurant and his character is really interesting. His character has really interesting motivations, you see he is fed up of the police force but he maybe isn't as militant as some of the other characters and it provides fascinating dynamics and he knocks it out of the park. Letitia Wright is a truly phenomenal young actor and she plays the more militant member of the crew and she is so great and delivers such passion here. I mean she is a big name after her appearance in the Black Panther and Avengers films but I think she can be one of the biggest stars around for years and years around and this is probably the best I have ever seen her yet and that is saying a lot. 

Supporting Characters

Malachi Kirby is the third of the main people in the Mangrove 9 and he also gives a great performance, he has a speech towards the end of the film and it is so good and really hits you and credit has to go to him for how great his performance is here and these three in particular give some of the best performances of 2020. Jack Lowden who I first saw in Fighting With My Family plays a lawyer that helps the group out and he is a real nice addition to the cast, he has plenty of charm but he is used in an appropriate way, he doesn't overshadow the main cast but is a good addition here. Sam Spruell plays the main police officer and I thought he also did a great job, he is so disgusting to watch and you just see the lengths that these officers go to just because of racial hate and it makes him an antagonist you just want to hate. Overall, everybody does a great job in the cast and this is one of the best acted films of the year for sure. 


The story is really impactful, you see the injustice that goes on with this society and it just feels very real. The first half of the film does an effective job in setting up the situation that these characters are in and the real brutality of the situation involving the police and these people due to the colour of there skin. The second half of the film is set in the courtroom and I really love these sequences, it shows the injustice in more of a casual way, which makes it even worse. To me these scenes are more uncomfortable as you just see how corrupt the system is and how it affects real people. The film has a great ending and is a real uplifting ending to a really important story. 


The script is really well written, the dialogue is obviously really serious and really strong in terms of the abusive language that it tells and shows, but it feels appropriate and never oversteps the line and uses it for no reason. But also credit to the script that this film does have some funny moments and character moments that make you care and make you want to see The Mangrove 9 succeed. 


As I have mentioned the film has quite a brutal style, not hiding away from the real brutality that has been seen in the past and it uses it affectively and in a way that is pretty respectful. The one criticism and literally the only one is the pacing for me was a bit slow at first, it takes a bit of time to get going but for me it is a valid criticism that bought the film down a tiny bit for me. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film that really conveys its subject matter appropriately and is effective. This is one of the best films of 2020 with amazing performances and if the rest of the Small Axe films can achieve levels like this then I am on board. 

Rating - 9/10

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Good Lord Bird Mini Series (2020) Review

The Good Lord Bird Mini Series (2020) Review

So this show has come to Sky in the last week and I have now watched the 7 episodes of The Good Lord Bird and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a young slave join a crew of abolitionist soldiers led by a charismatic religious leader. 

Main Character

Ethan Hawke plays John Brown the lead here and he is amazing here, I mean he shouts a lot but it is so intense that it just works and makes you want to follow his crew on his mission. I also think Hawke has a really great grasp of dark comedy, as I found him hilarious at times but also a really interesting character that leads this show so well. 

Supporting Characters

This show basically introduces Joshua Caleb-Johnson as the character of Onion and he is fantastic here, he delivers a great performance for such a young actor. He is basically the person that we see the show through and it is done really well, you really grow attached to Onion and really want to see him succeed with this crew that has been assembled. Hubert Point-Du Jour plays Bob and I thought he was really good on the show and was just a really likeable addition to the cast and had a really good chemistry with Caleb-Johnson and their dynamic was really good. Daveed Diggs from Hamilton & Snowpiercer plays a smaller role but when he is on screen he does a really good job and is just so charming as we have grown to expect from him. The rest of the cast also do a great job and make this a great ensemble cast with great people throughout. 


This show has an interesting story, seeing this ragtag group of people trying to abolish slavery through pretty violent ways is great to watch and you do want to see them succeed in their mission. Seeing the story through Onion's eyes makes it a different watch from usual and seeing the work of John Brown is great. However, this show does suffer from some old fashioned tropes, the main one being the white saviour for the black man, it is really forced down your throat here how John Brown is a saviour and it just comes across as a bit tacky and obvious. 


The script is very good, the dialogue has a great blend of humour and drama. As I said earlier Hawke has such a great handle of dark comedy and he nails the blend between humour and drama and it makes John Brown a great character to watch. The characters develop well and it does a good job in making you care about them and the cause that they are fighting for. 


The show has a really good show, it does feel like if you played either of The Red Dead Redemption games then you will like this show, as in the way it is presented it feels very much like it is inspired by that show which is good with me. The action is brutal and feels very real and the obvious racism is pretty uncomfortable to watch to an effective degree, also this show has an amazing intro with the music, it gets you right into the mood for the show in a very effective way. But this show probably has a few too many episodes and could have done with 5 episodes to make the story flow better and some people would find it too preachy and it does feel like there could have been a bit more nuance to the characters instead of having obvious protagonists and obvious antagonists. 


Overall, this is a great mini series that is a fun watch with some pretty dark moments. Hawke, gives an emmy worthy performance and I hope he gets the recognition he deserves and if you like westerns then this is a show that will be right up your ally. 

Rating - 8/10 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Ranked: Middle Earth Films

Ranked: Middle Earth Films 

So while in Lockdown I have gone back and watched all of the films in The Middle Earth franchise - The Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit and here are my rankings from the weakest film to the best (no guesses for the best three films). 

6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) 


It says a lot about me that this film is the weakest film in this franchise, despite the fact that I quite like it. Martin Freeman & Sir Ian McKellen are great and Andy Serkis shines as Gollum in the small time he is on screen. It is just this film is way too long and literally takes a good 45 minutes before it gets going. It uses cheap nostalgia from the original trilogy and has a bunch of Dwarves you won't care about, but it does enough to be a likeable film, but falls into the bottom place on this list. 

5. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies (2014) 

Next on the list is the final film in The Hobbit trilogy, again it has some good parts, Martin Freeman, Sir Ian McKellen, Luke Evans are all great in their roles and the stakes are certainly raised here in cool ways. But the majority of this film is just one big battle scene that has so much poor CGI it is crazy. The only reason it isn't the lowest on this list is that it ends some of the characters well, has some decent action scenes and is much shorter then any of the other films on this list which is a blessing. 

4. The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug (2013)

And to nobody's surprise the second Hobbit film is the next film on this list and it is easily the best film in that trilogy. It is just much more fun then the other two films, the characters are better developed and the action is well done. It also includes Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug and he steals the show and portrays one of the most memorable characters in recent memory. This film continues the story pretty well and does a really good job of making you care about The Hobbit films. 

3. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 

Now onto the Epic films - meaning The Lord Of The Rings trilogy starting with The Two Towers. This film has a couple of really interesting plot lines and balances them really well, whether it be Aragorn and the Rohan stuff, Frodo, Sam & Gollum doing there thing or Merry & Pippin's story, it all flows really well and is really exciting. This film also includes one of the greatest battles in film history with Helms Deep and is amazing to watch. I mean the only reason that this is number 3 is because one of these films has to be third, it is epic like the next two films. 

2. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001)

The film that started it all, The Fellowship of the Ring is a truly epic film with one of the greatest crews ever established. Every member of the Fellowship is interesting and you care about them all for different reasons, the film has great action scenes and just does an amazing job in bringing you into this world and getting you established with these characters. Even though this is 3 hours long, it is action packed throughout and really focuses on its story and characters to an amazing level that is a must watch. 

1. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) 

I mean what more can I say, it is The Return Of The King, possibly the greatest epic film ever created. The characters are at all time high, the stakes are at its highest and it manages to finish this trilogy perfectly to give every character a satisfying ending. The action scenes are epic and you will feel the epic nature of this film and exactly why it is one of the greatest cinematic experiences ever created and why it is the best film in this franchise. 


Overall, The Hobbit films are entertaining enough and The Lord Of The Rings are possibly the three greatest films ever made for the cinema so it is a must watch. To be honest all these films have merit and if for some reason you haven't watched the Middle Earth films, go out of your way and do it as soon as you can, especially with a new Lord Of The Rings show coming to Amazon in the next few years. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Review

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Review

So we are here, I have now re-watched all of The Lord of The Rings films and now I have watched all of The Hobbit films and here is my review for the final film in the latter trilogy The Battle of the Five Armies. The premise of the film sees Bilbo & the company of Dwarves have to engage in a war with different combatants to defend Erebor. 

Main Character

One thing that has been consistent throughout this trilogy is that Martin Freeman is an absolute treat as Bilbo Baggins, again he is just so likeable and as we get to the end of this particular journey you just see how much he has grown from the first film to this film and it has been great to see on screen. Richard Armitage is given more to do as Thorin in this film and he is the one character that actually gets something residing of an arc. His character shifts upon getting to Erebor and you see how much the quest has affected him, I mean I think the change is really quick but Armitage does a great job of conveying the change in character and the relationship between the two leads is handled really well here. 

Supporting Characters

Sir Ian McKellen is back as Gandalf The Grey and I mean no surprises to hear that he is great, once he gets into the story he is good in the role and is just such a good addition to the story being told and I think they show the relationship between him and Bilbo really well. Luke Evans is back as Bard and he is great here, it is tough to talk about his character without spoiler so all I will say is that Bard plays a more important part in this film then he did in The Desolation Of Smaug. But the rest of the cast don't fair as well and I don't really think it is their fault. Lee Pace is back in a bigger role as Thranduil and it is just that I found the character quite dull, he is just a bad guy, for being a bad guy's sake, his character is given very little development and it was a missed chance. The same can be said for Orlando Bloom as Legolas, he is barely in this film and he doesn't get any action scenes that are as good as the previous film, I just wonder why to have him in this franchise if he isn't going to be used very much in this film. I thought Evangeline Lilly did a fine job in the last film but she has so little to work with, the stupid romance is back and forced even harder this time and you can tell that she isn't really up for it and it is easily the weaker element of the story. 


Honestly there isn't a huge amount of story here, but they do certain character arcs well and give them more to do here such as Bilbo, Thorin & Bard, they are the best characters here and they do have interesting things to do here. There is also the stuff involving The Necromancer which is really interesting but unfortunately barely on screen. Something that isn't great is how they treat Smaug, after being the best part of the previous film, his whole character and story is dealt with in the first ten minutes of the film, I checked the time on the Blu-Ray and it was exactly 10 minutes, including opening credits which is a joke. Also it has to be mentioned that over half of this movie is just battle scenes, now don't get me wrong I love a battle sequence but when it is over half of the film and there is no story at all, just characters fighting where the majority of them you won't care about it makes it hard to get invested. 


The script is still strong, I would say this film has the darkest script in terms of dialogue, there are very few jokes and funny moments, except for Bilbo, but it felt appropriate for the film that we are watching so I think it worked well. Some of the characters are given good arcs in the film and I liked how the majority of them end up.


The film feels pretty big in scale with huge battles that rival anything seen in previous films which is pretty cool. There are some decent action scenes, mainly the ones that are closer together and with less characters and this film is easily the shortest Middle Earth film yet which makes it an easier watch then if it had been 3 hours long. Though, I also feel like this film is a bit lifeless, there is so much CGI it is unreal and all of it is terrible, the reason the battle scenes in Lord Of The Rings are so good is because it blends CGI with practical, but this film doesn't. It goes all in on the CGI and it just feels like computer images hitting each other and it makes it hard to care, also how does this CGI look worse then films that came out 20 years ago, it is absurd. 


Overall, a good final film in this franchise that falls short of being an epic ending. I mean this is a film for Middle Earth films and is worth a watch, just when you watch this film and the whole Hobbit trilogy, set your standards a bit lower and you will enjoy them. 

Rating - 7/10

Mads Mikkelsen to replace Johnny Depp as Grindelwald - Why it is a great choice

Mads Mikkelsen to replace Johnny Depp as Grindelwald - Why it is a great choice 

So this has been a big source of news the last few weeks, first Johnny Depp was removed from his role as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise and now it has been confirmed that Mads Mikkelsen will be taking on the role in the third film. Now I am not here to look at the ethics of whether Depp should have been replaced or not, I am here to talk about the news of Mikkelsen being cast and why I think it is a really good choice. 

He could get his time to shine in a big film franchise

Over his career Mikkelsen has been a part of big franchises, such as James Bond, Star Wars & Doctor Strange but he always felt like a side figure in those films, but I feel like he could be a real star in this franchise. The character of Grindelward was given plenty to do in the previous film and if they give Mikkelsen that much then I really think he can knock it out of the park and show his quality. 

He will be a more intense version of the character

One of the criticisms I have with Depp's performance in Crimes of Grindewald is that he was too cheesy and over the top, which made him a bland and not intimidating presence, so it was hard to take him seriously. But Mikkelsen is just not like that, he has a dramatic charisma about him and is a pretty intense performer, he just naturally will be a different type of character which should be interesting to see. 

Mikkelsen is a better actor then Depp

Look, I know people won't want to hear this but at least based on recent times, Mikkelsen is a much better actor then Johnny Depp so should do a better job in the role. I mean if you look at his performances in Casino Royale, Hannibal, Rogue One & Doctor Strange it just shows how good he is, and honestly Depp has been living off the first Pirates Of The Caribbean film for the last 17 years and it shows. 


Overall, the way that things were handled with Depp leaving was pretty poor, but I can't deny that I am way more excited to see Mads Mikkelsen's take on Grindelwald when the eventual third Fantastic Beasts Film comes out. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Small Axe - Lovers Rock (2020) Review

Small Axe - Lovers Rock (2020) Review

So I was wondering how exactly to review the Small Axe Anthology that is happening on BBC right now, but due to this being a collection of films I decided to review each film separately and give my thoughts on each one with its own merits. So I decided to start with the 2nd film in the series Lovers Rock and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a house party take place in West London looking at different relationships between the people there. 

Main Character

Amarah-Jae St Aubyn is a completely new actress, this film is the first credit to her name and she is good here, she is easily the most likeable character here and the one we see the film through and she just wants to have a fun time at this party when things happen out if her control. Though I think, the whole idea of the film doesn't help, she isn't really given much in terms of development, the film just shows her at a party dealing with boys mainly and it didn't allow her to really flex any acting muscles, but a good start to her acting career. 

Supporting Characters 

The same can be said for the supporting cast, Micheal Ward plays the main supporting character Franklyn and he does a fine job, with most of his scenes coming with Aubyn and they have decent chemistry together. Though like all the cast, the supporting characters, though showing talent are given pretty much nothing to do and little development which does hold the film back. 


Lets be truly honest there is no story here to speak of, it is just a film that looks at a group of peoples lives, with a few scenes of discomfort but there is nothing to explain here and for me it hurt the film. You are never given a chance to learn anything about the characters, they are just random people and you do wonder for a bit why you should care and why you should really get invested in the characters in the film. 


The script is functional, there is an okay amount of drama between the people, that could probably be expected for a party and a few chuckles but there is nothing memorable about this script and apart from one of two moments doesn't do enough to hit the levels. 


The style is also okay, I must say in 2020 it is nice seeing a party of people enjoying themselves without worrying about a pandemic and there is some pretty cool amount of music. But this film is really slow in its pacing, it also shows some bad things like racism and rape, but barely looks at it, it could be looked at like that was the point, but it also made it feel a bit pointless and like why did they even bother with it. 


Overall, this for me was a below average film, with some talented performers, but nothing happens in this film. It doesn't really have much of a message or purpose, so I would say this is one you can skip. 

Rating - 4/10 

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) Review

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) Review

So the next film in my Middle Earth binge is the sequel to The Hobbit: an unexpected journey - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Bilbo, Thorin & the dwarves continue their quest to the mountain while Gandalf heads on a different path towards The Necromancer. 

Main Character

Martin Freeman is back as Bilbo Baggins and he is really great in the film, he is still such a likeable character but this film shows inkling to the darkness that affects him. The film does a good job in showing how acquiring the ring in the first film is slightly affecting him, he isn't anywhere near Gollum level but it is a nice layer to his character. But Bilbo is just such a charming protagonist and you really want to see him succeed and do well because of how great Freeman is in the role. 

Supporting Characters

I'm not quite sure why but it seems that the second films in these trilogies like to side-line Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, first The Two Towers now this film. He is great when he is on screen, and his story arc is actually pretty interesting  it is just the film doesn't use him that much and that is a bit of a let down. Richard Armitage is back as Thorin Oakenshield and I thought he was better in this film, he is much more likeable and actually seems like more of a leader to the group. The relationship between him and Bilbo advances and is developed here which improves both of their characters. Orlando Bloom is back as Legolas and even though this is meant to be a prequel to Lord Of The Rings, he looks way older here obviously and it does take you out of the film for a bit, but he does a good job. He is fantastic in the action scenes and I would even argue that he does more in this film in terms of action then he did in the previous trilogy and it raises the bar so much compared to the action in the first film. Evangeline Lilly plays Tauriel and even though they take the character in some poor direction, which Lilly came out and agreed with, I thought she also does a good job here. She is also really good in the action scenes and her character is given some time to shine here. Luke Evans is here as Bard the Bowman and he is really good too, he is a really interesting character and his dynamic with the dwarves is well handled and he felt like a pretty natural addition to the cast. But then onto the show stealer which is Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, this guy is awesome and the voice is so imposing and so intimidating providing memorable moments like Gollum did in the previous film. 


The story is definitely more engaging then the last film, it is just paced faster and takes us through interesting parts of Middle Earth that we haven't seen before with a more interesting group of characters leading to a great final act. But the issue here, is that there is plenty going on here and certain elements of the film aren't really given much time to shine, it is kind of like they had a short book to adapt and they forced it into a trilogy thus adding story arcs and characters that are nowhere near the boom, plus don't get me started on the terrible romance in the film. 


The one thing that The Hobbit films have the same as its predecessor is the well written scripts and the good blend between drama and humour. This film is a more mature film and mostly gets rid of the childish humour and it makes it feel larger in scale and continues to make the main characters feel interesting and worthy of the franchise. 


The style of the film is more gritty then the previous film and definitely has more violence to it which is a welcome thing. As I said above the film moves more quickly and keeps its pace going throughout which is a vast improvement from the previous film. Though like the previous film, I thought the CGI wasn't up to scratch here, apart from Smaug who looks amazing, the rest just looks pretty poor, whether it be the gold or background it just looks like CGI which is the worst thing that you can say about CGI. 


Overall, this is a great sequel that improves most of the elements of the previous film and is more exciting. Don't expect Lord Of The Rings level of quality but if you are still on board with this franchise then give this film a watch. 

Rating - 8/10

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Tin Star Season 1 (2017) Review

Tin Star Season 1 (2017) Review 

So season 3 of Tin Star is coming to Sky next month and I have never watched the show despite it being on for a few years but I have now finished the first season and here is my review for the show. The premise of the season sees a former undercover British cop travel to a small village in Canada to become the sheriff , when he must defend his family from all kinds of threats. 

Main Character

Tim Roth plays the main character here and he is fantastic, carrying this show on his back pretty much. He has such a dark sense of humour and it makes him way more interesting, imagine if The Punisher was also a police officer with a dark sense of humour and you have Roth in this show and he is great throughout and is a very enigmatic lead with a very interesting character. 

Supporting Characters

Genevieve O'Reilly plays his wife on the show and I thought she did a good job, they have an interesting dynamic that is one of the most interesting parts of the show. Though that is about it for the supporting characters for me, Abigail Lawrie plays their daughter and she was so annoying and hard to care about, she is just an annoying teenage girl and every time she is on screen I want to check out and wait till Tim Roth is back. The Villains are cookie cutter and dull and there are characters that have no real use of being here, mainly Christina Hendricks as a head of an oil company that feels unnecessary and gets way to much screen time here. 


The story of Tim Roth's character is fascinating, even though he is a police officer you can tell he likes to bend the rules to get things done and you understand his motivations for why he acts like he does. Everything to do with him is interesting and as you see this guy break down and get worse and worse as the season goes on and you just wonder how bad it is going to get. Also the season has a really interesting ending that sets up its second season pretty well. But there are way too many subplots here that don't really end up really mattering and it does make it feel like padding to get this show to the ten episodes that it felt it was required. 


The script was well written for me, I think the blend between drama and humour was really well done here. Roth has such a knack for well timed humour that it makes this show so much better, his character is so well layered and there are plenty of dark moments that are actually a bit funny, but also some really brutal, violent scenes showing some well done writing. 


The style of the show feels unique, it feels small scale in a very good way and doesn't hold back in terms of violence, but it feels very appropriate for the show that you are watching and it really works and makes it feel incredibly gritty. But this show does have a few too many episodes in it and it feels like there is an amazing 6-8 episode season, but they had to force it to ten and it does hold it back quite a bit. 


Overall, this is a good first season of the show with some brutality. I think there is an amazing show here, but it just needs to get rid of the pointless side plots. If you like brutal cop shows then I would say this is worth a watch and your time. 

Rating - 7/10

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Right Stuff Season 1 (2020) Review

The Right Stuff Season 1 (2020) Review

This show made its way to Disney+ and released episodes weekly but the final episode of The Right Stuff has aired and I have watched it and here is my review for the first season of the show. The premise of the show sees a group of US fighter pilots recruited to test rockets to become the first US astronauts. 

Main Character

Patrick J Adams plays John Glenn & Jake McDorman plays Alan Shepard and they are the two main characters and they give decent performances and I mainly believe that is due to the fact that they are good actors as that comes through, because there characters are rotten to the core and hard to care about at all. John Glenn is a whiny, jealous narcissist and Alan Shepard is a womanizing, unfaithful arrogant man, when these are your two main characters it doesn't exactly make it easy to like them. I mean these are based on real people and I really just wonder how these people feel about the way that they are portrayed on this show. 

Supporting Characters 

Patrick Fischler & Eric Ladin as the heads of NASA are clearly the best supporting characters, you see the pressure really affecting them and they give great performances and feel like the most natural characters on the show. Then we get to the rest of the astronauts and they suffer from the same issue as the main characters but with less screen time, they are all womanising, arrogant people and it is really hard to care about any of them. Colin O' Donoghue gets the most attention, but he is pretty unlikeable and as the season progresses you wonder why they even bother focusing on him. Then there are the wives of the astronauts and I mean they don't give bad performances, it is just there characters are paper thin, and most of them come off as weak for letting their husbands do what they want because they are famous. 


The story has some interesting things about it, seeing NASA really growing from the ground up and the development of the space program and the tests that they had to go through and the real pressure that everybody involved goes under. The issue I have mentioned above is that the main characters are just so unlikeable and hard to care about, the show has a large cast and nobody really truly stands out and if it wasn't for the subject matter this show wouldn't be worth much at all. 


The script is fine, there are actually some pretty intense scenes and heated arguments between the characters that raise the tension well. But the issue is just the writing for the characters, they aren't written well and the show doesn't do a good job of a balancing act to make you care enough, especially when there is a large group of astronauts. 


The show just is a bit of a drag in terms of its style, there isn't much to really drag you in, there is poor cgi when it is used and it does feel like this show is a little cheap, I don't know if that was just me but I thought the show could have done with a bit more excitement in its presentation. 


Overall, I am sure the real story and the book is much more interesting then this show as this is just a very dull show that doesn't bring much to the table. A few okay performances aren't enough to aid this show and I would say this is one you can take a pass on. 

Rating - 4/10 

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Review

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Review

So now The Lord Of The Rings is over and I have watched all of them, it is now time to watch the prequel trilogy of Hobbit films, starting with An Unexpected Journey and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young Bilbo Baggins go on a journey with Gandalf and a group of Dwarves to try and reclaim their homeland from a dragon. 

Main Character

When it comes to casting younger versions of iconic characters, Hollywood sometimes struggles. Here we see Martin Freeman play a younger Bilbo Baggins and he is perfect for this role and excels, this guy is so charming and charismatic in his role. You just instantly care about Bilbo, he has a very clear arc throughout the film and it is great to watch and lets be honest he is a more likeable protagonist then Frodo ever was and it really improves this film. 

Supporting Characters

Sir Ian McKellen is back, this time as Gandalf The Grey and he is great, I always thought this version of the character was more fun to watch and more charming and it is nice to see him back and enjoying himself. He has a great dynamic with Freeman which for me carries this film and is the best relationship in the film. Richard Armitage plays Thorin, the leader of the dwarves and I thought he gave a good performance, despite his character annoying me throughout. Thorin is just so angry throughout the majority of the film, but the film does a good job of explaining why he is like that and I appreciate the time and effort given to his character in this film. Andy Serkis is back as the ground-breaking Gollum and he looks and acts better then ever, the development in technology allows him to look more realistic then ever and the scenes between him and Bilbo are real highlights of the film. Though there is more of an issue in this film is that you won't care about the majority of the characters in the film, there is a large group of dwarves and they are given no distinctive personalities or reasons to make you care and the villains are pretty dull and underdeveloped. 


The story in the film has some really interesting ideas, this film does a good job with the characters of Bilbo and Thorin and develops them well throughout and the quest is interesting and different enough from the quest in Lord Of The Rings. Also the film introduces an interesting story involving a character called The Necromancer, which gets developed more in the later films. But the issue here is more to do with the source material and the fact that this has to be a trilogy, there is so much filler here that dulls down the stories, there is clearly not enough for them to work with and is very clear that they are padding out the narrative in order to get three films out of 1 small Hobbit book, which is very clear. 


The script is good though, the main characters are written well, and the dynamic between humour and drama is pretty good still, I mean the Hobbit is a more kid friendly book so there is a bit more childish humour but it doesn't take away from the overall feel of the script and the way it develops the two main characters. 


The style of the film still looks great, Middle Earth looks great and the film shows that, also with some really fun action scenes that will excite throughout. The issue is this film, like The Lord Of The Rings films is nearly 3 hours long and it has no reason to be, you could easily cut 30/40 minutes off the film for a more concise and much better film. There is also some poor CGI, that stands out and makes you want the poor practical style back. 


Overall, this is a good return to Middle Earth, that if you enjoy The Lord Of The Rings you will like, but there is a clear drop in quality. I would say it is still worth a watch but just lower expectations for this film. 

Rating - 7/10

Dark Waters (2020) Review

Dark Waters (2020) Review

So this film came out earlier this year, but never came to the cinema near me and then we got to the pandemic so I never got the chance to watch Dark Waters, but the film has just made its way to Amazon Prime and I watched it last night and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a corporate defence attorney take on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a history of pollution. 

Main Character 

Mark Ruffalo plays the main character here and he does a great job here, the man is just a great actor and he shows it in this film. You do care about his character and you are behind him the entire way, he just conveys a movie star and he makes the story feel really large stakes and that is mainly due to a really quality lead performance here. 

Supporting Characters

This has a really great supporting cast in it, Anne Hathaway plays his wife in the film and she is good. I mean there are times when I feel like she is underutilised but when she is on screen she has strong scenes and I thought the relationship was well presented here. Tim Robbins plays his boss and he is really good, they have a good working relationship in the film and there is one scene in particular where he goes off and gives a really great dramatic scene. Bill Camp is the one who hires Ruffalo and he gives a strong performance, you can tell just how much the whole thing affects him and how frustrated he is by the whole situation. You really feel for him and want to see him do okay and you just want Ruffalo to help him out. Victor Garber & Bill Pullman are great in their smaller roles, especially Pullman who steals the show in his 5 minutes and provides some great moments. 


The story is based on true events, though I'm sure the odd bits have been added for glamour but it feels like a story that needed to be told as I like a lot of people didn't know about this story before this film. The film does a great job in showing just how serious this whole situation was and how hard Ruffalo's character worked to expose the chemical industry and raise this very serious situation. However, I would say that this film struggled in terms of how it told its story, the film takes place over 13 years but it doesn't do a great job of showing that. In a few minutes years pass in the film but the characters seem to be in the same space and doing the same thing and it struggles to keep you invested especially in the latter halves of the film, also the end of the film introduces a new part of the story and then just ends, I felt like it would have been way more interesting but you never see it. It feels like to get this whole story told, this should have been a longer film or even a mini series to document the whole story. 


The script is fine, there are some really good dramatic scenes in this film that make you care and make you realise the talent that is on show here. But there aren't really any humanising scenes here, and what I mean is that every scene is so dramatic that it feels a bit too much at times and makes these people not seem real even though the whole situation is very real. Also as I mentioned above, I don't feel the script was written particularly well in terms of the way it conveys the story and the plot. 


The style of the film is very heavy and does a really good job in showcasing the horrors that are going on in this film and make you buy into the situation and fully support our protagonist. The film is interesting, but it also feels like important parts of the plot are glossed over, because they have to in order to keep the runtime down and it does hurt the pacing making it feel a slower pace which hurts the film. 


Overall, this is a good film with an important story and filled with great performances. If you are a fan of gritty, real films with important stories then this could be a film for you. 

Rating - 7/10

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) Review

The Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) Review

So I have now made my way through The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and that culminates with The Return Of The King, one of the biggest films ever made and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees the forces of Gondor & Rohan fight to protect Middle Earth from the forces of Mordor while Frodo, Sam & Gollum get closer to Mount Doom and their endgame. 

Main Character

Elijah Wood is back as Frodo and I think he does a great job in selling just how tough the journey has been on Frodo compared to the other characters. The ring is just weighing him down and this film in particular he is really struggling with it and finding his mind on the brink. I mean Frodo isn't the most likeable character for parts of this film but I thought Wood did a great job in portraying the anxiety and torment that Frodo has gone through in this trilogy. Viggo Mortenson plays Aragorn and talking about his character is pretty funny, I mean the title of the film spoils his whole character arc but he is still great here and does well in his role and just does a great job as a protagonist. 

Supporting Characters

Sean Astin does a really good job in the first two films but this is the film where he really stands out and for me gives the best performance in the film. There is a line in The Two Towers where Frodo says he wouldn't get far without Sam and you really see it in this film, as Frodo struggles Sam gets stronger and Astin does a fantastic job in this film as the moral centre. Sir Ian McKellen is given more to do here as Gandalf The White and he is great, he gets to see more of the action and nails every moment he is on screen and just adds so much to the film. Andy Serkis is also back as Gollum and the effects are even better here, Gollum looks fantastic and the character is fleshed out here and it even better, Serkis truly deserves credit for his role here and Gollum is also a real highlight of the film. The rest of the cast also do great jobs, Miranda Otto as Eowyn gets more to do here, Bernard Hill as Theoden gets more to do, Merry and Pippin have more to do and they are all fantastic and have really good character arcs, the whole cast really do a great job in the film. 


The story is epic on all levels, more of the characters have interesting character arcs and more time to shine. The story is in three plots really, Frodo, Sam & Gollum, Gandalf & Pippin and the rest of the characters at Rohan, and all of it is really interesting. The film uses its extra runtime to flesh out more characters and makes the story be more epic and have more depth to it then the previous films. It ends the trilogy pretty much perfectly and does it really well with these characters that you will have grown to love over the 9 hours that you have watched. 


The script is great, the dialogue and ways the characters are written takes these larger then life personalities and makes you care about them which is no mean feat. This film knows when to focus on the drama and it knows when to have a laugh, it balances the plot arcs very well and makes the film interesting from start to end. 


This film is epic on scale, I mean it could be argued that in terms of scale this is the largest film ever, the battle scenes are huge in scale and raises the scale which was necessary for a final instalment of this epic franchise. The film has over 3 hours to tell its story and I think it does a good job of it and keeps the pacing high for pretty much the entire film which is a difficult thing to do. 


Overall, I mean this is The Return Of The King so of course it is amazing, this whole trilogy is one of the greatest of all time and if people haven't watched it then they just need to get on it, especially while we are in lockdown. 

Rating - 10/10

The Queen's Gambit Mini Series (2020) Review

The Queen's Gambit Mini Series (2020) Review

So this show has been getting rave reviews since it came out and I have now watched The Queen's Gambit and I was looking to see if it lived up to the hype and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees an orphaned child discover and become a master of Chess but has plenty of issues in her life. 

Main Character

Anya Taylor Joy is a young actress who has already gained a huge reputation and she is amazing on this show and steals the show and is up their for one of the best performances of the year whether that be TV or Film. Beth Harmon is a fascinating character and her drive to succeed makes her a really interesting character and one that you just want to study and see develop and she does a great job of selling that. I can't talk enough about how good she is in this show, I don't care about Chess but she manages to make me really interested by it and get excited for every episode and I can only see huge things in her future and can be one of the biggest stars in Hollywood for years to come. 

Supporting Cast 

This is Anya Taylor Joy's show, she owns it and dominates it but she has a stellar supporting cast around her. Bill Camp plays her Chess teacher and he does a really good job, he mainly takes part in the beginning of the show with her younger self but the scenes are captivating. Seeing this Janitor train this young special girl is interesting and you see how their dynamic shapes the season and shapes the character of Beth Harmon throughout the show. Harry Melling from Harry Potter & Thomas Brodie-Sangster from Game Of Thrones play fellow Chess players and they are great, even though they are rival chess players they aren't portrayed as villains, it is a competitive environment and I love how both of their characters interact with Joy and how it develops. Everyone else does a stellar job, the whole cast are great and excel in their roles and make this a really well acted show. 


The story is truly fascinating, seeing this young girl excel at chess and from her young time to her becoming at a celebrity is is really interesting. You see how Chess is her addiction and how she looks at the game is different to everybody else, for any competitive person you can understand where she is coming from as she is truly trying to be the best. It gets even more interesting as the show goes on as she becomes more involved with other things and you see how she tries to balance life with Chess and how it becomes more difficult. The show also builds to a truly superb finale that has you on the edge of your seat and keep you interested throughout. 


The script is great, it does a really good job of taking the Chess jargon and making it pretty easy to understand and actually makes you more interested in Chess as a whole. It also writes its characters really well and make them complex and multi dimensional with a great blend of drama and humour for some really well written characters with a truly superb lead. 


The style of the show is maybe the most standout thing on this show for how surprising it is, the Chess matches are so intense and captivating, hell I have no idea what is exactly going on but it intrigues me and keeps me invested. The show looks great in terms of its time period and costume design and also the fact that it has 7 well paced episodes really helps and doesn't feel like too much filler, everything feels like it should be there for the development of the main character and the story. 


Overall, this show truly lives up to the hype and is fantastic, if you are sceptical, don't be, watch this show as quickly as you can you won't regret it. It seems I am giving a few more 10 scores then usual, but this show truly deserves it and will be one of the best for the next few years. 

Rating - 10/10


Monday, November 16, 2020

The Life Ahead (2020) Review

The Life Ahead (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix lately and I have now watched the Italian film The Life Ahead and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a Holocaust survivor take in a 12 year old boy who robbed her. 

Main Character

Sophia Loren is a legend of the film business, with almost 100 credits to her name in a 70 year long career and this is her first project in 6 years and she is really good here. Her character is strong and has so much heart to her, her story arc is really emotional and you see why she looks after this child due to her own personal grief. You will care about her character and you will care about her and the story she has with the young boy Mo. 

Supporting Cast 

This film doesn't have a very big cast but everybody does good jobs in their small roles, but the standout is 12 year old boy Ibrahima Gueye who plays Mo and is a great young performance. You see how him and Loren need each other and how both of them coming into each others lives really affects them and makes them both better people and they do a great job of conveying that. 


The story is a nice tale about how two completely different people can come into each others lives and affect it to make them both better and it achieves it well enough. It is a heart-warming tale that does its job well, but I mean it doesn't do that much to really stand out and push to the next level, it is a nice film but not a story that will stick with you for a long time. 


The script is fine, some nice dramatic moments and nice charming bits of dialogue but similar to the plot, none of it will be very memorable and stand out but a nice enough written film. 


The style does an effective job in showing the relationship between the two leading characters and using there time pretty effectively as it is only 90 mins long. But then maybe we could have done with a bit more time to have some elements of the story expanded and make us truly care but it doesn't. 


Overall, this is a pretty simple film to review, it is just a nice charming film that won't exactly stick with you. If you have ninety minutes and are fine with subtitles then The Life Ahead is worth a watch at some point. 

Rating - 7/10

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 1 (2018) Review

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 1 (2018) Review

So the much loved Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is coming to an end with its 4th part at the end of December so I have decided to start watching the show and I have just got through Part 1 and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a young half witch have to decide on her 16th birthday whether she will be with her witch family or human friends. 

Main Character

Kiernan Shipka plays Sabrina here and I thought she did a really good job, Sabrina was just a really cool person and character and Shipka does a really good job of conveying that. When she is has dilemmas I actually cared about them and wanted to see her come out of it unscathed, the witch side of her life is pretty interesting and does a good job of creating intrigue throughout the show and just having a likeable protagonist really helps this show. 

Supporting Characters

Miranda Otto plays her Auntie and I just think she is a fun element on this how and you can just really tell she is enjoying herself. Her character hasn't got lots of depth but Otto uses her charm to make you like her and care about the character. Ross Lynch plays her boyfriend Harvey and I actually think they have a nice relationship, Shipka & Lynch have good chemistry and work well together, I mean his own stuff away from her isn't particularly interesting but when they are together they are both fun. But then the rest of the cast didn't do much for me, Lucy Davis plays Sabrina's other Auntie and she is her usual, silly self and for me just doesn't work alongside the other characters and I thought she was the comic relief done poorly. Then we get to Sabrina's cousin Ambrose and this guy is so over the top and condescending it is unreal and I never found a reason to care about him during the show. Also her human friends, these people I did not care about any of them, and the show really wants you too but they are so dull and at least it made me wonder why Sabrina would even consider staying with these people, but maybe that is just me. Also the villains didn't have plenty of depth, they are pretty cheesy and entertaining but there is little intrigue there to make them stand out. 


The story is interesting as Sabrina and us the audience are exploring the witches world and there are some really fun things, the best part of the show is when it looks into the witch culture and their society. But the show also focuses on her human life and this is just not interesting, it has all the usual things, a romance, some weird friends and high school drama and every time it is on screen I just wish it wasn't and we go onto more witch stuff. 


The script is okay, there are some charming moments and nice humour here but not all of it lands. The drama is a mixed bag too, it's mainly because the drama is so low key, it isn't a surprise because it is an issue for most shows that involve teenagers and high school and when there are more interesting things it didn't work enough for me. 


The style has some really good and unique visuals, it uses the magic and demonology incredibly well and it feels really unique. It is darker and has more graphic violence then I expected and it makes this show really feel more bloody and intense then some other young adult shows and films. But this season suffers from having a few too many episodes and the finale feels low key with nothing to really anticipate for a second season. 


Overall, this is an above average first season of this show, it does some interesting things but also suffers with being a young adult show. If you are a fan of witch shows then this could be up your street and hopefully it improves as it goes on. 

Ranking - 6/10

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Chris Pratt to return as Star-Lord for Thor: Love And Thunder

Chris Pratt to return as Star-Lord for Thor: Love And Thunder 

So news broke last night that Chris Pratt was soon heading to Australia to film a role for the upcoming Thor: Love & Thunder as Star-Lord and this is an interesting piece of news and this is what I think it could mean not only for this film but the future for the character. 

Will only be a small role

Let's face it Thor: Love & Thunder has so much going on in it, so many characters and so many stories that it has to balance and I can't see Pratt doing too much here. At the end of Avengers: Endgame we saw Thor leaving Earth with the Guardians Of The Galaxy which did excite the fan base, but I think it will be short lived. I think we will see them together at the beginning of the film, until Thor has to leave to go on his own journey here. 

The rest of the Guardians will be here

I mean this seems pretty obvious, but with Star-Lord here I think it is pretty clear that the rest of the Guardians will be here in a small capacity, even though it might be brief it will be great once again see Thor's chemistry with the group and the fun that they can have. 

Will send The Guardians on the hunt for Gamora

Again at the end of Endgame we saw Thor & The Guardians going after the new version of Gamora and I think the film will set that up. Even though Thor won't be around I think the beginning of the film will see the rest of the Guardians get a lead on Gamora and lead them onto their journey for the third film. 


Overall, this news isn't really that shocking, but it is nice to know that The Guardians Of The Galaxy will be in this film even if it is brief and I hope it is a memorable appearance similar to Doctor Strange in Thor: Ragnarok. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) Review

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) Review

So with the new Spider-Man Miles Morales Video game coming out, I thought this would be a good time to watch the much acclaimed film Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and review the film. It is funny, when this film came out I was against going to the cinema to watch and animated film so today is the first time I have ever watched this film and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a teenager granted the powers of Spider-Man and must unite with five Spider-Powered heroes from other dimensions to stop a threat to every universe. 

Main Character

Shameik Moore plays Miles Morales and I thought he was fantastic here, Miles is just such a likeable character, the film does a great job in making you care about him and want him to succeed throughout. This is the first Spider-Man film to focus on Miles and it is done wonderfully, Moore adds humanity to this role and despite it being an animated character you feel the humanity and how well rounded he is as a character to make this one of the best main characters in a superhero film you will see. 

Supporting Characters 

There is a long list of supporting characters here, Jake Johnson plays Peter B Parker and he is so good here, this is a really interesting take on the character and something we have never seen on the screen. He is more of a burnt out veteran and seeing his dynamic with Miles is really cool and you see just how much both of them need each other and it is a nice story arc. Hailee Steinfeld plays Gwen Stacy and she also does a good job, her friendship with Miles is a nice part of the film and makes her more likeable, again they do something unique with her character and it fleshes her out and adds something fresh to that character. But my favourite character might be the fact that Nicolas Cage, yes that Nicolas Cage plays Spider-Man Noir and he is brilliant, he is so cool and Cage is clearly loving playing this part and he is a really interesting cool character that I want and need to see more of in the future. Liev Schreiber plays Kingpin and this is a really interesting antagonist, it would have been really easy to make him this by the numbers generic villain, but they don't, they really flesh his character out and make him interesting, his motivations are actually relatable in some weird way which really rises the film up. Chris Pine, Mahershala Ali & Brian Tyree Henry all do really good in there roles too. 


The story is really interesting and makes some bold choices, it isn't afraid of getting dark in order to tell a more rounded story and it helps it stay fresh. There is alot going on here, but it never feels like too much, everything is important here and all the characters are interesting and well written and that is mainly due to the care and depth that they are given. The plot is fresh and tells an interesting story with these different Spider-Men to build a new world that I really want to see more of with sequels and spinoffs. 


The script is fantastic, this film has plenty of humour and a lot of references to the live action Spider-Man films which was nice to see. But there was also plenty of heart and emotion in this film and when you consider this film to be a family film it is pretty dark and adult which was a great choice for me and made this film accessible for more Spider-Man fans then ever. 


The style of the film is superb, the animation style is so vibrant and colourful that it really stands out. At times it looks like a comic book bought to life and there isn't really anything like it around. The action scenes are great and really feel true to the Spider-Man mythos and will be a film for new generations which older fans will love too. 


Overall, this is and important movie, I honestly cannot believe how good this film is, it is honestly one of the greatest comic book movies ever made and if you haven't seen this film then you must see it as soon as possible. For many this is there introduction to Miles Morales and this can be a great Black hero that can be an inspiration for a new generation that might even see him as the main Spider-Man in the future which is exciting times. 

Rating - 10/10

The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Review

The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Review

So next on my list of films to watch is The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers and here is my review for it. The Premise of the film sees Frodo and Sam get closer to Mordor with the help of Gollum, while the rest of The Fellowship must stand against Saruman and his huge army. 

Main Character

Viggo Mortenson really shines in this film, he is given more to do and really gets given the shine and he is a great lead protagonist. You see how his character has taken up more of a leadership role in this film and his part of the film is great and interesting. He nails the action scenes and it makes Aragorn really stand out and shine in this film, he develops well and he gives a really great performance here. Elijah Wood is still good as Frodo, he maybe is in the shadow of Mortenson a bit in this film but he still stands out. You see how the ring is really affecting Frodo, more then the first film and the introduction of Gollum really enhances his character and makes him more interesting then he was in Fellowship Of The Ring. 

Supporting Characters

Onto the show stealer of the film and that is Andy Serkis as Gollum, this character is fascinating and a really ground-breaking character. This performance really changed the game, it really is iconic and Gollum was such a great addition to the Frodo & Sam story making it a much more interesting plot point. Lets face it without Gollum, you wouldn't have the brilliant motion capture performances that you get now, so real credit to Peter Jackson & Andy Serkis for taking the risk and knocking it out of the park. Orlando Bloom & John Rhys Davies as Legolas and Gimli are given much more to do in this film and they are fantastic and add some nice comic relief here that never feels out of place. The friendship between Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn is one of the best parts of the film and really sells the relationship, and feels like a natural progression from the first film. Sir Ian McKellen is back as Gandalf The White this time and he does a great job, he isn't in this film as much but when he is on screen he is awesome and nails this change of character. Sean Astin, Christopher Lee, Bernard Hill, Billy Boyd & Dominic Monaghan  are great in there roles and prove that these Lord Of The Rings casts are probably the greatest of all time. 


The story is bigger and larger in The Two Towers and it does work, there are three story arcs going on, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli's, Frodo, Sam & Gollum's & Merry, Pippin & Treebeard and they are interesting. The Aragorn plot gets the most screen time and it adds a new dynamic to Middle Earth and these films and make them feel larger then the previous film, even the Merry & Pippin stuff, though slower is good to watch and has a great conclusion to it which makes it worth it. The three stories work really well as they all feel a bit different and add something to the film in their own ways leading to The Battle Of Helms Deep which is possibly the greatest battle in film history. 


The script is great, it has the right balance of drama and humour and it just does a great job of making these characters feel unique and interesting. This film does have a darker feeling and tone then the previous film and it shows but it knows where to find the times to lighten the mood without going against its overall feeling and it does a great job. 


The style of the film is fantastic and raises the stakes. The action scenes are bigger and better, Bloom & Mortenson in particular standout with some great action scenes, leading as I said above to one of the greatest battles of all time that feels epic in nature but very real due to great stunts and great fight scenes. The film has great CGI and Motion Cap work, whether it be Gollum or Treebeard it looks great and Gollum in particular changes the game and allowed characters like Caesar, The Hulk & Thanos to exist in the future and this was his start. The film is 3 hours long but never drags, the stories are balanced really well and keep you interested throughout and expand on the films really well. 


Overall, just like its predecessor this is one of the greatest films ever made and is a must watch. One of the greatest second films in a franchise ever and raises the stakes in a great way and sets up the final film in the most grand way possible. 

Rating - 10/10