Monday, November 16, 2020

The Life Ahead (2020) Review

The Life Ahead (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix lately and I have now watched the Italian film The Life Ahead and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a Holocaust survivor take in a 12 year old boy who robbed her. 

Main Character

Sophia Loren is a legend of the film business, with almost 100 credits to her name in a 70 year long career and this is her first project in 6 years and she is really good here. Her character is strong and has so much heart to her, her story arc is really emotional and you see why she looks after this child due to her own personal grief. You will care about her character and you will care about her and the story she has with the young boy Mo. 

Supporting Cast 

This film doesn't have a very big cast but everybody does good jobs in their small roles, but the standout is 12 year old boy Ibrahima Gueye who plays Mo and is a great young performance. You see how him and Loren need each other and how both of them coming into each others lives really affects them and makes them both better people and they do a great job of conveying that. 


The story is a nice tale about how two completely different people can come into each others lives and affect it to make them both better and it achieves it well enough. It is a heart-warming tale that does its job well, but I mean it doesn't do that much to really stand out and push to the next level, it is a nice film but not a story that will stick with you for a long time. 


The script is fine, some nice dramatic moments and nice charming bits of dialogue but similar to the plot, none of it will be very memorable and stand out but a nice enough written film. 


The style does an effective job in showing the relationship between the two leading characters and using there time pretty effectively as it is only 90 mins long. But then maybe we could have done with a bit more time to have some elements of the story expanded and make us truly care but it doesn't. 


Overall, this is a pretty simple film to review, it is just a nice charming film that won't exactly stick with you. If you have ninety minutes and are fine with subtitles then The Life Ahead is worth a watch at some point. 

Rating - 7/10

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