Thursday, November 26, 2020

Mads Mikkelsen to replace Johnny Depp as Grindelwald - Why it is a great choice

Mads Mikkelsen to replace Johnny Depp as Grindelwald - Why it is a great choice 

So this has been a big source of news the last few weeks, first Johnny Depp was removed from his role as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise and now it has been confirmed that Mads Mikkelsen will be taking on the role in the third film. Now I am not here to look at the ethics of whether Depp should have been replaced or not, I am here to talk about the news of Mikkelsen being cast and why I think it is a really good choice. 

He could get his time to shine in a big film franchise

Over his career Mikkelsen has been a part of big franchises, such as James Bond, Star Wars & Doctor Strange but he always felt like a side figure in those films, but I feel like he could be a real star in this franchise. The character of Grindelward was given plenty to do in the previous film and if they give Mikkelsen that much then I really think he can knock it out of the park and show his quality. 

He will be a more intense version of the character

One of the criticisms I have with Depp's performance in Crimes of Grindewald is that he was too cheesy and over the top, which made him a bland and not intimidating presence, so it was hard to take him seriously. But Mikkelsen is just not like that, he has a dramatic charisma about him and is a pretty intense performer, he just naturally will be a different type of character which should be interesting to see. 

Mikkelsen is a better actor then Depp

Look, I know people won't want to hear this but at least based on recent times, Mikkelsen is a much better actor then Johnny Depp so should do a better job in the role. I mean if you look at his performances in Casino Royale, Hannibal, Rogue One & Doctor Strange it just shows how good he is, and honestly Depp has been living off the first Pirates Of The Caribbean film for the last 17 years and it shows. 


Overall, the way that things were handled with Depp leaving was pretty poor, but I can't deny that I am way more excited to see Mads Mikkelsen's take on Grindelwald when the eventual third Fantastic Beasts Film comes out. 

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