Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Bay Season 2 (2021) Review

The Bay Season 2 (2021) Review

After watching the first season I decided why not get on and watch the second season of The Bay and I have now done that and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after her suspension Lisa is given a second chance when she is bought onto a murder investigation. 

Main Character

Morven Christie is back as Lisa and I think she is even better this season and does a great job in this role. You see how the events of last season have really affected her and have changed her mindset but she is still incredibly capable and clearly one of the best people for the job. There are a lot of cogs going on with her character this season and honestly they don't all work for me but she deals with them really well and gives a strong performance to boost the credibility of the show. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Ryan is back as her boss and he is really good, again I wasn't a huge fan of his personal story arc but there is no denying that he gives a great performance and delivers a really good performance. James Cosmo plays a member of the family of the victim and he is also very good and adds a physical presence to the show and a real big character to the show. In fact all of the victims family are really good and bring something different that doesn't make them feel like the family from the first season. Also I didn't mention him in the first season review but Taheen Modak as Med is really good and the dynamic between his character and Lisa is a highlight and I like how it has developed from the first season. But then we get onto the weak performances and once again they are the same as last season, Christie's characters kids, wow they are so bad and they offer nothing to this show, I kind of wish this season had just ignored them or used them more sparingly but I actually think there here more and it really drags the show down and the family drama is my least favourite part of the show. 


The main police story is actually pretty good and what it does really well is feel very different to the story of the first season. The cases are very different and this one feels more progressive with lots of twists and turns and credit has to go to that and I felt like the eventual twist was better then the first seasons even though it could have been better. But then the show gets bogged down in these sub plot family dramas and they really don't work and did very little for me, I would have happily watched more of the investigation and got rid of all of that. Also at the end it feels like some things haven't been resolved and I don't know if that is to set up a third season but it comes across as a bit sloppy. 


The script is good, I would say better then the first season. The important characters are well written and the twists and turns are more interesting with some shocking revelations that do their job well. There is some good drama and little bits of humour that compliment well for the tone of the show. 


The show is effective in the story it is trying to tell using this setting that is unique and we don't see too often, this show does a great job of showcasing Morecambe in all of its glory. Also credit to the sound people, the score has always been great but I thought I would mention it here as again I don't feel like I gave it enough credit in the first season. But the pacing of the show is worse here and I think that is due to the larger impact the sub plots take on the show, either they should have been cut down or there should have been fewer episodes with them completely out. 


Overall, this is another good season of The Bay and a show that is solid, there has been no update of a third season but if you have the time and like crime shows then this one is worth a watch. 

Rating - 7/10

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Bay Season 1 (2019) Review

The Bay Season 1 (2019) Review 

So the second season of ITV's The Bay has recently hit TV but I haven't watched the first season so I decided to watch it and here is my review for the first season of The Bay. The premise of the season sees two teenagers disappear and a detective goes on the hunt but she might have more connection to the case then she first knew. 

Main Character

Morven Christie plays the lead role and she is really good here and delivers a really strong lead performance. She fills the detective role really well and she is just really good in her job and the personal stuff is well done too, you see how dedicated to this case she becomes and how it affects her in more ways then one and this show creates an interesting character that we as a viewer will care about. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Ryan plays her boss and he is also great here, their dynamic is really good and I like how he handles the case and is really strong as the lead of the investigation. The family of the kids that go missing are also good in their roles, they could be just the boring family victims but they aren't, they have their own story arcs and they are really good and add plenty to the show. But there are a few characters that fall weak for me and they are mainly the two kids of Christie's character. They are so annoying to watch and their whole characters don't play an important part of the show and the question has to be why are they even here and it is really frustrating. 


The story is interesting as you see these detectives try and find these teenagers and the usual twists and turns take place as you would expect and some of them work for sure to keep you interested. But there are also things that feel underdeveloped like those two kids and the show tries to make it all connect but it feels forced and by the end of the show it feels forced and like just a way to make the dull parts of the show be a part of the main plot. 


The script is fine, there are some good dramatic moments here and the characters are pretty well written for the most part, the twists and turns also mostly work. But this show really falls flat with its final reveal and it feels like they weren't sure what they wanted to do so they went with an absurd ending that feels really out of left field. 


The style of the show is good, it is pretty brutal and just feels very real which is one of the best things I can say about the show, the pacing of the show pretty good too with six episodes feeling like a good length for the season.  


Overall, this is a good show that continues ITV's hot streak of police dramas. If you like these types of shows then The Bay could be another one for the list. 

Rating - 7/10

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Penguin Bloom (2021) Review

Penguin Bloom (2021) Review

So Penguin Bloom is a film that has come to Netflix today and I sat down and gave it a watch and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a woman affected by a life changing injury see a Magpie come into her and her family's life and how it affects their lives. 

Main Character

Naomi Watts plays the main character and she is really good here and provides a very strong performance. Her character goes through something really tragic at the beginning of the film and the way she reacts to it feels really natural and a bit understated at times which makes it effective so when she does break down it feels even worse. Her strong performance is the best part of the film and she is a character you can really support and one you can empathise with and I am sure their are plenty of people who watch this that will have an even greater connection to her performance then I do. 

Supporting Characters

Andrew Lincoln plays her husband in the film he is also really good. The two of them have very good chemistry together and he adds plenty to his role and the story overall, with one scene at a dinner table being his one to shine. This film introduces youngster Griffin Murray-Johnston as one of their sons and he does give a good accounting of himself and adds to the depth of the film and the story and the dynamic between him and Watts. Jacki Weaver plays Watts on screen mother and again she does a good job in the role and adds plenty to the film. 


The story is based on real events and does a good job in showing the troubles of a person and a family when a real tragedy happens to a member of it. The performances feel very natural and organic and that aids in the authencity of the whole film and the story that is being told. But I just felt like there was something missing, it feels like quite a lot happens but none of it is proper developed and given a real time to build and maybe a longer runtime could have aided this. 


The same could be said for the script, there is some strong writing especially in the dramatic department but there is something missing, the humour isn't great and as I said above none of the main storylines are developed as much as I would like and maybe some tighter writing could have aided with this. 


The style of the film again shows despair pretty well and the way that can affect a group of people and a head of a family. But this film has a pretty slower pacing and I think the last act maybe doesn't hit as well as it could have and that is a bit of a disappointment. 


Overall, this is a good film with a pretty heavy subject and good acting. It reminds me of Pieces Of A Woman and if you thought that film was interesting then maybe give this one a go. 

Rating - 7/10

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The White Tiger (2021) Review

The White Tiger (2021) Review

This film came to Netflix on Friday and I made out 2 hours of my day to watch The White Tiger and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young Indian Driver attempt to rise from servant to master and reach the top. 

Main Character

Adarsh Gourvav is an inexperienced actor but he plays the lead here and I thought he was fantastic. He shows so much range in this film, he has to play different roles as his character progresses on his journey and Gourav nails it and delivers pretty much every scene no matter what it requires him to do. His character is fascinating and complex too with you really questioning whether you are meant to root for him or not and it is really well done. 

Supporting Characters 

Priyanka Chopra is the most familiar name in the film for a western audience and she is also really good here. She feels a bit like an outsider towards the other characters and her relationship with Gourav is one of the best things about the film and for the most part I thought she was the most likeable person in the film. Rajkummar Rao plays her husband and he is also very good, he is more then just your average rich guy and he sells his role well and you see how complex a life he leads and how his character plays in the journey of Gourav's character. The rest of the cast are also good and add plenty to the scenes that they are a part of. 


The story is good, it is interesting seeing the journey of this man from rags to riches and the film creates interesting characters and ones that are complex and make you want to watch. The twists and turns feel appropriate and not too overblown and it builds and builds to a decent conclusion. Though the one thing I will say is that the final act of the film can't keep up the quality and I have to admit I kind of wanted to see more of Gourav's character when he made it to the top of the mountain, this element isn't given enough time for sure. 


The script is decent, there is a blend of humour and drama and for me the drama was handled better. There are some pretty intense scenes and I grew to care about what was going on and how it affected the characters. But yeah I think towards the beginning of the film it wanted you to laugh more and I just didn't, I chuckled a couple of times but nothing major. Also the use of voice over is overused here and I think the film could have done with fewer instances of this. 


The style shows India really well and I felt like I really experienced India and not like some other Bollywood films that I have seen and credit to the film for that. But this film has a bit of a pacing issue, I think if the final act was shortened and tightened up it would have been a way more effective experience. 


Overall, this is a good film. It tells an interesting story with interesting characters and if you have time then this one is worth a watch. 

Rating - 7/10

First Impressions - Snowpiercer Season 2

First Impressions - Snowpiercer Season 2

I thought the first season of Snowpiercer was okay and now the second season has come to Netflix and I have watched the first episode and here are my first impressions, there will be spoilers ahead for the episode. 

Sean Bean as Wilford is a highlight 

Sean Bean is a great actor and we knew he was coming in as Mr Wilford this season and the show wastes no time bringing him in and he is probably the best part of the episode. He is just so charismatic as the bad guy, he is an interesting character and after a season of build up it is great to finally put a face to the character and I hope he is here for the majority of the season and really becomes a great antagonist. 

Layton is a weak protagonist

Look I love Daveed Diggs and he does the best he can with Layton but this character has never done much for me and this episode just reinforced my opinion on the fact that he is a weak protagonist. After fighting for a democracy for the whole of the first season he puts the train in Martial Law in this episode and basically takes over as a dictator totally going against his arc from the first season and I hope this gets addressed. 

The action is still pretty brutal 

One of the best things about the first season was that the show didn't hold back in its action and showed some brutal moments and this episode does the same. It shows murder, and some people losing limbs due to the ice and it just raises the stakes when you see these people at risk of seriously getting hurt. 

There is still too many sub plots

This show has always been a bit unfocused and that continues here, with a few too many stories going on and a few too many main characters. For example the girl who committed murder and the bad cop appear in one scene here and it took me out of it and don't even get me started on those cheesy doctors who hopefully never come back. 

Is the show leaving the train? 

An important scene at the beginning of the episode sees Jennifer Connelly's character Melanie outside the train where she claims it is snowing and she takes a sample. It has been made pretty clear over the show that it should be too cold for snow to be happening so does that mean that the world is starting to recover and see our characters head outside? 


Overall, it feels a lot like last season for me. Some decent acting and style but just not that much substance and a show that is watchable but won't be a memorable one or one you think about when looking back at the year. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

New Harry Potter TV Show Announced - What could it be about?

New Harry Potter TV Show Announced - What could it be about? 

Big news coming out of Hollywood coming out tonight that a new Harry Potter show is in early development and sometime in the future will be the future of the franchise. I am not a diehard Harry Potter fan but I have some thoughts about this franchise and what this show can do better to get fans once again excited about Harry Potter. 

Hopefully means the end of The Fantastic Beasts franchise

The Fantastic Beasts films aren't terrible by any means but they are not worthy of being in the Harry Potter universe. The third film is in the midst of filming so we are definitely getting that film but hopefully this announcement means the end of that film franchise and it will fall into obscurity. 

Avoid connection to the main film characters 

One of the things that annoyed me most of the fantastic beasts films is that it forced these connections to the Harry Potter films and it felt obnoxious and like it hurt the quality of the films. It should focus on other elements of the wizarding world and either be set way before the films or way after so they can avoid making this mistake once again. 

Get JK Rowling away from the writing 

I appreciate JK Rowling created Harry Potter but she has no clue how to write a script for a film or TV series. Her writing for the Fantastic Beasts films were weak and feels like she is trying to rub her own ego and maybe she should do something similar to what George Lucas did with Star Wars and let other people provide some new life into Harry Potter. 

Show off new Wizarding powers

Over Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts we have seen plenty of Wizarding powers but I think it is a bout time to show some new ones and hopefully with a big budget they can do some really spectacular visual things with this show. 

Bring a new feeling to Harry Potter

I compare this franchise to Star Wars in that it is in a pretty dark place in terms of its films. But then The Mandalorian came and saved Star Wars by feeling fresh while having the respect for the films and this show can do something similar. Create interesting new characters and make them feel worthy of being a part of this franchise. 


Overall, it is very early days for this series and who knows what is going to happen but I am optimistic and with the right budget, right people behind it and right story it could be something really special. 

Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Trailer Review

Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Trailer Review

So yesterday we finally got our first big look at Godzilla vs Kong with the first trailer coming out and here are the main things I have noticed from watching it. 

Is Godzilla being set up as a villain? 

The trailer is set up as a hero vs villain story, Kong is clearly set up as the good guy with Godzilla as a villain. It is an interesting idea and I guess if you are going to do this there had to be a reason of the fight and Godzilla going crazy is a pretty logical reason to bring Kong over for the brawl. 

Who is controlling Godzilla?

It is also made pretty clear that Godzilla isn't acting out on his own accord and is being somewhat controlled by somebody and the question is who? The only person really set up in this universe is Charles Dance's character from King of The Monsters but I am not sure that is exactly where they are going with this. 

Will the human characters be interesting? 

One big criticisms of both the Kong films and the Godzilla films is the human cast and the fact that they are shoved in our face instead of these monsters fighting. This film has a good cast, Rebecca Ferguson, Millie Bobby Brown and Alexander Skarsgard are all here but these films have had talented performers before and lets hope this film finds the right balance between them and the monsters. 

Will we see MechaGodzilla? 

It seems unlikely that Godzilla vs Kong will be the endgame for the film and that they will be made to team up against a larger threat and why not MechaGodzilla. We have seen hints and teases to the character and it could tell an interesting story of these natural monsters taking on the machine monster and would be epic on screen. 

Will the film hit it's March release date? 

This film is scheduled to come out in March, but there is no date on this trailer just 2021. This film is set to come out in the cinema and I think this film is one of those that needs to be experienced on the big screen. With cinemas still shut across the world the question has to come whether the film will get delayed or will it push through and force people to watch it at home. 

Will one of the Titans die? 

The trailer makes out that either Godzilla or Kong will fall, so if one is going to die who could it be. Honestly, the only inkling I have is that Godzilla has been in more films so I guess it could be him that dies. But I think this is just for marketing and I can't see either of the main characters dying as there is clearly more crossover potential. 


Overall, it is just so great to see a big blockbuster trailer and this film looks epic and huge in scale. I think everybody is looking forward to Kong vs Godzilla and I can't wait to see the titans clash hopefully on the big screen. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Fate: The Winx Saga Season 1 (2021) Review

Fate: The Winx Saga Season 1 (2021) Review

Netflix have put some big marketing behind this show so I decided to sit down and watch the 6 episode season of Fate: The Winx Saga and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a girl have to adapt to a new school in a new world where she has to come to grips with her magic powers and abilities. 

Main Character 

Abigail Cowen plays Bloom our main character here and she is merely functional in the role. Bloom is a decent character with a pretty interesting backstory that makes her more interesting then anything else in the show. The issue is the writing for her character isn't particularly well written and isn't actually that likeable which is a nail in the coffin for a lead character. I just didn't care about Bloom that much and if it wasn't for the decent backstory the show gives her I am not sure if I would care at all and Cowen doesn't do much to raise those levels. 

Supporting Characters

I'm just gonna get to it, none of the supporting characters do anything for me and I thought they were all terrible. She has a group of friends that are every generic person in a friendship group for a young adult show, the annoying big girl, the attractive popular girl, the emo outcast and the hardworking do gooder. These girls aren't interesting and actually annoyed me quite a bit and the show does nothing to help them as they are given really poor material to work with and hopefully if this show does go on, the ones that stick around are given better things to do. Then we move onto the love interest, Danny Griffin plays Skye and this guy is as generic as you can imagine, he has no personality and no character and he is just there as a tool for the drama and the conflict between characters and that is incredibly clear. The teachers are probably the best, but they are mostly ignored and left to do very little to focus on the younger cast. 


The story only gets a bit of a positive response because of some good worldbuilding and backstory to the main character. The show has an interesting setting and world with magic and the show really nailed its ending, if this show does get a second season I think the show did a really good job in setting up a much better second season. But this show suffers from drawing itself too much into its teenage demographic, the romance storylines are all paper thin and take up way too much time away from the more interesting stuff and either it could have been written better or just taken out for this season. 


The script is really bad with some cringeworthy dialogue that encapsulates the weaknesses of this show. It makes you wonder if the actors could have been better if they were given a script that was actually well written and made their characters any sort of interesting. 


The style is pretty decent actually, the magic powers all look pretty impressive and when on display are pretty cool to see. The show also has a nice flow to it due to it having only 6 episodes meaning it never dragged too much. But my main complaint is that those powers weren't shown off more, the action scenes are poorly filmed and not used effectively meaning it is a bit of a waste having powers that look nice when they aren't used very well.


Overall, I thought this was a poor show. It will probably have fans of shows like this but I just wasn't one of them, I do think this show has potential and a second season could be better, but in its current state I would avoid. 

Rating - 3/10

Friday, January 22, 2021

Superman & Lois Season 1 (2021) Trailer Review

Superman & Lois Season 1 (2021) Trailer Review

With 2021 here it has come the time for the Arrowverse to start showing things for their TV line-up and a trailer has been released for their new show Superman & Lois and here are my thoughts on what we saw. 

Will take inspiration from Man Of Steel  

I personally, love Man Of Steel and it is clear that this show is a fan of it. There are scenes in this trailer that are pretty much ripped from the film and it makes it seem like this show has a big budget and will look better then Supergirl does. 

Both characters have been fired from the Daily Planet

A big departure from the history of the two characters is that both of the title characters have lost their jobs at the Daily Planet. After Supergirl has spent so much time on the journalism angle it is nice to see this show won't recycle it. It also brings up the question into what the characters will be doing when they aren't saving the world. 

The show will be affected by The Crisis

Even though I wasn't the biggest fan it is nice to see that the crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths is still affecting our characters. In the original timeline, Lois and Clark had a young child but now they have two teenage boys and they don't look like they have particularly aged so it is best to assume it is the same time period. It will be interesting to see how big a change this will be for our two lead characters and whether it will affect things in a greater way. 

The kids don't know Clarke is Superman

A bit of a strange part of the trailer is that those two kids have no idea their dad is Superman until he shows them. It makes you think how they didn't find out this, considering they claimed to have seen Superman before, so it might be one of the more unbelievable factors of the show. 

Are the military trying to recruit Superman?

There is a scene in the trailer that sees General Sam Lane tell Clark he can't hide for too long. Does this mean he knows Clark is Superman? Is he trying to recruit him for something and if so what could that be and why now?

Who is the villain pulling the strings?

We see a powered villain going after Superman but it seems to question who and what are the villains after? After Supergirl has used plenty of Superman villains how will the show deal with this and will there be a villain roster deep enough for the show. Also Lex Luthor has been a real highlight in the Arrowverse, and I would love to really see him go against Superman in this show. 


Overall, I really like what I have seen from both Superman & Lois in the Arrowverse so far so I have hopes for this show and this trailer did a pretty decent job of setting it up. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Lupin Part 1 (2021) Review

Lupin Part 1 (2021) Review

I have heard for a while now that Lupin is a great show and a must watch and I have now found some time to watch it and here is my review for the first part of the show. The premise of the show sees a master thief inspired by book character Arsene Lupin attempt to get revenge on a wealthy family. 

Main Character 

Omar Sy is a great actor whether it be in English language or French Language and he really shines here. He is so charismatic on the screen and does a great job portraying this character and making him a really interesting one. Without spoiling anything, this character requires a lot of unique work for Sy and he takes it all in his stride and really gives a memorable performance. 

Supporting Characters

Let's get this right, this is Sy's show and he dominates every scene that he is in and for me that holds back a few of the supporting characters a little bit. There are a few good side characters, like his on and off love interest, the main bad guy and the police commissioner, but for all of these there are a few weaker characters. Especially, the main guy hunting down Sy, he doesn't offer anything that interesting and his character actually makes little sense and the way he goes about things are a bit hard to wrap your head around. There are some other people that are in the show in small ways and they just don't really fit and it made me think that they could have just been left out here. 


The story is good, Sy's personal story works really well and you do root for him and feel the injustice that has been placed on him and his family. The show also delivers some really fun and interesting heists and seeing him execute these is a great watch. The ending of the season is also great with suspense built when they eventually give us the 2nd part. But this show has bits of the story that aren't that interesting, for example their are lots of flashbacks, some of them are effective but there are too many of them and some that aren't effective that disrupt the flow of the show. Also some of the side plots aren't particularly well developed and feel a bit of a drag on the whole thing. 


The script is really good, this show is French Language with English Subtitles and that doesn't hold it back at all. The dialogue mixes humour and drama really well and creates this fascinating lead character that you wanna root for and succeed in his goals. 


The style of the show is also great, the heists are really well directed and exciting to watch especially, in the first episode where the show really excels in this department. Also I am going to give credit to the costume department who do a great job as Sy has some interesting disguises which are really well done. The show is only 5 episodes long and it flows very nicely and feels like an appropriate length and makes it a really easy watch that I got through in one day and I would recommend you do the same. 


Overall, this is a great show. Don't be put off by the French subtitles and give this one a shot you won't regret it and I can't wait for Part 2. 

Rating - 8/10 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Iron Man (2008) Review

Iron Man (2008) Review

So touch wood Black Widow is set to come out sometime in May, so I have decided to re-watch all of the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in prep and of course that means starting with the first - Iron Man and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a Billionaire Weapons Dealer kidnapped where he creates a suit of armour to escape and make up for his own mistakes. 

Main Character

When Robert Downey Jnr was cast as Tony Stark it was a huge risk, many personal demons had taken its toil of his personal and professional career. But never was a role more perfect for an actor then he was for Stark, he is so charismatic in the role and he nails the complexity of the role. You see growth over the film but he never loses his true personality and always kept the wit and snappy dialogue with him and this was the first time we saw his great portrayal. 

Supporting Characters

Gwyneth Paltrow plays Pepper Potts and she is great as well, the chemistry between her and Downey is off the charts and you see the relationship between them build and it is the real heartfelt part of the film and she provides plenty too that. She isn't written as the damsel in distress and really is a proper character that feels worthy of her role here. Jeff Bridges plays Obadiah Stane and he is clearly having a lot of fun and revelling in his role and Bridges does enough for him to be a good character here. I mean there isn't really any depth with Stane but there is no denying that Bridges is great in the role. It feels a bit weird seeing Terrence Howard play Rhodey as he was replaced with Don Cheadle after this film but he is good too. I thought the friendship between him and Tony was a good part of the film and added to the story as a whole. Clark Gregg & Paul Bettany play Coulson & JARVIS for the first time and they do well in their roles with plenty more to come from them in future films. 


The story is fantastic, you see this guy who starts the film in one mindset and finishes it in pretty much a completely different one without compromising his character. Tony Stark's character arc is the real highlight of this film and for me the first 30 mins really helped with that as we see just how intelligent he is and how his life is really affected by what happens to him in Afghanistan. Yes, the whole villain part of the film isn't the most compelling but it fits the film we are watching and I thought it suited Tony's character arc and for a first film was the right way to go, it also helps that this film has one of the most iconic endings to any comic book film ever made. 


The script is really good and what I mean by that is the actors did a great job with the script they were given which wasn't finished when they started shooting the film so credit has to go to the actors. The humour is top notch with some truly great one liners which Downey delivers to perfection. But the film also has plenty of heart to it, you really care about this character and this whole redemption story that he is going on. 


The style of the film has some great action scenes, this was the first time we saw the Iron Man suit and it looks great with some memorable sequences. It doesn't have the massive stakes of some other films involving the character but it really nails the action and what felt appropriate for the first film in the franchise. The film is also paced really well, as I said the first half an hour really sets the scene so well and it keeps it up throughout. 


Overall, this is an epic film, the first film in the MCU is full of quality and still holds up as a more personal and raw story told about this now iconic character. This is one of the most important comic book films of all time and it is also one of the best. 

Rating - 10/10

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

One Night in Miami (2021) Review

One Night in Miami (2021) Review

This film has made its way to Amazon Prime and I have now had the chance to watch One Night in Miami and here is my review for it. The premise of the film is a fictional story of a night where Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, Cassius Clay and Jim Brown gather to discuss their impact on the civil rights movement. 

Main Character

Kingsley Ben Adir plays Malcolm X and I thought he was fantastic, he truly sells the militant aspect of the man and the way he is truly committed to the civil rights movement. Over the years the main focus has been on Martin Luther King Jnr and rightly so but it is nice to see more spotlight on Malcolm X and Adir nails it here and creates an interesting depiction and one where you can see the positives and the troubles with his mindset. 

Supporting Characters

Eli Goree plays Cassius Clay who as we all know became Muhammed Ali and he is also great. You really see Ali's personality and charisma come to life which makes him the most entertaining aspect here but Goree knows how to show his vulnerability at times and show the inner workings of Ali when it is needed here. Leslie Odom Jnr plays Sam Cooke and he is really great here, the confrontations between him and Malcolm X were the highlights of the film for me and Odom Jnr just shows how great an actor he is. After watching Hamilton we know he can sing and when given the chance he knocks the singing scenes out of the park and really feels like Cooke. Aldis Hodge plays Jim Brown and he also does a great job and when given time to shine he delivers though I do believe he is the one given the least to really do here which is a bit of a shame. 


The story is way more interesting then I thought it would be, it basically sees these four iconic figures debating in a single room and these performances and subject matter really make it captivating and a story that you want to watch that feels like an interesting informative piece. The one thing is that I feel like the story doesn't wrap up that effectively, the ending falls flat and I feel like the film could have gone on longer and really wrapped the film up in a satisfying and great way but it does fall flat. 


The script is really good, the dialogue hits some really heavy and dramatic notes and it makes you buy into the film and it really relies on these great scenes as the film is pretty simple in premise. There is also some humour that works and makes this situation and characters feel more real and like friends. 


The film has a great style, especially when you consider the majority of the film takes place in one room, it is directed really well and makes this room feel claustrophobic and like our characters are trapped in there having to be honest with each other.  But similar to the issue I have with the plot it feels like the last 10 minutes fall flat, I truly believe this could have been a 3 hour film and the film could have progressed where the film ended and really deliver a more epic story. 


Overall, this is a great film with some truly brilliant acting and directing from first time director Regina King. It is a slower paced film but worth your time if you are interested in well acted films that look at real social issues. 

Rating - 8/10

Monday, January 18, 2021

Blithe Spirit (2021) Review

Blithe Spirit (2021) Review

This film made its way to Sky on Friday and I have now found the chance to watch Blithe Spirit and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a struggling writer accidentally summon the spirit of his deceased first wife, which creates issues with his current wife. 

Main Character

I just want to put it out there that I really like Dan Stevens as an actor but I did not like him in the role here. His character is just so unlikeable and I found it hard to sympathise or care about him and actually he is a pretty terrible person. There just isn't a script good enough to make his character one worth watching and Stevens can't save it in any way shape or form. 

Supporting Characters

Onto the one real highlight of this film and that is Dame Judi Dench who gives a pretty fun performance here and is easily the best thing here despite some weird choices that are taken with her character. After Artemis Fowel last year and now this film she really needs to get a new agent. Isla Fisher and Leslie Mann play the two wives and they didn't do much for me, Fisher had really no character and was this generic character that you have seen a million times before on film. I think Mann could have been an interesting character but she just becomes too by the numbers and the film does nothing to get you interested in the situation and the issues that these characters are in. 


The story is just so bad, this weird love triangle could have been interesting if they had chosen the direction it was going to go better. It either had to be really weird or really dramatic and the film does neither making you wonder just what was the point and why you are watching this film that does nothing interesting. The last act is so bad it had me laughing and wondering just why anybody thought a Blithe Spirit reboot would be a good idea in 2021. 


As I have alluded to throughout I hate this script, it does nothing and says nothing. The characters are written so badly and you are given no reason to care about a living soul in this film. The film needed to really focus on a genre but it just didn't and tried too much and ultimately failed at all of it with a really weak ending.


I have heard some people say this film has a good look but I just don't really see it, it doesn't stand out in any way and the look can't hold it up in any way. Luckily the film is only 95 mins long but if you don't really like any of that 95 minutes it shouldn't be praised for it. 


Overall, this film is just awful and we have the first contender for the true worst film of 2021 and we are still in January. This is a film I never want to see again and I would say don't even think of watching this trash and do anything else with your life. 

Rating - 1/10

Zack Snyder's Justice League confirmed to be a 4 hour movie

Zack Snyder's Justice League confirmed to be a 4 hour movie

Ever since it was confirmed to be happening Zack Snyder's Justice League has been one of the talking points in the comic book universe. It was reported that it would be a 4 part mini series but last night Zack Snyder confirmed that isn't the case and it will be a 4 hour movie instead and here are my thoughts on the news. 

Now becomes one of the most anticipated films of the year

After the trailer for this film came out it got me so hyped and so excited that we were finally getting the chance to watch the real vision of Justice League. Now it is a movie this is one of my most anticipated films of the year and my hype for it has grown. 

Will it hit cinemas?

In America HBO Max has the rights for this film but over here in The UK we haven't had any updates on the rights so could it go to the cinemas? Now this would be relying on cinemas re-opening but if they do then could Warner Bros take the gamble and put in in the cinema alongside a home release in order to try and build on the hype for the film. 

How much new content is there?

Over the past few months it has been reported that more filming has taken place for this film with more characters added in and the question now is how much of this project has been adapted and added to the vision of Zack Snyder. Whether it be Deathstroke, The Joker or Darkseid, we know they will be here but I now start to wonder just how much. 

Will it be too long? 

Now there is no doubt there is plenty going on in this film with many cogs of the story but is 4 hours just too long in one go. After Batman V Superman dragged in terms of length this film is much longer so is it going to be way too long in its runtime? I'm hoping the film flows well but I can say I am a bit worried about this crazy runtime. 


Overall, this now feels like a big film and a project that is truly in the vision of its director Zack Snyder. I have mixed feelings though but overall I am still excited for this version of Justice League and really hope it hits the level that has been built up over the last few years. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Outside The Wire (2021) Review

Outside The Wire (2021) Review

Another year, another Netflix action film is here to watch, this time it is Outside The Wire and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a drone pilot have to team up with android officer in an attempt to save the world. 

Main Character

Anthony Mackie plays Leo the android who I thought did a good job here and bought quite a bit to the role. He is basically the tough mentor and he does it pretty effectively, his character goes all over the place in the final act and it comes close to ruining it but it doesn't take away from his decent performance. But there is another main character Harp played by Damson Idris and I did not like this character at all. He does something at the beginning of the film that makes him unlikeable from the start and he never recovered for me and I never came around to care about him. 

Supporting Characters

The supporting cast don't offer anything because the film doesn't try to make that happen. The bad guy is as generic and dull as you can imagine and everybody else in the film is barely here and they aren't given anything to really work with. The film only really cares about its too main protagonists and forsakes every other character here.


The story is serviceable at best, I like the fact that Mackie's character was an android and how this world uses synthetics in general was pretty interesting and could have and should have been explored more. The film just doesn't do a good enough job of exploring it's themes and messages and the final act is so ridiculous and basically feels like it comes out of nowhere in order for the film to try and feel unique.  Also the ending feels very abrupt, I don't know why lately it feels like films I watch are ending abruptly and this one is no different not answering all the questions it needs to. 


The script is fine, Mackie spits out some pretty good dialogue and the story does have a few good elements. Though like its story the script falls very short and tries to be more interesting then it is and it could have done with either focusing more on the interesting parts or just be a full on action film. 


The style of the film has some pretty decent action scenes that do show the horror of war. But the film doesn't do enough with what it has, probably because there wasn't the budget that the film really needed for something so ambitious. 


Overall, this is a below average action film that doesn't do anything to change up the game and really make it stand out and is one you can happily skip. 

Rating - 4/10

First Impressions - WandaVision

First Impressions - WandaVision

It has been a year and a half since our last taste of the MCU but today the first two episodes of WandaVision came to Disney+ and I have watched them and here are my first thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first proper foray into television. 

Elizabeth Olsen & Paul Bettany have great chemistry together

When looking back in the films despite their relationship, Wanda & Vision don't actually have that many scenes together but this show shows that Olsen & Bettany are perfect together and really bounce off of each other well. They are just such a likeable pair and you can clearly see the two of them are having so much fun here and it comes across on the screen very well. 

Who is controlling the world? 

We see our two heroes in this dream Sit-com like world with no memory of their past and Vision clearly alive after his death in Avengers Infinity War. So the question is how? it seems Wanda is in control of at least some aspects of the world but it definitely seems that somebody else is really pulling the strings here and there are a few suspects. 

What is SWORD'S aim?  

At the end of the first episode we see an agent of SWORD watching the sitcom and messages involving this organisation to Wanda especially in the 2nd episode. The question is what is there goal, it seems they are trying to find out who is controlling the world or are there goals more sinister in nature. 

How is Vision still alive? 

One of the bigger questions for the show is how is Vision alive. As I mentioned earlier last time we saw him he was dead so how is he alive. The answer isn't revealed or even hinted at in these episodes but I am sure it will be revealed soon enough and the next question will be will he make it out of this show alive.

Needs to pick the pace up a bit the next few episodes

I liked these first two episodes, it fits its tone very nicely and the actors all do good jobs with enough to keep you intrigued. But I must say it is so different to everything in The MCU and for someone who doesn't like sitcoms it needs to offer something new and fresh over the next couple of weeks. 

Will Mephisto be revealed as the main villain? 

Now I might be reading to much into this but was Mephisto teased here? Kathryn Hahn's character Agnes mentions the devil a few times in the episodes and I just feel like that could be referencing the devil of Marvel comics Mephisto. We also never see her husband she is always complaining about and could that be Mephisto as this show really needs a big bad. 


Overall, I liked the first two episodes of WandaVision, the feel of it is really unique and there is some interesting ways they can take the show and if it delivers on them then this could be a great start to the Disney+ Marvel shows. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Pembrokeshire Murders Mini Series (2021) Review

The Pembrokeshire Murders Mini Series (2021) Review

It seems lately that ITV have done a good job in adapting true stories to mini series, with Quiz and Des last year both being great. To start 2021 it is the turn of The Pembrokeshire Murders and here is my review of the three episodes. The premise of the show sees a detective reopen two murder cases from the 1980's and tries to use more modern methods to get a conviction. 

Main Character 

Luke Evans plays the lead character here and he is really good. He plays the main detective and you see his passion and desire to get this case over the line. He does a great job of selling how important this case is and how it truly matters if they succeed. He is likeable here too and you really care about him and want to see him get what he wants in terms of getting justice for families. 

Supporting Characters

Keith Allen plays John Cooper the main suspect and he does a great job. He just fits this role really well and it just seems very natural to him, as the show goes on he really changes as a character and you see just how capable he is and how he is a truly terrible person. There is quite a large cast here and I thought they all did great jobs, whether it was the police officers, Cooper's family or others this show is very well acted. 


The story is good, it is interesting to see these detectives going after John Cooper, it is different to most cop shows as it shows most of the behind the scenes things and not chases and gun fights which was something really different. The show builds well and the majority of the story arcs work and make you care and invested in the plot. But my one criticism of the plot is the very ending, it ends very abruptly and unsatisfying leaving me wanting a bit more to really find out what happened to the characters I grew to care about. 


The script is very good, it doesn't overcomplicate things when it very easily could and lays the drama on and does it effectively. It also has a few moments of decent humour and this show builds up an interesting group of characters to care about and get invested in. 


The style of the show is good, it kept me interested for the 3 episodes and there were some pretty intense scenes especially in the interrogation scenes that were really effective in what they did. But the show is pretty slow paced, it isn't a huge issue but it is there and maybe it could have moved a little bit quicker at times for my liking. 


Overall, this is a great show that delivers it's story well. If you like your true story dramas then give this one a watch as it is worth the time. 

Rating - 8/10

Chris Evans set to return as Captain America in the MCU

Chris Evans set to return as Captain America in the MCU

Shocking news has been reported by Deadline tonight that Chris Evans has almost finalised his return as Captain America for future projects in the MCU. It has been reported that he will not have any more solo films but will appear as a supporting character in other projects and here are my thoughts on this huge news. 

Will be from another Multiverse

It seemed in Avengers: Endgame that we saw the end for Captain America as his story had a great and natural ending and I think that will stick here. We have seen with the Spider-Man 3 and Doctor Strange 2 reports that the MCU is heading towards the multiverse and I believe this is how we will see Captain America. A new Captain America has plenty of possibilities especially where he could turn up in future projects. 

Could we see old Steve Rogers in Falcon & Winter Soldier?

It seems unlikely but could this report mean Evans could film a cameo as old man Cap for Falcon & Winter Soldier. It is clear that Cap's legacy will play a huge part in that show and seeing him come back could provide another interesting wrinkle in the show. 

Could we see evil Captain America?

A few years ago a controversial comic run happened where an alternate version of Captain America became a huge villain and the leader of Hydra, this was even referenced in Endgame. Now could they go full on with this, could an alternate evil Cap be a big Avengers Villain, I mean it would be controversial but maybe a risk Marvel are willing to take with their stock being so high. 

Could he return to teach a new group of Avengers

It was confirmed that a new Avengers film will be coming at some point, with the majority of the original Avengers doing their own thing could we see Steve Rogers come in and teach these new Avengers. Especially if some of them are the young Avengers such as Ms Marvel & Kate Bishop. 


Overall, I am actually not a big fan of this news. I was really satisfied by his ending in Avengers: Endgame and I don't want to see that ruined here. I have enough faith in Marvel Studios though that they must have a clear plan and hopefully they do something special for the character. 

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy (2021) Review

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy (2021) Review

So 2021 has been a bit sparse in new content but this documentary came to Netflix this week and I have watched Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy and here is my review for it. The premise of the doc looks at the growth of Crack use in the 1980's and how it affected the United States and the people that live there. 

First this doc did a pretty good job in showing just how addictive Cocaine was and how it affected these normal people. You always here and see in things such as film and TV that show people using Cocaine but this doc showed real people who had been affected by it and just how badly it hit them and their life. 

It also shows how big the scale got in America and just how badly the Crack use affected culture all the way to the top of government and every state. 

But this film is clearly lacking detail, I always worry about this when a documentary chooses to use the film format is that there is so much to discuss but not enough time for it to be shown. This film has plenty to talk about but it fails to really invest and make you care enough. 

Also this film is really biased, it makes these jumps in logic and tries to connect things with very little evidence and just feels like a bit of a propaganda piece for 90 minutes that doesn't have that much to really say. 

Overall, this is a below average documentary that doesn't do much and feels like one you don't really need to watch unless you love documentaries. 

Rating - 4/10 

Predictions: Cobra Kai Season 4

Predictions: Cobra Kai Season 4

Cobra Kai has taken the world by storm and it is an amazing series that has just concluded its third season so naturally people move to next season and what could happen and here are my predictions for the fourth season of Cobra Kai. 

Could be the final season of the show

This might be super weird because I have said how big this show has become and how much I love it but I think the next season could be a really great way to finish the show. At the end of the third season it is set up for the tournament being the end game and I don't really see where they can go from there. If Kreese leaves the show and Johnny & Daniel forgive each other then there isn't really anywhere for the show to go and I don't want the show to drag for no reason. 

Johnny & Daniel will still have conflict

It seemed at the end of season 3 that Johnny and Daniel decided to team up to take down Cobra Kai and Kreese and that clearly shows growth for both of their characters. But it will not be an easy way to progress, there is way too much history between the two men that there still has to be conflict between the two and I hope that doesn't stop here. 

Terry Silver will make his return

We see at the end of the season that John Kreese is calling somebody and it is made pretty clear that he is calling Terry Silver his old buddy from Karate Kid 3 and that is a big addition to the show. I am super excited to see Johnny & Daniel have to take on Silver & Kreese and how that will impact the season and whether Kreese & Silver will have any conflict. 

New Members of Cobra Kai will be introduced

At the end of season we saw the majority of the named members of Cobra Kai leaving the dojo apart from Robbie & Tori, so it means they need some new members to go up against them and it will hopefully lead to some interesting new characters and some fresh fight scenes. 

Samantha will win the tournament 

It seems that one of Daniel's or Johnny's students will have to win the tournament to get rid of Kreese and though there are a few that could win I believe the winner will be Samantha LaRusso. We have already seen Miguel win a tournament so I think it is very unlikely he wins again, I also think hawk and Demetri aren't quite important enough to win either. It seems like they are setting up the final between Sam and Tori and this could be a really great fight.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Cobra Kai Season 3 (2021) Review

Cobra Kai Season 3 (2021) Review

After a few days of catching up on Cobra Kai, I have now finished the third season of the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees after the school fight at the end of season 2, Johnny has lost Cobra Kai to Kreese and Daniel has shut down Miyagi-Do. Both of them try and find a way to help the children recover from the ordeal. 

Main Character

William Zabka is back as Johnny and I really felt sorry for him this season, he is in a really tough place at the beginning of the season and it is nice to see him grow in confidence as the season progresses and he finally starts to get a grip. You see the character from the beginning of the show to the point he ends up here and there is real progression but the essence of the character is still there and Zabka did a fantastic job of showing that. Ralph Macchio is back as Daniel and I thought he had a good role here, his character has a different path to Johnny but you can see they have similar issues but have different philosophies. There is a few episodes in particular where he gets the spotlight and it highlights the journey he is on really well. 

Supporting Characters

Martin Kove as Kreese is maybe the most surprising part of the season as he is developed into a really interesting character, he has always been a villain in the films and this show but for me his character was really fleshed out this season through flashbacks. I mean he still clearly a really bad guy but this show at least gives you a reason as to why he acts that the way that he does. Xolo Mariduena is back as Miguel and the poster spoils his fate from the end of the previous season but I won't go into depth with it but he is really good this season and his relationship with Johnny is really heart-warming to see. Mary Mouser as Sam gets an interesting arc this season, after the events of the previous season it affects her differently to the others and it is actually an element of this show that hasn't been explored much on the show before. Jacob Bertrand as Hawk has been a fun character on the show but this season is really where he gets more to do and I actually thought he became a really well written character that has plenty of depth to him too. 


The story is interesting, it really stems from these three big personalities in Johnny, Daniel and Kreese and how they influence the younger members of the show and how it shapes them as people. The characters are really well represented and you do care about what is happening to them as characters. But I must admit the story didn't exactly grip me for the first few episodes and there were certain elements of the plot that just conveniently ended when the show wanted to move on from it and it felt like what was the point. But the season ending is fantastic and sets up a really interesting plot for the fourth season. 


The script for Cobra Kai has always been one I like, I laugh a lot while watching it and the drama really works and the characters relationships are really well developed and it makes you care about them and when they are put into peril. 


The style for the show is still great, the action scenes are brutal and there are actually some quite unsettling scenes this season that really pushes the envelope in terms of teenage violence. Some of the episodes are slightly longer but they never drag and keep the intrigue throughout and the excitement. 


Overall, I enjoyed the second season more then this one but I thought the third season of Cobra Kai was fantastic and keeps the standard of this show really high and I cannot wait till the 4th season.

Rating - 9/10

Deadpool 3 confirmed by Marvel Studios - will be in the MCU & R-Rated

Deadpool 3 confirmed by Marvel Studios - will be in the MCU & R-Rated

In an interview with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige last night he confirmed that Deadpool 3 is being developed by Marvel Studios and at some point will come out. He also confirmed that the film is going to take part in The Marvel Cinematic Universe and will be R-Rated which is positive news for sure, so basically this is my thoughts and maybe what we might see from the film. 

Won't happen till 2024/2025

Even though this news has come out don't expect this film to come out anytime soon. First of all Ryan Reynolds is a very busy man and he has plenty of other projects in the mix and that is one of the reasons why not to expect it to come soon. The other main one being is that Marvel Studios slate is very busy and planned out until the end of 2023. Between films and TV shows there is plenty to look forward to but not Deadpool 3. 

Ryan Reynolds will be involved with the script

Another thing that Feige confirmed was that not only will Ryan Reynolds return to play Deadpool but that he will be heavily involved with the script and have plenty of creative control. That is good to here as sometimes Marvel Studios have been criticised for not giving people this control, so it shows the respect and love that they know Reynolds has for the character. 

Will any of the supporting characters return? 

One of the highlights of the Deadpool films we have seen is the great ensemble casts that they build and the question now has to be will any of the cast apart from Reynolds return. Domino, Cable, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are some of the best comic book characters in recent years and it would be a real shame if we didn't see them again. 

Could this film be the one to introduce The X-Men?

Ever since Marvel Studios got the rights to The X-Men people have been theorising left and right where they could turn up but what if it was in this film? We have already seen that Deadpool has a long history with members of The X-Men so it could be an easy way to get them in the MCU.

What MCU characters could we see?

This is the big question. Now that this film is confirmed for The MCU the question now goes to what characters could make an appearance. It is difficult to say as with the R-Rating it makes it a bit tougher as the majority of characters won't fit the tone of the film. Characters such as Moon Knight, Punisher and Blade could work but I hope they don't overfill this film with established MCU characters and allow Deadpool to flourish. 

Could Mister Sinister be the villain? 

For years The X-Men films have been setting up Mister Sinister as a big villain but they never got around to it, so could Deadpool do that. My logic here is that Sinister is known for creating clones of popular characters so could that be where we see some of the more established MCU characters plus it would be really cool to finally see Sinister on screen. 


Overall, this news was inevitable after the success of the Deadpool films. I am just glad that Marvel Studios are sticking with the R-Rating and seem to be changing very few things which is all positive in my eyes. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Cobra Kai Season 2 (2019) Review

Cobra Kai Season 2 (2019) Review

After the fantastic first season of Cobra Kai I couldn't wait and got right onto the second season and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Johnny attempt to change Cobra Kai's philosophy while Daniel reopens Miyagi dojo to take them on. 

Main Character

William Zabka is back as Johnny and he is even better here, his character progresses really well and I really cared about him. You see how the events in the season 1 finale affects him and changes some of his mindset but doesn't completely change the character and the way he portrays him and he does a great job. Ralph Macchio is also back as Daniel and he is also really good here, he has his own personal struggles and it is mostly interesting. What I think this season does really well with these characters is that they are not exactly like their former masters and they are both flawed in their own ways despite there age and experience and these guys do a great job together. 

Supporting Characters

Martin Kove makes his big return as John Kreese and he is such a great addition to the show. The way his character impacts the story and the two main characters is fascinating and credit to Kove for playing this truly horrible man that makes you really root against him. The younger cast are given more of the spotlight and are much better this season. The characters of Robbie, Miguel, Sam and Hawk in particular are great and credit has to go to these young actors as they have to really deliver on an emotional level and they really knock it out of the park. 


The story is so much better this season, you see these two different dojo's and philosophies going head to head and the addition of Kreese to the story adds this big wildcard and it adds a unique element to it. Yes there is still this teenage drama but I thought it was handled much better this season and the lack of school really helped with that and allowed these characters to have these interesting altercations in other environments. Also it helps that this one of the best season finale's to a show I have ever seen, it raises the stakes to such high levels and hits the drama to a level I wasn't sure this show could and credit really has to go to everybody involved for that. 


The script is really good, that cheesy humour is still there and it genuinely made me laugh a lot and made these characters a fun watch. But this season really ramped up the drama and really hit every emotional beat that is better then most you will see on TV. 


This show has awesome action scenes, there are quicker and more brutal this season which is fantastic and some of the best action you will see around. The pacing of the show is great and the length feels right, long enough but not too long and it makes you love this show and the way it flows with its storytelling. 


Overall, this is one of the best seasons of television I have seen for a long time and I was hooked from minute 1. If you are a fan of this franchise this is the best thing I have seen from it and even if you aren't get watching Cobra Kai I can't stress just how good it is. 

Rating - 10/10

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Cobra Kai Season 1 (2018) Review

Cobra Kai Season 1 (2018) Review 

I clearly missed the boat with Cobra Kai and with the 3rd season of the show recently coming to Netflix, I decided it was time to watch this show and I watched the first season today and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is set decades after the events of The Karate Kid and sees Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso become martial arts opponents in there middle age. 

Main Character 

William Zabka as Lawrence is the antagonist of The Karate Kid but he is really our main character here and he does a superb job. He is so entertaining and cool and the biggest compliment to give to this show is that it made me really care about him. The show does a fantastic job of showing his side of the story and create a really compelling character that adds so much to his character in the original film. Ralph Macchio is back as LaRusso and again I thought he was a very compelling character and it takes directions that you wouldn't expect seeing the original film. You see just how much that one Karate Tournament affected these two people and how it made their lives turn out this way. 

Supporting Characters

The supporting cast is mostly young actors and actresses and they all give decent performances and fit very well into this universe. Xolo Mariduena plays Miguel, the first Cobra Kai member and I thought this kid was a real highlight of the show, you just see his connection with Zabka and how it affects him in every day life and just how committed he becomes to him and his cause. The same can be said for Tanner Buchanan who plays Robbie, he has a great relationship with LaRusso and the two partnerships are really well represented and you see how the tow different ideologies add to the rivalry. The rest of the cast are good too and add plenty to this show. 


The story between the main two characters is fantastic, you really get more layers added to their characters and I really appreciated the risks that were taken with them to make them more interesting and surprising. I also loved seeing more of their Karate philosophy, you don't see too much of Cobra Kai in the film but you see lots of it here and the show gives it a really interesting outlook leading to a phenomenal ending for the season. But I have one criticism and that is some of the teen drama didn't work for me, I know it is faithful to the original film but I felt like some of it could have been left out and that time could have been used on the Karate elements of the show. 


The script is fantastic, yes there are some cheesy moments but it fits very well with the whole show and leads to some really funny moments and one liners that hit the mark expertly. Also there is some great drama and heartfelt moments that pile on the emotion and yeah that also really works and credit to the writers for really understanding what this show is. 


The style is also really great, the action feels like it should for a Karate Kid show but it is modernised to make it more athletic and even more brutal which adds so much weight to the fights that we see here. Also the show flows incredibly well with ten thirty minute episodes it is a really easy watch and one to really sink your teeth into. 


Overall, I wasn't sure what to expect with the first season of Cobra Kai but I thought it was fantastic and a show I couldn't stop watching. If you haven't started this show then do it as soon as possible as it is a great show that I think will only get better. 

Rating - 9/10

Friday, January 8, 2021

Pieces of a Woman (2021) Review

Pieces of a Woman (2021) Review

This film has had plenty of critical acclaim to it but hasn't been available to see and now Pieces of a Woman has come to Netflix and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a woman hit by a personal tragedy and how she reacts to it and attempts to live her life over the next year. 

Main Character

Vanessa Kirby plays the lead here and she does a fantastic job here, she is so great in her role and you really sympathise with her and feel bad for her as she attempts to get on with her life. There has been Oscar buzz about her performance and she does enough here for that to be deserved and let's hope she gets recognition for this performance as it is really strong. 

Supporting Characters

I am going to look past the real life issue with Shia LaBeouf and just talk about his acting here and I thought he was really good here. I thought the dynamic between him and Kirby was interesting and well handled, you see there different reactions and coping mechanisms and yes it makes him more unlikeable but you kind of see where he is coming from with his grief, though the film fails with the way his character ends up. Ellen Burstyn plays Kirby's mother and is also good here, she owns the screen and her scenes with the other two main characters are gripping and that is because of her quality. All the other performers do a good job too and the best part of this film is the acting for sure. 


The story is quite gripping and does a good job in showing how tragedy can affect people in different ways. Also the first half an hour and had me on the edge of my seat just as much or more then any big action film could and credit has to go to the actors and director for achieving that. But the issue this film has is that it can't keep the pace and intrigue up and falls flat after the first 30 mins, it's still fine but it just coasts by and doesn't do enough to stand out. 


The script is okay with a few really dramatic scenes in it but this film is really grim which is understandable because of its subject matter but the humour it attempts does fail pretty badly. Also there are certain elements of the plot that feel a bit forced and I do wonder why they were included here, maybe just to get the film to the 2 hour mark. 


As I said before the first 30 minutes is filmed brilliantly and the style for it adds so much to the whole thing and adds to the whole drama. Though the film slow in its pacing after that and as I said above I think there were a few parts of the plot that were unnecessary and that doesn't help with the pacing of the film as a whole. 


Overall, this is a really well acted film that is well directed that ends up being a good film. It doesn't do enough to hit the really high levels but is a good film if you can deal with the serious subject matter. 

Rating - 7/10