Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Iron Man (2008) Review

Iron Man (2008) Review

So touch wood Black Widow is set to come out sometime in May, so I have decided to re-watch all of the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in prep and of course that means starting with the first - Iron Man and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a Billionaire Weapons Dealer kidnapped where he creates a suit of armour to escape and make up for his own mistakes. 

Main Character

When Robert Downey Jnr was cast as Tony Stark it was a huge risk, many personal demons had taken its toil of his personal and professional career. But never was a role more perfect for an actor then he was for Stark, he is so charismatic in the role and he nails the complexity of the role. You see growth over the film but he never loses his true personality and always kept the wit and snappy dialogue with him and this was the first time we saw his great portrayal. 

Supporting Characters

Gwyneth Paltrow plays Pepper Potts and she is great as well, the chemistry between her and Downey is off the charts and you see the relationship between them build and it is the real heartfelt part of the film and she provides plenty too that. She isn't written as the damsel in distress and really is a proper character that feels worthy of her role here. Jeff Bridges plays Obadiah Stane and he is clearly having a lot of fun and revelling in his role and Bridges does enough for him to be a good character here. I mean there isn't really any depth with Stane but there is no denying that Bridges is great in the role. It feels a bit weird seeing Terrence Howard play Rhodey as he was replaced with Don Cheadle after this film but he is good too. I thought the friendship between him and Tony was a good part of the film and added to the story as a whole. Clark Gregg & Paul Bettany play Coulson & JARVIS for the first time and they do well in their roles with plenty more to come from them in future films. 


The story is fantastic, you see this guy who starts the film in one mindset and finishes it in pretty much a completely different one without compromising his character. Tony Stark's character arc is the real highlight of this film and for me the first 30 mins really helped with that as we see just how intelligent he is and how his life is really affected by what happens to him in Afghanistan. Yes, the whole villain part of the film isn't the most compelling but it fits the film we are watching and I thought it suited Tony's character arc and for a first film was the right way to go, it also helps that this film has one of the most iconic endings to any comic book film ever made. 


The script is really good and what I mean by that is the actors did a great job with the script they were given which wasn't finished when they started shooting the film so credit has to go to the actors. The humour is top notch with some truly great one liners which Downey delivers to perfection. But the film also has plenty of heart to it, you really care about this character and this whole redemption story that he is going on. 


The style of the film has some great action scenes, this was the first time we saw the Iron Man suit and it looks great with some memorable sequences. It doesn't have the massive stakes of some other films involving the character but it really nails the action and what felt appropriate for the first film in the franchise. The film is also paced really well, as I said the first half an hour really sets the scene so well and it keeps it up throughout. 


Overall, this is an epic film, the first film in the MCU is full of quality and still holds up as a more personal and raw story told about this now iconic character. This is one of the most important comic book films of all time and it is also one of the best. 

Rating - 10/10

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