Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Deadpool 3 confirmed by Marvel Studios - will be in the MCU & R-Rated

Deadpool 3 confirmed by Marvel Studios - will be in the MCU & R-Rated

In an interview with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige last night he confirmed that Deadpool 3 is being developed by Marvel Studios and at some point will come out. He also confirmed that the film is going to take part in The Marvel Cinematic Universe and will be R-Rated which is positive news for sure, so basically this is my thoughts and maybe what we might see from the film. 

Won't happen till 2024/2025

Even though this news has come out don't expect this film to come out anytime soon. First of all Ryan Reynolds is a very busy man and he has plenty of other projects in the mix and that is one of the reasons why not to expect it to come soon. The other main one being is that Marvel Studios slate is very busy and planned out until the end of 2023. Between films and TV shows there is plenty to look forward to but not Deadpool 3. 

Ryan Reynolds will be involved with the script

Another thing that Feige confirmed was that not only will Ryan Reynolds return to play Deadpool but that he will be heavily involved with the script and have plenty of creative control. That is good to here as sometimes Marvel Studios have been criticised for not giving people this control, so it shows the respect and love that they know Reynolds has for the character. 

Will any of the supporting characters return? 

One of the highlights of the Deadpool films we have seen is the great ensemble casts that they build and the question now has to be will any of the cast apart from Reynolds return. Domino, Cable, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are some of the best comic book characters in recent years and it would be a real shame if we didn't see them again. 

Could this film be the one to introduce The X-Men?

Ever since Marvel Studios got the rights to The X-Men people have been theorising left and right where they could turn up but what if it was in this film? We have already seen that Deadpool has a long history with members of The X-Men so it could be an easy way to get them in the MCU.

What MCU characters could we see?

This is the big question. Now that this film is confirmed for The MCU the question now goes to what characters could make an appearance. It is difficult to say as with the R-Rating it makes it a bit tougher as the majority of characters won't fit the tone of the film. Characters such as Moon Knight, Punisher and Blade could work but I hope they don't overfill this film with established MCU characters and allow Deadpool to flourish. 

Could Mister Sinister be the villain? 

For years The X-Men films have been setting up Mister Sinister as a big villain but they never got around to it, so could Deadpool do that. My logic here is that Sinister is known for creating clones of popular characters so could that be where we see some of the more established MCU characters plus it would be really cool to finally see Sinister on screen. 


Overall, this news was inevitable after the success of the Deadpool films. I am just glad that Marvel Studios are sticking with the R-Rating and seem to be changing very few things which is all positive in my eyes. 

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