Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Review

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Review  

Here in the UK Godzilla vs Kong finally comes out so my last step in prep work came today with watching Godzilla: King of the Monsters and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees 5 years after the events of the previous film Godzilla has gone missing and is forced to resurface when other Titans rise up to threaten the world. 

Main Character

The film has Godzilla in the title so I guess that is where I should start and Godzilla is awesome in this film. He gets more to do and we see way more of him in his epic glory as he fights more interesting Titans in this film and this is finally the Godzilla we truly deserve and the film does a great job in making him super cool in this film. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is out as the main human lead replaced by Kyle Chandler and though he is a bit better then Johnson he still is a weak element of the film. In a film where lets face it we are rooting for Godzilla, it doesn't help when one of the main characters on screen is basically against him and it makes him a character that is hard to like or care for. 

Supporting Characters

Millie Bobby Brown plays his daughter and I thought she was good, she is the character we are meant to root for other then Godzilla and her character is actually handled pretty well. I mean she isn't amazing or anything but she is a young actress who does a good job with the material that she is given to work with. Ken Wantanabe is back as the number 1 Godzilla fan and he is good again, he is a fun character and clearly he is somebody who enjoys himself when making these Godzilla films for sure. Charles Dance plays a bad guy and he is entertaining, the character is rubbish which holds it back but Dance is really trying to make it work and because he is so good it almost works. Also the Titans are much cooler in this film and they are way more interesting then the majority of human characters. The issue is there are other characters where it doesn't work Vera Farmiga's character is awful here, her whole motivation and character arc is absurd and really pulled me away from the interesting parts of the film . The team of protagonists is much larger here and there are these generic army guys and comic relief scientists and they just don't work, there are good actors here and it just feels like there talents are wasted. 


The story involving Godzilla and the rest of the titans is easily the best part of the film. As we find out more about them and there backstories, the fights are given way more weight and depth to them because of the time taken with the lore and time the Titans get. The problem is like the majority of these monster films is that the human characters and their story just falls flat, There is a twist quite early on in the film and it made me just kind of check out of the human story line and though not terrible it just makes me wish the focus would go more onto the Titans but I don't think that will ever happen. 


The script is okay, there is some good drama and emotional moments that despite my lack of interest rises the human characters up a bit and its decent enough for an okay script. Though this film isn't as stoic as the first film the humour is pretty weak and just didn't work despite the obvious attempt. 


Easily the best part of the film is the style. This film looks amazing and finally gives these Titans the presence and fight scenes that they truly deserve. The previous film spent way too long hiding Godzilla but this film shows him in all of his glory and the action fits the magnitude that it deserves. The pacing of the film is very good too and it the film seemed to flow very nicely and kept the tians on screen for as long as possible. 


Overall, Godzilla: King of the Monsters is an above average film. In terms of these Monster films this is the best one yet but it still falls flat, it is clearly style over substance and if you want to see these monsters fight then yeah this is worth a watch but be prepped for the weaker human elements. 

Rating - 6/10

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) Trailer Review

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) Trailer Review

With the Bad Batch's first episode set for just over a month away on May 4th, Disney have released another trailer for the show and there is some more information in this trailer that is worth discussing. 

The Bad Batch will be on the run from the Empire. 

It seems that at least at first The Bad Batch will be enlisted to The Empire and training on Kamino but that isn't going to stick. The trailer shows them deciding to turn on the imperials and go on the run, the question will be how. Because of their genetic modifications maybe there control chips don't work and they decide they don't like what the Empire are doing. 

Grand Moff Tarkin will be a major villain 

We have seen Tarkin as a part of The Clone Wars and he is transitioning into his usual role here as a leading member of The Empire. It seems he is the one in charge of the remaining Clones and has a specific interest in The Bad Batch. He is also the one we see ordering there capture, with Tarkin such a huge character in Star Wars it will be interesting to see what his plans are and exactly how much he will be involved. 

A Young girl is joining the team

The trailer also shows a young girl escape Kamino with the team. It is curious as to who this exactly is and why she joins the team, she isn't a clone so it is going to be interesting to see how she plays into the story. My guess is that she might be a force sensitive that The Empire have kept alive and that is the real reason Tarkin is after the group. 

Ming Na-Wen is voicing Fennec Shand again

This was pretty much confirmed but this trailer confirms that Ming-Na Wen will be reprising her role from The Mandalorian as Fennec Shand. How she factors into the plot is currently unknown but it will be fascinating to see whether she is a villain or a hero or a more ambiguous character. She has teetered on both sides of morality and with this being a younger version of the character I think she could be after the team for The Empire at least at first. 

Captain Rex is also back

Probably the biggest moment in the trailer is the return of the much loved Clone Wars character Captain Rex. The last time we saw him was after having his control chip taken out escaping the Empire with Ahsoka Tano. He is reunited with the team here and hopefully he plays an important role here as there is still plenty of things for him to do between now and his appearances in Star Wars Rebels. 

Could we even see Ahsoka here? 

With Rex's conformation, and with the characters huge popularity maybe Ahsoka Tano will make an appearance. Similar to Rex there is plenty of moments in her story that haven't been explored and this could be a chance to do that. The show will have to explain how Rex and her split up and maybe having Ahsoka help out could lead to new storytelling aspects. 

A young Saw Guerrera comes into contact with the team

Another pretty big surprise is that a younger Saw Guerrera will be in this show. He won't be voiced by Forest Whittaker as this is a younger take on the character but as we saw in The Clone Wars this version of the character is a radical and it seems like he is starting to create his Rebellion that we have seen in Jedi: Fallen Order, Rebels & Rogue One. How he is linked to the team is unknown but maybe he extends an offer to them to fight the Empire together. 


Overall, I am so excited for this show. I loved the final season of Clone Wars and this feels like a direct continuation from that and seeing characters like Guerrera, Shand and Rex return adds to that anticipation. 

Snowpiercer Season 2 (2021) Review

Snowpiercer Season 2 (2021) Review

Though I wasn't a huge fan of the first season of Snowpiercer, when the second season came around I decided to watch it and today the season finished and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Mr Wilford and his Big Alice train arrive to Snowpiercer where a conflict between him and the surviving leaders of the train commences. 

Main Character

Sean Bean makes his debut as Mr Wilford and he is honestly the best thing about this show. He is the injection of charisma and devilry that you can't stop watching him and his presence is what really drives the show. Wilford is such a fascinating character and his addition to the show is exactly what was needed to inject some real intrigue and depth to the show. Daveed Diggs is back as Layton and similar to the first season I just really struggled to care about his character, the actor is great but Layton is such a dull character that it really hurts the show. I actually thought this season he was even worse and actually pretty unlikeable at times and for me it really dragged down the overall quality. 

Supporting Characters

Jennifer Connelly's character as Melanie is given more depth this season even though she is in the show a lot less and even though her character is really important to the overall plot and Connelly does a good job with the work that she is given. Alison Wright as Ruth wasn't my favourite part of the first season but I thought she was fantastic this season, her character is really complex and really stuck between a rock and a hard place with Wright giving a great performance in the show. But the rest of the cast aren't that great or just don't get enough to work with. The train is full of characters and I just didn't care about a lot of them, Characters such as Bess, LJ and Audrey are just annoying and don't add much to the show which is a big shame for its female cast as it is a mixed bag in terms of the characters that they are given. 


The story is good, the conflict between Wilford and Layton is pretty interesting and the show does a good job in showing how conflicted the train becomes when Wilford returns and at least for the first act of the show it keeps this going pretty well. But this show gets really bogged down by some supporting characters and stories which could have easily been shortened or left out of the show to make it a more concise and effective storytelling experience. 


The script, is quite effective in terms of the drama that it builds amongst the train, it continues the tension created by the season 1 finale and builds on it nicely and creates even more depth and drama. But this show takes itself incredibly seriously and at times it is a bit too heavy and also the show suffers from the plot being all over the place in terms of the different characters and the story that is being told. 


The style of the show does a good job with its visual style, it shows the difference between the different parts of the train and the class systems and how they have changed since the first season. The violence still feels very severe and harsh which fits the dystopian world that has been created in this world. But the pacing of the show just doesn't quite work, if they cut some of the plot or a couple of episodes then this would be a much better show. 


Overall, the 2nd season of Snowpiercer is an average show. It's funny cause the show does some things better then the first season but overall it is slightly worse and I just am not sure this show has a huge long term future and not one for people to rush to watch. 

Rating - 5/10

Monday, March 29, 2021

Infinitum: Subject Unknown (2021) Review

Infinitum: Subject Unknown (2021) Review

With the pandemic, certain films go under the radar and Infinitum: Subject Unknown is one of those films and I found time to watch it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a woman trapped in an alternate reality as she tries to escape and work out what is exactly going on. 

Main Character

Tori Butler-Hart plays the lead character here and I think she does a decent job, she is in this film on her own and she portrays the loneliness well. We follow her around for 90 minutes and I definitely felt like her character, she is lost and confused and lets face it so was I as a viewer. But there is only so much she can do with this character in this film, she is a woman of few words and when she does talk it sometimes feels jarring as she talks to herself and the dialogue is poorly written and that takes her performance from good to just okay. 

Supporting Characters

As this film heavily emphasises in its posters Sir Ian McKellen and Conleth Hill have roles here but I swear to you they are barely in it. They are decent in the 5 minutes of screen time and it feels like they took the majority of the budget up and maybe it was wasted as despite them doing fine they don't add too much to the overall project. Apart from that there isn't really anybody else in the film and I know this film was made during the lockdown so the less actors involved the better but maybe one or two more being bought in towards the end could have helped the film. 


This film has an interesting vibe on its story, it does a really good job of sucking you into the story we are being told and like the lead character we aren't exactly sure what is going on and at least for the first act I was interested. But this film fails in its attempts to be original, it follows Sci-fi tropes when it really doesn't need too and it really holds the film back. Plus the ending of the film is pretty terrible and leaves you with the wonder of why exactly you decided to watch the film. 


The script is weak, the dialogue is pretty non existent and that isn't a huge issue bit it is here. It is more the writing for the plot which ends up falling flat and it feels like somebody wanted to make the film interesting but then they were fired and this new writer decided to just go with the basic levels of Sci-Fi. 


The film does a decent job with creating a tense environment and as I said, the first act creates this interesting concept and level of a lack of control for the lead character that is pretty effective. But the film just falls back into an unoriginal format and the pacing starts to fail and despite this being an extremely short film it feels like it could have been even shorter. 


Overall, Infinitum: Subject Unknown is a below average Sci-Fi Film. Credit to them for being able to film during the UK lockdown and there is some decent elements here but the film lacks originality and doesn't do enough for a positive score. 

Rating - 4/10 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Six Minutes to Midnight (2021) Review

Six Minutes to Midnight (2021) Review

Sky have been releasing more of these original films and the next one is Six Minutes to Midnight and I watched it today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a British teacher arrive at a school teaching Nazi girls before WW2 to find out exactly what is going on. 

Main Character

Eddie Izzard is a good comic and comedic actor, there is very little doubt about that but they are just horribly miscast in this role. This character is incredibly serious and sombre and Izzard just can't deliver a strong emotional performance to make you care, they were involved in writing the film and producing it so I guess it was decided Izzard could just play the role but it was just not the right role and really hurt the film. 

Supporting Characters

The best two supporting characters are played by James D'arcy and Carla Juni. They are okay in there roles and try their best with what they are given, in most films they would be just average characters but here they are the best parts of the film. Dame Judi Dench has a role here and I just felt like she was phoning it in and offers very little, I think everybody agrees she is a great actress but the last few years the projects she has chosen have been incredibly weak and she needs to do better or maybe just stop. Jim Broadbent has a small role and feels a bit out of place and could have easily been played by anybody. There is a group of girls here and I was puzzled by what the film was trying to do with their characters, I didn't care about any of them and I am not even sure if we were meant to which is a weaker element of the film. 


The story has some interesting elements to it and it is still amazing that films are telling stories from WW2 that actually happened that we know little about and there is clearly an interesting story here. It is just the film's execution of this story is bad, I didn't care about the characters and the film didn't do a good enough job of understanding the true significance of the plot and how it truly affected things.  


The script is incredibly bland, having Izzard involved you expect something decent but it isn't here at all and the dialogue is so weak. This film is really heavy on drama and none of it is handled well enough to make this a well written film. 


The film is only 90 minutes long but that doesn't stop it from being incredibly slow and boring. It takes so long for this film and its plot to even get started that the film struggled to keep me interested and thus made me clock out and care less until the showdown at the end of the film which wasn't particularly great. 


Overall, Six Minutes to Midnight is a really poor film. I think in the hands of a better director and with actors more suited to the roles this could have been an interesting film but in its state this is one to miss. 

Rating - 2/10

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Made in Italy (2021) Review

Made in Italy (2021) Review

This film came to Amazon Prime yesterday and this morning I decided to watch Made in Italy and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an artist and his estranged son travel to Italy in order to sell the house left to them by his late wife. 

Main Character

Liam Neeson and his real life son Micheal Richardson play the two lead characters and they are both good in their roles, especially when the focus is put on their relationship and the dynamic between them. It feels extra special as if you know about their real lives then you will know that both of them kind of lived through this life with Neeson's wife passing away and both of them having to deal with the situation. You can tell it gives extra weight to the performances and a love for the film that they are making. 

Supporting Characters

This film has a lack of supporting characters but a few of the performers do some okay work in their roles. Lindsay Duncan & Valeria Bilello are good and does have some nice chemistry with the two leads to provide some nice scenes. But there are also some characters that are given very little to do and I mean it just feels like there isn't any weight given to the characters here. 


The story has some good moments to it, the relationship between Neeson and Richardson is what carries this film and it is at its best in the last act of the film and leads to a nice ending for the story with some pretty moving scenes. But the film doesn't do enough and have enough meat to it in the first two acts and it just feels like we are going through the motions without much innovation or new ideas. 


As I said, this film is very personal to the two lead actors and when they really tap into that there is some emotional scenes that maybe due to the actors real life add extra layers of emotion there. But its strange, everywhere I look this film is described as a comedy but it isn't very funny at all and is actually at its best when it is more serious, which isn't great for a comedy. 


This film has really nice backdrops, the film spends the majority of the runtime in Italy and it looks beautiful. The film does a really good job in showing just how lovely this part of the world is and it adds something to the experience. But even though this film is barely over 90 mins, it still feels a bit slow and takes too long to get going, which isn't great. 


Overall, Made in Italy is an above average film. I don't understand the really negative reviews, this is a nice film that plays it a bit safe but there are some good things here. I would say you can do worse for 90 minutes but this one is only going to be for people who watch plenty of films. 

Rating - 6/10 

The Suicide Squad (2021) Trailer Review

The Suicide Squad (2021) Trailer Review

Yesterday saw the first full trailer for my most anticipated film of the year The Suicide Squad and after watching the trailer a few times here are the things I noticed and took away from the trailer. 

Seems to be a sequel to the original film. 

There have been many theories about how this film connects to its predecessor but it seems like this trailer confirms that this film will at least reference the previous film if nothing else. The trailer shows Rick Flagg going out of his way to save Harley Quinn, acknowledging there development in the previous film, Also later in the trailer Michael Rooker's Savant seems to know of the team, suggesting they have operated before. 

Feels like a James Gunn Film 

When Guardians of The Galaxy director James Gunn was bought onto this project there were high hopes that he could bring some excitement and life into these characters and the DCEU as a whole. Luckily, this trailer makes it seem like the studio have let him get on with his work, the snappy dialogue, eccentric characters and appropriate music choices are here and it is very welcome. 

Sylvester Stallone is playing King Shark and will be the star of the film

Possibly the biggest surprise of the trailer is that the voice of King Shark has been revealed and it is none other then Sylvester Stallone himself. It seems like Stallone is having fun here and the CGI for the character looks great and plays up the absurdity of the film. We also see him literally eat a person which shows this film is going to be way more violent then the original film and for a film called The Suicide Squad, that is clearly the right choice. 

Starro is the villain of the film

This was reported earlier this year so not the biggest surprise but the trailer shows Starro in all of its Starfish looking glory. Yes, this character looks ridiculous but in the comics it has come close to taking over the universe so there is that, also this film is ridiculous so there is that. The character can also mind control people so that seems to be how it gets an army and the question will be whether it mind controls any member of the team.


Overall, this is a really fun trailer, that does enough to keep you excited but not spoil anything from the movie so credit has to go to that and this is one film I am so excited to go to the cinema and watch in August. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Kong: Skull Island (2017) Review

Kong: Skull Island (2017) Review

With Godzilla vs Kong coming to the UK next week, I thought it was about time to re-watch the previous film involving one of the characters Kong: Skull Island and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of people from different backgrounds travel to an unmapped island in order to see what is there when they come up against the King of the island - Kong. 

Main Character

For these monster films, I always think the most important character is that of the monster and Kong is done fantastically well in this film. Kong is huge in this film and it is at its best when it shows him just wrecking shop and it is showcased incredibly well. There is some humanity to Kong and I think the film does a really good job in showing that and making him a more likeable creature. But then we get the human lead played by Tom Hiddleston and this is an actor I really like but he kind of sleepwalks through this film and offers very little. His character is paper thin and it just feels like he doesn't fit the role he is given and I think similar to Aaron Taylor Johnson in Godzilla these lead human casts struggle against there larger counterpart. 

Supporting Characters 

Samuel L Jackson plays an Army leader in the film and he is having some fun and living up in his role. He is basically the main one going up against Kong and it is very cool seeing what feels like these two forces of nature going head to head and really Jackson is the only person I imagine playing this role. John C Reilly has a role here and I think when I watched the film before I didn't like him but now I thought he was a really entertaining part of the film and adds heart to the feeling of the film. Towards the last act he literally became the only person I cared about and wanted to see get off of the island and credit has to go to him for that. But the rest of the cast did very little for me, Brie Larson is similar to Hiddleston. She is an actor I like but her character offers very little and the two of them have very little chemistry together and again I think it is mostly the script which makes them feel like weak characters. John Goodman starts off okay, but the film basically forgets about him and he becomes more weird as a character and it feels like a missed opportunity to use his great acting talent. Also Toby Kebbell is a good actor who is totally wasted in this film and he literally could have been played by anybody and that is a clear waste.


The story has some good elements to it, the background and characterisation of Kong is really well handled and I did like the fact that the film managed to create this feeling of anyone could be taken out at any point which few films can do. But this film fails in making you care about the majority of the human characters and with this cast that is almost a crime and the film does suffer from that in a large way. 


This is the weakest element of the film and for me really hinders the actors portrayal of the characters. None of them are given anything interesting about them and the script does nothing to make you care and even though there is a giant ape fighting creatures you still need human characters to care about when they are the main elements of the film. 


Now onto the best part of the film, this film looks fantastic and has some awesome action sequences. The film does the right thing in not hiding Kong and has plenty of scenes with him throwing down with his fantastic look. The film is paced well and I was never bored which makes this part of the film at least a success. 


Overall, Kong: Skull Island is an average film. Everything to do with Kong is great it is just the human element of the film that holds it back and for me unless you are a big Kong fan this is worth a miss this time. 

Rating - 5/10

The Flight Attendant Season 1 (2021) Review

The Flight Attendant Season 1 (2021) Review

This show was a big hit for the US run HBO Max when it came out late last year, but here in The UK we have only just gained access to the show and I have watched The Flight Attendant and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a Flight Attendant get caught in a murder investigation where she has to protect herself while trying to find the one responsible. 

Main Character

Kaley Cuoco best known for The Big Bang Theory and Harley Quinn plays the lead character here and she is really good, she is funny and interesting for one of the better lead characters you will see. At times her character can be frustrating but it is all a part of the character development and Cuoco does such a good job that it makes you care about her and become interested in where her character develops. 

Supporting Characters

Michiel Huisman plays the man who is murdered, and despite that he plays a major part in this show and I think he is good in the role. He shares the majority of his scenes with Cuoco and they have really good chemistry together, they are fun together and it takes two to tango so Huisman plays his part well. Zosia Mamet plays Cuoco's best friend and I really liked her too, their friendship feels really genuine and Mamet does a really good job of playing a character who is kind of struggling to keep her friendship going with this clearly toxic personality. Michelle Gomez like normal plays an antagonist and she is decent, she has a Scottish accent which at first confused me, but I later liked it and thought it gave her a bit of charm and humour. But there are some elements of the cast I wasn't a huge fan of, the whole FBI angle of the show doesn't work and the actors aren't given enough to work with to give them the development they need. Also Rosie Perez plays a fellow Flight Attendant and she does very little for me, her character has her own story arc and it just really doesn't work, I just am not a huge fan of her as an actress and I just feel like her character was a weaker aspect of the show. 


The story is a good old fashioned murder mystery and it works for the most part and keeps you on your toes throughout. It also does a really good job of showing how a lifetime of trauma can affect a person and give them pretty serious issues and for a show that is quite comedic that is something the show should be proud of. But there are a few different story arcs that just don't work, such as the FBI and Rosie Perez character story arc, they just feel weak and lack depth and intrigue to them. Also the film has a couple of twists in the final episode that just didn't work for me and felt like they didn't quite fit what the story was trying to tell. 


The script is very good, the show has a really fantastic blend between comedy and drama and does a great job of never over-emphasising either of them. Characters are naturally quite funny but they also have some real dark moments that just make them feel more realistic and people that could exist in the real world. 


The style of the show does look good, with the main character being a Flight Attendant the show does go to a few different places and that allows the show to keep their locations fresh and I wish there could have been even more. Though at times there are some issues with the pacing, certain story arcs are given too much time and it feels clunked and despite a good run time, I wish that at times the show had been more focused. 


Overall, The Flight Attendant is a good show. This is an easy watch and one that if you are an avid TV watcher should give a go as I think people will enjoy it and with a second season confirmed the show is on the up. 

Rating - 7/10 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Opinion - Why we must see more of Zack Snyder's DCEU vision

Opinion - Why we must see more of Zack Snyder's DCEU vision 

Last week the biggest film of the year so far Zack Snyder's Justice League came out and was universally well received and I very much enjoyed it. After the film there has been a big outpour to see more of Zack Snyder's vision of the DC Extended Universe and I am one of those people who want to see more and here are my reasons for it. 

Justice League sets up an exciting future

One of the great things about Justice League is that it does a decent job in setting up future projects that could really usher in a great future for DC films. Future Justice League films, a Batman Solo film and potentially even a Knightmare film is set up and those excite me. 

Snyder has a vision.

Whether you like his DC films or not one thing is clear is that Zack Snyder has a clear vision for these characters and where he wants to seem them go in the future. For me the largest criticism of the DCEU is that there seems to be no plan, there are some good films but they just don't fit in a universe and we have seen at marvel how a cinematic universe can work with somebody steering the ship and maybe that could be him. 

Would give the chance to show more Darkseid 

A highlight of Justice League is the presence and portrayal of Darkseid voiced by Ray Porter. This is one of the biggest villains in DC history and it will be such a waste to never see this portrayal of the character again as he is really interesting and has so much potential. 

Could convince Ben Affleck to return to make that Batman film. 

A few years ago it was reported that Ben Affleck would star and direct his own Batman film with Deathstroke as the main villain. The Snyder Cut clearly sets this story up and it is one I really want to see, Affleck is great in the role and Joe Manganiello is a good casting for Deathstroke so I really want to see more from both of these two in this universe. 

Is a better idea then anything else DC have planned 

Lets be honest DC have been really bad at planning the slate of their films and that has shown in the amount of films they have produced and the levels of them. If Snyder is given the chance to lead this universe then it will finally give DC a direction and sort out their future plans to reinvigorate themselves. 

Snyder is up for doing it 

Since the film came out Zack Snyder has been talking a lot and he has said that even though DC have no plans for his DC future, he would be up for doing it. With the success of Snyder's Justice League then it gives him a greater chance of showing off his true vision. 


Overall, I am a fan of DC films but I really want to see more of a connected plan and Snyder's vision is the best one we have so lets hope we get more of it. 

Line Of Duty Season 3 (2016) Review

Line Of Duty Season 3 (2016) Review

With Line of Duty Season 6 coming out, I am continuing my watch of the previous seasons and here is my review of season 3. The premise of the season sees an armed response officer being investigated by AC-12 when it is suggested he unlawfully killed a target. 

Main Character

Martin Compston as Steve Arnott is probably the one we spend the most time with here and he is really good. He is still the officer who is on the hunt the most and Compston does a great job in showing his determination and how he is a good officer. The show does some interesting things with his character and the spotlight is really shone on him as things start to become more complex and it makes his character much more interesting. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Mays plays the guest character and he is given less to do then the others but he is still really good. He is a very complex character and as you learn more about him, the whole moral compass has to get looked at and he is a character with a lot of depth and intrigue. Vicky McClure is back as Kate and she is also great, Kate is given plenty to do and I think this season is the one where we really see just how good at her job she is as she manages to pull off the majority of the investigation. Adrian Dunbar plays Hastings and I think he is my favourite character on this show, he is just really good in the role and is firm but fair and also has some real funny moments as well with some of the best lines. Craig Parkinson as Cottan has always been a character that has felt like the fourth wheel to the team and that is emphasised here and he is really good at doing it and gives a strong performance. 


The story is really good, the show heads in some different directions in terms of its storytelling and freshens itself up enough while staying true to the identity of the show. The characters are great and as the story progresses the twists and turns are relentless culminating with one of the best finales you will see in any TV series that tip it over the edge. 


The script is really great, it has a great amount of twists that keeps you interested and allows you to follow. The drama and humour is really well balanced and it allows the show to feel real and dynamic with its storytelling and characters. 


The shows style is also really good, the show never slows down and keeps moving at a quick pace that you just want to watch the show all at once. The action when it is here, is brutal and really well done and the interview sections are some edge of the seat stuff. 


Overall, this is possibly my favourite season of Line Of Duty so far. It is really well paced and just kept me interested and glued to the screen for all six episodes. 

Rating - 10/10

Monday, March 22, 2021

Deadly Illusions (2021) Review

Deadly Illusions (2021) Review

Another day in Lockdown and another film to watch, this time it is Deadly Illusions and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an author hire a young babysitter to watch her children, when the two of them start to build a friendship and connection. 

Main Character

Kristin Davis of Sex and The City fame plays the lead character here and she is just not very good. Her character is really bland and uninteresting with Davis delivering some really cringe worthy dialogue that made her a character that never connected in any way shape or form. 

Supporting Characters

Greer Grammer plays the young girl that joins as the babysitter and she is also really bad here. She delivers line after line of awful dialogue and she just has some truly bad scenes that makes it hard for you to by anything in the film and the supposed chemistry between her and Davis which is never there. Dermot Mulroney plays Davis' husband in the film and he is literally just phoning it in and just playing the same character he does in every other project he is in. The rest of the cast offer nothing as well and the acting is just really bad. 


Ever since Fatal Attraction was released, Hollywood has believed they can just churn out similar films for cheap with nothing unique and they are pretty much all bad and this one is no different. This film is laughably bad and throughout it does nothing interesting and then the last act happens and it is is just hilariously ridiculous and makes no sense. 


The script is terrible, the dialogue is as mentioned above cringe. With drama, humour and romantic dialogue that are all terrible and the actors deliver it in such ways to make it seem even worse. Then someone wrote the ending of the film and they just had no clue what they were doing and maybe they should move into comedy. 


The style of the film is awful, the pacing is so slow and literally nothing happens for ages and even when it does it is terrible. Plus this film is way too long, a film like this in 2021 should never be 2 hours long and it just keeps on going. 


Overall, this is a truly awful film. Deadly Illusions is one of the worst films of the year so far and is one that should never be seen by anybody. 

Rating - 1/10

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Review

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Review

It's ironic that with the week that The Falcon & The Winter Soldier came to Disney+ the next film in my Marvel review series is the one that saw both characters debut - Captain America The Winter Soldier. I watched the film today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees Steve Rogers trying to adapt to the modern world working for SHIELD when a mysterious enemy called The Winter Soldier targets him. 

Main Character

Chris Evans once again plays Captain America AKA Steve Rogers and he is fantastic in this film, he has transitioned from the naive boy scout and is a really well developed character here. Evans has a charm and charisma that really works for the character and makes him so likeable but you see how his ideals really come out and conflict with this modern world that he has become a part of. He is great in the action scenes and provides the emotion needed for a really great super hero. 

Supporting Characters

Scarlett Johansson plays Black Widow again and she is also great here and a spotlight is really placed on her here more then in previous films and she shines. Her character is given really great development and you see how her friendship with Rogers has changed and adapted since The Avengers and it makes her the most interesting she has been in the films here. Samuel L Jackson is always great as Nick Fury and he is the same here, his character is examined closely here and the dynamic between his methods and Rogers believes is highlighted and explored in an interesting way. He is also part of one of my favourite MCU action scenes in this film so there is that. Robert Redford plays Alexander Pierce and I always find it crazy that one of his last roles is in a Marvel film and he is also really good, he is just a solid hand in his role and he seems to be having a good time. This is the first time we see Anthony Mackie as The Falcon and I actually forgot just how good he is here, he is a really nice character here and his down to earth nature really fits well alongside the Avengers we already see on screen. Sebastian Stan plays The Winter Soldier and this is one of the best villains in the MCU, he is mysterious and a really awesome threat to the heroes and feels like he is truly capable of taking out Captain America. 


The story for this film is really great, the whole character of Captain America gets explored in depth and this film has a clear message to it which it shows in a mature and unique way. Then there is the interesting stuff involving the villain of the film and what that means, with twists that are genuinely surprising it mixes to have a story that will keep you engaged throughout. 


The script is also fantastic, a really good mix of humour and drama. This film is funny when it needs to be but it also hits some emotional moments that feel deserved and like they actually have weight to them. The film keeps you on your toes with its developments and it is written very well in this case which rises it above other films in its genre. 


This films style is one of the best parts of the film. The action scenes are some of the best you will see in not only comic book films but also action films in general, this film made Cap one of the truly best fighters in the MCU and that is great to see. Hell, every character is great in their action sequences and they all feel so different that it never gets dull. 


Overall, this is a truly epic film. The Winter Soldier has intrigue, great characters, great action scenes and twists and turns. This is one of the best MCU films there are and comic book film fans and just film fans alike will love it. 

Rating - 10/10 

Sky Rojo Season 1 (2021) Review

Sky Rojo Season 1 (2021) Review

This show is made by the same creators as the much acclaimed show Money Heist, so I decided to watch Sky Rojo and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a trio of prostitutes on the run from their pimp and his henchman. 

Main Character

There are really three main characters on this show, Veronica Sanches as Coral, Lali Esposito as Wendy & Yany Prado as Gina and these girls are all having plenty of fun in their roles. The three of them all have really good chemistry together and you see the bond between there characters as they have gone through this pretty terrible experience together and it does make this show more enjoyable and you do grow to care about these women despite them being prostitutes. 

Supporting Characters

The supporting players are okay, really the main ones are the pimp and his henchman and they are decent for the roles that they are given. They fit the role that the show needs and I guess that is enough but I can't help but feel like the show misses a trick with them. Every male character is a bad person in some way or another and I understand why to a certain extent, but it makes it hard to really believe the situation of the characters when the majority or all other characters are evil and not given any real depth. The main characters are given plenty of backstory and character and they just failed to do that with the other characters in my opinion. 


The story is a fun one that also has some darker themes to it. It is entertaining to see these three women on the run from these henchmen and the really creative ways that they stay one step ahead and the main characters are allowed time to progress throughout. The show also does try to focus on the prostitute industry, but it isn't particularly smooth at this, it shows it as very glamourous and over the top and I get why but it does feel a bit strange. Also this show ends on a huge cliffhanger and even though it was effective I am not sure the show earnt it and it felt a bit like it was just there for shock value and without a huge plan. 


The script is fine, there are some fun moments and dialogue that did have me laughing when I was supposed to. There is also some okay drama but in my opinion it never hits the level that it should, with the heavy subject matter there could have been more weight to it but it never did for me and that was a shame. 


This show has a very cool style to it, it has a great soundtrack and the way it is filmed is clearly meant to be cool. The show just looks really nice, from the cast to the action scenes to the setting that it takes place in. The episodes are also much shorter in length then I thought with some only being 20 mins long and it actually worked and made the show feel like it had a faster pace. But this shows style had a major flaw for me and when I noticed it, it bugged me for the rest of the show and that is that the aspect ratio kept changing. I understand it was done for a story reason but it was really jarring and just happening too often and it started to annoy me. 


Overall this is an above average show that is a pretty easy and fun watch. Sky Rojo is a show you can get through quickly but I must say watch the show in its natural Spanish tongue with subtitles, the English dubbing is awful and it is better with the subtitles. If you have a few hours free you could do much worse then Sky Rojo. 

Rating - 6/10

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) Review

Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) Review 

With 6 Oscar Nominations earlier this week Judas and The Black Messiah has been gaining great praise and today I found the time to watch it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film tells the story of how a police informant infiltrated The Black Panther organisation and became connected to the leader. 

Main Character

Daniel Kaluuya is a great actor and he plays the leader of The Black Panther movement Fred Hampton and he is fantastic. You see the real passion he has for this character and film and it makes Hampton such a great person and Kaluuya gets everything out of it with a charismatic performance that was well worth is Oscar Nomination. LaKeith Stanfield plays the FBI informant Bill O'Neal and he is also superb, you see how his character is really stuck between two worlds and his loyalty and freedom. He gives a really strong performance that works well along Kaluuya's and both of them really shine and he also deserves his nomination. 

Supporting Characters

Jesse Plemons plays the FBI agent and he is really good, Plemons is just a great actor and it is nice to see him getting more roles, especially interesting ones like in this film. Dominique Fishback plays a member of The Panther movement and she is great, a really powerful performance from a pretty inexperienced actress and it is a bit of a shame that she didn't get more recognition for her really strong performance. Even Michael Sheen is great in his small role in this film, playing a pretty bad guy effectively. The cast is easily the best thing in this film and this is one of the best acted films in recent times and it deserves the appreciation it gets. 


The story is interesting, showing the development of The Black Panther movement and the people that are involved in it. Also the character development is great, due in large parts to the performances but the plot is well showed and well respected with the real life events that took place. However, I can't deny that at times the story felt a bit too vast, it focuses on certain characters and elements that are underdeveloped and it does bog the film down and take away the focus off our two main characters for a portion of the film. 


The script is really well written, the dialogue is really strong and the drama hits the levels that it very much needs. Also the film does a really good job of showing the group develop and how our two lead characters are portrayed and showed to people from all different ways of life. 


The film has some heavy hitting scenes, especially showing the clash between the Black Panther group and the police force. It is thrilling, engaging and at times pretty horrific showing these ideologies going against each other and just how bad it was. Though I also think this film is a bit slow with its pacing, boring isn't the right world but it definitely drags at times and it does hold the film back from really hitting the highest of levels. 


Overall, this is a great film that does a really good job in showing this movement and the really strong performances involved. Judas and The Black Messiah is a film that should be seen and if you are interested in the story behind The Black Panther movement then this is one that will be up your alley. 

Rating - 8/10

SAS: Red Notice (2021) Review

SAS: Red Notice (2021) Review

This film made it's way to Sky Cinema last Friday and last night I sat down and watched SAS: Red Notice and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a small force of trained mercenaries hijack a train where one man has to stop them. 

Main Character

Sam Heughan plays one of the main characters here and I thought he was okay. He was good in the action scenes and provided a physical presence to the role which aided in the film, also I like some of the things they do with the character in terms of the mental state of the character. But it just isn't handled well enough and Heughan is quite dull in his performance and the film doesn't do a good job of making you like him or care about him. Ruby Rose plays the main villain and I actually thought she was the more interesting character and sold her insanity in a more interesting way. She gives a menacing performance and Rose does as good a job as possible, but in the end her motivations are very dull and it wastes the opportunity given due to her decent performance. 

Supporting Characters

This cast has plenty of well recognised actors, though they don't exactly get much to work with. Andy Serkis is a nice fun character here, he is completely over the top and kind of like he is in a different film to the rest of the cast but you cannot deny that he is entertaining. But others like Hannah John Kamen, Tom Hopper & Noel Clarke are given very little to work with and despite being good actors the characters are bland and don't offer much to the overall product to the film.  


The story here is really bland too, this films plot feels like it belongs in the 1990's where action films like this were churned out all of the time. The film wanted to do something unique with the two main characters but the story doesn't do enough to make it interesting and as I said above the whole motivations for the villains is cliché and not well thought. Also the film has twists and turns and I am pretty sure not one of them makes sense and the end of the film cops out and takes the easy way out instead of providing something unique. 


The script as well is weak and really does hurt the film. It provides cliché motivations and twists that are unnecessary and feel like a poor attempt to try and make the film feel better then it actually is. The film also takes itself really seriously too and kind of misses the point of an action film like this. 


There are some good action scenes here that are pretty violent and are the best parts of this film. The film is paced pretty well and despite a longer runtime that I would like, I never really felt bored by any of it. Though I think with the other elements of the film being weaker I needed more from the action scenes and some truly memorable sequences which the film doesn't have. 


Overall, SAS: Red Notice is a pretty poor film that just feels very forgettable. It has some okay action but there are so many better action films out there and this is one to avoid. 

Rating - 3/10

Friday, March 19, 2021

First Impressions: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

First Impressions: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

After a long wait, today sees the day that the first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier hits Disney+ and I watched it this morning and here are the biggest points I took from it and how it sets the stage for the show. 

Has film level of action scenes.

The show starts out with a big action set piece involving Falcon and it is fantastic, it really is film level quality and is easily the best action set piece that we have seen involving Falcon yet in the MCU. After WandaVision it seems like these Marvel Disney+ shows are going to have a huge budget and thus give these maybe smaller characters a chance to shine. 

Steve Rogers is Dead 

This has been rumoured for a while but early in the episode there is conformation that Captain America himself Steve Rogers has passed away. Obviously, this is a huge moment for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and gives on of their biggest characters an ending, even though it is clear his legacy will play a huge part of the show. 

Sam Wilson gives up the shield

After he was handed the Shield at the end of Endgame it seemed like Sam Wilson would naturally transition into Captain America but this show takes things into a different direction. Sam gives the Shield to the US government, claiming that there is only one Captain America and he is dead, though that isn't the last we see of it. 

Bucky is dealing with PTSD from his time as The Winter Soldier

The real interesting part of the episode for me was Bucky's story and how it really deals with PTSD and the trauma that has come to him spending all those years as a Hydra assassin. We see him in Therapy and trying to do good deeds for the people that have been affected by his past but you can just tell he is struggling. 

Sam & Bucky share no screen time in this episode

Probably the most surprising part of the episode is that the two titular characters never share a scene together. It is addressed that Sam has tried to contact Bucky but he is ignoring him, obviously, the two are going to be bought together and it has to be soon, with only six episodes the show needs to move at a big of a faster pace. 

Bucky's story is way more interesting then Sam's

Even though I think Falcon is meant to be the real protagonist of the show, I actually found his arc in the episode a bit dull. I didn't really care to see him try and save his family boat and his whole family drama. But the stuff dealing with Bucky's PTSD is fascinating and deals with some heavy stuff that treads into interesting territory. 

No Zemo or Sharon Carter in the episode

We know that both Zemo and Sharon Carter are going to have a large presence on this show but neither of them are to be seen here and it seems like that is the right decision. With the focus being on Sam and Bucky's individual stories it was probably best to save them for future episodes. 

There is a new Captain America

The big twist at the end of the episode is one that was widely known and that is the US government decide that there is actually place for a new Captain America and announce him to the public. Now there are really interesting directions they can go with this and lets hope they do them. 


Overall, this is a fine first episode, some really good action scenes and interesting plot points with Bucky. But the show needs to get the two characters together and get into the main plot and this could be a good show for sure. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Review

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Review

After 4 years, a social media campaign and countless trailers we finally have Zack Snyder's Justice League in all of its 4 hour glory. It is crazy that a social media campaign really convinced Warner Bros to release this film and I am glad after his personal tragedy that Zack Snyder got the chance to make this film they way he wanted. I watched the film today and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of people with remarkable abilities coming together in order to save the world from an ancient evil. 

Main Character

I have always said that I really like Ben Affleck as Batman and I think he is great here. He is back to being a more serious character but you see more clearly here how the character has progressed since the events of Batman V Superman and Affleck does that well. He isn't given a real standout action scene but he is given a consistent amount of decent action and Affleck still has the physicality of Batman to make that seem realistic despite being the only member of the team without powers. Gal Gadot is back as Wonder Woman and I think anybody disappointed by Wonder Woman 1984 will be very happy to see her being a real star here. Gadot is a real glue that holds the heroes together and she does it really well and she really shines in the action scenes, she is the main one who shines in the action scenes and that is a real highlight. 

Supporting Characters

In the original version of Justice League, I thought Ray Fisher did a decent job as Victor Stone/Cyborg but he is so much better here and is easily the best character in the film. He is the real heart of the film and we learn so much more about Victor and the pain that he has and continues to go through in his new form. His role is larger and provides some real depth and delving into his personal life does a great job in telling his narrative. Ezra Miller is Barry Allen/The Flash and he is a fun member of the cast, he is clearly the comic relief of the film but he never becomes too much and unfunny, he has his serious moments but he works well as part of the group and is a nice addition. Jason Momoa is back as Aquaman and he is also a lot of fun here, we get a bit more of his backstory and it does work better here and make him feel like he has some development that links to his solo film. Henry Cavill is also back as Superman and he is okay, honestly he isn't in this film that much but he has some really standout moments and though he is less charming then he was in the theatrical cut he is still good here. The real surprise though is Ciaran Hinds as Steppenwolf. In the theatrical cut he was such a dull villain but here is a terrifying physical presence that has an interesting character arc and he was a great opposition for the Justice League here. 


The overall story isn't too different to the theatrical cut but it is handled much better here. The characters are just given way more development time here and it does make you care about them and the way they develop as a group. The film has a much larger scale and for the most part it does work, it doesn't feel too shoehorned in and fits the overall feel of the film and what could have been the future of the DCEU. 


The script is good, there is plenty of drama here and we see the characters go through some things that especially with the longer runtime makes you care. There is also humour sprinkled in here mainly from Miller, Momoa and Jeremy Irons as Alfred which does lighten the film at times when it very much needs it. 


The one thing you can say about Zack Snyder is that he makes great looking films and this is another one of them. The action scenes are great and filmed really well to really encapsulate the epic nature of the characters and the film that we are seeing. Now the one major glaring issue is that this film is 4 hours long and it really shouldn't be, I appreciate the majority of the new content but there are clear parts of the film that could have been cut and it would have provided a better pacing, 3 hours is surely long enough, Avengers Endgame did it and I think this film could have done it. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film and a Fantastic experience. This is a much improved version of Justice League and what it does is make me want to see more of Snyder's vision for the DCEU. 4 hours is a big commitment so I think only fans will do it but I would say give it a chance, it is a lot of fun. 

Rating - 9/10

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Mortal Kombat (1995) Review

Mortal Kombat (1995) Review

With the new Mortal Kombat film coming out one month from today, I thought I should go back and watch the films that the franchise already has to offer. I am a big fan of the games but much to my dismay I have actually never watched this film all the way through, until today that is and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees three Earthrealm warriors summoned to compete in the Mortal Kombat tournament in order to save the world from an evil sorcerer and his Emperor. 

Main Character 

Robin Shou plays Liu Kang and he does a decent job here, he doesn't give a top performance but honestly I actually think he fits the character well. He is great in the action scenes and I think he has a decent dynamic with the other characters, especially Johnny Cage. Linden Ashby plays Johnny Cage and I think he is a really fun character, he has plenty of charm and charisma that again fits the character of Cage well. 

Supporting Characters

Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa plays Shang Tsung and he is truly great here and is a really intense villain. He has been linked to the characters for years and even came back to voice him in MK 11, showing how much he is loved in this role. He is a great bad guy and his mix of campiness and intensity really works and provides a great character. Even though it is a smaller role the same can be said for Trevor Goddard as Kano, he is so cool in the role and his likeness has become the standout for Kano ever since. Even though he passed away at a young age it is great to see a long legacy coming from his performance in this film. But then there are those that aren't so good, Christopher Lambert plays Raiden and he is just a bit weird, he never feels like what I would imagine Raiden to be and that does hurt the overall product. Bridgette Wilson-Sampras plays Sonya Blade and even though she gets plenty of focus I didn't think Sonya was treated with much love. She just isn't a very interesting character and it feels like they didn't give her enough interesting stuff to do. Also iconic characters such as Kitana, Scorpion and Sub-Zero are here but they are so wasted, they are there because it would be strange for them not to be but they are lacking for sure. 


The story does follow some of the MK lore well and I am glad they bought the tournament into the film and they gave the heroes an accurate representation. But this film has a really sloppy execution of its plot, characters just seem to start fighting even though they are outside the tournament and motivations aren't exactly expanded upon. The last act is also absurd with plot holes that are very large and this film has a very clear sequel bait ending that it doesn't really deserve. 


The script is easily the weakest part of the film, the film is cheesy and the drama doesn't really work and you just won't really care. This film has some okay elements in other areas but it feels like the screenwriters though showing the MK universe and action would be enough to satisfy. 


The style of the film has some good action scenes in it. There is plenty of exciting stunt work involved and credit has to go to the performers for that, also it is fun to hear the Mortal Kombat theme used and adds a layer of excitement. But this film has a few glaring issues and the lack of fatalities is one of them, Mortal Kombat is a really violent game but this film was forced to be PG-13. It waters the product down and basically makes it feel like any other action film when there should have been a more mature theme. Also I know this film came out in the 90's but the CGI in this film is horrendous and some of the worst I have ever seen in any film ever made. 


Overall, Mortal Kombat is an average film with some fun action. It is a quick and easy watch so if you want something on in the background to watch with friends once the pandemic is over then this could be one of those films. But people who aren't MK fans can give it a miss and will see the flaws in much greater detail. 

Rating - 5/10 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Bloodlands Season 1 (2021) Review

Bloodlands Season 1 (2021) Review

This show has been on BBC One for the last four weeks and today I decided to watch all of the episodes back to back today and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a Northern Irish Police Detective get drawn back into a case that took place over twenty years ago. 

Main Character

James Nesbitt is a really good and maybe underrated actor and he is really great in this show. He is the detective here and he is the character that we see the show through and it is a very interesting watch for sure as he is a interesting character. He has quite a bit of complexity about him and it makes the show better with him leading the way. 

Supporting Characters

Lorcan Cranitch plays his boss and I though he was decent, I mean early on the show makes it pretty clear that he isn't on the same wavelength as Nesbitt and that makes their dynamic interesting. He delivers a solid performance and has a decent chemistry with Nesbitt. Ian McElhinney who was on Game Of Thrones is here and he also gives a good performance, he has an interesting backstory and character that has some scenes with Nesbitt that are some of the best on the show. But the rest of the cast weren't so great, I actually think this show does a poor job of portraying its female characters which is a real shame. I didn't care about Nesbitt's daughter and I just never bought there connection, maybe because they don't actually share that many scenes together. Charlene Mckenna plays his partner and I thought she was okay but her character is just written too be a bit weak, like she starts to piece the investigation way too late and it ends up not mattering in the end so it just feels like she was a bit of a wasted opportunity. 


The story is okay, it is always interesting seeing detectives investigating a crime that has layers to it, also the show does look a bit at Northern Ireland religious and political issues which is something unique and a bit different. Also this show has a great twist about half way through and it does change the dynamic of the entire show and make the concept of the story way more interesting. But this plot does have quite a few conveniences and ridiculous coincidences that I couldn't get on board with and it also feels like the ending of the show is a bit rushed and forced to finish some of the lesser arcs that aren't given enough time. 


The script is functional, this show has a pretty dramatic feel to it with plenty of twists and turns along the way. This show is pretty grim though and lacks any real sense of personality and it does hurt the overall characterisation of the whole thing. 


The style of the show for me is where the show really falls down, it just doesn't do anything to stand out and feels very average. With the show being made by the people behind Line Of Duty, I was hoping for the same intensity in the style but it just isn't here and it feels a bit laboured. Also, usually I think 4 episodes are a good length, but either this show needed to cut some of the weaker elements of the story or have an extra episode to wrap everything up in a more fulfilling way. 


Overall, this is an average show. It has its moments and James Nesbitt is great but there isn't enough to really sink your teeth into and get invested into and this is one of those shows that sometime could be worth a quick watch but now with everything out it is probably one to skip. 

Rating - 5/10

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Glorias (2021) Review

The Glorias (2021) Review

This film took its time but finally made its way to the UK this week and I have watched The Glorias and here is my review for it. The premise of the film follows the life of Feminist icon Gloria Steinem as she campaigns for woman's rights. 

Main Character

There are a few people that play Gloria here, with the main two being Julianne Moore and Alicia Vikander and they are both really good in the film. I personally preferred Vikander's section of the film because I thought her version of the character was more interesting and compelled me greater then when Moore was on screen. But both actresses do really good jobs in their roles and provide a decent outlook on this real person and the life that she led. 

Supporting Characters

There are some decent supporting characters here. Janelle Monae & Lorraine Toussaint were the highlights for me and I thought they provided some life and energy to the film when it needed it. But I also thought there were plenty of paper thin characters on screen, especially on the male front which made this film at times feel like a film that doesn't provide a fair argument. Also the child versions of Gloria didn't really do anything for me and I guess that wasn't the actresses fault but it was a part of the film I wasn't a huge fan of. 


The story obviously is important and highlights a key part of the women's right movement and it does a decent job with that and is the part of the story that works. But this story is a bit all over the place, it jumps all over the place in terms of timelines which feels very jarring and unnecessary and it really hurts the plot. I thought the switch from Vikander to Moore was handled poorly and felt really weird, especially considering none of the other performers changed despite the time difference. 


The script is also not great, the dialogue doesn't do anything, apart from one forced scene in the last act it feels a bit timid. For a story that is so heavy and emotional it feels like the characters never get angry and never show just how invested they are. 


The style is also a real issue and for me the worst part of the film. As I said before, the changing of timelines is incredibly jarring and makes the film feel like a bit of a mess to watch. Also the film is 2 hours and 20 mins and that is way too long, it drags its heels in and tries to show so much that it feels so long and there is at least 20/30 mins that could have been taken off here. Also there are some really weird sequences that just feel really out of place and a bizarre choice. 


Overall, this is a below average film that didn't really interest me. There are some decent performances, but I would say this is only a film for people who are already interested in the Woman's Rights Movement and Gloria Steinem but other then that this one is worth a miss. 

Rating - 4/10

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Thor: The Dark World (2013) Review

Thor: The Dark World (2013) Review

Next on my list of MCU films to watch is Thor: The Dark World and tonight I did that and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an ancient force looking for a powerful weapon that forces Thor to return to Earth and reunite with Jane Foster.

Main Character

Chris Hemsworth is always good as Thor, for me this is probably the weakest he is playing the role but he is still good here. After the events of the first film it is pretty cool to see Thor in a solo film with all of his powers and he has plenty of time to throw down and does it well. The film also has clearly showed the development of the character from his first film through The Avengers to The Dark World and it is one of the better elements of the film. He starts to show some of the comedic timing we know he has and it leads to a pretty decent lead performance. 

Supporting Characters

Tom Hiddleston is back as Loki and for me he is easily the best part of this film, he is so charismatic and has the best lines here. He is more of an anti-hero in this film and it is a nice development of the dynamic between Thor and Loki that we had seen at this point in The MCU. Anthony Hopkins was always a good choice as Odin and his character has an interesting character arc here, in the first film he seems to be the all knowing wise king but he has some issues in this film that requires Thor to sort them out and it provides an interesting wrinkle. Idris Elba, Rene Russo & Jaime Alexander are all decent in their roles but they are much smaller so seems a bit unfair to talk about them too much. Natalie Portman is back as Jane Foster and she didn't work for me here. I thought their romance worked in the first film, but here it feels like she is just a damsel in distress and no a well developed character and just a really bland element here. Christopher Eccleston plays the villain Malekith and this is one of the most boring villains in The MCU. He has nothing interesting and unique about him at all, he is so forgettable and the film does a terrible in making him a threat to Thor and it really hurts the film. I also wasn't a fan of the use of Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgard here and felt like they annoyed me, especially when everything is going down in the final battle. 


The story feels like a pretty natural sequel to The Avengers in how it treats certain characters and that is nice to see. I liked how the development between Thor and Loki was handled and the fact we got to spend more time on Asgard, also the film has a great pretty clifhangery ending. But the film lacks real weight to it, the bad guys plot is generic, half the characters are useless and there is a romance I didn't care about. The film just doesn't have great storytelling and overall it shows despite it doing some things okay. 


The script is similar to the story, there are some fun exchanges and a few dramatic moments but overall it lacks bite and a real sense of scale and intrigue. There is just too much of the film that I found boring and actually make no sense which on this occasion really hurt the overall product. 


Along, with Hiddleston and Hemsworth, the other best thing about this film is the style. The action scenes are great and feel very grand and exciting with a fresh feel to it. Also the film is paced well, with the film not having too much downtime which is effective. 


Overall, this is a good film that is an entertaining watch. I don't think it is as good as the first Thor film but if you like super hero films then this is a decent way to pass 2 hours. 

Rating - 7/10