Monday, March 22, 2021

Deadly Illusions (2021) Review

Deadly Illusions (2021) Review

Another day in Lockdown and another film to watch, this time it is Deadly Illusions and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees an author hire a young babysitter to watch her children, when the two of them start to build a friendship and connection. 

Main Character

Kristin Davis of Sex and The City fame plays the lead character here and she is just not very good. Her character is really bland and uninteresting with Davis delivering some really cringe worthy dialogue that made her a character that never connected in any way shape or form. 

Supporting Characters

Greer Grammer plays the young girl that joins as the babysitter and she is also really bad here. She delivers line after line of awful dialogue and she just has some truly bad scenes that makes it hard for you to by anything in the film and the supposed chemistry between her and Davis which is never there. Dermot Mulroney plays Davis' husband in the film and he is literally just phoning it in and just playing the same character he does in every other project he is in. The rest of the cast offer nothing as well and the acting is just really bad. 


Ever since Fatal Attraction was released, Hollywood has believed they can just churn out similar films for cheap with nothing unique and they are pretty much all bad and this one is no different. This film is laughably bad and throughout it does nothing interesting and then the last act happens and it is is just hilariously ridiculous and makes no sense. 


The script is terrible, the dialogue is as mentioned above cringe. With drama, humour and romantic dialogue that are all terrible and the actors deliver it in such ways to make it seem even worse. Then someone wrote the ending of the film and they just had no clue what they were doing and maybe they should move into comedy. 


The style of the film is awful, the pacing is so slow and literally nothing happens for ages and even when it does it is terrible. Plus this film is way too long, a film like this in 2021 should never be 2 hours long and it just keeps on going. 


Overall, this is a truly awful film. Deadly Illusions is one of the worst films of the year so far and is one that should never be seen by anybody. 

Rating - 1/10

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