Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Opinion - Why we must see more of Zack Snyder's DCEU vision

Opinion - Why we must see more of Zack Snyder's DCEU vision 

Last week the biggest film of the year so far Zack Snyder's Justice League came out and was universally well received and I very much enjoyed it. After the film there has been a big outpour to see more of Zack Snyder's vision of the DC Extended Universe and I am one of those people who want to see more and here are my reasons for it. 

Justice League sets up an exciting future

One of the great things about Justice League is that it does a decent job in setting up future projects that could really usher in a great future for DC films. Future Justice League films, a Batman Solo film and potentially even a Knightmare film is set up and those excite me. 

Snyder has a vision.

Whether you like his DC films or not one thing is clear is that Zack Snyder has a clear vision for these characters and where he wants to seem them go in the future. For me the largest criticism of the DCEU is that there seems to be no plan, there are some good films but they just don't fit in a universe and we have seen at marvel how a cinematic universe can work with somebody steering the ship and maybe that could be him. 

Would give the chance to show more Darkseid 

A highlight of Justice League is the presence and portrayal of Darkseid voiced by Ray Porter. This is one of the biggest villains in DC history and it will be such a waste to never see this portrayal of the character again as he is really interesting and has so much potential. 

Could convince Ben Affleck to return to make that Batman film. 

A few years ago it was reported that Ben Affleck would star and direct his own Batman film with Deathstroke as the main villain. The Snyder Cut clearly sets this story up and it is one I really want to see, Affleck is great in the role and Joe Manganiello is a good casting for Deathstroke so I really want to see more from both of these two in this universe. 

Is a better idea then anything else DC have planned 

Lets be honest DC have been really bad at planning the slate of their films and that has shown in the amount of films they have produced and the levels of them. If Snyder is given the chance to lead this universe then it will finally give DC a direction and sort out their future plans to reinvigorate themselves. 

Snyder is up for doing it 

Since the film came out Zack Snyder has been talking a lot and he has said that even though DC have no plans for his DC future, he would be up for doing it. With the success of Snyder's Justice League then it gives him a greater chance of showing off his true vision. 


Overall, I am a fan of DC films but I really want to see more of a connected plan and Snyder's vision is the best one we have so lets hope we get more of it. 

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