Friday, March 12, 2021

Sentinelle (2021) Review

Sentinelle (2021) Review

This film came onto Netflix last Friday and I saw it is literally 75 mins so I gave it a quick watch and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a damaged French Soldier on the hunt after her Sister 
ends up in a coma. 

Main Character

I always think it is crazy that Olga Kurylenko was a Bond Girl, it just feels like she has disappeared over the years and that is a shame, but she plays the main character here and I think she did a decent job. She gives as strong a performance as she can with the material she is given, this is a pretty damaged person and character and Olga does a good job of showing that and especially, in the first act you saw it. But there is a limit on the character for sure, she doesn't get much development and there are elements of the character that aren't ever addressed and you wonder why this is the case. 

Supporting Characters

This film doesn't have a particularly large cats and I am going to make this section nice and quick by saying none of them are particularly great. Olga's family don't do much, the police are bland and the bad guys are cliché dull characters, so this is a big weakness of the film. 


Olga's character has an interesting story about her, you can tell she isn't your average soldier and that is made clear and the film does an alright job of that and it is cool seeing her go after these bad people. But the film lacks any depth towards it, and as I said the supporting characters are generic and it just feels like someone wrote this film incredibly quickly and it holds the overall product down. 


The script is also a weak part of the film, the drama isn't there and there is literally no humour. As I said it feels like this was a script that was written really quickly and not given much thought to it and that really shows when you think about it. 


The style of the film has some decent action scenes. It is cool to see Olga going after people and it is well filmed and pretty graphic at times for sure. I also appreciated that the film doesn't overstay its welcome and drag it out for much longer then it needed. But this film has some strange pacing, there are elements of the plot that don't need to be there and it slowed the film down and feels like it was only there because this film is already short enough. 


Overall, this is a pretty poor film. It is one that was written and made incredibly quickly and it feels rushed and despite its short run time I feel like it isn't a film that needs to be seen. 

Rating - 3/10

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