Thursday, April 1, 2021

Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Review

Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Review

After what feels like forever, Godzilla vs Kong has finally come out and despite the disappointment of having to watch it at home I have watched the film today and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees the two biggest Titans Godzilla and Kong have to collide in order to determine who is the true king. 

Main Character

For me this film focuses more on Kong then Godzilla and I am okay with that and Kong is handled really well in this film. He is given a sense of humanity and I really grew to care about Kong and wanted to see him get a happy ending and it is so entertaining seeing him in the action scenes. Godzilla isn't given as much character as Kong but he is still great and I will never get bored of seeing him in all of his epic glory which the film does really well. 

Supporting Characters

Millie Bobby Brown is back from the previous film and I thought she was decent in her role here. The character's story doesn't work and is part of a larger problem but she gives it her all and a fun performance which is rare to see in these films. Rebecca Hall plays a new character who is more linked to Kong and she is good in her role, she just fits it very well with the character and I just thought she was decent in the role. Though the rest of the cast do suffer, Alexander Skarsgard plays a scientist and I just feel like he was miscast in this role, I just never bought him in the role and it didn't help that his character was bland and not once are you ever given any reason to care about him or his task. Then all the human villains are as generic as they come, Eiza Gonzalez is totally wasted and I just wish more was done there. Also Brian Tyree Henry and Julian Dennison are in the film, mostly as comic relief but for me despite their obvious talent it just didn't work here and I am guessing that is mostly down to the writing. 


The story is okay, I really liked Kong's story and how they made him a way more sympathetic character and it made the clashes with Godzilla have more weight to them and make at least some of the fights have more context and investment towards them. But my biggest issue with the plot is just how safe it plays it, no spoilers but if you watched the trailer for this film then you can predict the film in a pretty easy way and that is a big let down. Especially, when I think there was more interesting things that could have been done here. 


The script does have some okay drama to it and it had real heart which the previous films failed at. But the overall writing for the plot is very weak and I guess I jut wanted a bit more then the film gave me and there is way more humour in this film but I see why they avoided it as it isn't well done here at all. 


This is the one part the film has to get right and I am happy to report that this film is great to look at. The fight scenes between Godzilla and Kong is brilliant and feels huge in nature which is all you can ask for with a film like this. The film is also paced well, it is less then 2 hours and that makes the film feel more often and keeps the film moving at a nice pace. 


Overall, Godzilla vs Kong is a good film that delivers on the aspects of the film that it wanted to. For me it is probably the best film in the monster verse and if this is the end then it can go out on a high. 

Rating - 7/10

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