Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Irregulars Season 1 (2021) Review

The Irregulars Season 1 (2021) Review

It has taken me a bit longer then I expected but I finished the show The Irregulars and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is set in Victorian London and sees a group of teenagers have to work for Holmes and Watson to stop paranormal threats. 

Main Character

There is a group of teenagers but the main two that are focused on are sisters Bea played by Thaddea Graham & Jessie played by Darci Shaw. They are okay together, there were certain times that the two of them seemed to show genuine care and affection for each other but they don't last long enough. The show forces weak conflict between the two of them and I didn't really care about either of there individual plots or characters and that is obviously a big issue. 

Supporting Characters

The rest of the teenage group do nothing for me, you've got Spike the comedy relief, Billy the tough guy and Leo the odd one out. There characters are cliché and the actors are not good enough in their roles to make you care or interested. Billy and Leo have pretty big side plots but they are just not interesting enough and the biggest criticism is that I never felt like these characters truly cared about each other and were only together because this is a TV show. Royce Pierreson plays Watson and he gets more screen time then Holmes and he is functional, but this is a big chance wasted in my opinion. They try and make Watson more mysterious and dark and that could have worked but the script isn't good enough to deliver on these ideas. Henry Lloyd-Hughes plays Sherlock Holmes and honestly I hated this interpretation of the character, I know we have seen a few Holmes on the screen but this one doesn't work. He lacks charm, charisma and just intelligence all what I expect from the character and this drugged out loser is far from what I wanted. There are some decent actors like Clarke Peters and Rory McCann but their roles are quite weak and don't play into the story enough. 


The story is all over the place and the issue is that it plays a bit like a show that is a weekly show. For the first half of the season it is very much a case of the week type of show with the group investigating different monsters. But with the whole season dropping at once makes it feels so repetitive and they cases aren't that interesting. The overall plot doesn't work either with a lack of heart or emotion to it and the finale doesn't hit the levels that it should. 


The script isn't very good either. The drama doesn't do enough to make you care about the majority of the characters and that is the biggest killer for the show. The humour is forced and not funny which makes it awkward and the show just lacks depth and intrigue. 


The style of the show has some decent backdrops and Victorian London does look pretty good and there are some fun action set pieces. But the show is just boring, it is slowly paced and that is a large reason why it took me so long to finish it. There could have been 6 episodes and the show would have been a bit better as there may have been less wasted side plots. 


Overall, The Irregulars is a bad show. It lacks any intrigue and uniqueness to make it stand out from the crowd with a cast that don't offer much. I can't see a huge future for this show and I would say avoid this show as there are very few redeeming qualities. 

Rating - 2/10 

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