Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Saw (2004) Review

Saw (2004) Review 

In general I have one genre that I just don't like and that is Horror. I find a lot of them dull and predictable riddled with jump scares that are cheap at best. But I thought with the new Saw film Spiral coming out next month I would take this time to watch this franchise through for the first time and that starts here with my review for the first Saw film. The premise of the film sees two men locked up in a room when they realise they a part of a serial killers twisted game. 

Main Character

Leigh Whannell and Carley Elwes play the two men who are locked up and I think they did an alright job. They both sell the situation they are in pretty well and you do feel for them and want to see them get out of this whole situation. The film also does a decent job of exploring their outside lives and the possible reasons that they are in this whole situation. But at times I though both of them leaned into horror film genre 101 and just started screaming and being all over the top and it just didn't work. I think they were meant to be serious but they came across as a little bit funny. 

Supporting Characters

Danny Glover plays a detective on the hunt of the killer and he is good here. Glover is a pretty big name so he does stand out in this film, his character is interesting enough and at least for me it got to a point where I had to start question his motivations. Michael Emerson has a smaller role but plays it well enough here. But the rest of the cast just aren't given much to work with, it's not that they are terrible it's just there is no reason to really care. 


The story is really interesting, the film does a really good job of putting the audience in a similar situation to the main characters as to knowing what exactly is going on. It also succeeds in showing the backstory to both of these characters and the killer themselves so it isn't just a simple horror film but one that stands out more. Also there is a twist at the end of the film that is fantastically done and I legitimately did not see it coming which doesn't happen that often these days.  


The script is fine, it has some decent dramatic moments and dialogue to it and as I mentioned that twist which is really well realised. But there are also some cheesy horror trope moments that don't quite work and there is no escaping that there are certain parts of the film that do feel a bit generic, at least to me. 


The film is really good at creating a very intense atmosphere and feeling of suspense. There isn't as much gore as I was expecting which is fine by me and the jump scares are at a minimum which is a good thing. But I did feel like the film was a little long, maybe 10 to 15 mins could have been chopped off as I though the 2nd act dragged itself out a little too much. Also this film hasn't aged that well, there are some pretty outdated filming techniques and sound issues that are noticeable. 


Overall, Saw is an above average Horror Film. I had a decent time watching this film and felt pretty engaged by its plot and lore that is created. I mean it isn't a film that is that revolutionary but if you like horror then this is one for you and if you aren't then this isn't the one that is going to convert you in my mind. 

Rating - 6/10 

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