Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Coffee & Kareem (2020) Review

Coffee & Kareem (2020) Review 

 So while we are all stuck at home, Netflix has decided to give us some new content and they recently released the film Coffee & Kareem and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a cop attempt to connect with his hopeful son in law when they get swept up with a conspiracy plot with people trying to kill both of them.

Main Character

Ed Helms is the lead role in the film and he really tries his best in the film, I have always thought he is best as part of a group of great comedic actors such as The Hangover because he is funny and he has some moments in the film that are pretty funny. But there are plenty of moments where he misses the mark completley and because he has nobody to bounce off of it hurts his performance, it also doesn't help that his character is so uninspiring and there aren't really many reasons to care. 

Supporting Characters

Taraji P Henson plays his girlfriend in the film and I thought she was a fun addition to the cast, her character doesn't really have much depth but she is a fun part of the film for sure. I also kind of liked Ronreaco Lee as Orlando Johnson a criminal, I thought he was pretty entertaining and somebody who I actually enjoyed watching in the film. However, we now get to the part I really didn't like in this film, Terrence Little Gardenhigh plays Kareem the kid and he is one of the most annoying characters I have seen in a long time. He is that kid who acts cool but just comes across as annoying and a very frustrating character to watch especially, as you are meant to care about him which you just can't. Betty Gilpin plays a fellow cop and she is so over the top that it becomes incredibly frustrating to watch and she is an annoying character in an annoying film. 


This film has one of the most generic stories of all time, I know that for plenty of people the story for a film like this isn't important but I think it is and this film has nothing. It is such a predictable story and it doesn't do anything you don't expect which hurts the film immensley and means you clock out very early. 


The script does have some funny lines in that I can't deny made me slightly chuckle, though I must stress this will not be remembered as a laugh out loud comedy. Also the dramatic scenes aren't affective at all and don't do anything for the characters or the story. 


The style of the film has a bit of a tonal issue, at times it is a ridiculous but actual action film but then it has spoofs in it from other much better films, so I just wasn't sure what the film was trying to do with it's style. It has generic action scenes and they aren't really that entertaining to give an extra point to a final rating.


This is just the next in a line of bad movies made by Netflix, they just don't know how to make good films and don't waste your time with this film and watch better films on Netflix that other companies have made. 

Rating - 3/10 

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