Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Predictions: Better Call Saul Season 6

Predictions: Better Call Saul Season 6 

 My next hopefully recurring blog is making predictions for what I am expecting in future seasons of TV Series and after the brilliant fifth season I have decided to make predictions for the sixth and final season of Better Call Saul. Obviously this post will have spoilers for not only Better Call Saul but also Breaking Bad as I will goi into that a little bit. 

Mike will bring Saul in to help Gus 

We know in Breaking Bad that there is an association between Mike, Gus & Saul Goodman, we have seen Mike and Saul's relationship develop and Mike and Gus's relationship develop, however, Gus & Saul have never met. With Saul recently working for Lalo, he has information that would be interesting to Gus and we have seen on the show that Gus is not above using snitches in Lalo's operation. This will probably lead Saul to get in the good books with Gus and lead to the relationship between the three characters. 

Kim will get arrested and Saul will ditch her 

Obviosuly, one of the characters that we don't know the ending for is that of Kim Wexler the wife of Saul Goodman. I think thanks to Rhea Seehorn's amazing performance has led to her avoiding death but after the Season 5 finale it seems her ending has been predicted. With the plan to ruin Howard's laywer career I believe Kim will get caught and Saul will fully make his turn to the character we see in Breaking Bad by ditching her and leaving her to rot in jail, turning him into an antagonist. 

Lalo will kill Nacho 

We see in the finale of Season 5 that Lalo survives an assasination attempt and find out that Nacho is indeed a snitch for Gus. Nacho is a character we here about in Breaking Bad but never see and I believe it will be simple as Lalo getting his revenge and end up killing Nacho ending a truly tragic character arc. 

Mike will kill Lalo, Keeps it a secret from Saul 

Lalo is a character that Saul mentions in Breaking Bad and he is terrified of him for reasons we have seen. But also Gus mentions to Hector in the same show that he was the last of the Salamanca's so we have to believe that Lalo is dead. I think Mike will end up doing Gus's buisness and kill Lalo, but won't tell Saul for whatever reason leaving him to be scared of Lalo years after his supposed death. 

Howard will commit suicide 

Obviously, this is a very dark point but I think is up there with the most likely, it has been interesting seeing Howard becoming more of a sympathetic character as Saul and Kim become more antagonistic. Though, I see his law career getting ruined and before Kim and Saul are caught I think he will end his own life. This has obvious parallells to Chuck's death back at the end of Season 3, there characters have always been linked and I see the irony of both characters dying the same way. 

In the future Saul will die 

Every season we have seen little scenes of Saul after the events of Breaking Bad as the character of Gene. We saw him get recognised in season 5 and he said we will sort it himself but I think somehow this will lead him to end up being killed in a cartel style hit. Obviously again I think this has parallells to Breaking Bad seeing our hero turn into a villain and end up dying in the end and I think this would totally complete Saul's character arc between the two shows.

Overall, who knows if any of these things will actually happen but speculation about films and TV is a big reason of why the internet was created. 

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