Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Review

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Review 

 With Rise Of Skywalker not available to watch at home quite yet this will be the last Star Wars film I review for a little bit and that film is Solo: A Star Wars Story and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young Han Solo start his journey as a smuggler in order to reunite with a former love. 

Main Character

Alden Ehrenreich plays young Han Solo in the film and I personally feel like he does a really good job. He felt like a younger version of Harrison Fords character, he has the charm and the charisma that was required for the character at this stage of his life. He came across as a young smuggler and I thought his relationship with Chewbacca was a great start to build their friendship that we would eventually see culminate. 

Supporting Characters

As mentioned Chewbacca has a more prominent role in this film and I thought it was the best use of Chewbacca in any film before. His relationship with Han was really well treated and develops really well, plus you learn a bit more about his character that makes him an even more interesting character for the later films. Woody Harrelson plays Beckett and I thought his character fit this film very well, you can tell he is a mentor figure to Han and I thought their relationship added some layers to Han's character and he was a fun element to the film. Emilia Clarke plays Han's love interest in the movie and I thought they had good chemistry together and her character has some intrigue to her and I like where her character ends up at the end of the film. Donald Glover plays a young Lando Carrissian and I think he was the perfect choice for this role, I can't imagine anybody playing this role other then Donald Glover and that is a real compliment to him in this film. 


Now the story of this film for me is the weakest part of the film, it trundles along nicely for the first two acts and as I said I liked Han & Chewie's relationship and there are some decent action scenes but there are just some things bogging it down. Similar to The Last Jedi there is a side story which clearly has a political statement and it doesn't fit the film at all and really feels shoehorned in. But the main issue is that the third act just doesn't fit into the Han Solo character at this point in his life, I won't spoil it but as a Han Solo fan I was dissapointed in the direction that the character is taken. 


The script has some charming humour to it that feels very natural for the character of Han Solo and it helps make the other characters feel more human. But the drama doesn't hit the levels that it clearly wants to and you don't feel as much as you should do. 


The style of the film looks great, the action scenes are very exciting and you cannot deny that this film is entertaining especially when it focuses on what it is good at by creating good action scenes. It is also nice to see some callbacks to previous Han Solo moments which fit the character very well. 


Overall, this film has had some criticism but I think it is a good film, not the strongest story but an entertaining film that can be worth a watch.

Rating - 7/10

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