Monday, April 27, 2020

Extraction (2020) Review

Extraction (2020) Review 

 With new movies few and far between at the moment we have to take them when we get them and there is a new film from Netflix starring Chris Hemsworth called Extraction and here is my review for the film. The premise of the film sees a special agent sent into Bangledesh to rescue a gangsters son from his rival. 

Main Character 

As mentioned above Chris Hemsworth is the main character in this film and he does a really good job. He is great in the action scenes, he is believable and is probably only second to John Wick in terms of his action skills, it is just really entertaining to see him go through multiple enemies and kill them in pretty gruesome ways. His character takes some time to be developed but he has enough depth to him to make you care and you do understand his motivations towards the end of the film. 

Supporting Characters

David Harbour is probably the most recognisable supporting actor and he does a good job with the limited screen time he has, I bought into his character and Hemsworth's having a relationship and it worked. There is also a character called Saju who is hunting Hemsworth and he is like a Terminator in the action scenes taking down everybody in his path and he has a bit of character depth aswell. Unfortunatley though I didn't care about the boy as much as you are clearly meant to and I thought the villain of the film was incredibly basic and really had nothing interesting about him. 


The best parts of the story are some of the arcs that the characters have, they develop nicely and you understand their motivations, I also thought the ending of the film was well done and left you guessing as to what could come next. Though as you can probably tell from the premise this film has a very basic plot and one that you have seen plenty of times and it does very little to make you think you have seen anything new.


The script has some heartful moments to it and some well done dramatic moments but it doesn't have anything that reall stands out to it. Plus a film like this doesn't really have any humour which may have been better at times to help humanise Hemsworth and other characters.


The style of the film is awesome, the action scenes are pretty incredible. They are really well filmed and well choreographed, every hit feels brutal and seeing the inventive ways that people are killed is a joy to see. As mentioned it can be a bit gruesome but I thought it worked for the film an allowed them to be more creative, also it was nice to see Bangledesh used as the backdrop as it provided some unique action sequences.


Overall, this is a good action film, if you want to see Hemsworth take out tonnes of guys then this is a film for you, it doesn't do anything to stand out too much but is an enjoyable film for sure.

Rating - 7/10 

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