Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Fall Season 2 (2014) Review

 The Fall Season 2 (2014) Review

So The Fall is still one of the most watched shows on Netflix and after being heavily invested by the first season I have now finished the second season of the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Paul Spector return to Belfast where Stella attempts to find out the identity of The Belfast Strangler. 

Main Character

Gillian Anderson was great in the first season of this show and you see that she is even better here. I mentioned in my first review how she was pretty much devoid of emotion and that is still kind of the case here but her character has developed and really been hit by this case. She is still a really strong character but there is just more depth this season and even more reasons given to really care about the character. Jamie Dornan really excels in his role as Paul Spector, you just can't help but feel uncomfortable by just looking at the guy , he is slimy and disgusting that you just want to see him get caught. But the more you watch the show and the dynamic between our two main characters develop it becomes fascinating that maybe they aren't so different and that is something the show does really well. 

Supporting Characters

John Lynch is back as Jim Burns and he does a really good job too, he is just very powerful in his performance. He isn't given as much screentime but what he is given he delivers really well and gives a memorable performance. Everybody else also does a good job, most of the supporting characters are given slightly less to do due to the show focusing so much on the two main characters but everybody does really well in their roles. Actually, Aisling Franciosi as Katie is much better this season, you just see how Spector has messed with her mind and totally controls her and it shows a different side to his character. 


The story takes the right approach that it pretty much gets rid of the side plots and everything is connected to the investigation. Seeing the manhunt feels really authentic, in that it isn't always over the top thrills and that is what I really like about this show, it feels gritty and real. Also the stuff to do with Dornan's character is just as interesting this season for different reasons and it all culminates with a fantastic finale with a really great ending that sets up its final season. 


The script is really good, there are some really interesting conversations and dynamic going in this season. The writing is top notch to keep you interested throughout but not giving you everything too early and making you want more. This show is as dramatic as it can be and it does a great job of showing just how big the investigation is getting. 


The show still takes the methodical approach to its style but that is the right choice. Its slower pace makes everything fell real and so when the pace does pick up, which it does it adds to the intensity. The show is still brutal, maybe not to the degrees of the the first season but it still does enough in that department. It has an extra episode but it still feels the correct length and doesn't drag at all. 


Overall, I loved the second season of The Fall. It pretty much improves upon everything from the first season and by focusing on its two main character really nails it and makes this show a must watch. 

Rating - 10/10

Monday, September 28, 2020

Unhinged (2020) Review

Unhinged (2020) Review 

This film was actually one of the first that hit cinemas after the lockdown and now over a month later I have had a chance to watch Unhinged and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a man target a woman after coming across her on an intersection. 

Main Character

Russell Crowe plays the main character here and I thought he was very good here. It is a very physical performance, his body language tells a story in itself and you see this man become more and more unstable as the film progresses. He maybe grunts a bit too much but his intensity adds so much to the film and he is easily the best thing here. 

Supporting Characters

Caren Pistorious plays the woman he is after and I thought she did a pretty decent job in her role. Even though at times she is pretty rude, you do successfully feel sorry for her and don't want to see Crowe do these terrible things to her. I also thought the actor who played her son did a good job too and I actually bought into their dynamic and thought it worked well. But everybody else in the film didn't do much for me, they were just there and added very little or nothing at all 


The story is intense and the best thing I will say about it is that it never really stops moving, it moves at a really fast paced and you can't really take a minute away and am excited by what Crowe's character is going to do next. But this film doesn't really work in what it wants to achieve, the poster itself says that Crowe's character could happen to anybody and that is just absurd. Something happens at the beginning of the film and it sets Crowe away from your average person and also this film is just really illogical and stupid at times. 


The script only works because of Crowe and Pistorious, the dialogue is pretty bad but their performances work and actually it rises the script up a bit. But as I mentioned above the film is illogical and just plain stupid. It makes some of the characters seem like idiots and avoid doing certain things just to keep the plot running. 


The style of the film builds its tension well, you are just waiting for what Crowe is going to do next and what situation the characters are going to be put into next. There are some good action scenes too that will keep you invested. The film is short, clocking in under 90 mins but for a film like this that works and anything longer would have made it feel like more of a drag. But you're watching this film thinking it is some sort of add against road rage like it was designed specifically for that and let's face it the fact that certain things don't happen like the police getting involved earlier is just absurd and does take you out of the film. 


Overall, I actually had quite a fun time with this film. If you want to spend a little bit of time time turning your mind off and watch a gripping film then you could do worse then Unhinged. But this one isn't going to be particularly memorable and only really a one time watch. 

Rating - 6/10

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Ratched Season 1 (2020) Review

Ratched Season 1 (2020) Review

This show hit Netflix last week and I have managed to finish the first season of the One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Prequel Ratched and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Doctor Mildred Ratchet begin work at a leading psychiatric hospital, where she actually has darker intentions. 

Main Character

Sarah Paulson plays Ratched and I thought she did a really good job here. She speaks very softly and that is actually more unnerving then her going around screaming everywhere, so I thought that made her an interesting person in this show. She is easily the most interesting thing about this show and that is mainly due to the charisma that Paulson oozes on screen. But, I had some issues with the character. When you are playing a version of an established character it is important to at least pretend like you care about that but that isn't here, Paulson just plays herself and her character is literally nothing like the version in the film and that hurt my viewing, and some of the things they do with the character just didn't work for me. 

Supporting Characters

Jon Jon Briones plays the main doctor of the facility and I thought he did a good job in his role, the show surrounds this character in mystery and it makes him pretty interesting and Briones adds a lot to his character. It is just the show never goes far enough with it, it skids around it and doesn't give you enough to fully get yourself interested and feels like it sweeps the leg out from under the character. Judy Davis also does a good job as Nurse Bucket and I think her performance rose above the character and managed to make her slightly memorable. Unfortunately, the rest of the cast just didn't grip me, Finn Wittrock plays the main bad guy and he just didn't captivate me, it is clear he is meant to be playing this crazy guy but I never actually thought he acted that crazy which made it hard to buy this personality that he was going for. Cynthia Nixon plays a companion to Ratched and their whole thing just didn't quite work for me, it just wasn't developed enough for me and when it started up it just seemed to come out of nowhere and felt it was put in here for other more political reasons. Corey Stoll, Vincent D'onofrio and Sharon Stone all have roles here and they are all fine but their characters are just so generic and it does feel like they are wasted and any actor could have played them and they could have saved some money there. 


The story is fine, some of the things that go on in the mental hospital are interesting and it is just funny how some people thought illnesses were treated back then. Also seeing Paulson's characters plan is well executed at least in the first few episodes, she seems calculated and pretty ruthless which makes sense and then the show basically forgets about it. The majority of all the supporting plots are uninteresting and aren't really given much to work with, I mean the plot involving Stone and Brandon Flynn from 13 Reasons Why doesn't really add anything to the show and you wonder why it is being shown when it seems to end in an earlier episode. It just seems unfocused and even though the ending is decent, I just wonder if they could have cut a few stories and really focus up the plot. 


The script is okay, it builds the tension quite well and Paulson delivers her lines really well to add mystery and intrigue to her character and the plot overall. But overall, the drama and humour never hits the level that is required and it doesn't quite have the complexity that the original film had. 


The style of the show has some pretty violent and over the top horror which mostly worked for me and the tension was built pretty well in the hospital with some well paced scenes. Also there are times where I thought colour was used well to convey actions and emotions but then there are times where I think it was done pretty poorly. It seems showrunner Ryan Murphy who is known for his over the top style fell asleep in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and decided just to make the facility and world incredibly vibrant and over the top which slaps the film in the face and feels like it doesn't pay an attention to it at all.   


Overall, this show disappointed me, I just don't really understand why this character and world needed a prequel. It is just very average and not memorable at all, their are just so many shows that are average at the moment and again for me Ratched isn't worth the 8 hours to watch it. 

Rating - 5/10 

Samuel L Jackson to reprise role as Nick Fury for Disney+ Series

Samuel L Jackson to reprise role as Nick Fury for Disney+ Series 

So this has been a big week for film and TV news and that continues with the news that Samuel L Jackson will be reprising his role as Nick Fury for a Disney+ series. This news has come out of nowhere and it will be interesting and these are some of the things to theorise about before we get more concrete details. 

Could see Fury working with The Skrulls in Space

At the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home it was revealed that the character in the film had actually be the Skrull Talos not Fury himself, we then saw Fury on a spaceship getting ready to get back to work. I'm not sure how exactly it would work but could we see Fury working in space with The Skrulls on some sort of mission even against The Kree which could be interesting. 

The show could be set before Iron Man

I think this option is unlikely but it is there that this show could actually be a prequel set between the events of Captain Marvel and Iron Man, we know Fury has plenty of adventures between the two films so could we see them. We already saw Jackson use the de-aging technology in Captain Marvel so could this show also use this technology. 

Could see some of The Agents Of Shield Cast return

Now the final season of Agents Of Shield hasn't come to the UK yet so I haven't seen it yet but you have to imagine some of the characters being available for future work in the universe and though it has some issues it is a show I love. So why not have some of the characters return for this show, Jackson appeared in the early days of AOS so there is history and it could make for some interesting storytelling. 


Overall, Marvel are putting plenty of money and time into these MCU Disney+ Shows and let's hope they have some interesting ideas for this show involving Nick Fury. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Secret Society Of Second Born Royals (2020) Review

Secret Society Of Second Born Royals (2020) Review

Let's face it Disney+ does not have many exclusives, if it wasn't for The Mandalorian, it probably wouldn't be worth it but today there is a new film out called Secret Society Of Second Born Royals and I have watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a group of 2nd born royal family members find out they have super powers and must train to control them. 

Main Character

Relatively unknown Peyton Elizabeth Lee plays the lead here and I didn't like her character at all in this film. Her character was just really annoying, she just comes across as very pretentious and above everybody else, if somebody disagrees with her she just storms off and acts very childish. They do nothing to make her interesting and make her stand out, we are meant to buy her as this leader of this group but she does nothing to deserve that and there is nothing about this character to attach yourself too. 

Supporting Characters

There are a few okay performances here, Elodie Young who played Elektra in Daredevil does an okay job and if her character had been given more to do then maybe she could have risen this film up. Skylar Astin also does a fun job as the teacher of the group and provides a quirky but sometimes over the top which doesn't quite work. But my god the rest of the cast add nothing, the rest of the kids who make up the team are so generic, every stereotype that you can imagine is here and it goes exactly how you think and none of them can rise above and some of them are just really bad. 


The story had potential, but the issue is that there isn't an original bone in this films body, you have literally seen everything here and you have seen it done much better pretty much everywhere else. The training isn't particularly interesting and the villains plot and motivation is so dull and paint by numbers. The twists and turns are laughably bad even though the film thinks it is really clever and my god this film sequel baits so hard and it does not deserve it at all and I really hope there are no more films in this franchise. 


The script is also really bad, it makes the characters irritating and makes you not care about them at all. This film sets up a semi interesting world and does nothing with it, it just feels like the normal world which was a big waste of time. The drama is cringe and the drama isn't there to make you care at all. 


The style of them film has one or two okay action scenes that make you hate this film a little less then the rest of it. But then you see the CGI and realise this film doesn't have a budget for what it wants to do and it ends up looking really bad, also why did they pick powers we have seen before, just watch an X-Men film even the worse ones are better then this film. 


Overall, this is an awful waste of time, if Disney wanted to create a franchise here they have failed miserably. Disney need to up their content on Disney+ or else it will literally just be Star Wars and Marvel keeping there streaming service alive, so avoid this film at all cost. 

Rating - 2/10

The Boys Spinoff announced by Amazon - What will it be about?

The Boys Spinoff announced by Amazon - What will it be about? 

So with Season 2 of The Boys currently taking place on Amazon Prime, the company decided now was the chance to announce that a spinoff to the main show will come relatively soon. There are some details about what this show will be about and I am going to talk about it. 

Will be set in a High School

It has been confirmed that this spinoff will take place in a High School, looking at younger people with powers. Now with the vulgarity and violence of the show, having a younger cast could allow different aspects of the show to come out and allow for some fun storytelling. 

Will any of the main cast crossover

What isn't clear is when this show takes place, is it before the main show, going on at the same time or much later? With the public figures that characters such as Homelander, Queen Maueve and A-Train are could we see them visit the School for celebrity visits, that would be a fun watch. 

Will the two shows ever link up 

It is probably a bit early to talk about this but the question now is will these two shows ever crossover and see characters move between shows. Seeing a younger cast mix with these veteran characters could be great and really interesting so hopefully if this spinoff is successful then we can get this in the future. 


Overall, I really enjoy The Boys and any show in that world does interest me, it is too early to say but hopefully the characters are as good as the main show which will help it thrive. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Black Widow delayed to Summer 2021 - What does this mean for the future of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Black Widow delayed to Summer 2021 - What does this mean for the future of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

So news that shouldn't be a complete shock came out this morning that Black Widow has moved from its late October to release to Summer next year. After the poor Box Office Performance by Tenet I think this news makes sense but it also throws up some big questions for the future of The MCU. 

Hopefully sees the film perform well financially

People have wanted a Black Widow film for years, she has always been seen as a supporting player but now she is in the spotlight. So after all these years not only do I want it to be a good film, but I want it to do well financially, as this might make Marvel consider giving some supporting characters there own projects, especially female characters. 

2020 will be the first year since 2009 where there will be no MCU Film

It feels strange that due to this news this will be the first time in 11 years that Marvel Studios will not release a movie. Maybe after Avengers: Endgame this isn't such a bad thing, people have said they have superhero fatigue so this year off from most comic book films can refresh them and get them excited for the future. 

WandaVision is Marvel Studios only hope for 2020

So with this news it confirms that Wandavision will be Marvel Studios only thing to hit for the rest of 2020 so the pressure just got ramped up for it. The trailer was great and the show looks promising so hopefully it can truly deliver. 

4 MCU Films are set for 2021

So this is bad news, but along with this news it has been confirmed at the moment that four MCU films set to come out next year. Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals & Spider-Man 3. If these films all deliver, people will forget about the lack of MCU this year and we will be ready for a good future. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Suicide Squad Spinoff Series based on Peacemaker announced

The Suicide Squad Spinoff Series based on Peacemaker announced

So big news has come out of DC, that they have announced a TV series based on the character Peacemaker played by John Cena in The Suicide Squad. We have some details about this announcement and here are some of the things I have noticed. 

DC Has huge faith in the character and John Cena

It is a very risky move to announce a TV series based on a character we haven't seen anything of yet and a character that isn't exactly well known. It does feel like DC are banking on Cena's star power to drag people to watch this and that they think Peacemaker will be a standout from The Suicide Squad. 

James Gunn will write and direct some of the episodes

James Gunn recently said directing The Suicide Squad was the best thing he had done in his career and he talked about the character of Peacemaker in some detail so this should come as no surprise. Gunn being heavily involved in this show is really promising and let's hope he can bring his unique style to this project. 

It will be a Prequel to The Suicide Squad

It has been said that the show will delve into the origins of Peacemaker and how he will become the character that we see in the film. With so many characters in The Suicide Squad it seems like this might be the main chance we get to see many of his origins. Also with this being a prequel it means that Peacemaker still has a chance of being killed off in the film and that he will play a large part. 

Will we see any other Suicide Squad characters get TV Series

With The Suicide Squad having a huge cast it will be clear that some characters backstories will be brushed over so there is a possibility that other characters could get their own TV Series. I mean Bloodsport, King Shark and even Harley Quinn could see a future in the TV realm. 


Overall, I am not sure what to make of this news, with James Gunn involved and with The Suicide Squad looking good I am optimistic but we know so little about Peacemaker that it is hard to judge. 


Enola Holmes (2020) Review

Enola Holmes (2020) Review

So a few months ago we heard that this film was coming to Netflix and today was that day and here is my review for Enola Holmes. The premise of the film sees Sherlock Holmes teen sister have to go on her own investigation when her mum goes missing. 

Main Character

Millie Bobby Brown of Stranger Things fame plays Enola Holmes and honestly I thought she was the best part of this film. She is really charming, charismatic and fun to watch, she actually has a nice arc throughout the film and she is just a good lead character. You see that she has been poorly treated and it makes you care about her and want to see her one up her brothers as they annoy her throughout the film and treat her poorly. If we get more of these films I think she has a chance to really build an interesting character here. 

Supporting Characters

Sam Claflin plays her older brother called Mycroft and I thought he did a decent job, yes his character is pretty generic and you know he is going to be an antagonist but he does a good job in the role and seems to be enjoying himself here in the role. Now Henry Cavill is a great actor and he plays Sherlock Holmes here and I just thought it wasn't the right fit, it's not that he is bad, it is just that he doesn't fit the character and it feels like he is miscast and his character is pretty poorly written, especially, with how he ends up. Helena Bonham Carter plays her mother and she doesn't do much in this film, it just seems that she is a terrible mother and it makes you wonder if Enola would be better without her. Also there is this love interest here and it didn't work, I just wish this film didn't have a love interest as tgis felt like a forced part of the film. 


The story when it comes to Enola is well done. her character is interesting and the development is there. You see how smart and capable she is and it allows you to take her seriously as a protagonist. But then the rest of the plot happens, her relationship with her brothers isn't explored enough, the search for her mother is forgotten about and then there is this dull political story involving the love interest and none of it is interesting. The film tries to have twists and turns but they make no sense and you are literally given no reason to care about any of it, apart from Enola herself. 


The script is fine, with Enola herself having some good dialogue that just makes her very likeable, also I liked how she worked out the clues and I thought that was pretty well written. But then the drama isn't there and it honestly feels like they were writing 4 films in one, the script is too unfocused and makes it difficult to focus and get invested into anything. 


The style of the film is entertaining, Enola does her best Deadpool impression by breaking the fourth wall alot here and I actually thought it worked, you don't see it much and I liked its usage here, even though it is never quite explained why she does it. But the pacing of the film is poor and as I mentioned the film is pretty unfocused which leads the ending to feel rushed and wonder what has happened. 


Overall, this is a pretty average film, but surprisingly I actually want to see a sequel. I like the character of Enola Holmes and I think with a more focused film the sequel could be much better. But this film isn't really worth your time unless you are bored and have a few hours spare. 

Rating - 5/10

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Supergirl is Cancelled - Will finish after Season 6 and why this actually sucks

Supergirl is Cancelled - Will finish after Season 6 and why this actually sucks

So big news came out tonight that the DC show Supergirl has been cancelled and that Season 6 which will come up next year will be the final season of the show. It's funny that I predicted Braniac would be Season 7's villain and now that season will never happen, I have had mixed feelings about this show over the years, there have been good times, average times and bad times. But actually I am a little sad about this news and I will be going over why and why the show might be cancelled. 

Melissa Benoit's Pregnancy Might Have Played A Part 

It was announced earlier this year that star of the show Benoit was expecting her first child which still might cause some issues for the upcoming season. This is speculation on my behalf but I think that with her having a new child it might lead her to not want to do the workload anymore, I mean the main cast of these shows work like 300 days a year on the show which is just insane so that could be considered understandable. 

We needed more time in this post Crisis world

Supergirl was possibly the show most affected by The Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover with all of the Supergirl characters on the same Earth as the other characters which allowed them more room to work with, so it feels disappointing that we won't see more of it. Seeing Kara work with her fellow heroes more often would have been great to see and allow more storytelling challenges. 

Supergirl will still be used for crossovers

For me when Arrow ended it felt like a fitting ending for Oliver Queen and felt natural for him but I just don't feel the same way for Supergirl. This announcement has come out of nowhere and I felt like this show had a few more legs to it, my only idea is that while the show ends Benoit will return for crossovers and still play some part in the universe. 

Superman will take her place in the universe

This news has been theorised for a bit because of the new Superman and Lois show that is coming. With that show coming our way it seems that it has been decided that now is the time to transition Superman to the forefront and push Supergirl to the back which might work long term, though I am expecting Supergirl to appear on that show in some capacity. 

Are we seeing the end of The Arrowverse

The Arrowverse has no doubt been a huge success, going from this one grounded show to a huge collection of shows which feature the biggest characters in DC Comics on the small screen. But with Arrow ending, Supergirl ending and really The Flash being on its last legs what will the future hold. I mean shows like Black Lightning, Superman & Lois, Batwoman and Stargirl just don't have the same buzz about them and feels like a step down. 


Overall, I am surprised by this news and I hope Supergirl can regain some momentum and deliver a great last season so it can be remembered fondly by its fans. 

The Fall Season 1 (2013) Review

The Fall Season 1 (2013) Review

So for a few weeks I have seen this show be one of the highest watched shows on Netflix in the UK, so I thought it was time I jumped in and watched The Fall and today I watched the first season of the show and here is my review for it. The premise of the show sees a policewoman go on the hunt for a serial killer with both of them having unique complexity. 

Main Character

Gillian Anderson of X-Files fame plays the lead here and I thought she was really good, I found it interesting how she is a policewoman but you can tell she is very cold and somewhat emotionless. She is meant to be our hero here and you are rooting for her but it makes it more difficult and more complex that she seems to not really care about anybody else in this show. Jamie Dornan is an actor that shouldn't be remembered for his role in 50 Shades of Grey but he is great here and shows what he can do when written really well. You learn very early on that he does terrible things but you can't help but feel very drawn to him. He is a very complex character and as you see him progress it makes you more interested by his motivations and what exactly he has planned next. 

Supporting Characters

The supporting cast is all really good too, John Lynch plays the Police Captain and I thought he did a great job, he just seems like a good captain and the dynamic between him and Anderson is an interesting part of the show. Niamh McGready plays Anderson's second and I thought she did a good job, their characters are so different and there contrasting personalities makes for an interesting dynamic.  The rest of the characters are great with some guys who has been on Game Of Thrones so you know they have high quality, I don't want to go into too much depth because it is difficult to talk to them without spoiling the plot but everybody here acts fantastically. 


The story is great, this show does a really good job of showing the manhunt from two different points of view, you learn more about the hunter and prey which I thought was a really good decision. Usually shows like this don't give us enough detail about the antagonist but this show does a good job of it and portrays two really interesting characters. However, here comes my one issue with the show and it is simply that there are a couple of side story arcs that don't have much to do with the two leads and it feels out of place here and made me wonder why it was here at all. 


The script is really good, the dialogue just feels really real. Nothing is really over embellished and over the top and feels very real why being very dramatic. There are a few bits of humour, mainly from Anderson's deadpan nature which works well. 


The style of the show is great, it is super interesting and keeps you second guessing throughout. Even though the is a show where you know more then the main character it works because you are seeing the show from a few different perspectives. Also it is only 5 episodes which means it does a good job of never getting boring and it feels about the right amount. 


Overall, this is a fantastic first season of this tense show. It does a great job with its main story and its characters and the style will have you invested and hooked, it's not too long so give this one a watch and hopefully the next two seasons are of such a high quality. 

Rating - 9/10 


Monday, September 21, 2020

The Devil All The Time (2020) Review

 The Devil All The Time (2020) Review

So I am a few days late but I have now watched Netflix's new big film The Devil All The Time and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young man attempting to protect the ones he loved by going after sinister characters in his town. 

Main Character

Even though he doesn't turn up in this film till the 45 minute mark, Tom Holland is the main character here and he is fantastic. This is a really mature performance, his character is going through a crisis for the majority of the film and you sympathise with him as he attempts to stay good but protect those close to him. Holland is still a young actor and the future for him is huge and hopefully he can be a leading man for years and years to come. 

Supporting Characters

Robert Pattinson is a busy man at the moment, with Tenet and The Batman but he plays a preacher here and he is fantastic too. He has a different accent and he does it so well here, he is such a slimy person and just by looking at him you can see something is up with him and he plays this role so well, when you consider he is usually the leading man. Bill Skarsgard plays Holland's father here and he does a good job too, you can see where Holland gets his personality from and the two characters journeys really mirror each other and fit the tone of the film really well. Sebastian Stan plays a crooked cop and he is great, he is a charismatic guy and he fits the role well. Credit to Jason Clarke, Harry Melling & Riley Keough who also all do great jobs in their respective roles. 


The story is interesting for sure, seeing the different characters and their stories are a highlight and made better by the great performances. This films story is all about crisis, mainly in faith and the film does a great job of portraying that and make some really interesting and characters and this film has a really great ending. But, sometimes I think maybe the film should have focused on a few less stories, it is clearly trying to be a film like Pulp Fiction that wants to have everything connect and it does an okay job and not great job at it. 


The script for me was okay, The drama is here and the film is as dark as it gets which considering the subject matter, that is fine for me. But for a film that lies on its drama there weren't really any moments where the drama hits the highest level and is memorable and that is a let down. Also this films storytelling device of narration feels cheap and lazy and like we need our hands held throughout the plot.


The style fits its film very well, everything is dry and looks like a place you would never want to visit. It shows the worst of the worst and the way the film is made really highlights what the film was going for. But I also felt this film was a little long in the teeth, mainly the first act, which took a bit to get going, if this had been sped up a little bit this film would be a much higher level in the final rating. 


Overall, this is another good film for Netflix with a great cast that fails to hit the highest levels. I think if you like character driven well acted films then you will enjoy this film and it is a good watch. 

Rating - 7/10

Wandavision Season 1 (2020) Trailer Review

Wandavision Season 1 (2020) Trailer Review

A nice surprise during the Emmy's last night saw the first main trailer for the first MCU show on Disney+ Wandavision and here are my thoughts on it. 

This is Marvel's most ambitious project

Don't get me wrong Marvel have done some big projects in their time, huge I mean but in my opinion Wandavision is the most unique and ambitious project yet. This show has to launch its whole television universe and if you have watched the trailer you know just how strange this show looks. Fans of the MCU are used to huge action scenes and battles but that won't be here, this is going to be a character piece and look at some interesting themes. 

Scarlett Witch has created a new reality

It is clear that at the end of Avengers Endgame Wanda was still mourning Vision and this leads directly into this show. It seems like Wanda has used her powers to create a reality set in the 1950's that sees the two of them as a happy couple. But the question is whether there is a sinister force at play that is manipulating her or is she doing it all herself. 

Vision realises he is dead

In Avengers Infinity War Vision was killed by Thanos, making it interesting to how he is here. As I mentioned above it seems like Wanda has created a new reality where Vision is alive but then there is modern day scenes too. In one of them a girl tells Vision that he is dead, it will be interesting to see if Vision makes it out of this show alive or whether he stays dead. 

Nice look at the characters classic costumes

We saw Wanda's classic Scarlett Witch costume in the super bowl trailer and we get another look at it here and it looks good. But we also see Vision in a classic costume and it looks great and so unique which again adds to the strange feeling of this show. 

This show will set up Doctor Strange 2 

It has been reported for a while that Elizabeth Olsen will be reprising the role of Wanda in the Doctor Strange sequel and I think it is clear that this show will set that up. If Wanda creates this universe then potentially Strange will turn up at the end of the show and offer to train her to ensure she doesn't make this mistake again. 


Overall, plot details are scarce about this show but this trailer shows tonnes of promise and hopefully it can keep the intrigue and interest through the show. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Away Season 1 (2020) Review

 Away Season 1 (2020) Review

This show made its way to Netflix a few weeks ago and during a busy time I have managed to finish the first season of Away and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees a group of international astronauts sent on the first mission to Mars who are led by an American Astronaut who is leaving her husband and daughter behind on Earth. 

Main Character

Hilary Swank plays Emma Green, the main character here and Swank does her best, but the character is just so dull. It is funny, I feel like we haven't seen Swank in anything in ages so it was good to see her here and I thought she did a decent job here in terms of giving a performance that fit a leader of a space mission. But the issue is that you just don't care about her character, she makes some real questionable decisions and it makes you think that she is actually bad for the crew. 

Supporting Characters

This show has a big cast and caring about the characters is crucial and unfortunately the show mostly fails here. In terms of characters the highlight was the characters of Lu and Misha played by Vivian Wu and Mark Ivanir, they start off as your stereotypical foreign antagonist but then as you get to see them they develop and they became the most interesting characters of the show and the ones that I actually cared about. The other two members of the crew Kwesi and Ram are fine, they are good enough but I didn't care about them as much plus there are some stories involving them that hurt the show in my opinion. Then we get to the characters back on Earth and wow this part of the show is easily the worst part, Josh Charles plays Matt, Swanks husband and boy this guy is incredibly wooden, I swear no matter what he comes across he has the same look on his face and acts the exact same way. No development, no reason to care and it takes up way too much of the shows screen time. Then we get to their daughter who was incredibly annoying, you are meant to really care about this girl but I just wanted her off the screen and focusing more on the things going on in space.


The story is where the big issue comes in here, seeing this crew of people travelling to Mars from many different backgrounds should have been fascinating but it just wasn't. The characters are written okay individually, but I never really bought there friendships that were building even though these people were spending so much time together I never felt they truly bonded. The the stuff on Earth is such a drag, it is here for you to care about the characters because Swank cares but you just don't, there was so much potential here if it focused on the different nations and there motivations. But it decides to focus on her family and there dull and generic lifestyle which is poorly acted. Also the episodes pretty much all function the same, something on the ship fails and the crew have to fix it, with usually an argument at some point, rinse and repeat for 10 hours and it becomes very noticeable. 


The script is okay, there was actually some well written dialogue that helped the actors flesh out the characters and their backstories. But for me there is just nothing that totally stands out also as I mentioned the writing for the different episodes is uninspiring and feels very repetitive. 


This show has a big budget and at times it is visually stunning, space looks amazing and really impressive when it is on show here. There is one particular section that is so intense and jaw dropping that it makes you wonder what is coming next, the issue is that this happens too early on and nothing ever comes close to topping it and the budget just disappears. The pacing of the show doesn't work either, due to the issues with episode structure I mentioned and way too much time focused on Earth instead of the ship where the more interesting things happen. 


Overall, this is a missed opportunity. Space shows should be great but this show is unmemorable and below average which means I wouldn't spend your time on this one here. 

Rating - 4/10 


Friday, September 18, 2020

Des (2020) Mini Series Review

 Des (2020) Mini Series Review

So this show has taken over The UK this week and I have just watched the three part mini series called Des and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is based on the true story of a serial killer who is arrested when human remains are found in his drains. 

Main Character

David Tennant plays Des and just give this guy all the awards now as he is truly amazing here. He totally throws himself into this performance and it comes across as chilling and mesmerizing, you just can't take your eyes off of him and are super interesting. When telling a real story about a serial killer there is a line that needs to be kept, you don't want to make him too fascinating and you don't want to make him too boring and Tennant nails this. He just seems so normal and that is what makes it so creepy and it really leads to this incredibly memorable performance. 

Supporting Characters

Daniel Mays has had an interesting 2020 from Code 4040 to White Lines to his role as the main police officer in this show and he is fantastic here. He is so good that I actually wasn't sure he was capable of this performance he is that good here, he gives a very dramatic performance and seeing this guy tracking the case makes you want to root for him and see him succeed. Jason Watkins who is a big British actor plays Des' biographer and he is very good too, his relationship with Des is really interesting to watch. It is very unnerving and disturbing but you see how they need each other and it brings out the interesting part of Des's story that the other police officers can't get. The rest of the cast are also great, it's full of great British talent that will hopefully have a long future and get more great work like this.  


The story is really interesting, this is based on a true story which is what really makes this horrific but for me it is the fact that Des doesn't stand out particularly, he seems a normal guy who was pretty intelligent but he was capable of true horrors. The investigation is gripping and intense, mix that with the interesting scenes with the biographer it feels like a complex story that we are seeing from different angles. Also the courtroom scenes in the final episode are a highlight keeping you on your toes throughout.  


The script is great, there are twists and turns throughout and it keeps you interested throughout. The characters are written in a complex manner and the debates are really interesting which culmiate in some intense scenes. It just comes across as a really clever show that does a good job in adding the intrigue and tension. 


The style is gripping and tense, some people might call it slow at times but I never felt that. It dragged me in and made me really interested and wanting to see this guy get taken down while learning more about him. This show also knew that 3 episodes was enough and the fact that it is shorter in length works and means there is very little downtime on the show. 


Overall, this is just one of those shows that sucked me in and had me fascinated, it is one of the best of the year and if you are a fan of intense stories based on true events then you owe it to yourself to watch this one, and once again David Tenant is amazing here.  

Rating - 10/10

First Impressions - The Third Day

 First Impressions - The Third Day

The Third Day found its way to the UK this week and I have just watched the first episode of the show and here are my first impressions of it. The premise of the episode was pretty simple, it saw a man rescue a young girl and end up on a strange island. 

Jude Law shows how good an actor he is

Jude Law is a big name in the acting world and has played some huge roles but it is also really great when actors have those big projects taken off their shoulders and allowed to show their acting qualities and Law does that here. He is fantastic in this episode and builds up an interesting character and one that we can relate to as we aren't sure what to think of the island which makes us connect with him. 

Does a good job of building the intrigue

This show is very mysterious, it gives you bits and pieces to get interested in without showing too much, it was good as an introduction lets hope that we can get more information in the next few episodes. 

Has a brilliant score

This is something I had to mention though, a film or show's score can be seen as really important and this show has a great score. It just adds to the tension and unnerving nature of the show and makes this an interesting watch. 

It is a bit slow paced

The one criticism I did have is that the show is a bit slowly paced, it is a methodical watch and one that as I mentioned does keep you intrigued. It is just that it never quite hits the second gas and feels like it stays at the same pace throughout which maybe holds it back a bit. 


Overall, I thought this first episode was interesting and intriguing, led by a fantastic lead performance it is one I am going to stick with and learn more. 

Tatiana Malsany cast as She Hulk for upcoming Disney+ Show - What could be in store for the show

Tatiana Malsany cast as She Hulk for upcoming Disney + Show - What could be in store for the show

So Big News came out last night that former Orphan Black actress Tatiana Malsany has been cast as Jennifer Walters AKA She Hulk for an upcoming Disney+ Series. There have been talks about this series happening for a while now but with the lead cast it is now confirmed and here are some of my thoughts on what could happen on the show. 

Will be part superhero show part courtroom drama

So in the comics and this show it has been confirmed that Walters will be a lawyer for powered individuals and that will play a big part in this show. We have seen this attempted in Netflix's Daredevil but over time the show kind of moved away from the courtroom and focused on the superhero stuff. I hope this show finds the right balance between the two as I think the courtroom can produce fascinating storytelling and this show could feel very unique. 

Mark Ruffalo will make an appearance as Smart Hulk

One of the first actors to react to this news was Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo, in the comics Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner and gains her powers due to having a blood transfusion from him. These Disney+ shows have large budgets and I feel like to drag in the casual fans having Ruffalo here just makes sense. Plus in terms of storytelling it could add an interesting layer to the show, especially after the events of Avengers: Endgame. 

William Hurt will also appear as General Ross and possibly transform into The Red Hulk

Over the last few years William Hurt as General Ross has made plenty of appearances in the MCU but it has to be remembered he started off as a character in The Incredible Hulk and is heavily linked to that character. I think he will be a main antagonist of this show and this might finally be the time we see him transform into The Red Hulk and go against the Hulk cousins in a huge battle. Though after his appearance in Black Widow I believe that he will be recruiting The Thunderbolts, who are basically the Suicide Squad for Marvel and that could continue here. 

Could see She Hulk join the film universe

After Avengers Endgame it seems we are going to be set for a very different Avengers in the future. With his injuries it is unlikely Hulk could return in a full time role so it would be cool to see She Hulk take up the role in the team, I am not exactly sure on how the shows and films will coexist but with Scarlett Witch set to be in her own show and Doctor Strange 2 it seems like they are fine with doing this. 


Overall, I honestly can't say much about the casting as I am not familiar with the actress, but she seems to have good credits to her name and I am just excited to see this character be given a chance in the spotlight. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Mandalorian Season 2 (2020) Trailer Review

 The Mandalorian Season 2 (2020) Trailer Review

So after months and months of speculation we finally have a trailer for the second season of The Mandalorian are here are my thoughts on it. 

The Mandalorian is going to be attacked

At the beginning of the trailer we see The Razor Crest in a really bad way, it has clearly been attacked and after an interview with Moff Gideon actor Ginacarlo Esposito it is clear that he will be spending time with the child. So the attack on the crest could be the way this happens. 

Sasha Banks is confirmed for the show - Is she playing Sabine Wren or a Jedi

So this trailer confirms that WWE wrestler Sasha Banks is in this show but it is unclear who she is playing. For months I have thought she would be playing Rebels character Sabine Wren and I still think there is a chance of that but what if she could be playing a Jedi. We know Ashoka Tano is going to be a part of the show, so what if she has a group of force users and Banks is one of them that The Mandalorian meets, it could be an interesting story. 

Mando will reunite with Cara Dune and Greef Karga

The relationship between Mando, Dune and Karga was a highlight of the first season and it is great to see them back here. Gina Carano and Carl Weathers have done a great job with the characters and even though there are big things planned it is good to see them together and looking at Weathers it seems like some time has passed between the two seasons. 

Moff Gideon, Boba Fett, Captain Rex and Ashoka Tano are not here

This trailer is actually interesting because of everything that isn't here, there are quite a few characters that we know will be here due to leaks but none of them are in this trailer which I think is smart by Disney. Honestly, everybody is going to watch this show so why give away the the spoilers here. Even though we see Mando go back to Tattoine which is probably where he meets Boba Fett. 


Overall, this series is a must watch and this trailer got me super hyped for the second season that could be the standout of the year. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Lovecraft Country Actor Jonathan Majors Cast as Kang The Conqueror in Ant-Man 3 - What does this mean for the future of The MCU

Lovecraft Country Actor Jonathan Majors Cast as Kang The Conqueror in Ant-Man 3 - What does this mean for the future of The MCU

So big news coming out of Hollywood today is that Jonathan Majors has been cast as big Marvel villain Kang The Conqueror in Ant-Man 3, so here I am gonna look at what this means for that film and his future as the Character in The Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Majors is a great young actor

I am currently watching Lovecraft Country and I think Majors is doing a great job in the lead role their and he was also really good in his supporting role in Da 5 Bloods so it is really interesting seeing him being given this role. In those two projects he is seen as a heroic character so to see him play this huge villain is something different and something he can really thrive in. 

Kang will be the main villain for the next Avengers Type Film

For years Marvel Studios teased us the villain of Thanos and after 6 years we saw him burst onto the scene in Infinity War and I think a similar strategy will be employed with Kang. I think he will be a larger threat in Ant-Man 3 with a lesser villain being the one the heroes have to defeat like Ronan in the first Guardians Of The Galaxy film. After that I will explain later my theory in how this will lead to Kang in the long run. 

Kang will make an appearance in the Loki TV Series

Originally, it was thought that Owen Wilson could have been taking up the role of Kang in The Loki TV Series but that obviously isn't the case. We know that Loki will be dealing with Time Travel and that is something linked to Kang, I do believe that he will be revealed to be the leader of the group hunting Loki and that he has plans for Loki that will lead to his big vision for the MCU. 

This casting gets us closer to Fantastic Four

Kang is primarily seen as a Fantastic Four villain in the comics but has tangled with The Avengers, we know that Marvel Studios has now gained the rights to The Fantastic Four so this could be a great opportunity. The Fantastic Four have never had a good film but in the hands of Marvel Studios and by throwing Kang into the mix it gets me excited for the possibility of seeing the iconic characters in The MCU. 

Allows more Time Travel

As I said earlier, Kang is a character who likes to time travel or use decendants to gain power and after seeing the way time travel was used in Avengers Endgame this could allow a fun chance for more of it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to always see these characters time travelling but this could lead to exciting tings. 


Overall, I think this is a great bit of casting and getting Kang in this universe is a great next step. Hopefully, with the right planning Kang can become just as good a villain as Thanos. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Psychopath with Piers Morgan (2019) Review

 Psychopath with Piers Morgan (2019) Review

I have seen that plenty of people have been catching up with this documentary so I thought I would give a watch of the TV Film from last year Psychopath with Piers Morgan. The premise of the documentary sees Morgan meet a man who is believed to be a Psychopath and find out more about him. 

First onto Piers Morgan and I am not a huge fan of this guy, I usually find him arrogant and obnoxious but fair play to him I thought he did a really good job as the interviewer. He asks tough questions and you can tell that he is trying to keep up with his subject and it is an interesting watch. 

This guy he is interviewing called Paris Bennett is a very complex individual, he committed a horrendous act when he was younger and it interesting to see a glimpse of how his mind works and how he justifies and attempts to connect his ideals with Piers Morgan.  

You also feel sorry for his mother, who is watching the interview, you can tell how much the whole situation has affected her and how she really struggles in dealing with her sons issues. But then you get to the investigators who feel campy and over the top, they feel like they have to make a big song and dance about everything like they know that they are on TV. 

The issue is here is that we only get 45 minutes of programming here and the majority is just the interview between Morgan and Bennett, which is interesting enough but it feels like there is so much more that could be done here. This could have been a mini series focusing on more of Bennett's personality and really analysing his psychotic tendencies, it just leaves you wanting to know more and feeling like you didn't get enough information. 

Overall, this film has an interesting idea and seeing this interview is quite compelling but it feels like it short changes you and that there is a bigger story to tell which leaves it an okay but unsatisfying experience. 

Rating - 5/10 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Walking Dead ending with Season 11, Two spinoffs announced

The Walking Dead ending with Season 11, Two spinoffs announced

In news that should have happened years ago, it has been announced that the 11th season of The Walking Dead will be the last. I used to be a big fan of this show, but as it got towards its later seasons my interest went down and eventually led to me not watching the tenth season. But with this news I will go back and watch the show in preparation for its final season, here I look at this news, the new TV spin-offs and the future of The Walking Dead franchise. 

Marks the end of an era for television

It is crazy that this show started 10 years ago, this show has been on the air for a whole decade and was seen as one of the first huge blockbuster television shows. It also feels like with the end of this show and Game Of Thrones, the huge shows from the early 2010's will no longer be with us, hopefully fans will remember the good times for both shows. 

Slowly declined over time and for sure the right time to end

For me Rick Grimes is the most important character in The Walking Dead, so when it was announced actor Andrew Lincoln was leaving the show I personally felt that was when the show should have ended. However, the show has continued and in my opinion got weaker and I feel like this news has been coming but even I am surprised by it. 

Focusing on more projects set in The Walking Dead universe

It looks like The Walking Dead is going to embrace the whole cinematic universe thing like superhero franchises do with quite a few shows and films in the works and here are a few of them and what the future could be for them. 

The Rick Grimes Film Franchise

After Rick's departure from the show it was confirmed that there would be a trilogy of films explaining what happened to him after he was taken from the group. This is actually something I am really looking forward to, As I sad before Rick is The Walking Dead for me so to see his journey continued and wrapped up well is something I am really looking forward to. 

Fear The Walking Dead

Similar to the main show, I watched the first few seasons of Fear The Walking Dead but gave up on it and this show seems to have changed a lot with Morgan becoming the main character. I would be surprised if this show made it as far as the main show so maybe expect it to be cancelled too in the not too distant future. 

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

The newest addition to this world is an upcoming show set at the beginning of the world after the virus hit. It will focus on a younger cast and will only be a few seasons long, with its time period I can't really see it crossing over with the other shows but maybe the characters could turn up in the other shows at a later part of the timeline. 

Daryl and Carol Spin-off

Along with news that the main show is getting cancelled it was also confirmed that a new show is coming with Daryl played by Norman Reedus and Carol played by Melissa Mcbride. These are two of the best characters on the show so this is great news and their relationship is also one of the most interesting. It will be great to see their story continue and hopefully they are fun to watch together. 

Tales Of The Walking Dead

The other show was announced had less information about it, it is an anthology show which will see different characters get the spotlight in each episode. It will either elaborate on existing characters or introduce new ones and this is an interesting idea but whether it will succeed will be fascinating to see.


Overall, I am quite glad that this show has been cancelled as it has seen better days. This show has had great moments though and is one of the most popular and revolutionary shows of all time, though I am excited for the future of The Walking Dead and am looking forward to it.   

Dune (2020) Trailer Review

 Dune (2020) Trailer Review

I haven't really talked much about Dune as very little information has been known about the film, but today the first trailer for the film has been released and I thought there was enough here to talk about. For starters I have never read the book this film is based on, so I will be going into this film blind and this trailer is my first look at anything Dune and here are my thoughts on it. 

Denis Villeneuve is a very stylistic director and totally fits this film

Villeneuve is a really visual director, his films look amazing, I mean look at Blade Runner 2049, Arrival and Sicario. No matter if you like these films you have to admit that they look amazing and judging by this trailer the visuals for Dune will be amazing and the real highlight. It is great to see him get this opportunity at a new franchise and I hope it succeeds for him. 

The cast is amazing

The main thing you will notice here is that the cast is full of A list talent, Timothy Chalamant, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skarsgard & Dave Bautista. I mean this might be one of the greatest ensemble casts ever assembled and it is going to be amazing to see how the film balances all these performers and keeps the film flowing well. 

The style of the film is what sucks you in and interests you

The one thing I know about the book is that is very grand in scale and style and it seems this film will achieve this. It looks amazing, just in its scenery and costumes and things like that, hopefully the style will balance an interesting story with an amazing look, and lets hope the film has something bigger planned and didn't just show the best parts in the trailer. 

This could lead to a huge franchise

Lets face it every film would like to start a franchise and I believe that Dune is no different. It looks amazing and has tonnes of characters which can hopefully lead to a brilliant future for Dune on the big screen. 


Overall, I went into this trailer not knowing anything about this film and now after seeing it, it might be the film I am most looking forward to in 2020. The film just looks amazing and has an amazing cast and with the right story could be one of the best films in recent times.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (2020) Review

 I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (2020) Review

This film hit Netflix a few days ago and has got the internet talking so I thought I would watch I'm Thinking Of Ending Things and here is my review for it. The premise of the film sees a young woman travel to her new boyfriends parents farm where she comes across some interesting things. 

Main Character

Jessie Buckley is the character we are meant to follow here and she does a really good job. The strength of this film is the acting and she makes it easy to follow here, she is clearly uncomfortable throughout the film and isn't exactly sure what is going on which makes her easy to follow as the viewer clearly isn't meant to know what is exactly going on. I'm not going into detail about her character or exactly the performance as it does play into the plot but her performance is really interesting to watch. 

Supporting Characters

Jesse Plemons who I know for his run as Todd in Breaking Bad plays her boyfriend and he also does a really good job, it is just a strong performance. Again I can't really go into too much detail but he gives a great performance and again his acting is one of the most interesting parts of the film. David Thewlis and Toni Collette play his parents and they are both great and fit the quality actors that they are. 


Okay, this is where the review gets complicated. If you have watched this film then you know why, basically this film has an underlying narrative that is hard to follow. I pretty much had no clue what was going on for portions of this movie, but then when I finished watching the film I realised that actually the film has an interesting story, it just isn't presented pretty well. Lets face it everyone will google this film after and that is when you really realise what is going on, it is just a shame that it wasn't particularly shown that well. 


The script is also not that great for me, there was no dialogue that stood out for me and again similar to the plot the script is over-complicated and at times is again hard to follow. I think there is something great here, it is just hidden by an over indulgent story. 


This film does a good job of building an eerie setting, you can tell that Buckley's character is uncomfortable and confused and the style of the film does a great job of that. The film also does a fine job of keeping the longer scenes engaging enough when they could have easily been sleep inducing. But this film does have a slower pace and I would argue that it doesn't exactly do a great job of structuring its story which hurts the overall experience, it could have been a 90 minute movie and nobody would have complained. This is one of those films that art house film fans will love, it looks nice and has long dialogue scenes, but that doesn't always do it for me. 


Overall, this is an average experience. It is a film that over reaches and tries to be really clever and for me fell flat, it is held up by the fantastic acting but I would say unless you are a huge film fan this is one you can skip. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Young Wallander Season 1 (2020) Review

 Young Wallander Season 1 (2020) Review

This show hit Netflix on Thursday and with it having only 6 episodes I thought I would give it a watch, I mean I got distracted by playing the new Avengers Game on my PS4 but here is my review for the show. The premise of the show sees a young cop come across his first investigation which changes his look on his life. 

Main Character

Adam Palsson who is about the only thing Swedish about this show, which I will go into more later plays Wallander here and he does an alright job, I know very little about the character in the books so I am just judging him on his performance here. He is a likeable enough guy in the lead and you will end up rooting for him in his investigation. But there is just nothing special about him here, honestly he is just a police officer and I just didn't find anything to truly hook myself onto him. I think it is mostly the scenes that involve his personal relationships that I didn't quite care for and it were the weaker elements of the show. 

Supporting Characters 

Now we get into the cast, which are not Swedish at all, first of all is Richard Dillane who plays Wallander's boss and I thought he was good here. He is a good boss, tough when he needs to be but willing to support his staff when necessary and I think that comes across well, he is just a cool mentor for Wallander and their dynamic investigating the crime is the highlight here. The rest of the cast didn't do much for me, their is a romance here, and I guess it is okay I just never got invested into it because it is totally rushed and feels like it was just thrown in here because every show needs a romance. The villains aren't given much time for you to care and when the motivations are revealed it isn't that interesting and it is more that we don't actually learn enough. Also Wallander has a friend that he seemingly cares about, until he forgets about him for the second half of the season. 


The story is interesting as you see the cops attempt to work out a murder which takes place at the beginning of the show, the show takes twists and turns that mostly work well and will keep you watching and invested in the plot. It is just that there are some parts of the plot that didn't quite work for me and they mainly involve Wallander's personal life, I understand why they are here but they didn't do much for me and mostly get forgotten about towards the end of the season. Also the ending just straight up sucks, it totally screws over Wallander as a character and makes you wonder why you supported him throughout this show. 


The script does a good job with its twists, for a show like this that is crucial, as it keeps you watching for the six episodes. But none of the dialogue really stands out at all, there is no humour and the drama just never hits the really high levels. 


This show does a good job in intriguong you as these people go though investigating different people and places and I must admit I wasn't sure where it was going with it's story and that is down to how it is filmed. This show has a methodical pace, it works at times and doesn't work at others, mainly it feels like you can go a whole episode without the pace picking up at all and it does come across as more slow then methodical. Also the cast is just a bit strange, it really emphasises the different cultures in Sweden yet a pretty much all British cast slaps that notion in the face and I wish more Swedish actors could have been used. 


Overall, this is an average show that I expect will be forgotten by next week. If Netflix were aiming for a new franchise here I don't think this is it and unless you haven't got anything to watch, I would avoid this show. 

Rating - 5/10 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Ranked: X-Men Films

 Ranked: X-Men Films

So after a large amount of time taken, I have watched all of the films in the X-Men universe and here I rank all of them from the worst till the best. 

14. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 

The worst X-Men film in my opinion has to be the third film in the original trilogy and the first not directed by Bryan Singer X-Men: The Last Stand. This film is just so dull, the story is all over the place, it tries to focus on a mutant cure story and The Dark Phoenix story but in the end neither is interesting. It takes bold decisions in curing Magneto and killing Professor Xavier but then undoes them by the end of the film. A truly bad film and one never worth watching. 

13. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

What is it with The Dark Phoenix story that makes terrible movies, the newer version of the story arc is almost as bad as the first attempt. Poor writing and character development really let this film down when it had quite a bit of potential, this film feels rushed and is a poor attempt at finishing the First Class story arc. 

12. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)


The first Wolverine solo movie is easily the worst one, for some reason it thought it would be a good idea to force in every Z-List Mutant character to poor effect. Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber are good as Wolverine and Sabertooth but the rest of the cast are so boring and lacking any personality. The story also makes no sense and don't get me started on how bad his claws look and the awful attempt at Deadpool. 

11. The New Mutants (2020) 

The newest of the X-Men films is just average instead of bad, there are some likeable performances and cool action scenes with a cool premise but it ultimately fails to deliver. The characters are not given enough time to develop or make you care about them and this hurts the film, it doesn't help that the first half of the film is really dull too. This film isn't terrible but not worth a watch still. 

10. The Wolverine (2013)

The second Wolverine film is much better then the first but fails to hit the high levels that it could have. Jackman is great here and the setting of Japan adds a nice unique feel to the film. The action scenes are pretty cool too until it gets to its final act. The last act is just awful, the CGI is used more to really poor effect and the silver samurai reveal is laughably bad. Plus there is a weird romance here that was unnecessary, but overall, this is a decent film with some good moments in it. 

9. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

This film has received plenty of hate over the years but I actually like it, there are clear issues with it but I think the good outweighs the bad. The story arc of Magneto is fantastic and it does a great job with his character also I actually quite liked the new X-Men here like Jean Grey, Cyclops and Nightcrawler. It's just a shame that Apocalypse is such a dull villain or else this film could have been really good but overall it is a good watch with some issues in there as well. 

8. Deadpool 2 (2017)

Next on the list is Deadpool 2 which is a fun sequel to the original film. Ryan Reynolds is great as the main character and the additions of Cable and Domino is a real highlight and adds plenty to the film. This film has more emotion to it and a decent story but it just does some things that make it not as good as the original. There is so much going on here that the film is actually unfocused and struggles to give everything the time it deserves, this means that certain characters from the first film are left by the wayside. But this is a good film and if you are a fan of the first film then this is more of the same. 

7. Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

The First X-Men themed film in The Marvel Cinematic Universe is Deadpool & Wolverine and it is a great fun time at the cinema. Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman are once again fantastic in the lead roles and there are some really cool guest appearances that aid with the story. The Deadpool supporting Cast being written out of the film, the lack of overall plot and some pacing issues stops this film from being higher on the list but a great watch. 

6. X-Men (2000)

The film that started it all is next on the list, this film does a great job of introducing these characters to the big screen and making them memorable. Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen all do great jobs in their role and add plenty to the characters and their arcs. It has some entertaining action scenes there for sure though some of the characters are weaker and are treated worse then they deserved. Overall, this is a great and important film as it really started the comic boom movie genre off. 

5. X-Men 2 (2003)

The sequel is not as important as the first film but it is better. Looking at the personal story of Wolverine was a great choice and adds to the intensity and drama of the film, also seeing Magneto and Mystique having to team up with The X-Men was a nice change of pace and handled very well. This film raises the stakes from the first film and does a great job with is characters and showed people how to make a sequel better then the original. 

4. X-Men: First Class (2011)

The reboot for the X-Men was a brilliant film, both James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender excel as young Xavier and Magneto and the rest of the cast does great too. This film really did a great job of showing the devlopment of the X-Men and how Xavoer and Magneto eventually became enemies. If it wasn't for some terrible costumes this film would much higher on the list as it is a brilliant film. 

3. Deadpool (2016)

This film is so unique and fun it is unreal, I mean Deadpool is such a unique character and Reynolds kills it in this film. The R-Rating gives this film a different feeling, the action is brutal and the humour is great that makes this a must see. The characters are great and the plot is done well enough for a film like this and it is a must watch. 

2. X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)

This film is easily the best X-Men film that is an actual X-Men film if that makes sense. The merging of the original cast and the First Class characters is done so well and allows an all star cast that truly delivers. McAvoy, Jackman, Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Stewart and McKellen are all amazing here and there are more great performances really well and easily has the best Quicksilver scene that there is. The action scenes are fantastic and whether it is in the future or the 70's the film looks great and really fits the tone of the film. This is an amazing film that is a must watch and easily one of my favourite films. 

1. Logan (2017)


This film is amazing, I even struggle to class this as a comic book film, it is a personal journey for Woverine and Jackman gives such a good performance that he should have got an Oscar nomination. Stewart and Dafne Keene are also brilliant and the dynamic between the three of them carries the movie and makes you invest in the film. The R-Rating allows Logan to finally unleash the fury of Wolverine and the brutal action is intense and the best we have seen, with obviously the most emotional ending to a film ever. If you haven't seen Logan you owe yourself too and go and watch it. 


Overall, the X-Men Films have had some highs and lows but overall I am happy with what we have got. With Marvel Studios now in possession of these characters hopefully, we get a great future for The X-Men that join the higher ends of this list.