Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dune (2020) Trailer Review

 Dune (2020) Trailer Review

I haven't really talked much about Dune as very little information has been known about the film, but today the first trailer for the film has been released and I thought there was enough here to talk about. For starters I have never read the book this film is based on, so I will be going into this film blind and this trailer is my first look at anything Dune and here are my thoughts on it. 

Denis Villeneuve is a very stylistic director and totally fits this film

Villeneuve is a really visual director, his films look amazing, I mean look at Blade Runner 2049, Arrival and Sicario. No matter if you like these films you have to admit that they look amazing and judging by this trailer the visuals for Dune will be amazing and the real highlight. It is great to see him get this opportunity at a new franchise and I hope it succeeds for him. 

The cast is amazing

The main thing you will notice here is that the cast is full of A list talent, Timothy Chalamant, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skarsgard & Dave Bautista. I mean this might be one of the greatest ensemble casts ever assembled and it is going to be amazing to see how the film balances all these performers and keeps the film flowing well. 

The style of the film is what sucks you in and interests you

The one thing I know about the book is that is very grand in scale and style and it seems this film will achieve this. It looks amazing, just in its scenery and costumes and things like that, hopefully the style will balance an interesting story with an amazing look, and lets hope the film has something bigger planned and didn't just show the best parts in the trailer. 

This could lead to a huge franchise

Lets face it every film would like to start a franchise and I believe that Dune is no different. It looks amazing and has tonnes of characters which can hopefully lead to a brilliant future for Dune on the big screen. 


Overall, I went into this trailer not knowing anything about this film and now after seeing it, it might be the film I am most looking forward to in 2020. The film just looks amazing and has an amazing cast and with the right story could be one of the best films in recent times.  

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